【ASTM标准】A 507 – 00;QTUWNY1SRUQ__第1页
【ASTM标准】A 507 – 00;QTUWNY1SRUQ__第2页
【ASTM标准】A 507 – 00;QTUWNY1SRUQ__第3页
【ASTM标准】A 507 – 00;QTUWNY1SRUQ__第4页
【ASTM标准】A 507 – 00;QTUWNY1SRUQ__第5页




Designation: A 507 004 Standard Specifi cation for Drawing Alloy Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled and Cold- Rolled1 This standard is issued under the fi xed designation A 507; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. Scope* 1.1 This specifi cation covers hot-rolled and cold-rolled drawing alloy-steel sheet and strip. Material of this quality is produced principally for applications involving severe cold plastic deformation such as deep drawn or severely formed parts. This steel is produced by a closely controlled steel-making practice designed to assure internal soundness, relative uniformity of chemical composition, and freedom from injurious imperfections. 1.2 The material covered by this specifi cation may be furnished in several conditions, heat treatments, surface fi nishes, and edges, as specifi ed herein, in coils or cut lengths. 1 This specifi cation is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A-1 A01 on Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.19 on Steel Sheet and Strip. Current edition approved May 10, 2000. March 1, 2004. Published July 2000. March 2004. Originally published as A 507 64. approved in 1964. Last previous edition A 507 93 (1998). approved in 2000 as A 507 00. 1 This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document. *A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. 2. Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 A 505 Specifi cation for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Alloy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled, General Requirements for A 941 Terminology Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, Related Alloys, and Ferroalloys 3. Terminology 3.1 Defi nitions of Terms Specifi c to This Standard: 3.1.1 capable ofas used in this specifi cation, means that tests need not be performed. However, if application by the purchaser establishes that the material does not meet the requirements, the material shall be subject to rejection. 3.1.2 drawing alloy steelalloy-steel sheet and strip intended for applications involving severe cold plastic deformation such as deep drawn or severely formed parts. 3.1.3 standard steelssteel chemical compositions defi ned as “standard” by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). See Table 1 and Table A1.1. 3.1.4 steels other than standardsteel chemical compositions other than those defi ned as “standard,” and furnished to the composition limits shown in Table 2. 4. General Requirements and Ordering Information 4.1 Material supplied to this specifi cation shall conform to Specifi cation A 505, which includes the general requirements and establishes the rules for the ordering information that should be complied with when purchasing material to this specifi cation. 4.2 In addition to the Ordering Information required by Specifi cation A 505, the following shall also be included: 4.2.1 Mechanical properties, if required (show properties desired, which must be consistent with the grade and heat treatment), 4.2.2 Surface fi nish, if other than that normally furnished (see Section 10), and 4.2.3 Application, or end use (identifi cation of the part to be made). 5. Manufacture 5.1 RollingThe material shall be furnished either hot-rolled or cold-rolled, as specifi ed on the order. 5.2 Heat TreatmentUnless otherwise specifi ed on the order, the material shall be furnished spheroidize-annealed. (See Terminology A 941 for heat treatment terms.) 5.2.1 If the material is to be heat treated by other than the producer, the order shall so state. The material may be ordered in the as-rolled condition, in such cases. 6. Chemical Requirements 6.1 The heat (cast) analysis shall conform to the requirements for the grade specifi ed on the order. 6.1.1 Standard steel alloy steel grades listed in Table 1 are those commonly produced for drawing alloy-steel sheet and strip. 