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2015届高考英语二轮专题训练精华:单项选择(23)1.even though mark has lived in china for many years, he still cant himself to the chinese customs.a. adoptb. accountc. adaptd. accept答案:c解析:句意:尽管马克在中国生活了很多年,但他仍然不习惯中国的习俗。adapt to “适应”。2.we ran all the way to the cinema, arriving there quite out of .a.mindb.breathc.sightd.reach答案:b解析:句意:我们一路跑到电影院, 到达那里时已经上气不接下气 (out of breath) 了。out of mind “心不在焉”;out of sight “看不见”;out of reach “够不到”。3.what have you been doing today?oh, special,just hanging around.a.everythingb.somethingc.nothingd.anything答案:c解析:句意:今天你都干了什么?哦,没什么特别的,只是闲逛。句中的“just hanging around”表明答话人没有做什么特别的事情,故选nothing。4.the fall in prices will be beneficial small businesses.a.tob.fromc.ond.for答案:a解析:句意:物价下跌将对小型企业有利。be beneficial to.“对有好处/有益”。5.the boy was reported to since the earthquake hit the area.a.have been lostb.have got lostc.be lostd.get lost答案:a解析:句意:有消息报道这个男孩自地震发生后就失踪了。因为有since, 故需用动词不定式的完成式,而get lost表示短暂的动作,此处需要一个表示状态的选项,故选a项。6.the disaster is so serious that the people there really have a lot of difficulty with their lives.a.with goingb.to go onc.going ond.in going答案:c解析:句意:这一灾难如此严重,以至于那里的人们生存下去都有很大的困难。此题考查have difficulty (in) doing sth.结构。7.jane from the company and moved to her hometown to set up her own business.a.returnedb.resignedc.escapedd.learned答案:b解析:句意:简从公司辞职搬到她的家乡开始创业。return “返回”;resign “辞职”;escape “逃跑”;learn “学习”。8.when did he leave the classroom?he left you turned back to write on the blackboard.a.the timeb.the distancec.the minuted.the place答案:c解析:句意:他什么时候离开的教室?你转身在黑板上写字时他就离开了。四个选项中只有the minute可以充当连词,引导从句。9.are you getting a new car this year?you must be joking!i cant afford to pay my bills, buy a new car.a.let aloneb.or ratherc.leave aloned.other than答案:a解析:句意:你今年要买新车吗?开玩笑吧!我连账单都付不起,更别提买辆新车了。let alone“更不用说,更别提”;or rather“更确切地说”;leave alone“不管;让一个人待着”;other than“除了”。10.after winning the singing competition,she thought herself in her neighborhood.a.someoneb.nonec.anyoned.everyone答案:a解析:句意:自从赢得了那场歌唱比赛以后,她就觉得自己在附近算是个人物了。someone在此处表示“重要人物”。11.the classroom is crowded with children have poor eyesight,all of interested in painting.a.who;whomb.that;whomc.who;themd.that;who答案:c解析:考查定语从句和独立主格。句意:教室中挤满了视力不好的孩子,他们都对绘画感兴趣。“who have poor eyesight”是定语从句,修饰先行词children。“all of them interested in painting”是独立主格结构。12.her husbands birthday is coming.after a long thought,she plans to buy a wallet for him.a.black leather smallb.small black leatherc.small leather blackd.black small leather答案:b解析:句意:她丈夫的生日快要到了。经过长时间考虑,她打算为他买个黑色的小皮夹。根据多个形容词作定语修饰同一个名词的排列的顺序“大小长短颜色材料”,可知b项正确。13.he liked lu xuns works so much that he his own work and translated it into english.a.gave offb.turned downc.took overd.set aside答案:d解析:give off “发出, 放出 (光、热、气体等) ”;turn down “拒绝, 调低 (声音) ”;take over “接管, 接任”;set aside “置于一边, 留作用, 对某事置之不理”。由句意可知, 应选d项。14.out of for the homeless children, he gave them shelter for the night.a.miseryb.shamec.sympathyd.sadness答案:c解析:句意:出于对无家可归的孩子们的同情, 他给他们提供了住处过夜。out of sympathy for 是固定短语, 意为 “出于对的同情”, 符合句意。misery “痛苦,难受”;shame “可惜, 羞愧”;sadness “悲伤”。a、b、d三项皆不符合句意, 故选c项。15.in part of china, some people still have difficulty gaining to social services.a.approachb.helpc.accessd.benefit答案:c解析:句意:在中国的部分地区, 一些人仍难以得到社会服务。gain access to表示 “得到的权利或方法”。16.china has been pushing the reform of public hospitals all its citizens.a.in charge ofb.for the purpose ofc.in honor ofd.for the benefit of答案:d解析:考查介词短语。in charge of“掌管,负责”;for the purpose of“为了目的”;in honor of“为了纪念”;for the benefit of“为了的利益”。句意:为了所有公民的利益,中国一直在推动公立医院的改革。根据句意可知d项意思最符合。17.i hope i will not be called on in class as im not yet prepared.a.readilyb.activelyc.adequatelyd.attentively答案:c解析:考查副词词义辨析。adequately“充分地”。句意:我希望在课堂上别被叫起来回答问题,因为我准备不充分。readily“乐意地”;actively“积极地”;attentively“注意地”。故c项正确。18.the president was so young that he was even to some of his employees.a.seniorb.juniorc.superiord.inferior答案:b解析:句意:总裁如此年轻,他甚至比他的一些雇员还小。be junior to sb.“比某人年轻的(地位低的,资历浅的)”;be senior to sb.“比某人年长的(地位高的、资历深的)”;be superior to sb.“比某人优秀的”;be inferior to sb.“比某人差的”。19.wang fang when she heard a noise behind her but found nothing.a.turned againstb.turned onc.turned aroundd.turned out答案:c解析:考查动词词组。turn around“转身”;turn against“背叛”;turn on“打开”;turn out“证明是,生产”。根据句意“当她听到声音时转身”可知c项正确


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