河南省虞城县第一初级中学七年级英语下学期期末试题1 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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河南省虞城县第一初级中学2012-2013学年七年级英语下学期期末试题1 人教新目标版(考试时间100分钟,满分120分) 听力部分(20分)i. 听录音,找出与所听对话内容相符的图画。(5分) a b c d e1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5. _ii. 听句子,选择适当的答语。(5分)( )6. a. she is twenty.b. she is from japan. c. she is of medium height. ( )7. a. he is a doctor.b. he is fifteen.c. he wants to be a policeman.( )8. a. it is july 1st. b. it is windy. c. it is friday.( )9. a. pretty good!b. it is interesting. c. it is snowing.( )10. a. thanks a lot.b. yes, you could.c. no, you can get home by 6:00.iii. 听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )11. a. its cloudy.b. its rainy.c. its fine.( )12. a. fourteen.b. fifteen.c. sixteen.( )13. a. on monday.b. on weekends.c. on thursday.( )14. a. soap operas. b. sports shows. c. sitcoms.( )15. a. she likes it very much. b. she doesnt mind it.c. she doesnt like it.iv. 听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )16. how was the weather in the morning? a. it was rainy. b. it was sunny. c. it was cloudy.( )17. where did they have great fun? a. at school. b. at the museum. c. in the water.( )18. the museum was _. a. boring b. funnyc. interesting( )19. what did they do in the evening? a. they played chess. b. they played the guitar.c. they played games.( )20. when did they start to play games? a. at 6:00. b. at 6:30. c. at 7:30.笔试部分(100分)i. 单项填空(共15小题,计分15分)从a .b. c. d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )21. his pen pal lives _ toronto, canada. a. atb. on c. by d. in ( )22. where _ lions come from? they come from africa.a. are b. is c. do d. does ( )23. why doesnt mary like math? because its _. a. too excitingb. too interestingc. too difficult d. too funny( )24. dont talk! my brother in the room.a. studyb. is studyingc. studies d. studied( )25. here are three _ of her family. a. photos b. photo c. potatoes d. potato( )26. does your uncle do? a reporter.a. whyb. how c. what d. where( )27. why do you like pandas? because theyre cute.a. kinds of b. all kinds of c. a kind of d. kind of( )28. please go straight and right. you can find the supermarket.a. walk b. go c. take d. turn( )29. what _would you like? large. a. color b. size c. kind d. number( )30. peter is a lazy boy. he doesnt want to do _ on weekends. a. something b. anything c. nothing d. everything( )31. he didnt listen to the teacher in class, _ he cant do homework himself. a. and b. but c. or d. so( )32. the streets are too _ because there are too many cars and buses. a. unfriendly b. crowded c. cheap d. expensive( )33. what does he look like? he _ short hair.a. does b. is c. has d. have( )34. the news report is really boring. i cant _ it. a. stand b. like c. mind d. do ( )35. we can always see “_” in the reading-room. a. no photos b. no pictures c. no talking d. no readingii. 完形填空(共10小题,计分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。these days, people love to be cool. men and women, young and old are 36 the same(相同的) kind of clothes, and a lot of them have long hair. we cant tell if 37 are boys or girls, men or women. one day, a young man with long hair 38 on a chair in the park. then 39 old man, peter, came over and looked at him. peter 40 very puzzled(疑惑的), so he 41 another man next to him. “do you 42 the girl?” “yes, but he is a 43 . he is my son.” said the man. peter said “ 44 , i dont know you are his 45 .” “im not his mother. im his father,” said the man.( )36.a. playingb. wearingc. puttingd. watching( )37.a. meb. yourc. theyd. their( )38.a. sit b. sitting c. sat d. sits ( )39. a. ab. anc. the d. /( )40. a. was b. isc. were d. are( )41.a. talkedb. asked c. listenedd. answered( )42.a. lookb. watchc. know d. read( )43.a. boyb. girl c. womand. baby( )44.a. helpb. sorryc. thanksd. hello( )45.a. babyb. sisterc. fatherd. motheriii. 阅读理解(共15小题,计分30分)阅读下列短文,并做每篇后面的题。从各题所给的选项中,选出能完成所给句子的最佳选项。a( )46. hhi, everyone! welcome to our tv show. do you like pandas? today ill take you to the zoo.( )47. hello! do you want to have a job? please call me at 665-8732.( )48. hey! do you have a dream? what do you want to be? a doctor or a reporter?( )49. james is from canada. he wants a friend from england.( )50. good evening! it will be windy and dry tomorrow.为上面五个节目选择合适的题目。