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扶梯工地安装指导 XO-508 2006-3-6,桁架、导轨和梯级链条拼接,3,PDC XIZIOTIS, 将上头部桁架支撑; 将下头部桁架放置在滑轮上; 提升下头部桁架并向上头部桁架移动并将高度调节到合适的位置; 将两上下头部桁架并齐并保持上下桁架水平;,桁架拼接,4,PDC XIZIOTIS, 安装上下连接板,每个接头4个连接螺栓; 放置垫片和螺母,桁架,5,PDC XIZIOTIS, 当连接好所有的螺栓后,将螺栓拧紧到150N.M; 最后安装扣紧螺母,必须安装; 当所有的连接板安装好之后,开始安装斜撑;,桁架拼接,6,PDC XIZIOTIS,桁架拼接,螺栓拧紧之前,必须检查斜撑接头连接板之间有无缝隙,若有缝隙存在则应采用垫片填实。 然后拧紧螺栓并加装扣紧螺母。,7,PDC XIZIOTIS,注意: 桁架每个接头在工厂装配好之后都有标记方便工地安装和定位。请根据标签指示正确的安装桁架接头板。,F8NEXXXXX: 合同号 数字: 接头板的编号(如1表示编号为1的接头) 划线: 连接好之后位置标记 UP上(DOWN下): 接头板的上下位置标记,桁架拼接,8,PDC XIZIOTIS, 连接底板,桁架拼接,注意: 所有连接完成之后应检查底板连接处是否 会漏油.,9,PDC XIZIOTIS,连接顺序: 乘客分支主轮导轨; 返回分支副轮导轨; 返回分支主轮导轨。 注意:所有导轨接头必须光滑平整,导轨之间的缝隙不大于0.5mm,梯路拼接,10,PDC XIZIOTIS,注意: 1) 连接之前请确认下部张紧架压缩弹簧是处于松弛状态; 2) 梯级链条保持清洁; 3) 检查所有的挡圈是否在正确的位置,并保证每个连接活动是灵活的。,梯级链条拼接,11,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶梯运行之前,压缩弹簧的尺寸必须被调整到 1201 mm。 行程开关和触板的距离保持1mm。,张紧架调整,运输和调整,13,PDC XIZIOTIS,运输,井道检查,14,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶梯定位,起吊扶梯上头部合适的部位,将扶梯移进井道; 在扶梯下头部应设置安全栓。,15,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶梯定位,将扶梯2/3部位移入井道后,开始起吊。,16,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶梯定位,为了保护起吊钢丝绳,应在土建边角设置木块保护。,17,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶梯定位,最终定位,18,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶梯定位,注意: 起吊钢丝绳的距离必须大于扶梯的宽度以免与扶梯干涉。.,19,PDC XIZIOTIS,调整,调整垫片,土建垫板,土建支撑,支撑板,高度调节螺栓,20,PDC XIZIOTIS,调整,扶梯起吊之前先将垫板放入土建牛腿; 扶梯就位之后,放置一水平仪在梯级上,调整扶梯水平( 0.5mm/m) ); 调整扶梯高度与装饰地面平齐; 高度调节后,采用垫片支撑并松开高度调节螺栓。,21,PDC XIZIOTIS,中间支撑调整, 扶梯起吊之前将中间支撑固定在桁架上,并在土建支撑上放置垫板。,22,PDC XIZIOTIS,中间支撑调整, 从扶梯上头部至下头部沿梯级鼻端线拉线,通过千斤顶来调节扶梯的高度直至高度调节到位;,注意: 线的两端必须位于倾斜段,23,PDC XIZIOTIS,Intermediate Support, 在中间支撑下放放入垫片;,24,PDC XIZIOTIS,中间支撑调整, 用水平仪测量扶梯两侧的水平,调整相应的高度。,25,PDC XIZIOTIS,中间支撑调整, 松开千斤顶,工地安装,27,PDC XIZIOTIS,玻璃栏板安装,玻璃夹紧件安装 如果扶梯为分段运输,则应在接头位置安装玻璃夹紧件。,注意: 玻璃夹紧件底部必须和支架螺栓接触。,28,PDC XIZIOTIS,玻璃栏板安装,玻璃栏板装配,玻璃栏板的安装顺序为从两头往中间安装; 非标段玻璃位于倾斜段上头部; 对齐上下平层玻璃栏板,通过和工厂做好的标记对齐玻璃位置,然后定位其他玻璃的位置并在玻璃夹紧件上做好标记; 玻璃之间的缝隙保留 12 mm.,29,PDC XIZIOTIS,玻璃栏板安装,玻璃栏板调整,采用水平仪检查玻璃栏板的垂直性;,如果垂直度需要调整,请先松开玻璃夹紧固定支架;,30,PDC XIZIOTIS,玻璃栏板安装,如果玻璃栏板向扶梯外侧倾斜,则采用如图所示方法调整。,31,PDC XIZIOTIS,玻璃栏板安装,如果玻璃栏板向扶梯内侧倾斜,则采用如图所示方法调整。,32,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手导轨安装,连续铺设橡胶垫,下头部,倾斜段,上头部,33,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手导轨安装,上下R段弹簧卡子之间的间距大致在250mm左右,直线段弹簧卡子之间的间距大致在300mm 左右; 在导轨接头部位距离端部20mm加装弹簧卡子。,弹簧卡子布置,上R段,下R段,端部,直线段,34,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手导轨安装,上下平层安装,35,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手导轨安装,直线段,导轨接头,36,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手导轨安装,注意: 安装倾斜段扶手导轨之前必须将端部扶手导轨完全定位。 采用橡胶榔头或增加木垫敲击扶手 导轨,特别在安装端部扶手导轨时,不得将力施加在轴承上; 确保扶手导轨的接头光滑过渡,拼缝不得大于0.5 mm; 连接导轨的沉头螺钉固定后不得高于减摩片表面,以免划伤扶手带滑动层。,37,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手带安装,乘客分支安装工具,返回分支安装工具,乘客分支,返回分支,38,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手带调整,扶手带在返回分支的松弛程度为两支撑之间扶手带下垂8 12 mm。,松掉T型螺母,通过螺杆调节扶手带张紧程度。,螺杆,滚轮群,T型螺母,39,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手带调整,扶梯运行之前请调节扶手驱动压紧链弹簧。,(mm),扶手压紧链,40,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手带带调整,扶梯运行3-5圈之后请检查扶手带和摩擦轮的位置,如果摩擦轮和扶手带唇口相互摩擦,请调整滚轮群。 1) 如果扶手带上行跑偏则请调整上部滚轮群。,上部滚轮群,41,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手带调整,2) 如果扶梯下行扶手带跑偏则应调整下部滚轮群。,42,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手入口安装,确保入口外壳和外盖板平整光滑过渡,可以通过调节螺栓实现。,安装外壳,43,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手入口安装,调整扶手带和入口橡胶头的间隙至0.5 3 mm。,安装前板,44,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手入口安装,注意使用连接板,将内壳和内盖板连接平滑。.,安装内壳,45,PDC XIZIOTIS,扶手入口安装,封板安装必须小心仔细。,安装封板,46,PDC XIZIOTIS,前沿板安装,最新设计前沿板结构,横梁和直梁已经在新的结构中被取消。