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关 键 词:
工业绞肉机设计 工业 绞肉机 设计


扬州大学广陵学院毕业设计(论文)前期工作材料学生姓名: 张艾刚 学号: 100007142 系 部: 机械电子工程系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 设计(论文)题目: 数码相机面壳模具设计 指导老师: 高 征 兵 材 料 目 录序号名 称数量备注1毕业设计(论文)选题、审题表12毕业设计(论文)任务书13毕业设计(论文)实习调研报告14毕业设计(论文)开题报告(含文献综述)15毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译(含原文)16毕业设计(论文)中期检查表1 2014年 2 月 17 日注:毕业设计(论文)中期检查工作结束后,请将该封面与目录中各材料合订成册,并统一存放在“毕业设计(论文)资料袋中(打印件一律用A4纸型)。扬州大学广陵学院毕业设计选题、审题表学 院广陵学院选 题教 师姓名高征兵专 业机械设计制造及其自动化专业技术职务讲师申报课题名称数码相机面壳模具设计 课题性质课题来源ABCD课题简介了解注塑模具,对模具的结构认识,使用现代CAD、CAM技术设计 模具。设计(论文)要 求(包括应具备的条件)1、实习报告2、毕业设计(论文)开题报告3、外文翻译4、设计塑料模具三维造型、模具型腔、模架 5、毕业设计(论文)说明书课题预计工作量大小大适中小课题预计难易程度难一般易所在专业审定意见:负责人(签名):年 月 日院主管领导意见: 签名: 年 月 日说明:1、该表作为本科学生毕业设计(论文)课题申报时专用,由选题教师填写,经所在专业有关人员讨论,负责人签名后生效;2、有关内容的填写见背面的填表说明,并在表中相应栏打“”课题一旦被学生选定,此表须放在“毕业设计(论文)资料袋”中存档。扬州大学广陵学院毕业设计(论文)任务书系 部: 机械电子工程系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名: 张艾刚 学号: 100007142 毕业(论文)题目: 数码相机面壳模具设计 起 迄 日 期: 2014-02-17 2014-06-01 设计(论文)地点: 指 导 老 师: 高 征 兵 专 业 负 责 人: 发任务书日期: 2014 年 2 月17 日毕业设计(论文)任务书1、本毕业设计(论文)课题应达到的目的:(1) 获取、分析有关注塑模的资料和信息;(2) 综述相关资料的内容主旨,写成文献综述;(3) 学习与本专业及课题相关的外文资料,并将其翻译成中文;(4) 了解软件Pro/ENGINEER的模具设计流程;(5) 综合运用专业理论知识,分析解决数码相机面壳模具实际设计问题;整理设计过程,撰写设计说明书、论文。2、本毕业设计(论文)课题任务的内容和要求(包括原始数据、技术要求、工作要求等):1、本课题应完成的主要内容有:相机面壳三维造型;由三维模型设计出上下模;设计模具整体结构;生成上下模及部分模架构件的工程图。2、根据毕业设计(论文)中学生所选课题的不同,应达到以下基本要求:(1)培养学生的工程设计能力,主要包括设计、计算及绘图能力;(2)培养学生初步的科学研究能力,主要包括实验、测试、数据处理及分析能力, 初步掌握科学研究的基本方法;(3)培养学生创新能力和创新精神。3、该课题应达到的要求:(1) 合理选择模具结构,使模具制造工艺良好,造价便宜;(2) 充分利用塑料成型优良的特点,尽量减少后加工;(3) 模具能高效优质安全可靠的生产,且模具使用寿命长。