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    听力材料第1节 :听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择准确的选项。1. W: How do you feel about todays chemistry class, Jack? M: Wonderful! But I prefer the geography class. Its my favorite.2. W: Did you enjoy your vacation in Hawii? M: Yes, wonderful. The scenery is beautiful, but the food there is a little expensive.3. W: How beautifully you play the piano! Do you often practice it after school? M: I used to play it after school every day, but now I only practice on weekends.4. W: May I have a look at the menu? M: Here you are, madam. I will be back for your order in a minute.5. W: Dad, I have cleaned my room. May I watch a talk show on CCTV-2? M: Wait a minute, please. The football game will be over soon.第2节 :听长对话,回答问题。听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6-7两小题。W: Why do you look so worried, dear?M: I dont know what to wear today.W: Why are you being so serious about your clothes today?M: Im going to have an important job interview. What do you think of this suit?W: Yes, you look very smart in that blue one.M: How about this tie?W: Why dont you wear your new one?M: Which one?W: The one our kids gave you for your birthday.M: Oh, that one. Ill get it. Hows that?W: Its wonderful.听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8-10三小题。W: Excuse me, sir.M: Yes? What can I do for you, madam?W: Im here to meet my father. He told me he would reach the airport at about 3:00 this afternoon.M: 3:00 this afternoon? Let me see, ah, yes, Flight BA506 just arrived.W: What? BA506? Well, I dont think its his flight number.M: Do you know his flight number?W: Yes. Its VA408.M: VA408? I see, madam. The flight was supposed to arrive at 3:00, but it will be two hours late because of the bad weather in New York.W: Then I will have to wait for another two hours. Thats too bad. Anyway, thank you very much. M: Good luck, madam.第三节:听独白,回答问题。Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the first meeting of the English club. Im John, the president of our English club. Let me tell you about our plan for this school year. Well have some activities this year. The first activity well have is an English writing group in October. Anyone who likes writing or would like to get more writing practice can join it. Well, the leader of the writing activity is Peter. The second one is Christmas party during the holiday. I hope we can all have a lot of fun there. Mike, our favorite school singer, will organize it. After New Year holiday we will have a speech competition which will start in February and go on to middle March. The leading task of it comes to Elizabeth. Please ask her to get more information if you are interested. Umthe fourth activity is Easter camping on April 7th. We plan to have a field trip then. I will organize it.参考答案一、BABBC CAACB BACAC二、CBADB CADCC BBDAC三、AADDC ACBBA BCDAD四、harmful littering instructions creativities doubled五、advantages ourselves overcome unexpected thirsty expressing improving gradually graduate ahead六、running thousands including while/but themselves healthy like better inspired nor


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