



1、中国茶文化英语演讲稿3篇中国茶文化英语演讲稿篇1中国茶文化英语演讲稿篇2中国茶文化英语演讲稿篇3Ladies and Gentlemen:Its my hnr t stand here and make a speech. My tpic is “Chinese Tea Culture”.D yu knw the name f the three mst famus drinks in the wrld? They are tea , cffee and cca. China is the hmeland f tea which has becme the natinal drink. In

2、ther wrds, tea is basically spread ut frm China. Referring t Chinese tea culture, it has several thusand years f histry and can be traced back t the ancient times. Then it was flurished in the Tang dynasty and the Sng dynasty.At first, ur ancients fund tea make them ecited, but they thught that drin

3、king mre wuld be destructive t the mrals. As time went by, tea became ppular amng likenfucianism, Taism, Buddhism and cultivatin culture. Until Tang Dynasty, tea culture began taking shape. When it came t Sng Dynasty, tea culture became thriving. When peple migrated, they wuld ffer tea. When peple e

4、ngaged, they wuld send tea. When peple gt married, they wuld settle tea. Tea became an imprtant part in their daily life.In china, the main varieties f tea are green tea, black tea, lng tea, scented tea, white tea, yellw tea and dark tea. In the early days, the Chinese biled their tea leaves with wa

5、ter and ther ingredients such as salt and ginger; later they grund the dried leaves t a pwder and whipped them up with ht water. It was nt until that Ming Dynasty tn practice t infuse the lse tea leaves in ht water in teapts, and then t pur the infused liquid int bwls t drink. Nwadays, we make diffe

6、rent tea in different particular ways. ver the centuries, China develped an etrardinary tea culture, cmparable with the wine culture f the West.Tea nt nly has a gd flavr but als benefit t ur bdy, s it is lved by many peple hme and abrad. Different kinds f tea have different functin which makes a cnt

7、ributin t ur health. Fr eample, the natinal drink f China-green tea, can dispel the effects f alchl, clear away summer-heat, refresh yurself and whiten yur skin. The secnd largest kind f tea-black tea, can warm yur stmach, be gd fr yur heart and make yur bnes strnger. Dark tea can refresh yu in the

8、mrning, reduce yur bld press and help lse weight. lng Tea is gd fr yur bdy building and dieting. In all, tea have great medicinal value, anti-cancer, lwering bld pressure, imprving eyesight and restraining disease, reducing stress and s n.Tea culture and its develpment reflect nt nly diet culture, b

9、ut als Chinese spiritual features.China is a cuntry with a time-hnred civilizatin and a land f ceremny and decrum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary t make and serve tea t them. Befre serving tea, yu may ask them fr their preferences as t what kind f tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the

10、 mst apprpriate teacups. In the curse f serving tea, the hst shuld take careful nte f hw much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, biling water shuld be added after half f the cup has been cnsumed; and thus the cup is kept filled s that the tea r

11、etains the same buquet and remains pleasantly warm.Tea culture plays an indispensable rle in prmting the internatinal cultural echange between China and ther cuntries, enriching Chinese cultural life and prmting Chinese spiritual civilizatin cnstructin. In cnclusin, tea culture is ne f the essences f Chinese culture in the histry. The spirit f tea permeates the curt and sciety, int the Chinese petry, painting, calligraphy, religin, medicine. Fr thusands f years China h


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