4、知识要求: 模具设计技术 软件Pro/ENGINEER、AutoCAD、MasterCAM毕业设计(论文)任务书3、对本毕业设计(论文)课题成果的要求(包括毕业设计论文、图表、实物样品等):1、 查阅文献(含教师推荐文献)15篇以上,并有不少于5000字的外文资料译文;2、 开题报告:包括工作任务分析、调研报告或文献综述、方案拟定与分析以及实施计划等;3、 文摘要在300字以内,外文摘要在250个实词以内;4、 相机面壳三维造型;由三维模型设计出上下模; 设计模具整体结构;生成上下模及部分模架构件的工程图;工程设计类课题:设计工程图纸折算后总量应不少于3张AO号图纸,设计说明书一般不少于一万字。4、主要参考文献: 1 张鲁阳.以工程思维为主线组织教学内容.再谈模具专业材料学课程改革J.机械工业高教研究 2001.72 陈志刚.塑料模具设计M.北京 机械工业出版社 2002.3 吴兆祥.模具材料及表面处理M.北京 机械工业出版社 2003.4 屈华昌塑料成型工艺与模具设计北京机械工业出版社20035 李德群.唐志玉中国模具设计大典江西科学技术出版社200316 塑料模设计手册编写组塑料模设计手册北京机械工业出版社19821237 姜勇AutoCAD2006基础培训教程人民邮电出版社200638 伍先明等编著塑料模具设计指导M国防工业出版社,2006 9 邹强主编塑料模具设计参考资料汇编M清华大学出版社, 200510 邹玉堂编著Pro/ENGINEER实用教程M机械工业出版社,200511 杨占尧 自柳主编塑料模具典型结构设计实例化工公业出版社,200812 申开智主编.塑料成型模具(第二版) 中国轻工业出版社 200913 丁 浩主编. 塑料加工基础 上海科技出版社 199814 李秦蕊主编.塑料模具设计 西安工业大学出版社 1997 15 黄毅弘主编.模具制造工艺 机械工业出版社 1996毕业设计(论文)任务书5、本毕业设计(论文)课题工作进度计划起止日期工 作 内 容第13周了解相关知识、完成实习调研,作开题报告第4、5周完成模具结构设计,包括凸凹模具、模架的三维造型第6、7周完成相关的零件图、装配图。中期检查第810周撰写毕业设计说明书第11、12周完善相关资料、答辩所在专业审核意见:负责人: 年 月 日学院意见:院长:年 月 日实习报告 转眼间我的大学生活就进入了尾声,有种时间在不经意间被偷走的感觉。对于大学生涯的最后一学期我选择了一件很有意义的事情,那就是找了一份机械设计的实习工作。因为我觉得在校园里学习的书本上的知识如果没有加以实践的话就相当于纸上谈兵,到了社会上还是一窍不通。所以我决定早些进入社会,早些成长起来。 在最近的俩个月里我一直都在投简历面试,然后在今年的2月份我接到了一个面试邀请,自从我走进公司的大门的时候我就下决心要留在这所公司,后来终于得偿所愿,我顺利的进入了卡尔迈耶中国有限公司。卡尔迈耶公司是由卡尔迈耶先生在1937年创立于德国奥博茨豪森。10年后开始生产特里科机器,成功故事由此展开。如今,这家德国家族企业引领着世界经编行业,同时还在纺织世界中给经编和机织的整经设备设立了基础。70多年的时间里,卡尔迈耶在发展变革中不断前进,集团凭借着全球化的思路、领先的技术和敏锐的洞察力,在世界各地设立公司和办事处,在国际市场上取得了成功。 卡尔迈耶(中国)有限公司,成立于2005年12月,是由德国卡尔迈耶控股公司投资成立的一家外商独资企业。公司座落于江苏省常州市武进区高新技术产业开发区南区,是常武地区重点外资企业、武进高新区的明星企业。公司总投资5600万美元,注册资金2000万美元,占地262亩。卡尔迈耶是世界上最大的经编机械制造商,而卡尔迈耶(中国)有限公司是其在东南亚乃至世界的重要生产基地。