a. my dreamb. animal worldc. weather reportd. friend wantede. job wantedba teacher can be any age. just like chrissie mckenney, she was only 10 years old when she started teaching.how did chrissie get the job? it was not easy. chrissie wanted to help those children who can not hear. how could she do it?first, chrissie learned to sign. signing is a way of talking with your hands. soon (不久)it was easy for her to talk to the children. so the school let her help. now chrissie visits the school almost every day. the children love their young teacher. she is their friend.( )51.chrissie wanted to help those children. they can not _. a. hear b. see c. play d. feel( )52.this article tells about a _. a. special class b. young teacher c. bad girl d. nice doctor ( )53. what does the word “learned” mean? -it means(意思) “_”. a. forgot b. studied c. stopped d. read( )54. the school let chrissie help because she _. a. was too old b. could sign c. could not hear d. she is young( )55. you can guess from the passage that chrissie is _. a. cute b. fun c. helpful d. beautifulcwe have three kinds of desserts: small, medium and large. a small dessert with strawberries, bananas and ice cream is 10 rmb. a medium dessert with apples, tomatoes and cheese is 12 rmb. a large dessert with pears, potatoes and ice cream is 15 rmb. welcome to our house. we have some great specials. special 1 is chicken and cabbage noodles, and the large bowl is just 4 rmb and the small 2 rmb. special 2 is mutton and carrot noodles, and the large bowl is only 5 rmb and the small 2.5 rmb. special 3 is beef and potato noodles. the large bowl is 4 rmb and the small 2 rmb. special 4 is tomato and egg noodles. the large bowl is only 3 rmb and the small 1.5 rmb. large drink is only 5 rmb. and all the fruits are free. come and get your noodles today!( )56. how many kinds of desserts does dessert house have? a. three. b. two. c. one. d. four.( )57. today i want two small bowls of mutton and carrot noodles. we need to pay _ rmb. a. 2 b. 5 c. 2.5 d. 3 ( )58. if you have 30 rmb and you can buy _kind(s) of desserts. a. three b. two c. one d. four( )59. nancy likes tomatoes and eggs. she has 3 rmb. she can eat _. a. a large dessert b. a large drink c. a large bowl of tomato and egg noodles d. fruits( )60. maybe the two articles are from _. a. a story book b. a picture book c. a math book d. a newspaperiv口语应用(共8小题,计分8分)( )61. what language does he speak? a. i went to new york city.( )62. is there a restaurant near here? b. yes, you can, but you have to be quiet.( )63. does your mother have long curly hair? c. i love them. they are really interesting.( )64. what do you think of game shows? d. he speaks french.( )65. where did you go on vacation? e. we have all kinds of noodles. what kind of noodles would you like?( )66. can we do homework in the library? f. lily did.( )67. what kind of noodles do you have? g. no, she has long straight hair.( )68. who cleaned the classroom last friday? h. no, there isnt, but there is one behind our school.v. 单词拼写(共12小题,计分12分)a. 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在句子空缺处写出各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)69. it snows a lot in _ (冬季) in north china.70. id like a large bowl of _ (饺子).71. she is very _ (受欢迎) among students.72. he is a good student. he is _ (从来不) late for class.73. she _(玩、打) tennis last weekend.74. in the _(第一) photo, you can see me swimming in the pool.75. look! they are _(吃) ice cream under the tree happily.b从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。listen join rain story delicious76. dont _ to music in the classroom.77. thanks for _our club.78. look! its _ outside. take an umbrella(雨伞).79. do you like to write _?80. the food in the restaurant is really _.iv任务型阅读(共5小题,计分10分) 阅读下面文章,完成81-85小题。 do you like this animal? it has round (圆) eyes, round head, round ears and round body! it has no tail(尾巴). it is grey. it looks like a bear. but it is not a bear. it is from australia. what is this lovely little animal?people in australia love it very much. when it is born, it is very small. the mother has a pocket(袋子) for the baby. the baby goes into this warm pocket. there it stays for six months.it only eats a special kind of leaves. the trees are its home and its food. in the day it sleeps in the tree. at night, it looks for food. it may go miles to find it. and it eats a lot every night!81. the animal eats a lot of _ every night.82. the baby stays in its mothers pocket for _.83. the word “looks for” means(意思) _(in chinese).84. this animal usually sleeps _ in the day.85. this lovely little animal is a _.vii书面表达。