



Unit 2 Cloning Warming Up Reading Language Points .单句语法填空 1That will make no difference (differ) to him, whatever you may decide.2He undertook to_pay (pay) the money back in one month.3We object to being_blamed (blame) for something that we havent done.4I forbid smoking (smoke) here.Who has permitted you to_smoke (smoke) here?5Ordinary people would then be able to use them to_obtain (obtain) valuable information.6The efforts made by Adrian and his parents paid off.7I just need to make a few corrections (correct), and then we can send it to the printer.8In the discussion held by our class yesterday, those who were in favour of surfing on the Internet claimed that it had a lot of advantages.完成句子1She differs/is_different_from_her_sister_in the colour of her eyes.她眼睛的颜色与姐姐的不同。2We would undertake_the_task for the time being.我们会暂时承担这项任务。3We object_to_punishing a whole group for one persons fault.我们反对因为一个人的过错而去惩罚整组的人。4He forbade_me_from_meeting/to_meet my epal at the Internet caf!他禁止我去网吧会见我的网友!5He finally became a rock superstar his long and hard training paid_off.他最后成为一名摇滚巨星他的长期艰苦训练终于有了回报。6John was_cast_down to learn the news that he was rejected by the committee.得知他被委员会拒绝的消息,约翰非常沮丧。7The reason why the students are in_favour_of the first one is as follows.学生们赞成第一个的原因如下。8Then_came_the_exciting_news that she won the first gold medal in the Olympic Games.然后传来了令人兴奋的消息她在奥运会上获得首枚金牌。.阅读理解AOne British owner will be offered a genetic replica (复制品) of his dog for free as part of the UK launch of the service, which usually costs 63,000.But scientists warned that owners hoping to create an exact copy of their favorite pet may be disappointed because, like identical twins, the clone will not be a perfect replica of the first. Although they will share the same genetic code, different conditions in the womb and the environment they are exposed to after birth will change some characteristics, including aspects of the dogs appearance and behavior. Experts also warned that cloning animals is extremely unreliable, only successfully resulting in a healthy specimen (样本) in one or two of every hundred attempts, and that making the cloning process reliable would be a “major achievement”. But South Korean firm Sooam Biotech says it has never failed to produce a clone and will guarantee its work. The technique involves taking a single skin cell from the original animal and replicating its DNA to create a manmade embryo (胚胎), which is born after two months gestation (孕育). The company says it has cloned at least 400 dogs around the world, including rescue and police dogs for the South Korean government and dozens of pets for wealthy American owners. The competition, and following creation of Britains first cloned dog, will be filmed and broadcast in a documentary on Channel Four. Sooam Biotech scientist Insung Hwang said, “We can clone any breed, size or shape of dogs and are coming to the UK to offer this process to the owner of one very special dog. We welcome any UKbased dog owner who wants to benefit from this exciting new advance in biotechnology.” Prof Robin LovellBadge, Head of Developmental Genetics at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research, said cloning in dogs can work but warned that it is “not an efficient (高效的) process” and would not create a replica of the original pet.语篇解读:本文是新闻报道。一家韩国公司准备为英国人克隆他们的宠物狗,但科学家对此持谨慎态度。1Why did scientists warn dog owners? ABecause cloned dogs will not live long. BBecause cloned dogs carry certain diseases. CBecause dog cloning may not bring the perfect result.DBecause dog cloning is still too expensive for common people.解析:选C细节理解题。由文章第二段可知,科学家警告狗的主人,原因是克隆来的狗不会和以前的狗一模一样,而且克隆的失败率很高。2What can be inferred from the fifth paragraph? ADog cloning is easy to carry out. BInsung Hwang works for a British company.CInsung Hwangs cloning work is quite limited. DInsung Hwang is confident in his cloning work.解析:选D推理判断题。由文章第五段可知,Insung Hwang宣称自己能够克隆各种品种的狗,说明他对自己的工作充满了信心。3What is Robin LovellBadges attitude towards dog cloning? ACautious. BSupportive. CDisapproval. DSubjective.解析:选A推理判断题。分析文章最后一段,Robin LovellBadge还是强调克隆的不可靠,由此推断,他对克隆持有谨慎态度。4What can be the best title for the passage? ADog Cloning Causes Debate BDog Cloning to Arrive in Britain CThe Problems with Dog CloningDThe Love of the British for Their Dogs解析:选B主旨大意题。综合全文,特别是文章第一段可知,文章主要报道韩国一家机构将为英国人克隆他们的宠物狗。BIn the movie Jurassic Park, scientists clone dinosaurs by using the DNA that was preserved for millions of years.However, there is trouble when the cloned dinosaurs turn out fiercer and smarter than expected.Can dinosaurs really be cloned? Theoretically, they can; all that would be required is DNA from an extinct dinosaur and a currently living closely related species which would act as a surrogate mother(代孕母亲)In fact, there is continuing research to clone the Woolly Mammoth by extracting(提取) the DNA from frozen animals.Actually, cloning is a phenomenon that occurs naturally in a wide variety of species.Whenever you see a pair of identical twins, they are examples of natures clones.Although scientists have been cloning certain plants like the carrot quite successfully for decades, attempts at cloning animals have not been as successful.However, they began long before the birth of Dolly, the sheep the first mammal to be successfully cloned.Cloning humans does give rise to some misgivings,_raising a number of moral problems involved.In fact, the social influences of producing humans artificially were brilliantly explored in the famous novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and also in the movie The Island.Human cloning is basically about creating a genetically(基因地) identical copy of a previously existing person.Why would some people choose to clone human beings? Well, generally, it could make couples unable to have babies have their own children.Replacing a dead child is also another reason why some people have expressed interest in the technology.语篇解读:本文是说明文,介绍了克隆的相关情况。5The purpose of the first paragraph is to _.Agive us an introduction to a movieBanalyse the possibility of cloningCgive an introduction to the textDtell us the importance of cloning解析:选C从后文内容可知,第一段主要是为了引出下文。6We can infer from the second paragraph that _.Amore and more people are interested in cloningBcloning has saved many animals from dying outCcloning has a very short historyDcloning plants is much easier解析:选D第二段说明,人们已经成功克隆了植物,而动物还不太成功,说明克隆植物要比克隆动物简单得多。7In what way is human cloning useful?AIt can bring a dead person back to life.BIt makes it possible to replace a dead child.CIt can help cure some human diseases.DIt can help people have more healthy children.解析:选B从最后一段可知,克隆人可以替代一个死了的孩子或者帮助不孕夫妻受孕。8What does the underlined word “misgivings” in the third paragraph mean?AWorries. BAims.CRegulations. DPrinciples.解析:选A从该词后的“raising a number of moral problems involved”可知,克隆人引起了很多担忧。.语法填空Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed.When a person does a certain thing again, he _1_ (drive) by an unseen force to do the same thing _2_ (r


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