6.1.2 Other standard steel grades are listed in Annex A1 and may be specifi ed. However, the producer should be consulted for availability. 6.1.3 Nonstandard steel grades may be specifi ed, using the ranges and limits shown in Table 2. 7. Metallurgical Structure 7.1 Microstructure: 7.1.1 RequirementsAt least 75 % of the carbide microstructure shall be of the globular type. 7.1.2 Number of TestsThe number of tests shall be in accordance with the producers standard quality control procedures. A specifi c number of tests is not required, but the material shall be produced by manufacturing practices established to assure compliance with the specifi ed requirements. The material shall be subjected to mill tests and inspection procedures to assure such 2For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website, , or contactASTM Customer Service at . For Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03. volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website. TABLE 1Standard Steels Commonly Produced for Drawing Alloy-Steel Sheet and Strip UNS Desig- nation SAE No. Chemical Composition Ranges and Limits, % (Heat Analysis)A CMnPSSiBNiCrMo G41180 G41300 4118 4130 0.180.23 0.280.33 0.700.90 0.400.60 0.020 0.020 0.030 0.030 0.150.30 0.150.30 . . 0.400.60 0.801.10 0.080.15 0.150.25 G86150 G86200 8615 8620 0.130.18 0.180.23 0.700.90 0.700.90 0.020 0.020 0.030 0.030 0.150.30 0.150.30 0.400.70 0.400.70 0.400.60 0.400.60 0.150.25 0.150.25 A The chemical ranges and limits shown are subject to product analysis tolerances. See Specifi cation A 505. BOther silicon ranges are available. Consult the producer. A 507 004 2 compliance. For government procurement, mill tests and inspection procedures utilized to show conformance to the microstructure requirements shall be made available on request. 8. Mechanical Requirements 8.1 Tension and Hardness Tests : 8.1.1 RequirementsWhen tension tests or hardness tests, or both are specifi ed on the order, the test results shall conform to the requirements specifi ed on the order. Yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation requirements may be specifi ed. The tensile properties will vary depending on the chemical composition, condition, and heat treatment. Producers are frequently consulted as to grade, resultant mechanical properties, recommended heat treatment, and other information needed to establish the property parameters to meet end use requirements. Rockwell hardness requirements may be specifi ed, providing the requirements are compatible with the tension test requirements. 8.1.2 Number of TestsTwo tension tests and two hardness tests, when specifi ed, shall be taken at random from each heat (cast) and heat treatment lot. 9. Other Tests and Requirements 9.1 End Use Suitability: TABLE 2Heat (Cast) Analysis Ranges for Other Than Standard Steel Alloy Sheet and Strip Element When Maximum of Specifi ed Element Is, % Range or Limit, % CarbonTo 0.55 incl0.05 Over 0.55 to0.70 incl0.08 Over 0.70 to0.80 incl0.10 Over 0.80 to0.95 incl0.12 Over 0.95 to1.35 incl0.13 ManganeseTo 0.60 incl0.20 Over 0.60 to0.90 incl0.20 Over 0.90 to1.05 incl0.25 Over 1.05 to1.90 incl0.30 Over 1.90 to2.10 incl0.40 Phosphorus. . .0.035 max Sulfur. . .0.040 max SiliconTo 0.15 incl0.08 Over 0.15 to0.20 incl0.10 Over 0.20 to0.40 incl0.15 Over 0.40 to0.60 incl0.20 Over 0.60 to1.00 incl0.30 Over 1.00 to2.20 incl0.40 CopperTo 0.60 incl Over 0.60 to1.50 incl Over 1.50 to2.00 incl 0.20 0.30 0.35 NickelTo 0.50 incl0.20 Over 0.50 to1.50 incl0.30 Over 1.50 to2.00 incl0.35 Over 2.00 to3.00 incl0.40 Over 3.00 to5.30 incl0.50 Over 5.30 to 10.00 incl1.00 ChromiumTo 0.40 incl0.15 Over 0.40 to0.90 incl0.20 Over 0.90 to1.05 incl0.25 Over 1.05 to1.60 incl0.30 Over 1.60 to1.75 incl0.35 Over 1.75 to2.10 incl0.40 Over 2.10 to3.99 incl0.50 MolybdenumTo 0.10 incl0.05 Over 0.10 to0.20 incl0.07 Over 0.20 to0.50 incl0.10 Over 0.50 to0.80 incl0.15 Over 0.80 to1.15 incl0.20 VanadiumTo 0.25 incl Over 0.25 to0.50 incl 0.05 0.10 A 507 004 3 9.1.1 When furnished spheroidize-annealed, the material shall be capable of producing an identifi ed part. 9.1.2 Material in the spheroidize-annealed condition generally work harder and may require stress-relief-annealing between drawing operations. 10. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 10.1 Surface Finish: 10.1.1 Hot-RolledUnless otherwise specifi ed, hot-rolled material shall be furnished descaled and oiled. When required, the material may be specifi ed to be furnished not oiled. 10.1.2 Cold-RolledUnless otherwise specifi ed, cold-rolled material shall be furnished with a commercial dull matte fi nish and shall be oiled. When required, the material may be specifi ed to be furnished not oiled. 10.2 Edges: 10.2.1 Hot-RolledUnless otherwise specifi ed, hot-rolled material shall be furnished with Mill Edge. The material may be specifi ed to have other types of edges, in accordance with Specifi cation A 505. 10.2.2 Cold-RolledUnless otherwise specifi ed, cold-rolled sheet shall be furnished with Cut Edge and cold-rolled strip shall be furnished with No. 3 Edge. The material may be specifi ed to have other types of edges, in accordance with Specifi cationA 505. 11. Keywords 11.1 alloy steel with improved formability; cold-rolled alloy steel; deep drawn alloy steel; drawing alloy steel sheet; drawing alloy steel strip; forming alloy steel; hot-rolled alloy steel; special soundness alloy steel ANNEX (Mandatory Information) A1. STANDARD STEELS NOT COMMONLY PRODUCED FOR DRAWING ALLOY-STEEL SHEET AND STRIP A1.1Listed in Table A1.1 are standard steels which, while not commonly produced for drawing alloy steel sheet and strip, may be specifi ed. The producer should be consulted for availability. TABLEA1.1 Standard Steels Not Commonly Produced for Drawing Alloy-Steel Sheet and Strip UNS Desig- nation SAE No. Chemical Composition Ranges and Limits, % (Heat Analysis)A CMnPSSiNiCrMoV .E33100.080.130.450.600.0250.0250.150.303.253.751.401.75 G4012040120.090.140.751.000.0400.0400.150.300.150.25. G411804100.900.0400.040.400.600.080.15. G432004350.650.0400.0400.150.301.652.000.400.600.200.30. TABLE A1.1 Standard Steels Not Commonly Produced for Drawing Alloy-Steel Sheet and Strip UNS Desig- nation SAE No. Chemical Composition Ranges and Limits, % (Heat Analysis)A CMnPSSiNiCrMoV .E33100.080.130.450.600.0250.0250.150.303.253.751.401.75 G4012040120.090.140.751.000.0400.0400.150.300.150.25. G411804100.900.0400.040.400.600.080.15. G432004350.650.0400.0400.150.301.652.000.400.600.200.30. G452004550.650.0400.0400.150.300.450.60. G461504650.650.0400.0400.150.301.652.00. G462004650.650.0400.0400.150.301.652.00. G471804700.900.0400.0400.150.300.901.200.350.550.300.40. G481504800.600.0400.0400. G482004800.700.0400.0400. G501505000.500.0400.040.300.50 G511505100.900.0400.040.700.90 G512005100.900.0400.040.700.90. G5130051300.280.330.700.900.0400.040.801.10 G513251320.300.350.600.900.0400.040.751.00 G861708600.900.0400.0400.150.300.400.700.400.600.150.25. G8630086300.280.330.700.900.0400.0400.150.300.400.700.400.600.150.25. G872008700.900.0400.0400.150.300.400.700.400.600.200.30. .E93100.080.130.450.650.0250.0250.200.353.003.501.001.400.080.15. A The chemical ranges and limits shown are subject to product analysis tolerances. See Specifi cation A 505. A 507 004 4 TABLEContinued UNS Desig- nation SAE No. Chemical Composition Ranges and Limits, % (Heat Analysis)A CMnPSSiNiCrMoV G452004550.650.0400.0400.150.300.450.60. G461504650.650.0400.0400.150.301.652.00. G462004650.650.0400.0400.150.301.652.00. G471804700.900.0400.0400.150.300.901.200.350.550.300.40. G481504800.600.0400.0400. G482004800.700.0400.0400. G501505000.500.0400.040.300.50 G511505100.900.0400.040.700.90 G5130051300.280.330.700.900.0400.040.801.10 G513251320.300.350.600.900.0400.040.751.00 G861708600.900.0400.0400.150.300.400.700.400.600.150.25. G8630086300.280.330.700.900.0400.0400.150.300.400.700.400.600.150.25. G872008700.900.0400.0400.150.300.400.700.400.600.200.30. .E93100.080.130.450.650.0250.0250.200.353.003.501.001.400.080.15. AThe chemical ranges and limits shown are subject SUMMARY OF CHANGES CommitteeA01 has identifi ed the location of selected changes to product analysis tolerances. See Specifi cation A 5


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