GB50630-2010 有色金属工程设计防火规范_第1页
GB50630-2010 有色金属工程设计防火规范_第2页
GB50630-2010 有色金属工程设计防火规范_第3页
GB50630-2010 有色金属工程设计防火规范_第4页
GB50630-2010 有色金属工程设计防火规范_第5页
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I Code for design on fire prevention of nonferrous metals engineering P P PPPPPPPPPPPPP wr kNw g rrw m w k ro a m i w n n f i n n n n n n n n f i n f i f i f i h f i n n n n n NNNEUNEUNrwwCwwrw wwwwVVVVwVVwwVwVVVwVVwwV 6 Emergency evacuation and building construction a 2 5 Appendix A Checking computation for fire resistant stability 6 1 Emergency evacuation 2 5 of steel columns near emergency pit of 6 2 Building construction 2 6 non ferrous metal smelting furnace 5 2 6 3 Anti explosion in plant buildings warehouse 2 7 Explanation of Wording in this code 6 2 7 Fire fighting in water supply and drainage and extinguishing i t of quoted standards 6 3 facilities 2 9 Addition Explanation of provisions 6 5 7 1 General requirement 2 9 7 2 Outdoor fire water supply in plant area 3 0 7 3 Indoor fire water supply 3 0 7 4 Mine fire water supply 3 2 7 5 Establishment of Automatic exting iishing system 3 3 7 6 Fire water pond fire water tank and fire water pump house 36 7 7 Fire water drainage 3 7 8 Heating Ventilation Dust removal and airconditioning 3 8 8 1 General requirement u 3 8 8 a 2 Heating 3 8 8 3 Ventilation 3 9 8 4 Dust removal a M 4 0 8 5 Air conditioning a s 4 1 9 Automatic fire alarm system 4 2 10 power Supply 4 4 10 1 Power supply and distribution for fire prevention 4 4 10 2 Power transformation distribution system 4 4 10 a 3 Cable and cable layidg 4 6 10 4 Lightning and electrostatic prevention 4 9 10 5 Emergency lighting and evacuation indication sign for fire 5 1 2 0 1 It 3 B A af o 2 0 8 RmA B open building Stb X m P T lhgW w a I 1 B Y Y H e 7 a p o m R r A T s m w p a 3 Z W B s g S H C x o c M P 6 a s a a g S 3 8 S S M M R M X a 4 3 P P P P P P w w m o o m W N I P O N c D f f t a r O N c N PPPPPW P P W N O U W P P P P P P r 3 w m a m I P o C n m W N U I Cn cP m C I w W u 0 a PWWWWW II o w m a c n I N UI O 4 m N m Q 0 o o u m P r u c n r m m m N U PBB R IGB 50041 U Ja Ah TB itARlGB 50049 UAh T tft ik iIGB 50229 UB cB 50293 pf J GB 50061 UI s H G M j N q a r k 3 B F B 4 H x s g3ii K Bwp iatg p StG FI B W Y B P c


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