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人教版八年级英语下第四章测试卷一、单选题1.She found a boy_in the corner when she walked pastA. to cry B. to crying C. crying D. cries2.We_two hours_sports on TVA. spent;to watchB. spent;watchingC. took;to watchD. took;watching3.Are you_the dark?Oh,yesI always go to sleep with the light onA. used to B. afraid ofC. pleased with D. good with4.Uncle John _his hometown for twelve yearsA. left B. has leftC. has gone D. has been away from5.-Its a nice day, isnt it?-Yes, going fishing and relax ourselves?A. Why not B. What aboutC. Why dont D. Would like6.When I got home,I found her_TV in the living roomAwatches Bto watch Cwatching Dto watching7.The teacher asked me to read aloud_all the students could hear meAso that Bfor Cbecause Din order to8.Why are you so tired these days?Well,I have_homework to doAtoo much Btoo many Cmuch too Dmany too9.Good manners can make people_each otherAget on well with Bget off Cget over Dget away10.Lily likes_books and magazines when she is freeAlooking at Bwatching Cseeing Dreading11.Would you like to play_footbaU with us?Sorry,I cant go with youI have to practice playing_pianoA; B;the Cthe; Dthe;the12.Wheres your sister?She is in her bedroomListen!She is talking with her friends_the phoneAby Bwith Con Dfor13.Toms mother is angry_him because he failed in the examAto Bfor Cwith Don14.Linda was ill yesterday,so I went there her.A. instead of B. instead C. instead off15. give him a watch?A. What about B. Lets C. Why dont D. Why dont you16.Where is Tom?I heard him _ with our English teacher when I passed the teachers lounge.A。talks B. talked C. talking D. to talk17.Its really kind of you to offer _ me the money.A. to lend B. lending C. lend D. to lending18.What should I do if my parents dont agree _ me?Youd better find a chance to communicate_ them.A. with;on B. to;with C. to;to D. with;with19.Linda is shy. She always feels _ when she speaks in front of people.A. relaxed B. nervous C. proper D. clear20.As soon as I walk into the room, she _ an apple _ me .A. provided; with B. provided; to C. offered; for D. offered; to二、完型填空 My birthday was a few days agoNow Im 24 years old and Im_with teachingI didnt remember my birthday until the morning of the 20thIt was just_an ordinary day,no presents,no party,no cakeand I_it that wayWhen I was younger,I always felt sad that almost_remembered my birthday,not even my familyBut now I dont_any more,especially this year,from 23 to 24,not much_Im just not a birthday or holiday personThis month I have several foreign students_Chinese with meI give lessons privately,so I_to do quite a lot of work before each lessonSo far Im getting more_in teaching foreigners Chinese,and I think its a very cool jobWhen I was at_,I wanted to follow these native(本国的)English speakersThey can_to foreign countries and get teaching jobs easily almost anywhere even_theyre not real teachersI complained Chinese didnt have as many_as people from the WestBut now things are_As China is becoming stronger,Chinese is becoming more and more_,and maybe in the future I can get teaching jobs in foreign countriesIll study more and get ready21.AworthBbusyCweakDsilent22.AlikeBbeforeCoppositeDbetween23.AreportBpreventCpreferDreach24.AeverybodyBsomebodyCanybodyDnobody25.AreceiveBagreeCcareDblow26.AsecretBdifferenceCexperienceDaddress27.AcollectingBchoosingCcelebratingDlearning28.AneedBmeanCmissDafford29.AamazedBinterestedCfrightenedDcovered30.AschoolBlibraryCmeetingDchannel31.AringBsearchCtravelDgreet32.AunlessBsinceCafterDthough33.ArelativesBchancesCvoicesDprograms34.AincreasingBrewardingCdisappearingDchanging35.ApopularBconfidentCcentralDproud三、阅读理解A On Childrens Day 2019,Hong Kong held an interesting activityIn this activity,children and their parents played the rich and the poorIn the dinner,the rich could have delicious food,but the poor could only have bread with porridge Parents all hoped to have the dinner