



居居居居 间间间间 合合合合 同同同同 Brokerage Contract 甲方 Party A 法定代表人 委托代理人 身份证 护照号码 Legal Representative Authorised Representative ID Passport NO 地址 Address 电话 Telephone 乙方 Party B 法定代表人 委托代理人 身份证 护照号码 Legal Representative Authorised Representative ID Passport NO 地址 Address 电话 Telephone 甲乙双方经友好协商 本着平等 自愿 诚实信用的原则 就甲方委托乙方代理 转让土地使用权之相关事宜达成如下协议 以资共同恪守遵行 According to the rules of equality voluntariness and good faith both parties of this contract agreed the following issues relating to Party A authorised Party B to find the buyer in the land use right transfer 第一条第一条第一条第一条 被转让地块情况概述 Clause 1 the outline of the transferred site 甲方委托乙方转让土地使用权之地块的基本情况如下 The basic situations of the site which Party A authorised Party B to transfer the land use right are the following 1 1 甲方为该地块的所有权人 土地所有权证号为 1 1 Party A is the landowner of the site the number of the land use right certificate is 1 2 该地块位于 1 2 the site is located in 1 3 该地块的面积为 1 3 the size of the site is 上述相关信息由甲方提供 甲方应保证相关信息的准确性 真实性 The aforesaid information is provided by Party A and Party A promised that all the information it provided is accurate and true 第二条第二条第二条第二条 签订本协议时 甲方须向乙方提供如下证件 证书等资料 企业法人营业 执照 法定代表人身份证明文件 授权委托书 法定代表人 委托代理人的身份证 护 照 土地使用权证书 土地使用权共有人同意出售的证明 Clause 2 Party A shall provide the following certificate and proof at the time of signing this contract Business licence legal representative certificate letter of authorisation ID card or passport of legal representative authorised person the certificate of land use right the statement of agreeing to sell the land use right from the co owner of the land use right 第第第第三三三三条条条条 佣金 Clause 3 Commission 甲乙双方同意 甲方应向乙方支付的佣金为土地使用权成交价格的 该佣金 在甲方与土地使用权受让人签订土地使用权转让合同的同时 由甲方一次性向乙方支 付 Both parties agree that Party A shall pay Party B of the transaction price of the deal as the commission Party A shall pay Party B the commission one time at the time of signing land use right transfer contract 为确定该地块的实际成交价格 甲方应当向乙方出示其与土地使用权受让人签订 的土地使用权转让合同 甲方拒绝出示土地使用权转让合同的 乙方有权按该交易的 评估价格向甲方收取佣金及违约金 To make sure the transaction price of the deal Party A shall show Party B the land use right transfer contract otherwise Party B can charge the commission and penalty costs according to the assessment of the price 第第第第四四四四条条条条 甲方义务 Clause 4 the responsibilities of Party A 甲方应保证其向乙方提供的资料的完整性 真实性 合法性 有效性 不存在任 何虚假 伪造情形 Party A promised that all the documents it provided to Party B are complete true legitimate and effective and there are no any false forged situation existed 在本协议签订之日起 甲方在中国境内与下行任何公司或实体签订任何与土地使 用权转让 租赁 合作 投资相关的协议 合同 都应当在协议签订后 向乙方按本合同 第三条的约定支付佣金 Started from the signing of this contract Party A shall pay Party B the commission according to clause 3 of this contract if Party A signed any contract agreement relating to land use right transfer lease cooperation investment with the following company or legal entity 1 有限公司或其任何关联公司 实体 包括但不限于子公司 分公 司 合作公司 1 or its relating company legal entity include but not limited to subsidiaries branches cooperative companies 2 或其任何关联公司 实体 包括但不限于子公司 分公司 合作公 司 2 or its relating company legal entity include but not limited to subsidiaries branches cooperative companies 第第第第五五五五条条条条 违约责任 Clause 5 The liabilities 甲方因向乙方提供不真实 不合法或无效的相关信息 资料给乙方及 和他人 包括但不限于土地使用权受让人 造成损失的 甲方应承担全部的赔偿责任 Party A shall take liabilities if the documents it provided to Party B are not true illegal or ineffective which makes Party B and other people include but not limited to the buyer of the land use right have loss 甲方私自与乙方介绍的土地使用权受让人订立合同的 应向乙方支付违约金 按 应当支付的佣金的 20 计 并支付相应的佣金 If Party A signed the land use right transfer contract privately with the buyer introduced by Party B Party A shall pay the penalty costs 20 of the commission shall be paid and the commission to Party B 本合同第三条约定的佣金应当在甲方与土地使用权受让人签订土地使用权转让合 同的同时支付给乙方 逾期未支付的 甲方除支付佣金外 还需向乙方支付相当于全 部佣金 的款项作为违约金 Party A shall pay the commission to Party B at the time of signing contract with the buyer If Party A did not pay the commission on time it shall pay Party B of the commission as the penalty costs 第第第第六六六六条条条条 本合同为不可撤销的合同 Clause 6 This contract is an irrevocable contract 第第第第七七七七条条条条 本合同如有未尽事宜 双方可另行协商达成补充协议 补充协议为本合同 不可分割的一部分 具有同等法律效力 Clause 7 Both parties will sign the supplementary contract if there is any more issues need to be discussed The supplementary contract is an integral part of this contract and has the same legal effect 第第第第八八八八条条条条 本协议在履行过程中 如发生争议 协议双方应首先本着友好协商的方式 解决 协商不成 任何一方均可按本合同约定向深圳国际仲裁院申请仲裁进行解决 Clause 8 If there is any dispute happens both parties shall negotiate with each other first Afterwards any party can apply for an arbitration to Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration 第第第第九九九九条条条条 本合同及补充协议均采用中英文双语文本 自甲乙双方签字 盖章之日起 生效 Clause 9 this contract and the supplementary contract shall be bilingual version It will be effected at the date of signing and chopped 第第第第九九九九条条条条 本合同一式两份 甲乙双方各执一份 具有同等法律效力 Clause 10 this contract has two copies Both party


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