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1、序序号号 书书号号级级别别书书名名主主题题副副主主题题/ /词词汇汇1 Book 2Level BThings That Fly飞行动物,昆虫2 Book 4Level BThe Tide Pool潮池海洋动物3 Book 6Level BDown the Path沿着小路动物4 Book 10Level BGoing to School去学校的方式交通工具5 Book 12Level BAt the Fair集市动物6 Book 14Level BThe Ants蚂蚁的活动词组go up7 Book 1Level CThe Little Red Hen付出与收获,帮助他人 动物8 Book

2、3Level CThe Sea绘画海洋生物9 Book 5Level CDown the River划船河里动物10 Book 9Level CBig Lizard, Little Lizard蜥蜴介词11 Book 7Level CAll About Penguins企鹅动作12 Book 16Level CTug-of-War拔河动物13 Book 18Level CPinky the Pig小猪物品14 Book 20Level CIn My Room介绍卧室物品卧室物品15 Book 22Level CFishing钓鱼钓鱼工具16 Book 24Level CThe Fish Tan

3、k布置鱼缸鱼缸装饰物17 Book 26Level CKittens猫动作18 Book 28Level CThe Big City城市观光拍照19 Book 30Level CAll About Snakes蛇动作20 Book 11Level DThe Drip修水管物品21 Book 17Level DA Surprise for Roxy做匹萨蔬菜22 Book 13Level DThe Mitten经典童话动物23 Book 15Level DA Picnic in the Rain雨中野餐动物24 Book 19Level DNight Workers夜间工作者职业及工作内容25

4、Book 32Level DTails尾巴的作用动物26 Book 34Level DBillys Pen羊跳出围栏山羊27 Book 36Level DThe Red Pajamas找睡衣服饰28 Book 38Level DThe Cold感冒活动29 Book 40Level DThe Birthday Song农场动物唱生日歌农场动物30 Book 21Level EChicken Little经典童话动物,动作31 Book 23Level EMeli at the Pet Shop逛宠物店动作32 Book 25Level EMeli at the Vet看兽医身体部位,器官33

5、Book 27Level ELittle Bat蝙蝠动作34 Book 29Level E The Trip旅行行李35 Book 42Level EPigs New House动物造房子房屋构造36 Book 46Level EThe Hug小刺猬要拥抱动物37 Book 48Level EAnts on a Log制作零食食物38 Book 50Level EThe Broken Clock修表动作39 Book 31Level FAll About Sharks鲨鱼海洋生物40 Book 33Level FA Fast Fox自我认知,狐狸动物动作41 Book 37Level FTak

6、ing Care of Meli照顾小狗宠物用品42 Book 39Level FMother Sea Turtle海龟海洋生物43 Book 52Level FDown by the Pond池塘边的动物动物动作44 Book 54Level FPop, Pop, Popcorn!制作爆米花食物,厨具重重难难点点He tugged and tugged.Pinky looked sad/happy.I like my books and my puzzles.take a picture of sth固定搭配A snake can swim. This snake is swimming i

7、n the water.I will fix this drip./I can fix this drip./I have to fix this drip. A mouse saw the mitten and went in.Rabbit wanted to have a picnic. But it was raining.Some people work in the day. Some people work at night.A dog has a tail. It uses its tail to wag./A squirrel has a tail. Its tail help

8、s it stay warm.Dont eat that sock! We have to fix that pen./Billy needs a bigger pen.His pen is too little, so he wants to get out. But we can make his penbigger.He saw bats and balls, but no pajamas.Dad and Willy went to the farm./The ducks and the horses sang.The pigs and the cows sang.The sky is

9、not falling./And they never did tell the king that the sky was falling.They are nice and clean.Melis heart is good and stong!He flew higher and higher./He dreamed that he flew to the moon.Where are you going? I am going to a big lake.What will you do there? Iwill./Duck liked the lake very much.And s

10、o did Froggy!Come in! And they all did.I wish I could./You can play my drum. That will make you happy.You will like these ants.Rose open the door. You did it, rose!/I see how to fix the clock.Andy Fox saw a rabbit hopping down the road. Andy saw a bird fly by./He ran and he jumped.The food she eats

11、is just for dogs./Ron uses toothpaste made just for dogs./Do you know what it is?Mother Sea Turtle crawls back to the sea. Then she swims away.The babyturtles crawl to the sea. Then they swim away.We can eat the popcorn when it stops popping.说说明明and并列同一动词,表示持续某一动作的持续look系动词,表示“看起来.”,后面加形容词and并列名词代词t

12、his体会“我将要做.我有能力做.我不得不做.意义的区别and并列动词短语but+句子,转折体会在分类说明时使用“一些.一些”代词it及其所有格形式its代词that那一个/体会因果关系/体会分析问题,提出解决方案的逻辑顺序but+名词,转折and并列主语现在进行时否定形式/动词前加did表示对过去某一动作的强调/tell sb sth.固定搭配,that引导宾语从句and并列形容词and并列比较级,表示越来越./引导宾语从句将来时态的两种形式be going to do 及 will do/Sodo主语形式,表示“谁谁谁也如此”did指代上句所提到的动作,they all came in.wish引导的虚拟语气/that指代上句提到的事件,Playing my drum will make you happy.代词these这些it指代上句提到的事情,You did it=You opened the door/how连接的宾语从句see do/doing


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