八年级英语上册 Unit 4《Our World》Topic 2 Section B 教案 仁爱版.doc_第1页
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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Unit 4Our WorldTopic 2 Section B 教案 仁爱版撰写人:_时 间:_ 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:toward(s), plate, planet, information, mistake for , object, balloon, call for, wake, wake up, real2.Learn some useful sentences:(1) People often mistake some man-made objects such as kites or balloons for UFOs.(2) Get up, or youll be late for school!3. Go on learning to express certainty and uncertainty (be sure/be not sure) and review past continuous tense:(1)A UFO flew over my head while I was walking toward the bus stop yesterday.(2)Im quite sure there are UFOs.(3)Im not so sure. Even scientists arent sure whether there are UFOs.(4)Im not sure whether/if robots will make humans lose their jobs.(5)While Jim was sleeping, he saw a UFO flying over his head. Teaching aids 教具实物/录音机/图片/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)通过游戏复习对话,导入新知识。1. (猜谜游戏:复习过去进行时和表示肯定与不肯定句式的用法。) (把学生分成三人一组,一人在纸上写一个动作,让另外两位同学猜他在做什么,猜时要用上Im sure./Im quite sure./Im not sure. 练习之后,以小组为单位在台前表演。)(教师找两位学生帮忙,做出示范。S1写出动作。) T: What was S1 doing at this time yesterday? S2:She was watching TV. T: Are you sure? S2:Yes, Im quite sure. S1:Yes, I was watching TV at that time. (小组练习完之后,找几组学生表演。)2.(检查作业:汇报搜集到的有关机器人和不明飞行物的信息。师生对话,引出生词,导入新课。) (1) (检查作业。)T: Im sure you searched for the information about robots and UFOs last night. Please give a report about them. (板书并要求学生了解。)UFO(2) (教师出示一些UFO的图片,导入新课。) T: (出示图片)You have known much about robots and UFOs. I have some pictures about them here. Look at these pictures. What are these? Ss:They are UFOs. T: What do the UFOs look like? Ss:They look like plates.(帮助学生回答。) (板书并要求学生掌握。)plate T: Im not sure whether there are UFOs. Are you sure there are UFOs, S3? (板书并帮助学生理解表达不确定的句式。解释whether/if。)Im not sure whether/if there are UFOs. S3:Yes, Im quite sure. T: What about you, S4? S4:Im not sure whether there are UFOs. T: Im not sure, either. I dont know whether there are living things on other planets. (板书并要求学生掌握。)planet T: The earth is a planet. Mars(火星) is a planet, too. Both of them are planets of the sun.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)通过听录音和理解对话,使学生进一步学习表达确定和不确定的句式。1. (设置听力任务,播放1a录音。) T:Most of us are not sure whether there are UFOs. Is there really a UFO? Jane and her friends are talking about it. Now listen to 1a and answer the following question: What did Jane see while she was walking toward the bus stop yesterday?(板书并要求学生掌握。)toward(s) (核对答案。)2. (再次播放1a录音,让学生跟读,注意语音语调。) T: Listen to the tape and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:12分钟)表演1a对话,完成1b和1c。巩固确定与不确定的表达方式。1. (阅读1a,完成1b。)T: Some students are sure there are UFOs, but some arent sure about this.What about Michael, Kangkang, Jane and Maria? Read 1a and finish 1b. (核对答案。)2. (根据1b表格,四人一组练习1a对话。) T: Please practice the dialog using the information in 1b. Then Ill let some of you act it out. (练习后,让几组学生表演。)3. (用给出的句子编对话,完成1c。) T: From 1a we know scientists arent sure whether there are UFOs. But Im sure there are robots. Are you sure, S1? S1:Im quite sure. T:Im sure robots will make humans lose their jobs. S2:Im not sure whether robots will make humans lose their jobs. T:Look at the example in 1c. Can you make similar dialogs by using the sentences in the box? (完成后核对答案。)4. (小黑板出示练习题。)(两句合成一句)(1) II(2) People want to know. Are there UFOs in the sky?People want to know _ there _ UFOs in the sky.(3) I dont know. Do robots ask for pay or not?I dont know _ robots _ for pay or not.(核对答案。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12分钟)利用实物学习生词及词组,活跃课堂气氛。完成2,导入3a。1. (利用实物,引出生词及词组,导入2。)T: (拿出气球) Whats this object?(板书,要求学生掌握。)objectS1: Its a balloon. (帮助学生回答)(板书并要求学生掌握。)balloonT: Yes, its a balloon. Are there UFOs? Nobody is sure. In fact, people often mistake kites or balloons for UFOs.(板书并要求学生掌握。)mistake for T:But why is there so much information about UFOs? There is a passage about it. Lets go and have a look together.(板书并要求学生掌握。)information2. (让学生读2短文,为短文选择合适的标题,并猜出man-made的词义。)T:Now please read the passage in 2 and check the best title of the passage.(板书并要求学生理解。)man-made(核对答案。)T:OK, now are you sure there are UFOs? S2, please.S2:No, Im not sure if there are UFOs.T:Why do you think so?S2:Because until now, no one really knows.3. (听2的录音跟读,标出关键词。) T: Well done. Now listen to the tape and follow. Write down the key words.(小黑板出示关键词。)say, seen UFOs, in fact, information, mistake . for , man-made, objects, such as, kites, balloons, nobody, sure(挑选学生复述。)4. (师生对话,引出生词,导入3a。)T: From the passage above, we know nobody seems to have really seen a UFO. Well, are you sure there are aliens?(板书并要求学生了解。)alienS3:Yes, Im sure there are aliens.S4:No, Im not sure whether there are aliens.T: OK! Last night, while Jim was sleeping, he saw a UFO flying over his head. To our surprise, while he was trying to call for help, he saw an alien. What happened to him? Who did Jim see after he woke up? (让学生读3a猜出生词词义并填空。)T: Please read 3a and fill in the blanks.(板书并要求学生掌握。)call for, wake, wake up(核对答案。)5. (让学生再读3a,进行小组讨论,然后完成3b。)T: Who was the real “alien”? Read 3a again. Discuss in pairs, and finish 3b.(板书并要求学生掌握。)real(核对答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)作调查报告,进一步操练过去进行时和表达确定与不确定的句式,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。1. (复习过去进行时。) (让学生与他们的同桌讨论昨天晚上在不同的时间段各自在干什么。写下同桌的活动,然后写下他们自己的活动。) T:Now, lets make a survey. Ask your partner what he /she was doing at different times yesterday evening, then fill his/her answers in the table on the small blackboard. And then write down your own answers. (出示小黑板。)Time (yesterday evening)Your partnerYou7:008:009:002. (做调查。)(把学生分为10人一组,讨论以下问题,然后填表格。每组派代表向全班同学汇报,班长总结有多少人认为,相信或不相信。)T:Work in groups of ten, talk about the following questions, then fill in the table.(1)Do you think there are people on other planets?(2)Are you sure UFOs are real?(3)If there are aliens, are they probably friendly or unfriendly?(出示小黑板。)NameStatementJimThere are people on other planets.There are no peopl


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