,47,PDC XIZIOTIS,前沿板安装,前后两块前沿板采用榫头插入式结构。,所以,只需调整前沿板边框螺栓的高度和装饰地面的高度平齐即可。,Start Up,49,PDC XIZIOTIS,Visually Inspection,All steps are laterally adjusted and run through the combs.,Visually inspect that the groves in the steps are centered in the comb teeth.,50,PDC XIZIOTIS,Visually Inspection,The gap between the steps and the skirt panels.,The clearance shall not exceed 4 mm at each side, and 7 mm for the sum of clearance measured at both sides.,51,PDC XIZIOTIS,Visually Inspection,The joints of skirt panels and deckings.,Visually inspect the skirt panels and deckings for unsafe or damaged condition.,52,PDC XIZIOTIS,Visually Inspection,The joints of glass panels.,The gap between each glass panel should be 2 mm.,53,PDC XIZIOTIS,Visually Inspection,Steps,Visually inspection for any damaged steps.,54,PDC XIZIOTIS,Visually Inspection,Handrail,Test handrail play in the roller newel bow. Should not move more than 5 mm in either direction.,55,PDC XIZIOTIS,Operational Test,Running test of escalator,Let the step band rotate 1.5 times around the track, pay attention of any unusual noise or vibration in the handrail system and track system.,56,PDC XIZIOTIS,Operational Test,Running test of escalator,Reverse direction and repeat test.,57,PDC XIZIOTIS,Operational Test,Running test of escalator,While the escalator is running, ride the escalator and pay attention to any noise and vibration.,58,PDC XIZIOTIS,Operational Test,Stopping distance check (Unload),Mark a line with chalk on the skirt panel that located on upper landing, and make a marker on a step, start the escalator, push the emergency stop button while the step pass the line, then measure the distance. The stopping distance should be a little more than 200 mm.,59,PDC XIZIOTIS,Safety Device Test,Handrail entry safety device,Press the cover of the Handrail Entry Safety device so that the safety switch inside the Handrail entry box is activated, and the corresponding symbol should be displayed on the operation panel that located on upper landing.,60,PDC XIZIOTIS,Safety Device Test,Comb plate safety device,Remove the fastening screws holding the comb fastened.,61,PDC XIZIOTIS,Safety Device Test,Comb plate safety device,Pull up the comb plate as shown, so that the safety switch is activated and the corresponding symbol should be displayed on the operation panel. Then re-install original fastening screws back into comb.,62,PDC XIZIOTIS,Safety Device Test,Floor plate contact,Get the comb plate away as shown, so that the safety switch is activated and the corresponding symbol should be displayed on the operation panel.,63,PDC XIZIOTIS,Safety Device Test,Cleaning & Protection,65,PDC XIZIOTIS,Cleaning & Protection,Clean the escalator after the installation phase and use reinforced plastic tarpaulins to protect against dust and humidity.,Preventive Maintenance,67,PDC XIZIOTIS,Preventive Maintenance,A preventive maintenance has to be carried out on each escalator which can not be put in service immediately after completion,If the electrical work is done on the unit and the power is available, run the unit with the inspection box upwards and using a brush to oil the step chain piece by piece. If there is not yet power on the jobsite available, or the electrical part of the unit is not finished, you must move the unit by hand using the handwheel every time 50 mm to avoid that the step chain wheels and step wheels get flat spots. In this case, the tension carriage springs should be released until the springs are completely slack and you should keep it this way until you start running the unit with power.,68,PDC XIZIO


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