公司主营生产新型纺织机械(经编机、整经机等)。产品在世界经编行业的市场占有率达到78%以上,公司成为全球纺织机械领域的领导者,公司生产的经编产品已广泛用于窗帘、花边、汽车装饰、休闲和运动服饰等领域,由经编生产的复合材料在国际上成功地应用于汽车、船舶、航天航空、医疗领域,产品覆盖全球。 进入公司的第一天,公司对我们一批新人做了安全教育和以及实习过程中可能遇到的一些安全隐患,对于任何机械厂来说安全乃是重中之重啊!后来由我们单位的经理把我领到工作岗位上,经理给我看了一些公司主要生产的机型信息,比如我们办公室就主要负责整经机的项目设计。然后经理让我先熟悉下绘图软件,打开电脑时我就懵了,我根本没用过CATIA啊!而且它是英文版的上手也比较困难,忽然就有种感觉为啥我在校园里从没碰过这软件呢?难道校园里学习的真的一点用处都没有吗?带着疑惑细心摸索着软件的使用方法。 第二天我对公司的车间做了个简单的参观,因为我所在的是准备设备设计部,所以旁边有个整经机的装配车间,这一天我学到了许多关于整经方面的知识。原来纺织业必须要有整经这个环节,就是纱线要通过整经机进行处理,这样可以使纱线减少杂线变得有韧性有强度。整经机有的规模相当巨大,整个机器都可以有一间屋子那么大了。所以装配的规模也比较庞大。后来开始了正在的工作,前期经理主要是让我做一些图纸的核对工作,就是将电脑本地的图纸跟SAP中的进行校核,开始呢我觉得这工作挺无聊的每天都做同样的事情很乏味。慢慢的我发现这些图纸中有很多我看不懂的东西,然后我就去问我的同事,不知不觉中我居然对图纸很熟悉了。这忽然让我感觉到充实了许多。后来经理就开始让我绘画一些零件,渐渐地我居然很熟悉CATIA了,无论3维造型还是2维出图都变得很容易,这就是熟能生巧吧!不知不觉的都一个多月过去了,我看了很多,听了很多,做了很多,当然也懂了很多。在这里,我比较全面地了解机械加工及相关典型零件的生产技术过程。初步了解典型的机电一体化产品和设备的生产过程、培养了收集资料的能力及提高分析问题的能力,使我更好地学习、掌握机械工程专业知识。在实习中也感到了生活的充实和学习的快乐,以及获得知识的满足。真正的接触了社会,使我消除了走向社会的恐惧心里,让我对未来充满了信心,以良好的心态去面对社会。同时,也让我们体验到了工作的艰辛,了解了当前社会大学生所面临的严峻问题,促使自己努力学习更多的知识,为自己今后的工作奠定良好的基础。通过这次实习我知道生活的艰辛和工作的乐趣,同时让我感受到自己理论知识的不足,在机械加工这一方面我还有很多不了解的地方,在以后学习中要加强专业课的学习,并且要意识到理论联系实际的重要性.在今后是生活和学习中我会更加努力。这样的学习使我的脑海中对机械有一个大体的轮廓,让一个个零件的加工都在我的眼前运作.突然感觉古人的那句纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行颇有道理.我相信有了这些实践的感性认识,我们以后必能更有针对性地学习理论知识 工作中我发现做任何事不能单蛮干,应合理应用各类常识来解决问题,同时也要注重团队合作。任何一个厂都有一套严酷慎密的出产系统,在系统中每个环节都是紧紧相扣,每个环节的工作人员都应该严酷遵守规章轨制。年青不是用来挥霍的,而是我们拼搏的成本。我不想无所作为终了今生。我想有个幸福的家庭和人生。所以我会一向朝着我的方针走去。连结一颗乐不美观宽年夜旷达,积极进取的心,对糊口布满但愿,相信“苍天不负有心人”。 我觉得吧!现在的这份实习工作教会了我许多东西,在实习过程中我对机械设计制造及其自动化全过程有了一个完整的感性的认识,学习到了许多设计思维啊,加工工艺啊!我认为这次实习将是我走向社会舞台的一个跳板,有了这次经历我一定可以在机械行业有所建树。