(共2小题,计分15分)a. 阅读下面这封信,然后仿照例句写出吉娜学校的校规,选写五条。(5分)dear tim, i have many rules in my school. but i have fun. our school starts at 8:20. i cant arrive late for school. our school is quiet and i cant run in the hallways and i cant wear our own clothes but school uniform. i like music very much, but i cant listen to music in the classroom. i have lunch only in the dining hall. at noon, i play ping-pong and read books. i cant talk loudly. on tuesday afternoon, i have p.e and i have to wear sports shoes. after school, i often go to the library. i cant bring my backpack to the library. i cant sing songs in the library. i cant eat in the library. what do you think of my school rules? do you have any school rules? please write and tell me. gina school rules1. dont arrive late for school.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. b.根据以下提示,以日记格式描述一下你繁忙的周末(不少于60词)(10分)1. 周六:天气晴朗;上午做家庭作业,数学有点难。下午和朋友一起踢足球,非常轻松。2. 周日:天气炎热;上午打扫房间,我感觉特别累。下午拜访叔叔。晚上和爸爸妈妈一起去看电影,我非常开心。要求:内容完整,语句通顺、连贯,书写工整,注意时态。saturday, july 2nd it was sunny. i had a very busy weekend.附加题:同学们,如果你已经完成了前面所有的试题,并已检查完毕。你可以做这道附加题,本题不计入总分。挑战一下自己吧!1. 综合填空 (共8空,计分8分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词只填一词。 get book eat play weather much friday sleepnick likes little animals very much. last (1) _was nicks birthday. he (2) _ a hamster from his aunt. it is very cute. nick likes it very much. he (3) _ with it after school every day. the hamster likes (4) _fruits and vegetables. it enjoys (5) _in the day. it doesnt like hot (6) _. nick wanted to know (7) _ about this kind of animal. so he bought a (8) _about it. he learned many things from that book.2. 任务型阅读 (共7小题,计分12分) mr. wang, dont move (移动). first, let me draw your (1)_ . they are bright and big. they always look at me kindly. i will draw your (2)_ now. do you remember what color it was when i first met you? it was black and long. but it is white and short today. i draw and draw, but i cant do well. now, i know why. if i can be a teacher, then i can (6)_. 任务一:请在文中(1)、(2)处分别填入相应的名词。(2分) 1. 2. 任务二:选词填空。(2分) 3. we know mr. wang may be (young, old) now.任务三:根据短文内容回答问题。(2分) 4. what does mr. wangs hair look like now? _任务四:请把下面这句话添加到文章中合适的位置,使得文章更加完整。(2分)5. let me draw a picture for you.任务五:在文章的最后一句空白处加上适当的词语,使得句子意思完整。(2分) 6._任务六: 请把 “i draw and draw, but i cant do well” 翻译成汉语。(2分)7. _2012-2013年度第二学期七年级英语期末试卷(听力原文)i. 听录音,找出与所听对话内容相符的图画。(每个小题读两遍)1. m: where was the woman just now? w: in the bank.2. m: sandra, go and answer the telephone. w: ok, daddy.3. m: excuse me, madam. wheres the nearest post office, please! w: look! its between the cinema and the hotel.4. m: where is your pen pal from? w: he is from paris.5. m: whos the little boy playing with? w: with his grandparents.ii. 听句子,选择适当的答语。(每个小题读两遍)6. what does your new teacher look like?7. what does your brother want to be?8. whats the weather like today?9. how is it going?10. do i have to get home by five oclock?iii. 听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。(每个小题读两遍)11. w: hello, mr. wang! what a nice day. m: yes, its a fine day. q: whats the weather like?12. w: how old is tom? m: he is fourteen years old. q: how old is tom?13. w: tony, what is your favorite sport?m: my favorite sport is basketball. w: when do you play basketball? m: on saturday and sunday. q: when does tony play basketball?14. m: what are you doing, liu mei?w: i am watching tv. m: what kind of tv shows do you like? w: i like sitcoms. q: what kind of tv shows does liu mei like?15. m: what do you think of animal world, maria?w: i like it very much. m: i like it, too. what does your sister think of it? w: she doesnt like it. q: what does marias sister think of animal world?iv. 听短文,选择正确的答案。(短文读三遍) it was sunny and hot in the morning. my sister and i went to the beautiful beach. we had fun playing in the water. in the afternoon, it rained. we went to the museum. it was very interesting. at last, we walked home. in the evening, the weather was cool and the rain stopped. so we decided to play games outside. we started to play at six thirty. then we had chicken for dinner. it was d


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