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    Lesson 19 Teaching DesignItemsSpecific contentsSupplement教学设计思路Summary of Teaching DesignThe teacher plays the song We like fruit, through asking the students questions: What do they like, turning to what does Jenny like, naturally leading in the word fruit and sentence pattern we like. In the process of teaching, the teacher guide the students step by step, meantime the teacher by dint of interesting games to help the students to keep high enthusiasm in learning and master the knowledge. The teacher also pay much attention to the students cooperation and self-improvement. Whats more, the teacher shows her(his)encouragement to the students. 教学目标Teaching Aim1.Knowledge(1) Vocabularyvegetables,fruit,fish, chicken,morning, afternoon, evening (2) Sentences:I dont likeI like 2.Abilities(1)The students can freely use the words: vegetables, fruit,fish, chicken, morning, afternoon, evening.(2)The students can use the sentence pattern: I dont likeI like in their daily life.3.EmotionThe students strengthen the sense that vegetables and fruit are good for the health.教学重难点Key Points and Special Difficulties1.Key Points(1) Vocabularies: vegetables,fruit,morning, afternoon, evening(2) Sentences:I dont likeI like 2.Special DifficultiesThe teacher how to make the students master the key points in the text.教学媒体Teaching Mediaradio and tape recorder, projector, pictures relating with the text, computer and disk教学过程Teaching Course1.Lead inStep one: The teacher plays the song: We like fruit, and the students listen to the song. Then the teacher set several questions:(1)Can you tell me what fruit do you see?(2)What fruit do you like?The students answer the question.The teacher plays the song again asking the students to sing with the music if they like.Step two: The teacher asks the students: What does Jenny like, can you tell me?The students try to answer the question.The teacher doesnt give the answer.The song We like fruit is in selected course mare 2.Start new lessonStep one:The teacher plays the tape recorder, and the students listen to the tape carefully with the book closed.Step two:The teacher repeats the question: What does Jenny like, can you tell me? The students give the answer.Step three:The teacher takes out the pictures: fish, chicken, vegetables and fruit.The teacher asks the students: Do you know how to say these words in English?Then the teacher plays the tape again. The teacher has pause at each of the following words: fish, chicken, vegetables and fruit.The teacher asks the students try to tell the English names for the pictures.Step four:The teacher and the students have little games to practice the words. The teacher asks the students: What fruit/vegetables do you like?The students answer.Step five:The teacher asks the students: What fruit/vegetables do you know, can you tell me?The students answer.Step six:The teacher gives the students a topic “Is fruit good for health?” asking them to discuss in groups.Step seven:The teacher tells the students they will learn part two.First, the teacher plays the tape.Then the teacher asks the students the following questions:(1)When does Jenny get up?(2)What does Jenny do in the afternoon?(3)Does Jenny go to bed in the evening?Step eight:The teacher shows the students the pictures of “morning, afternoon and evening”.The teacher sticks the pictures on the blackboard and write the corresponding words below the pictures.The teacher reads the words and the students follow.Step nine:The teacher asks the students what do they do in the morning/afternoon/evening?The students answer the questions.Step ten:The teacher and the students recall together what they have learned.When the students finish learning part 1, the teacher can plays song or short movie files concerning the knowledge about fish, chicken, vegetables and fruit to make the students feel relaxed.3.Interesting games(1) Guess, whats in my hand?The teacher chooses pictures about fish, chicken, vegetables and fruit at random, asking the students: Guess, whats in my hand? The students answer. The one who gives the right answer will get a paper star.The game can also be played among students, one student asks the question, the others answer.(2)DiscussionThe teacher divides the students into several groups asking them to discuss: Is fruit good for health?(3) A reporterThe teacher asks one students to act as a reporter, Then the teacher chooses another 4 students. The teacher gives the “reporter” a task: To know the four students likes and dislikes in eating habits.(4)The excellent actor课堂评价Assessment in Class1.The teach checks the students usage of language by letting them play interesting little games.2.The teacher let students take part in assessment by putting their judgment into account and let them comment on each other.3.The teacher lets the students do exercise to check their mastery of language.


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