扬州大学广陵学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告 学 生 姓 名: 张艾刚 学号: 100007142 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 设计(论文)题目: 数码相机面壳模具设计 指 导 老 师: 高 征 兵 2014年 4 月 06 日毕业设计(论文)开题报告1、结合毕业设计(论文)课题情况,根据所查阅的文献资料,每人撰写2000字左右的文献综述:文 献 综 述 一 选题的依据及意义随着社会经济的发展,人们对工业产品的种类、数量、质量及款式都有越来越高的要求,而对于本次设计的课题注塑模具的设计,模具作为一种高附加值和技术密集型产品,其技术水平的高低已经是衡量一个国家制作业水平高低的重要标志之一,模具产业的兴衰将对人们的生活起到巨大的影响作用,由于模具成形具有优质、高产、省料和低成本等特点,现已在国名经济各个部门,特别是汽车、航空航天、仪器仪表、机械制造、家用电器、石油化工、轻工日用品等工业部门得到极其广泛的应用。据统计,利用模具制造的零件,在飞机、汽车、拖拉机、电机电器、仪器仪表等机电产品中占60%70%;在电视机、录音机、计算机等电子产品中占80%以上;在自行车、手表、洗衣机、电冰箱、电风扇等轻工业产品中占85%以上。此次的设计将涉及一些二维及三维软件软件的应用,如Pro_E、AutoCad 、MasterCAM等,以及相关软件的应用。通过本次设计可以使我掌握注射模的模具结构机构的设计,培养自己综合运用所学基础和专业基本理论、基本方法分析和解决测量与控制及其它相关工程实际问题的能力,同时在独立思考、独立工作能力方面获得培养和提高。因此本次设计将对我的许多方面能力都得到锻炼,并且可以熟悉许多模具方面的知识,这将对我以后的工作生涯起了良好的铺垫作用。二 文献综述1. 国内研究现状及发展趋势我国在注塑模CAD技术开发研究与应用方面起步较晚。从20世纪80年代中期开始,国内部分大中型企业先后引进了一些国外知名度较高的注塑模CAD系统。同时,某些高等学校和科研院所也开始了注塑模CAD系统的研制与开发工作,我国注塑模CAD/CAE/CAM研究始于07年代末,发展较为迅速多年来,我国对注塑模设计制造技术及其CAD的开发应用十分重视,在“八五”期间,由北京航空航天大学、华中理工大学、四川联合大学等单位联合进行了国家重点科技攻关课题“注塑模CAD/CAE/CAM集成系统”,并于1996年通过鉴定,部分成果己投入实际应用,使我国的注塑模CAD/CAE/CAM研究和应用水平有了较大提高.目前拥有自主版权的软件有,华中理工大学开发的塑料注塑模CAD/CAE/CAM系统HscZ0,郑州工业大学研制的2一MOLD分析软件等.这些软件正在一些模具企业中推广和使用,有待在试用中逐步完善。这些项目的成果对促进我国注塑模CAD技术的迅速发展起了重要作用,使我国注塑模CAD技术及应用水平很快提高。目前,我国经济仍处于高速发展阶段。一方面,国内模具市场将继续高速发展,另一方面,模具制造也逐渐向我国转移以及跨国集团到我国进行模具采购趋向也十分明显。因此,放眼未来,模具技术的发展趋势主要是模具产品向着更大型、更精密、更复杂及更经济的方向发展,模具产品的技术含量不断提高,模具制造周期不断缩短,模具生产朝着信息化、无图化、精细化、自动化的方向发展,模具企业向着技术集成化、设备精良化、产批品牌化、管理信息化、经营国际化的方向发展。2国外的研究状况及发展趋势国内外模具的发展现状,在电子,汽车,点击,电器,仪器,仪表,家电和通讯等产品中,60%70%的零部件都要依靠模具成型,目前全世界模具年产值为600亿美元,日本,美国等发达国家的模具工业产值已超过机床工业。