人教新目标七年级下册英语Unit 3 综合水平测试.docx_第1页
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Unit 3综合水平测试听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:1.He likes going to school on foot.(B)1.A. B. C.听力材料:2.Do they take the plane to Shanghai?(A)2.A. B. C.听力材料:3.Jennys father has a black car.(C)3.A. B. C.听力材料:4.Mary leaves home at 7:45.(A)4.A. B. C.听力材料:5.The bus station is not far from here.(B)5.A. B. C.二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:6.W:How does Mary get to school?M:She gets to school by bus.(A)6.How does Mary get to school?ABy bus. BBy train. CBy boat.听力材料:7.W:Hi,Li Lei!Do you live far from your school?M:No.I walk to school every day.It only takes me ten minutes to get to school.(C)7.How long does it take Li Lei to walk to school?ATwenty minutes. BFifteen minutes. CTen minutes.听力材料:8.W:What exercise do you do,Jack?M:Riding a bike.Its good exercise.(C)8.What exercise does Jack do?ARunning. BPlaying basketball.CRiding a bike.听力材料:9.W:How does your father go to work,Jim?M:At 7:10 he rides his bike to the subway station.Then he takes the subway at 7:30.(B)9.What time does Jims father take the subway?AAt 7:10. BAt 7:30. CAfter 8:00.听力材料:10.W:How far is it from your home to your school,Bob?M:About 6 kilometers.Oh,no.It is about 7 kilometers.(B)10.How far is it from Bobs home to his school?AAbout 6 kilometers. BAbout 7 kilometers.CAbout 13 kilometers.三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听第一段长对话,回答第1112小题。听力材料:W:Do you live far from your school,Mike?M:No.W:How do you go to school?M:Well,I walk to school.It takes me about 20 minutes.(A)11.How does Mike go to school?AHe walks. BBy bus. CBy bike.(B)12.How long does it take him to get to school?AAbout 12 minutes.BAbout 20 minutes.CAbout 30 minutes.听第二段长对话,回答第1315小题。听力材料:W:How do you get to school,Tom?M:I usually take a bus.W:How far is it from your home to school?M:Its about 25 kilometers.W:How long does it take you to get to school?M:It takes 25 minutes by bus and 15 minutes by subway.How about you,Mary?How do you get to school?W:My home is not far from the school.So I walk to school every day.(B)13.How does Tom usually get to school?ABy bike. BBy bus. CBy subway.(C)14.How far is it from Toms home to school?AAbout 5 kilometers.BAbout 15 kilometers.CAbout 25 kilometers.(A)15.Why does Mary walk to school?ABecause her home is not far from the school.BBecause she likes walking.CBecause she wants to do exercise.四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:Li Dong is a schoolboy.He is 13 years old.He lives in a village 10 kilometers from school.It is difficult for him to go to school.The road is not good,so he cant ride his bike to school.He usually takes the bus there.It takes him thirty minutes.Li Dong must get up at 6:20 every morning,and he has no time for breakfast at home.He often has something for breakfast on the bus.But sometimes the bus doesnt come,and he has to walk two hours to get to school.(C)16.How old is Li Dong?A9. B11. C13.(A)17.How far is it from Li Dongs village to school?A10 kilometers. B15 kilometers. C30 kilometers.(C)18.How does Li Dong usually go to school?ABy bike. BOn foot. CBy bus.(B)19.Li Dong gets up at _ in the morning.A6:00 B6:20 C6:40(A)20.Li Dong often has breakfast _.Aon the bus Bat home Cin the school笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分)(B)21.Mr. Brown has _ eightyearold daughter.Aa Ban Cthe D/(C)22.Jills father usually goes to work _ car.Aon Bin Cby Dat(A)23.On the table,I see lots of fruit _ apples,bananas and oranges.Alike Bfor Cwith Dabout(A)24.Half of one hundred is _.Afifty Bsixty Ceighty Dninety(B)25.My bag is too old.I need to buy a _ one.Abig Bnew Ctidy Deasy(D)26.Im busy today,so Im _ I cant go to your birthday party.Acool Bhappy Cfree Dafraid(A)27.My _ is to be a teacher.I think it can come true.Adream Bjob Cwork Dhabit(B)28.How long does it _ them to finish the work?About three hours.Aget Btake Cneed Dmake(D)29.The _ girl can play the piano well.Aseven years old BsevenyearsoldCsevenyears old Dsevenyearold(D)30.There is no bridge over the river.How can we _ it?By boat.Adraw Bfind Cclean Dcross(D)31.What do you _ the story?Its funny.Atalk to Blook at Cplay with Dthink of(C)32.In my room,the bed is _ the table _ the sofa.Afrom;to Beither;orCbetween;and Dbecause;so(C)33._ is it from your home to school?Five kilometers.AHow much BHow oldCHow far DHow long(B)34.There are many _ and much _ on the table.Aapple;meat Bapples;meatCmeat;apple Dmeat;apples(B)35.I want to know _.Awhen does the train leave Bwhen the train leavesCwhen does the train leaves Dwhen the train leave六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计10分)Today is Saturday.Lily and her friend Maria want to _36_ to the science museum(博物馆)The museum is _37_ from their houses.They _38_ ride the bikes.Then they go to a _39_ and take a No. 65 bus.There are many students _40_ them on the bus.They all go to the museum.It takes _41_ one hour and a half to get there.The museum is very big.The two _42_ visit(参观) it from the first floor to the fourth._43_ five oclock,Lily and Maria _44_ the museum and go home.They are happy,_45_ they learn a lot in the museum.They want to tell their classmates to come,too.