



1、别太当真嘛。别这么较真儿。我们好好解决这件事吧!我们试着好好相处吧。我们还是以礼相待吧。过去的事就让它过去吧。我没有故意伤害你的意思。没什么办法让我们和好吗?Learn别太当真嘛。别这么较真儿。我们好好解决这件事吧!我们试着好好相处吧。我们还是以礼相待吧。过去的事就让它过去吧。我没有故意伤害你的意思。没什么办法让我们和好吗?【怎样跟闹矛盾同事讲和?】在哪里,关系再好的两个人也会有闹矛盾、吵架的时候。在办公室跟同事闹矛盾了以后又想跟人家讲和,这个时候要怎么说呢?不妨试试下面的句子。Dont get so uptight. Dont be so stiff. Lets work it out. L

2、ets try to get along. Lets be nice to each other. Lets forgive and forget! I didnt mean to hurt you./ I meant no harm. Isnt there any way we can patch things up? Look【要想不被解雇,这十件事别碰!】在职场,谁都想顺风顺水,像杜拉拉那样,火箭般高升。但是,你造吗?理想很丰满,现实很骨感。工作时,不经意间犯下的错误可能让你还没升职加薪,就得卷起铺盖走人了。以下十大办公室禁忌可得注意哦1. Lying on Your Resume简历造

3、假Tell the truth from the start, because you will be held responsible for the information you provide - and your employer will check it.现在一些人的简历,不是注水,就是非常注水。别以为做了假就万事大吉了。许多公司会进行背景调查。一旦露馅,你就有可能被请出去了。2. Being Indiscreet About Your Job Hunt跳槽时粗枝大叶If you are in the market for a new job, dont send your re

4、sume from your computer, which most likely it computer, which most likely it can mean your your own personal business away from unemployment. And checking adult-oriented is monitored by IT. Assume your instant Web messages and emails are fair game as well.跳槽时,很多小伙伴喜欢用公司电脑发应聘简历。注意,危险在逼近,因为公司IT 部门可能会监

5、控员工电邮和聊天工具,你的一举一动也许已尽收他们的眼底。3. Gossiping八卦Walls have ears. Keep gossip to yourself. Winding up on the wrong side of the rumor mill can cost you more than somebodys trust; job.隔墙有耳。珍爱工作,远离八卦。听到八卦,即便兴奋高亢,但也要装听不见;看到别人普大喜奔地嚼舌根,即便你蠢蠢欲动随大流,也要高冷地视而不见。4. Taking Too Many Personal Calls过多地接听私人电话Spending much

6、of your work time orchestrating usually results in being given an opportunity to spend all of your time on the phone on personal business - looking for a new job, Star warns.各位帅锅美女,办公室不是你家,要打电话回你家。不然,被开是迟早的事。5. Drinking at Work工作时喝酒One of the quickest ways to be shown the door is drinking too much a

7、t lunch and walking into a wall. Maintaining your own clarity is extremely important.想被扫地出门?很简单, 试试天天中午喝酒! 谁希望与整天不省人事的同事共事?6. Surfing the Web Excessively上班时间疯狂上网Spending much of your workday cruising around cyberspace puts you just a point-and-click sites on the job is a definite no-no.谁上班时间不偷个小懒,上个

8、小网?适可而止,各位,尤其别看成人小电影。否discussion, your work carefully. 0可能就会让你失业。youll discussion, your work carefully. 0可能就会让你失业。youll need the cooperation, 预算削减a boss/direct-report One stray zero support and good will 7. Becoming Romantically Involved with the Boss与老板搞恋情While it may make for great water-cooler ro

9、mance can easily end with someone out of a job. (Hint: Its usually not the boss.)这个话题很劲爆,不过跟老板或上司搞办公室恋情并非明智之举。弄不好,就会丢掉饭碗。但是,大多数情况下,你的老板或上司的位子会巍然不动,你懂的!8. Forgetting to Double-Check Your Figures没有仔细检查数字When working with numbers, scrutinize could make the difference between being employed and unemploy

10、ed, advises Star.如果你的工作与数字有关,记得且算且检查。漏掉一个9. Alienating Your Coworkers疏远同事To do your job effectively, those around you. Becoming detached from those you work with could get you placed with someone who can work well with others.同事关系搞不好,工作不好搞。记住,你不是超人或美国队长,你需要协作,而不是玉树临风,一枝独秀。10. Pointing the Finger at

11、Everyone but Yourself不要老是推卸责任Take ownership of your job. If you make a mistake, own up to it. Dont try to sweep your mistakes under the carpet - or worse yet, blame somebody else - because the truth will usually come back to bite you on the bottom line. And nobody wants to trust or employ a liar, sa

12、ys Star.做错了,就认错,不要乱推责任。因为,没有人喜欢满嘴谎言的人。精选新词: Budget cutback 主播外教: Andy t imagine the utility t been paid on blem with it.re actually expecting more budget cutbacks.t even order paper on time?s not going to happen.TIM: This place is beginning to look like a dump.t imagine the utility t been pa

13、id on blem with it.re actually expecting more budget cutbacks.t even order paper on time?s not going to happen.ZARA: Yeah, we are in serious need of a remodel.TIM: 那个地址看起来快变成一个垃圾场了。ZARA: 是啊,急需改造下。MIKI: This office is too hot in the winter and too cold in the summer.JACK: This has to be one o

14、f the worst engineered offices around. I canbill every month.MIKI: 那个办公室冬季太热夏天又太冷了。JACK: 这可能是周围办公室中设计施工最差的吧!我简直无法想象每一个月的物业费账单。TOM: Im so done working here. This is the third time this month I havenOLIVER: I hear you. This is ridiculous. TOM: 我真是厌倦了在那个地址工作。这已是公司那个月第三次没有及时支付薪资给我了。OLIVER: 我明白你的感受。这太荒唐了

15、!PAM: I can t wait until we get a new printer. This one always has a NED: Dont hold your breath. WePAM: 我简直等不及公司给咱们换台新打印机了。这一台一直都有问题。NED: 你别期望太高了。咱们迎来的乃至会是预算削减呢。RECEPTIONIST: You will have to start using the backs of your paper as we forgot to order new paper. The new order won t be here till later

16、this week.PETER: How can we be taken as a serious company when we can前台:咱们忘记订购新的打印纸了,从此刻开始你们得把打印纸的反面也利用起来了。新的打印纸要下周才到。PETER: 连打印纸都不能按时订购,咱们还算是个正规的公司吗?MARY: Do you think we can get some new carpet in here? I mean it looks like weve been here since the 70s.VICTOR: Unless we increase sales, it70年代的一样陈腐。re tired of working somewhere?词组,需要(后加名词)口语经常使用表达,我明白你的感受别期望太高名词,预算削减70年代的一样陈腐。re tired of working somewhere?词组,需要(后加名词)口语经常使用


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