近年来,我国模具工业一直以每年15%左右的增长速度发展,2003年,我国模具总产值超过400亿人民币,所以说,没有模具就没有高质量的产品。用模具加工的零件,就有生产率高,质量好,节约材料,成本底等一系列优点,因此已成为现代工业生产的重要手段和工艺发展方向,因此,模具技术特别市制造精密,复杂,大型模具的技术,已成为衡量一个国家机械制造水平的重要标志之一,虽然我国的模具制造历史不长,但我国仅仅用了30年的时间走完未来外国90年历程。相对来说我国的潜力更大,模具制造的发展空间更大,从模具制造地的分布来看,我国的沿海地方如广东的深圳,东莞,浙江的黄岩一带模具制造业发展的很快,成为了中国大陆模具制造业的领头羊。相对于过去落后的模具手工业制造,现在的模具制造趋向机械化,批量化,标准化,这样对模具加工设备性能的要求更高,设备的操作人员专业化,模具设计师的能力要求更高。 3.现代模具主要往以下几个方向发展。(1)采用数控(NC)和计算机控制(CNC)等高效自动化设备,在加工模具的车,铣,镗,磨等各类机床上都附件了一套读数显示装置,包括一个传感器和一个数字显示器,别有公英制转换开关。一般模具厂主要设备中NC,CNC设备已经占到20%30%,生产效率可以提高30%50%。(2)气体辅助注射成型,气体辅助注射成型正在欧美,日本甚至韩国等地广泛推广,这项技术进入我国只有几年时间,但从理论研究和部分实际应用证明,气体辅助成型技术与传统注射技术相比,具有很大的优越性。(3)发展电加工技术,用于加工复杂形状和硬质材料木,国外一般采用多电极加工,常用45电极加工一个型腔,以保证尺寸精度和表面粗糙度,线切割加工应用慢走丝,钢丝切割,不重复使用等新技术,使加工精度达到微米级别。(4)推广热流道技术,由于采用热流道技术的模具可以提高锻件的生产率和质量,并能大幅度节省制件的原材料和节约能源,所以这项技术已经在塑料模具行业获得广泛应用,国外热流道技术发展很快,许多塑料模具生产厂生产的模具已有一半以上使用热流道技术,有的甚至超过了80%,效果十分明显,果味近几年累已开始推广应用,但总体还打不到10%,个别企业已达到30%左右,经济效益十分明显。(5)计算机集成制造及管理系统(CIMC),机床的加工指令可由计算机的后置处理软件自动编程后,由计算机中心通过接口直接输入机床进行加工(DNC技术)。进一步发展柔性加工系统(FMS),从而形成,制品设计模具设计模具制造检测制品生产检测包装 的完整过程的CIMS系统。(6)在模具设计制造过程中将全面推广CAD/CAM/CAE技术(7)设计人员普遍使用三维软件设计,如Pro/E,UG等设计产品和模具,利用计算机来模拟开合模,更好地节约时间和成本。三 综述塑料模具设计的内容牵涉到很多方面,在设计模具的过程中必须根据具体情况综合考虑,突出重点,只有按科学合理的模具设计程序与设计方法进行设计,才能设计制造出高水平,高质量的模具。总之,随着模具技术的迅速发展及机械各类产品的多样化、复杂化,模具应用的广度和深度将不断向纵深发展,模具需求增长速度将继续高于国民经济总体发展的速度,供小于求的被动状态将大有改变。因些,在模具设计及制造中,采用新技术、新工艺、新设备可持续发展模具工业,更将成为所有企业得以占据市场制高点的必由之路。 毕业设计(论文)开题报告2、本课题要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的研究手段(途径): 一、本课题需要研究或解决的问题: 二、研究手段(途径)(一)、相机面壳三维造型应用Pro/E中拉伸、拔模、倒圆角、抽壳、边界混合等相关命令生成的相机面壳,如下右图所示。