for the poor with their childrenThey hoped that their children could be taught a lesson from the dinner Now many people on earth dont have enough food or clothingEvery day only half of the world could enjoy enough food The activity was held to make the families understand the differences between the poor and the rich and also make parents know that too much material life wont always do good to the children36.Which of the following sentences is true?AHalf the poor and half the rich joined in the activityBChildren played the rich and parents played the poorCParents played the rich and children played the poorDSome of the children and their parents played the poor37.In the dinner,parents hoped to_Ahave bread and porridge with their childrenBgive the poor delicious foodCgive delicious food to both the rich and the poorDgive their children delicious food38.Today only half the people in the world_Aenjoy material lifeBhave enough to eatClive in the West of the earthDcan go to Hong Kong39.From the activity,parents knew_Athe poor wanted to be richBthe rich wanted to have the life of the poorCthe poor were different from the richDthe rich could have better care from the school40.From the news report were clear that_Achildren often change their mindsBchildren of the poor work harder at schoolCchildren of the rich dont like the activityDchildren shouldnt be given too much material lifeBOne day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. He didnt wait until school was over, and hurried home to his grandfather. He told him his story angrily. “He is really bad,” the boy said, “and I hate him.”The grandfather said, “Let me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I, too, sometimes hated others for what they did”As the boy listened carefully, the grandfather went on, “There are always two tigers inside my heart. One is good and kind. He gets on well with everything around him. But the other is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason. He cant think carefully because he always hates others. It is difficult to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control me.”The boy looked into his grandfathers eyes and asked, “Which tiger always controls you, Grandfather?”The old man said slowly and seriously, “The one that I feed. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom get angry now.”根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。41.The boy went to his grandfather _.A. before he went to school B. when he went to schoolC. after school was over D. after he had a fight42.The good tiger _ everything around him.A. doesnt like B. gets along well withC. isnt interested in D. wants to eat43.The bad tiger fights with everyone all the time _.A. because others wants to kill himB. because he wants to eat othersC. for no reasonD. because others arent friendly to him44.The good tiger can control the grandfather because _.A. the good tiger is much strongerB. the good tiger can get along well with othersC. the grandfather treats the tiger very wellD. the grandfather hates the bad tiger45.The writer wants to tell us _ in the passage.A. how to feed tigers wellB. how to control our feelingsC. how to get along with othersD. how to fight with othersCHundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didnt have modern machines. Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. Its bad to all living things in the world.Polluted air from cars, planes and factories is so thick that it is like a quilt(被子) over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog(烟雾). Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away. And they mustnt blow dirty smoke into the air. We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and not throw it on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution.46.Rules are not enough, every person must help to fight pollution.Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today because _ _.A. there were fewer modern machines at that time than todayB. people didnt like to use modern medicines C. there were no modern machines at allD. there was no pollution at all47.What is the biggest problem in todays life?A. Dirty water. B. Pollution. C. Noise. D. Too crowded48.The most serious kind of pollution is _ _.A. noise pollution B. air pollution C. water pollution D. waste paper49.Factories must clean their water _ _.A. before they use it B. when they use itC. before it is thrown away D. whenever they use it50.From the passage we know that _ _.A. a few years ago, there was no smog at allB. today people dont have to talk to each other in a loud voiceC. people are making rules in order to fight pollutionD. people can only use rules to fight pollutionDGood morning! Boys and girls! Do you have any trouble in your lives? How do you deal with your trouble? Now listen to Dr. Lee. He may help you.If you do badly in one exam. Take it easy. You can work harder and turn to your classmates.If you feel lonely in a strange place. Dont worry! You should make more friends or turn to your teachers. Its normal to feel unhappy when something bad happens to you. You should talk to others or take part in activities. You may feel sad when you lose one of your friends. Going to the movies and playing sports may make you feel better. Also, if you are ill, you may worry about it. Dont be afraid. Follow the doctors advice and have a good rest.任务型阅读: 根据文章内容完成表格TroubleHow to deal withDo badly in one examwork hard and turn to your 51._Feel lonelymake 52._or turn to your teachersSomething bad happenstalk to others or 53._activitiesLose one of your friends54._ and playing sportsBe 55. follow the doctors advice and 56._四、句型转换57.老师不允许我们上课迟到。The teacher doesnt allow us_ _ late for class.58.你应该在电话中向她道歉。You should say sorry_ her _ the phone.59.Ann解不出这道数学题。Ann cant_ _ the math problem.60.玛丽和她的父母和睦相处。Mary_ _well with her parents.61.尽管她错了,但那没什么大不了。_ she was wrong,its not a big _.62.Why dont you ask your teacher for help?(改为同义句)_ _ask your teacher for help?63.Its time for breakfast.(改为同义句)Its time_ _ _.64.He would like to offer us some help.(改为同义句)He would like to_some help_us.65.I think he should tell the news to his father.(改为否定句)I_ _ _ _tell the news to his father.五、书面表达66.良好的家庭关系对青少年的健康成长很重要。但现实生活中,不少孩子和父母之间缺乏必要的沟通和交流。作为晚辈,我们应该如何和父母友好相处呢?请根据下面的提示,以How to get on with parents ?为题写一篇80词左右的文章。(文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数)与父母友好相处的要点 主动交流:每天花些时间,与父母谈谈老师,同学和学校的事;创造机会:每周至少跟父母一起做件事,比如做饭、逛商店等;讨论问题:遇事多与父母讨论,他们会帮你更好地解决问题。How to get on with parents ?For teenagers, its important to get on with parents.What should we do?八年级英语第四章节考试卷答案一、单选题1.C【解析】find sb doing sth发现某人正在做某事。2.B【解析】本题考查句式:“主语+spend+时间+doing sth”和“it takes+人+时间+to do sth”。3.B【解析】本题考查固定搭配。结合答语中的“我总是开着灯睡觉”可知,我“害怕”黑,故be afraid of符合题意。4.D【解析】句意:约翰叔叔离开家乡十二年了。延续性动词可以和一段时间连用,但非延续性动词不能。Left离开,gone去。都是非延续性动词。要表达离开了一段时间可以用be away from代替。所以选D。5.B【解析】句意:-今天是一个美好的一天,是不是?-是的,去钓鱼和放松自己怎么样?A. Why not +动词原型,表示为什么不去做某事;B. What about +doing表示做某事怎么样?C. Why dont +主语+动词的原型;D Would liketo do表示愿意去做某事。结合句意,故选B6.C【解析】find sb doing sth发现某人正在做某事。7.A【解析】句意:老师要我大声朗读,为的是所有的学生都能够听到。so that引导目的状语从句,意为“为的是”。故答案为A。8.A【解析】本题考查too much,too many,much too的辨析。homework为不可数名词,修饰不可数名词用too much。9.A【解析】句意:礼貌的举止能使人们彼此融洽相处。本题考查动词短语辨析。get on well with sb与某人融洽相处;get off下车;get over克服;get away离开。根据句意可知答案为A项。10.D【解析】和books and magazines搭配的是read。11.B【解析】play football意为“踢足球”,football前不必加冠词;play the piano意为“弹钢琴”,piano前必须要加定冠词。故答案为B。12.C【解析】on the phone是固定搭配,意为“通过电话”。13.C【解析】构成be angry with sb的搭配,表示“生某人的气”。14.A【解析】Lind昨天病了,所有我代替她去那儿。instead意为“代替”“替代”,作副词用,通常位于句尾。如位于句首时常用逗号与后面阁开。instead of是介宾短语,其意与instead相同,不同之处在于它后面常接宾语,起宾语多由名词、代词、介词、短语、动词 + ing 形式充当。此句由宾语her需用instead of.故答案为A.15.D【解析】首先由问句排除B;give为动词原形排除A;Why dont you=Why not“为什么不”排除C。16.C【解析】句意:汤姆在哪里?- 当我经过老师的休息室时,我听到他正在和我们的英语老师交谈。hear sb do sth,听到某人做了某事,强调看到的全过程,hear sb doing sth,听到某人正在做某事,强调同时进行,结合所给选项,故选C。