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    Unit 1阶段能力训练(Lessons 46).完形填空Do you know Disneyland? How much do you know about _1_? All the children around the world _2_ visiting Disneyland. Now there _3_ six Disneyland theme(主题) parks in the world. There are _4_ in the U. S., and the others are _5_ Paris, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Shanghai.The _6_ Disneyland is in California, the U. S.There are _7_ great places. In the park, you _8_ enjoy the world in the future. You can _9_ be in ancient times. The sixth Disneyland theme park in Shanghai _10_ to the public(公众) in June, 2016.( )1.A.them B. itsC. it D. it's( )2.A.hope B. enjoyC. want D. likes( )3.A.have B. hasC. is D. are( )4.A.one B. twoC. three D. four( )5.A.in B. fromC. to D. at( )6.A.one B. firstC. last D. five( )7.A.a lot B. muchC. lot of D. lots of( )8.A.must B. shouldC. can D. need( )9.A.too B. never C. not D. also( )10.A.will close B. openedC. will open D. closed.任务型阅读ADear Mr. Zhang,Next week, a group of exchange students(交换生) from the U. S.will come to visit Taizhou. I make a plan for them. We will eat breakfast at our school first. Then we can take them to Mei Lanfang's Former House(故居) by bus. It takes only 25 minutes. They can learn to sing Beijing Opera there.In the afternoon, we will go to Tiandehu Park and take some photos there. In the park we can have a picnic. Then we will go to the cinema to watch a new film. After that the girls can go to the shopping malls to buy things they like and we will take the boys to our school playground to play football for one and a half hours.In the evening we will invite(邀请) them for dinner in a restaurant. They can try Chinese food. I'm sure they will have a good time in our city.Yours love,Tony1题完成句子;24题简略回答问题;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1. The exchange students are from _. 2. How long does it take from Tony's school to Mei Lanfang's Former House by bus?_3. What will they do in Tiandehu Park?_4. Will the exchange students have dinner in a restaurant?_5. _BFive months ago, 19 children flew to Chengdu to study pandas. These children were from Taiwan. During the visit, these children saw pandas close up. They were very excited to see so many pandas at the same time. They also travelled to the Mount Emei scenic area and met local school children.At last, they said, “The pandas are very cute, and they are all happy.” They also said children in Chengdu are very friendly to them. They hoped to visit Sichuan again.67题完成句子;89题简略回答问题;10题将文中画线句子译成汉语。6. The children were from _. 7. They went to Chengdu to _. 8. How did they go to Chengdu?_9. What did they think of the pandas?_10. _ .主旨大意 迪士尼乐园最早出现在美国,现在全世界共有6个主题公园,第六个于2016年6月在中国上海向公众开放。1. C 代指“Disneyland”,用代词it。2. B enjoy doing sth意为“喜欢做某事”。3. D 4.B5. A 表示“在某座城市”用介词in。6. B7. D lots of 意为“许多,大量”。8. C 9. D also意为“也”,用在句中。10. B 根据“in June, 2016”可判断用一般过去时。.1.the U. S./America2. It takes only 25 minutes.3. They will take some photos and have a picnic.4. Yes, they will.5. 我确信他们会在我们的城市玩得很开心。6. Taiwan 7. study pandas8. By air/By plane.9. They thought the pandas were very cute.10. 在参观期间,这些孩子近距离地看到了熊猫。


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