(二)、模具设计 1、上、下模的设计(1)确定塑件在模具中的成型位置及分型面和型腔数量,选择设计浇注 位置(2)在Pro/E中进行型腔设计创建模具模型(倒入参照模型创建工件);设置收缩率并查看收缩信息;(3)用分型面工具设计分型面;利用分型面,通过模具体积块命令将工件分割为凹凸模体积;(4)使用模具元件,将凹凸模体积转换为凹凸模;(5)用特征设计浇注系统(特征型腔组件);(6)利用铸模进行材料填充,以创建成型件; (7)利用模具进料孔,来模拟开模的操作; 2、模架的选用(三)、模架的设计(四)注射机选用后基本参数的校核(五)出图 毕业设计(论文)开题报告指导教师意见:1、对“文献综述”的评语:2、对本课题的深度、广度及工作量的意见和对设计(论文)结果的预测:指导老师: 年 月 日所在专业审查意见:负责人: 年 月 日扬州大学广陵学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系 部: 机械电子工程系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 张艾刚 学 号: 100007142 外 文 出 处: dvanced English literacy course (用外文写) 附 件: 指导老师评语签名: 年 月 日第一篇译文(中文)2.3注射模2.3.1注射模塑 注塑主要用于热塑性制件的生产,它也是最古老的塑料成型方式之一。目前,注塑占所有塑料树脂消费的30%。典型的注塑产品主要有杯子器具、容器、机架、工具手柄、旋钮(球形捏手)、电器和通讯部件(如电话接收器),玩具和铅管制造装置。聚合物熔体因其较高的分子质量而具有很高的粘性;它们不能像金属一样在重力流的作用下直接被倒入模具中,而是需要在高压的作用下强行注入模具中。因此当一个金属铸件的机械性能主要由模壁热传递的速率决定,这决定了最终铸件的晶粒度和纤维取向,也决定了注塑时熔体注入时的高压产生强大的剪切力是物料中分子取向的主要决定力量。由此所知,成品的机械性能主要受注射条件和在模具中的冷却条件影响。注塑已经被应用于热塑性塑料和热固性塑料、泡沫部分,而且也已经被改良用于生产反应注塑过程,在此过程中,一个热固树脂系统的两个组成部分在模具中同时被注射填充,然后迅速聚合。然而大多数注塑被用热塑性塑料上,接下来的讨论就集中在这样的模具上。典型的注塑周期或流程包括五个阶段(见图2-1):(1)注射或模具填充;(2)填充或压紧;(3)定型;(4)冷却;(5)零件顶出。 图2-1 注塑流程塑料芯块(或粉末)被装入进料斗,穿过一条在注射料筒中通过旋转螺杆的作用下塑料芯块(或粉末)被向前推进的通道。螺杆的旋转迫使这些芯块在高压下对抗使它们受热融化的料筒加热壁。加热温度在265至500华氏度之间。随着压力增强,旋转螺杆被推向后压直到积累了足够的塑料能够发射。注射活塞迫使熔融塑料从料筒,通过喷嘴、浇口和流道系统,最后进入模具型腔。在注塑过程中,模具型腔被完全充满。当塑料接触冰冷的模具表面,便迅速固化形成表层。由于型芯还处于熔融状态,塑料流经型芯来完成模具的填充。典型地,在注塑过程中模具型腔被填充至95%98%。然后模具成型过程将进行至压紧阶段。当模具型腔充满的时候,熔融的塑料便开始冷却。由于塑料冷却过程中会收缩,这增加了收缩痕、气空、尺寸不稳定性等瑕疵。为了弥补收缩,额外的塑料就要被压入型腔。型腔一旦被填充,作用于使物料熔化的压力就会阻止模具型腔中的熔融塑料由模具型腔浇口处回流。压力一直作用到模具型腔浇口固化。这个过程可以分为两步(压紧和定型),或者一步完成(定型或者第二阶段)。在压紧过程中,熔化物通过补偿收缩的保压压力来进入型腔。固化成型过程中,压力仅仅是为了阻止聚合物熔化物逆流。