17.A【解析】.句意:你主动借给我钱,真是太好了。offer to do sth. 主动做某事。故用动词不定式to lend,故选A。18.D【解析】.句意:如果我的父母不同意我的观点,我应该怎么办?你最好找一个机会和他们交流。agree with sb同意某人的看法; communicate with与某人交流。故选D。19.B【解析】句意:Linda很害羞。当她在别人面前说话时感觉紧张。relaxed放松的;nervous紧张的;proper合适的;恰当的;clear清楚的。根据Linda is shy可知她害羞,因此在别人面前说话就感到紧张,故选B。20.D【解析】句意:我一走进房间,她就给我一个苹果。表示提供给某人某物,可以用短语provide sb. with sth.= provide sth. for sb.或 supply sth.to sb.= supply sb. with sth.或Offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb.故选D。二、完型填空21.B 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.C 26.B 27.D 28.A 29.A 30.B 31.C 32.D 33.B 34.D 35.A【解析】21.be busy with sth“忙于做某事”,由下文忘记生日,可知作者忙于教学。22.根据语境可知此处意为“今天就像是很普通的一天”,be like“像”,符合语境。23.“I prefer it that way”意为“我更喜欢那种方式(过生日)”,下文提到年轻时曾经抱怨,但现在已不在乎了,其他选项放在此处则翻译不通。24.下句中有not even my family“甚至家人也不记得”,可知前半句应为“almost nobody remembered my birthday”。25.But表示转折,可知现在“我”已经不在意了(dont care any more)。26.句意:从23到24,没有太多变化。由下句Im just not a birthday or holiday person也可以推断出答案。27.由下文“I give lessons privately”可知“I have several foreign students learning Chinese with me”。28.need to do quite a lot of work“需要做大量的工作”,而mean to do意为“打算”,不符合题意。29.由下文“I think its a very cool job”可知作者对教外国人汉语更感兴趣了(be interested in)。30.根据was可知是过去的事情了,选项中只有school符合,at school“在上学”,作者现在已经工作了,所以上学已经是过去的事情了。31.此处指,作者羡慕外国人可以去国外旅游并很容易找到当老师的工作。32.根据前后语境可知此处表示转折,意为“尽管(even though)他们不是真正的教师”。33.此处指作者抱怨中国人没有西方人那么多的机会。34.由下文“As China is becoming stronger”可知事情正在发生变化。35.由下文“.I can get teaching jobs in foreign countries”可知“汉语正变得越来越受欢迎”。三、阅读理解36.D 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.D 41.D 42.B 43.C 44.C 45.B46.A 47.B 48.B 49.C 50.C36.根据In this activity,children and their parents played the rich and the poor确定答案。37.根据“.the poor could only have bread with porridge”和Parents all hoped to have the dinner for the poor with their children确定答案。38.根据Now many people on earth dont have enough food or clothingEvery day only half of the world could enjoy enough food确定答案。39.根据“The activity was held to make the families understand the differences between the poor and the rich”确定答案。40.根据“.also make parents know that too much material life wont always do good to the children”确定答案。41.D 细节理解题。根据短文的开头One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. He didnt wait until school was over, and hurried home to his grandfather.可知,这个小男孩是和同学打了架之后,去找他的爷爷。故应该选D。42.B 细节理解题。根据短文中One is good and kind. He gets on well with everything around him可知,这只好老虎和自己周围的每件事物都相处得很好。get on well with和get along well with是同义短语,和相处,由此可知选B。43.C 细节理解题。根据短文中But the other is bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all the time, and for no reason.可知,那只坏老虎总是毫无原因的和每个人打架。故选C。44.C推理判断题。根据短文的最后爷爷的话可知,好老虎能占据他的心,是因为他对那只老虎非常的好,他给这只老虎喂食。因此应该选C。45.B主旨大意题。这篇短文中爷爷给小男孩讲了一个两只老虎的故事,一只好老虎和一只坏老虎,其实代表的是我们内心的感情。通过这个故事,他想告诉我们,我们应该学会控制自己的感情。因此B选项最符合文意。46.细节理解题。根据People didnt have modern machines.“他们没有现代机器。”可知他们生活比现在困难的原因是没有现代工具。故选A。47.细节理解题。根据第一段第四句话One of the biggest is pollution.“污染是最大的问题中的一个。”可知四个选项中污染是最大的问题。故选B。48.细节理解题。由第一段倒数第二句话Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution.“空气污染是最严重的污染。”可知。故选B。49.细节理解题。由第二段第四句话Factories must now clean their water before it is thrown away.“工厂在排出废水之前必须先清理。”可知。故选C。50.推理判断题。文章最后一段都在介绍通过什么方式能够减小污染。可知人们正在制定规则来抗击污染。故选C。51.classmates 52.more friends 53.take part in 54.Going to the movies 55.ill 56.have a good rest 51.classmates细节理解题。根据H If you do badly in one exam. Take it easy. You can work harder and turn to your classmates.故答案是classmates。52.more friends 细节理解题。根据 If you feel lonely in a strange place. Dont worry! You should make more friends or turn to your teachers.故用more friends。53.take part in细节理解题。根据 Its normal to feel unhappy when something bad happens to you. You should talk to others or take part in activities.故答案是take part in。54.Going to the movies 细节理解题。根据You may feel sad when you lose one of your friends. Going to the movies and playing sports may make you fee


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