(C)36.A.walk Bride Cgo Dthink(A)37.A.far Bfree Cnext Dearly(B)38.A.also Bfirst Clast Donly(D)39.A.bike stop Bsubway stationCtrain station Dbus stop(C)40.A.about Bfor Clike Dto(A)41.A.them Bme Cus Dyou(C)42.A.boys Bsisters Cgirls Dbrothers(B)43.A.On BAt CTo DIn(D)44.A.see Bcome Chelp Dleave(A)45.A.because Bso Cor Dbut七、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共计20分)AI am Miko and I am from Japan.I am twelve years old.My home is far from my school.It is about 25 kilometers.So I usually take a train to my school in the morning.My friend Sena goes to school with me.The journey(旅程) takes us 25 minutes.Our first lesson starts at 8:15.I often leave my home at 7:25.Im Aram.I have a big family.I live with my grandparents,parents,sister and brother in Canada.Its about 10 kilometers from my home to school.It takes me about 20 minutes by bus.I go to school at 8:15 and my first class starts at 9:00.I like music and my dream is to buy a piano for myself.So I work at a supermarket (超市) every Sunday.The supermarket is about 6 kilometers away from my home.I usually go there by bike.The bike ride takes about 30 minutes.(B)46.How long does it take Miko from her home to school?A15 minutes. B25 minutes.C30 minutes. D45 minutes.(C)47.There are _ people in Arams family.Afive Bsix Cseven Deight(D)48.Aram goes to school _.Aby bike Bon foot Cby train Dby bus(D)49.Armas dream is to buy a _.Aguitar Bcar Cbike Dpiano(B)50.Which of the following is TRUE?AMiko goes to school with her sister.BMiko lives far from the school.CArams first class starts at 8:15 am.DAram works in a clothes store on Sunday.BYou can take the subway from Piccadilly Circus to Paddington Station.It takes fifteen minutes and costs (花费) $1.5.Then you can take a train from Paddington Station to Heathrow.It takes fifteen minutes and costs $12.There are four trains every hour.You can walk to Victoria Station (about thirty minutes),and take a bus to Heathrow.It costs $8,but its a little slow (慢)It takes about an hour.The buses leave at 3:00,4:00 and 5:00 in the afternoon.You can take a taxi (出租车)It takes about fortyfive minutes to get to Heathrow and costs $30.You can take the train from Piccadilly Circus to Heathrow.It costs $3.5,but the trains are very crowded (拥挤的) in the afternoon.It takes about fifty minutes.(C)51._ routes (路线) can take people to go to Heathrow.ATwo BThree CFour DFive(C)52.How long does it take from Piccadilly Circus to Heathrow by train?AAbout fifteen minutes. BAbout fortyfive minutes.CAbout fifty minutes. DAbout thirty minutes.(B)53._ takes the longest (最长的) time to Heathrow.ATaking the subway from Piccadilly CircusBTaking a bus from Victoria StationCTaking a taxiDTaking the train from Piccadilly Circus(D)54._ costs the least (最少) to Heathrow.ATaking the subway from Piccadilly CircusBTaking a bus from Victoria StationCTaking a taxiDTaking the train from Piccadilly Circus(B)55.Which is TRUE according to the passage?APiccadilly CircusPaddington StationHeathrowBPiccadilly CircusVictoria StationHeathrowCPiccadilly CircusPaddington StationHeathrowDPiccadilly CircusPaddington StationHeathrow八、词汇运用。(每小题1分,共计10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。56Can you drive (驾驶) a car,Jenny?57They live (居住) in a small village.58There is no bus stop/station (车站) near my home.59I think the story is true (真实的)60The river (河) is about 20 kilometers long.B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。61There are sixty minutes (minute) in an hour.62It takes us half an hour to_walk (walk) there.63Can you tell me where your father works (work)?64Its my dream to_have (have) a new computer.65There are five hundred (hundred) students in our school.九、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(每小题1分,共计10分)66我不想骑自行车去那儿。I dont want to go there by bike67你每天锻炼多少时间?How long do you exercise every day?68从我家到那儿开车要两个小时。It takes two hours to drive there from my home.69在教室和图书馆之间有一家超市。There is a supermarket between the classroom and the library.70我会尽最大的努力去实现我的梦想。I will do my best to make my dream come true十、情景交际。(每小题1分,共计5分)根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。A:Good morning,Linda!B:Good morning,Bill!71.Is_your_home_far_from_our_school/Is_it_far_from_your_home_to_our_school?A:Yes,its about 15 kilometers.B:Oh,its really far.72.How_do_you_get/go_to_school?A:I ride a bike to the subway station and then I take the subway.B:73.How_long_does_it_take_you_to_get_to_school?A:About an hour.B:Such a long time!74.When/What_time_do_you_get_up_in_the_morning?A:I get up at 6:10. 75.What/How_about_you?B:Oh,I usually get up at 7:10 because my home is near our school.十一、从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式完成短文。(每小题1分,共计10分)pi


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