2015-2016年外研版高中英语必修二Module-5作业题及答案解析6套Module 5 Period Four.doc_第1页
2015-2016年外研版高中英语必修二Module-5作业题及答案解析6套Module 5 Period Four.doc_第2页
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2015-2016年外研版高中英语必修二Module-5作业题及答案解析6套Module 5 Period Four.doc_第4页
2015-2016年外研版高中英语必修二Module-5作业题及答案解析6套Module 5 Period Four.doc_第5页




Period FourCultural Corner.语境填词1The Peoples Republic of China was _ (成立;建立) in 1949.2Films directed and _ (创作) by Zhang Yimou are well received at home and abroad.3The Sun,founded in 1964,is the most successful of the _ (流行的) newspapers in Britain.4The Times is the most famous of the _ (品质) newspaper.5London and New York are both _(金融的)centres.6He writes film _ (评论) for the Monthly Magazine every year.同义词辨析1用similar或familiar填空(1)Our cars are only _ in color.(2)We are all _ with Zhao Benshan.(3)New York is _ to Shanghai in some aspects.2用found,build或set up的适当形式填空(1)The school was _ in 1950.(2)The bridge is being _ now.(3)Theyve _ a sign.完成句子1作为一名学生,你必须集中精力学习。As a student,you must _ your study.2我的新衣服和你的那件相似。My new dress _ the one you have.3他受到学生的欢迎。He _ his students.4他不只是我的老师,也是我的朋友。He is _ my teacher.He is my friend.5我们走进去发现屋子里满是烟。We walked in to find _.单项填空1The building to which this one is _ was on fire last night.Athe same BsimilarCdifferent Dalike2With more of his mind _ on his lessons,the boy,who was once crazy about online games,is making rapid progress.Ais concentrated Bis concentratingCconcentrated Dconcentrating3The woman is known _ a singer and she is most known _ singing popular songs,which is known _ many young people.Ato;for;as Bas;for;toCfor;to;as Das;to;for4The final exam is coming.Youd better _ what youve learned.Areview BreplaceCrebuild Dremember5When was the new city _?Afound BfoundedCput up Dbuilt6With so many debts to pay back,the company was in serious _ difficulty.Afinancial BmoneyCillegal Deconomy7We _ the job _ five parts,and each man did one part.Adivided;into Bseparated;intoCdivided;from Dseparated;from8He stood at the beach,his eyes _ the ships and seagulls on the sea.Afixing at Bfixed uponCfix on Dto fix at9Computers cant completely _ humans.Ainstead Binstead ofCtake place of Dreplace10The government encourages developing industries in this area.Yes,and it has _ a good result;all the rural villagers have found jobs.Amade BleftCproduced Dturned.阅读理解In 1965,two American astronauts landed in the Atlantic Ocean.For the first time,people at home in America and Europe could watch on television as astronauts were picked up.A satellite called Early Bird made this program possible.Radio waves go out from the sending station in a straight line.Layers(层) in the atmosphere(大气) act_like_a_mirror for some of these waves.They bounce(反射) down from the layers and come back to earth.Television programs are carried on a different kind of radio wave.These waves do not bounce of the “mirror”They go straight through the layers into space.To send television programs around the world,they must be picked up by a satellite high in space and sent back.Early Bird is in an orbit 22,300 miles high.Because it travels with the earth,it seems to be standing still.It is always over the same place in the Atlantic Ocean.Television programs are sent up to Early Bird.It sends them to one third of the earth.Two other satellites like Early Bird are now in orbit(轨道)The three satellites can send television programs around the world.1From this passage we can see that Early Bird is the name of _.Aan English program Ba satelliteCa kind of radio wave Da station2From this passage we can see that _.AEarly Bird was the first satellite of its kind in historyBEarly Bird can be used only in the morningCEarly Bird picks up astronauts in the Atlantic OceanDEarly Bird is only used to send radio programs3The underlined phrase “act like a mirror” in the second paragraph refers to _.Awaves Bearth Clayers Dbounce4Why was Early Bird needed?AWe wanted to see how high a satellite would be.BWe needed a big mirror to study space.CWe wanted to send television programs around the world.DEarly Bird could take people to the moon.5Which of the following do you think is TRUE?AEarly Bird took the place of earlier satellites.BEarly Bird is part of a threesatellite team.CTelevision programs would not be possible without Early Bird.DThe astronauts would be in great danger without Early Bird.比较级的形式表示最高级的意义:比较级thanany other单数名词1China is larger than any other country in Asia.中国比亚洲任何别的国家都大。2She is taller than any other girl in her class.她比她班任何一个别的女孩都高。答案.1.duced3.popular4.quality5financial6.reviews.1.(1)similar(2)familiar(3)similar(1)similar相似,类似,常用于be similar to与相似;be similar in在某方面相似。(2)familiar熟悉的,常用于be familiar with对熟悉;be familiar to对来说是熟悉的。2(1)founded(2)built(3)set up(1)found包括build和establish的部分意义,既可指“建设”某物,也可指“创建”组织机构等。(2)build为普通用语,指房屋、道路等的“建造”,即把材料或部件装配建造起来。(3)set up意思是“树立,设立,建立”,着重于开始的含义,是一般用语。.1.concentrate on2.is similar to3.is popular with4.more than5.the room full of smoke.1.B本题考查词语的搭配。因为which前用了介词to,故选B项,即为短语be similar to.,表示“与相似”。the same不跟介词to连用;different应与from搭配。2C句意为:因为更多的精力放在功课上了,那个一度迷恋在网络游戏的男孩现在进步很快。with是介词不能跟从句,故A、B项被排除;但with可以跟复合宾语,宾语补足语的形式取决于与宾语的关系,精力是被集中的,故应选表示被动的过去分词。3B本题分别考查了be known之后跟as, for,to三个词组的区别。4A句意为:期末考试快到了,你最好复习一下你所学的东西。review复习,符合句意。replace代替;rebuild重建;remember记得;记住。5Bfound创建,建设。根据题意,B项为正确选项。6A根据前半句话“With so many debts to pay back”可以断定,公司陷入了“财政”困难,所以A项正确。7Ao意思为“把整体分成若干部分”。8B分析句子知his eyes和动词fix upon是动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动。9Dinstead为副词“代替;而是”;instead of为介词短语“代替;而不是”;take place of表达有误,take sb.s place或take the place of表示“代替”;replace表示“代替;取代”。10C句意为:政府鼓励在这一带地区发展工业。是的,而且这也带来了好的结果,乡下的村民都有了职业。pr


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