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1. It’s a ______. A. cat B.。

三年级下册英语一课一练Tag内容描述:<p>1、Lesson 23 Visiting Mrs. Zhou 一、 根据短文内容,选择答案。(1 ) Mrs Zhou is very old . She has no family . We go to visit her every Saturday . We help her wash her clothes .W。</p><p>2、Lesson 22 Mother s day一、 选择。1 Happy ___________ day !A mother B mothers C mothers D mother,s 2 Mothers day is ________.A come B comes C c。</p><p>3、Unit3My DayLesson 16 In the Evening 补全单词。1.dinn___2.wa___3.di___ 连词成句。1.goes,mother,to,usually,at,eleven,bed,my______________________________________.2.What,is,it, time______________________________________?3.play,after,guitar,I,often,the,dinner______________________________________.4. does,lunch,time,she,what,have______________________________________?5.usually, he,does,breakfast,eat,when__________________________________。</p><p>4、Unit3My DayLesson 15 In the Afternoon 翻译下列句子。1.At seven oclock,I get up.__________________________2.What time is it?_______________3.I usually go to bed at 10:00.____________________________4.She often runs in the morning.____________________________5.I usually get up at five oclock every day.___________________________________________ 选择正确答案。1. ( )What time does Linda _____ after school?A.do her homework B.do。</p><p>5、Unit3My Day 将下列单词补充完整。Lesson17GoodNight!1.even___2.cloth___ 将下列单词连成句子。1. Its oclock nine_____________________________.2. I clothes in evening my the wash_____________________________. 将下列英语句子译成汉语。1.I talk with my parents in the evening._____________________________________2.What do you do in the evening?_____________________________________3.After dinner,I wash my clothes.______________________________。</p><p>6、Lesson 4 Where is my doll? 习题 一、抄写下列单词来源:Zxxk.Com doll bag desk chair 二、英汉互译 1. 床__________ 3.box___________ 2. 看见____________ 4.pencil__________ 三、补。</p><p>7、Lesson 10 Its cold 习题 一、抄写下列单词 hot cold warm cool 二、英汉互译 1. 温暖__________ 3.nose___________ 2. 寒冷____________ 4.still__________ 来源:学科网ZXXK 三、补全对。</p><p>8、Unit 11 Im not well 同步练习 一、翻译。 头_________ 眼_________ 鼻子_________ 嘴_________ 舌_________ 耳朵_________ 手_________ 手指_________ 膝盖_________ 腿_________ 脚_________ 脚趾_________ 二。</p><p>9、Unit 5 Do you like pears? Period 1 一、根据中文释义选择正确的单词,将其序号填在题前的括号里。 ( ) 1. 喜欢 A. like B. have ( ) 2. 橙子 A. orange B.yellow ( ) 3. 一些 A. do B. some ( ) 4. 梨。</p><p>10、Unit 1 Wecome back to school Part A-习题 一、想一想,选一选。 ( ) 1.d___ck A. i B.u C.a ( ) 2.t___ach___r A. n,e B.a,o C.e,e ( ) 3. el___ph__nt A. e,a B.a,e。</p><p>11、Unit 1 Lesson 1 On the farm习题 一、 翻译。 1. Whats this?______ 2. Its a ship._______ 3. Its a pig._______ 4. 它是猫。________ 5. 它是奶牛。________ 二、 选择填空。 1. Its a ______. A. cat B。</p><p>12、Unit 4 Where is my car? Part A 分层练习 u 基础题 一、读一读,写一写。(一个4遍) dog来源:Z,xx,k.Com box body six来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K orange 二、根据英文,选择相应的中文意思。 ( ) 1. in A.。</p><p>13、Module 1 Unit 2 My favourite colour is yellow.练习 一、翻译单词或词组。 1. colour ______ 2. my leg _______ 3. here you are _____ 4. yellow _______ 5. green _______ 二、写出所给词的适当形式。 1. W。</p><p>14、Lesson 5 Danny isnt at school 一、 根据给出的单词选出汉语意思。 1 great A 极好的 B 极坏的 C 极冷的 D 极热的 2 now A 不 B 现在 C不是 D 闹 3 take A 带来 B 过来 C 过去。</p><p>15、Unit 2 Lesson 8 Tigers and Bears习题 一、 翻译。 1. Look at the elephant.______ 2. Its nose is long._______ 3. Its tail is short._______ 4. 看那个兔子。________ 5. 它的耳朵很长。________ 二、 选择填空。</p><p>16、Unit 2 Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey习题 一 翻译 1 It s a wolf 2 You will eat me 3 Pull me out 4 请帮助我 5 我将不会吃你 二 选择填空 1 A bird live in a tree A will B is C are 2 help me A Do B Please 3 I。</p><p>17、Lesson 11 What can you see 一 补全单词 1 ho se A e B r C a D n 2 d ck A a B o C u D d 3 m A ach B uny C any D eny 4 p cture A a B e C i D u 5 ree A ch B th C sh D ph 6 s ven A a B e C d D p 7 si A ks。</p><p>18、Unit 1 Lesson 3 Fish and Birds习题 一 翻译 1 Fish can swim 2 Birds can fly 3 I can dance 4 我会唱歌 5 你会跳舞吗 二 选择填空 1 Can you sing A Yes I can B No I can t 2 Fish swim A are B can C am 3 Pig。</p><p>19、Unit 1 课后练习一 Name 一 请根据中文意思和字母提示 把下列单词补充完整 1 红色 r 2 蓝色 b 3 绿色 g 4 黄色 y 5 褐色 b 6 紫色 p 7 橙色 o 8 白色 w 9 黑色 b 10 飞机 p 11 球 b 12 小船 b 13 风筝 k 14 饭桌 t 1。</p><p>20、Unit 4 Lesson 23 How Much Are They 习题 一 翻译 1 Do you have any apples 2 How much are they 3 How much are three pears 4 这些橘子多少钱 5 我要12个汉堡 二 选择填空 1 How are three apples A much B many。</p>
三年级下册英语一课一练 Lesson 23 Visiting Mrs Zhou 冀教版一起含答案.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Lesson 22 Mothers day 冀教版一起含答案.doc
三年级英语下册 Unit 3 My day Lesson 16 In the Evening一课一练 冀教版.doc
三年级英语下册 Unit 3 My day Lesson 15 In the Afternoon一课一练 冀教版.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 1 Wecome back to school 人教PEP.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 1 Lesson 1 On the farm含答案 冀教版.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit1 Lesson 5 Danny isnt at school 冀教版一起含答案.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 2 Lesson 8 Tigers and Bears含答案 冀教版.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 2 Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey含答案 冀教版.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Lesson 11 What can you see 冀教版一起含答案.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 1 Lesson 3 Fish and Birds含答案 冀教版.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Module 1 Colours U1U2 广州版一起.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 4 Lesson 23 How Much Are They含答案 冀教版.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 3 Lesson 16 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinne含答案 冀教版.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Where含答案 冀教版.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 1 Lesson 6 Can I Help You含答案 冀教版.doc
三年级下册英语一课一练 Module 10 Unit 2 It was there∣外研社 一起含答案
三年级下册英语一课一练 Module 9 Unit 1 They are very young∣外研社 一起含答案
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 3 Lesson 15 Whats Your Favourite Food∣冀教版 三起含答案
三年级下册英语一课一练 Unit3 At the zoo PartA∣人教PEP含解析
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