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1、SnowLiang Shiqiu 梁实秋Li Bais poem line: The snow flake in the Yan Hill is as big as a sheet of bed mat is unreliable. Its an exaggeration by the poet just as White hair trails three thousand zhang is. According to the scientific reports, the crystallization of a snow flake depends upon the temperatur

2、e conditions of time and place. The largest flake recorded so far is three to four inches in diameter. If a snow flake is as big as a bed sheet, then it would be big enough to cover a man from head to foot. So long as snow does not bring with it disaster, the heavier, the better. When it is sleeting

3、 hard like salt shaking from the air, or like willow catkins slowly sailing down, its really very interesting. There is nobody who does not like it. Some like rain, and othershate it. But I have never heard who disliked snow. Even in a world of ice and snow, Eskimos build their small domes with snow

4、 blocks, which are very warm to live in.To enjoy snow, first of all, you should not go hungry. Otherwise, when it is snowing and the wind is blowing, you may become short of breath. How could you relax and enjoy the mood and carefully count One flake, one flake, and another flake of snow.fall into t

5、he plum blossoms and disappear During the Later Han Dynasty, there was a man called Yuanan, when the heavy snow blocked his room door and there was no way out, people said he was dead. Thus Luoyang Prefecture ordered the snow to be cleared and, surprisingly, he was found lying in the room, stiff. Wh

6、en asked why he did not come out, he said, When heavy snow is falling and everyone is hungry, it is not right to bother others. This old man was charmingly naive, for when he was hungry, he guessed others were also hungry. I believe that when Yuanan was lying there stiff, he mustnt have murmured the

7、 poem line Blown by the wind, the snow flakes are falling like flowers. The prince of the Jing Dynasty lived in seclusion in the mountains. One night when snow stopped falling and a clear moon was shining, he suddenly thought of his friend Dai Andao who was far away in Zhao. So he went by boat to se

8、e him at once. After a whole night of sailing, he arrived only to find that he could not enter; thus he returned. If there had been no heavy snow fall, he would not have had such a fantastic zest for sure. But if he had not even had enough thick gruel to eat, he would not have been so refined in his

9、 manner as to see his friend at night in vain. As to the refinement of Xie Anshi who chantedpoems with his children while snowing it is considered more of a matter in a rich family.A snow flake is composed of countless crystals. Each crystal in turn has many faces, each of which is pure white. There

10、fore, it can reflect light When I was young, I heard a story about making tea with boiled snow water. Out of curiosity, I went to the yard to collect some fresh snow to melt it and boil it in a pot. Then after letting it cool in seven steps time and pouring it into a little Yixing pot, I made Da Hon

11、g Pao Tea. Pouring it into a small tea cup and sipping it carefully till it was gone, I put the teapot under my nose and sniffed two or three times -1 could not feel my two arms a bit lighter, and yet I felt my tongue was itself strong in taste. When I examined the remaining snow water again, it see

12、med necessary to be treated with alum! When the air is polluted, the snow cannot remain pure. One year, when I was on business in Bianluo Road, on the way my car broke down. It was snowing heavily and I could neither find a village ahead and nor seek an inn farther back. I was very hungry, so I boug

13、ht some food from a roadside hut. I rejoiced when the host gave me fine dried noodles. As there was no water to boil the noodles, the host fetched a pile of dirty snow by the roadside with his basin to boil the noodles in. Although hungry men are not too particular about their foods, this noodle sou

14、p was not so easy to eat. From then on, I thought that snow should only be enjoyed from a distance and should not be used at will. As for Su Wus eating felt and drinking snow when he was hungry, thats another story.李白句:燕山雪花大如席。这话靠不住,诗人夸张, 犹白发三千丈之类。据科学的报道,雪花的结成视当时 当地的气温状况而异,最大者直径三至四寸。大如席岂不一 片雪就可以把整个人

15、盖住?雪,是越下得大越好,只要是不 成灾。雨雪霏霏,像空中撒盐,像柳絮飞舞,缓缓而下,真 是有趣,没有人不喜欢。有人喜雨,有人苦雨,不曾听说过 谁厌恶雪。就是在冰天雪地的地方,爱斯基摩人也还利用雪 块砌成圆顶小屋,住进去暖和得很。赏雪,须先肚中不饿。否那么雪虐风饕之际,饥寒交迫, 就许一口气上不来,焉有闲情逸致去细数一片一片又一 片飞入梅花都不见?后汉有一位袁安,大雪塞门,无有 行路,人谓已死,洛阳令令人除雪,发现他在屋里僵卧,问 他为什么不出来,他说:大雪人皆饿,不宜干人。此公 慧得可爱,自己饿,料想别人也饿。我相信袁安僵卧的时候 一定吟不出风吹雪片似花落之类的句子。晋王子犹居山 阴,夜雪初霁,月色清朗,忽然想起远在冽的朋友戴安道, 即便夜乘小舟就之,经宿方至,造门不前而返。假如没有那 一场大雪,他固然不会发此奇兴,假如他自己膻粥不继,他 也不会风雅到夜乘小船去空走一遭。至于谢安石一门风雅, 寒雪之日与儿女吟诗,更是富贵人家事。一片雪花含有无数的结晶,一粒结晶又有好多好多的 面,每个面都反射着光,所以雪才显着那样的洁白。我年轻 时候听说从前有烹雪渝茗的故事,一时好奇,便到院里就新 降的积雪掬起外表的一层,放在甑里融成水,煮沸,走七步, 用小宜兴壶,


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