固化成型阶段完成之后,冷却阶段便开始了。在这个阶段中,部件在模具中停留某一规定时间。冷却阶段的时间长短主要取决于材料特性和部件的厚度。典型地,部件的温度必须冷却到物料的喷出温度以下。冷却部件时,机器将熔化物塑炼以供下一个周期使用。高聚物受剪切作用和电热丝的能量情况影响。一旦喷射成功,塑炼过程便停止了。这是在冷却阶段结束之前瞬间发生的。然后模具打开,部件便生产出来了。2.3.2注塑模具注塑模具与它们的生产出来的产品一样,在设计、精密度和尺寸方面各不相同。热塑性模具的功能主要是把可塑性聚合物制成人们想要的形状,然后再将模制部件冷却。模具主要由两个部件组成:(1)型腔和型芯,(2)固定型腔和型芯的底座。模制品的尺寸和重量限制了模具型腔的数量,同时也决定了所需设备的能力。从模具成型过程考虑,模具设计时要能安全合模、注射、脱模的作用力。此外,浇口和流道的设计必须允许有效的流动以及模具型腔均匀填充。图2-2举例说明了典型注射模具中的部件。模具主要由两部分组成:固定部分(型腔固定板),熔化的聚合物被注入的旁边;在注塑设备结尾或排出旁边的瓣合(中心板)部分。模具这两部分之间的分隔线叫做分型线。注射材料通过一条叫做浇口的中心进料通道被转运。浇口位于浇口轴套的上面,它逐渐缩小(锥形)是为了促进模具打开时浇注材料的释放。在多型腔模具中,主流道将高分子聚合熔化物提供到流道系统中,流道系统通过浇口流入每个模具型腔。中心板支撑主型芯。主型芯的用途是确立部件的内部结构。中心板有一个支持或支撑板。支撑板反过来被背对注塑模顶杆空间的U型结构的柱子支撑,注塑模顶杆空间由背面的压板和垫块组成。被固定在中心板上的U型结构,为也被叫做脱模行程的顶出行程提供了空间。在固化的过程中,部件从主型芯周围收缩以至于当模具打开的时候,部件和浇口随着瓣合机构一起被带出来。接着,中央的起模杆被激活,引起脱模板向前移动以至于顶杆能够推动部件离开型芯。带有冷却通道的上下模被提供,冷却通道通过冷却水循环流通来吸收热塑性高分子聚合熔融物传递给模具的热量。模具型腔也包含好的通风口(对于5毫米而言,通风口应该为0.02到0.08毫米)来确保填充过程中没有空气滞留在模具型腔内。图2-2 注塑模具1顶杆 2顶出板 3导套 4导柱 5下顶针板 6脱件销 7复位杆 8限位杆9导柱 10导柱 11型腔板 12浇口套 13塑料工件 14型芯现在使用的有六种基本注射模具类型。它们是:(1)双板模;(2)三板模;(3)热流道模具;(4)绝热保温流道模具;(5)温流道模具;和(6)重叠压塑模具。图2-3和图2-4阐明了这六种基本注射模具类型。1. 双板模一个双板模具由每块都带有型腔和型芯的两块平板组成。平板被固定在压板上。瓣合机构包含工件自动拆卸机构和流道系统。所有注射模具的基本设计都有这个思想。双板模具是用来制作要求大型浇口制品的最合理的工具。2. 三板模这种类型的模具由三块板组成:(1)固定板或压板被连接到固定压盘上,通常包含主流道和分流道;(2)当模具打开的时候,包含分流道和浇口中间板或型腔固定板是被允许浮动的;(3)活动板或阳模板包含模制件和用来除去模制件的顶出装置。当按压进行打开的时候,中间板和活动板一起移动,因此释放了主流道和分流道系统和清除了浇口处模制品的赘物。当模具打开的时候,这种设计类型的模具使分离流道系统和模制件变成了可能。这种模具设计让点浇口浇注系统能够运用。3. 热流道模具在这个注射模具的流程中,分流道要保持热的,目的是使熔融的塑料一直处于流动的状态。实际上,这是一个“无流道”模具流程,有时候它也被叫做无流道模具。在无流道模具中,分流道被包含在自己的板中。热流道模具除了模塑周期中模具的分流道部分不被打开这点外,其他地方与三板注射模具相似。加热流道板与剩下的冷却部分的模具是绝缘的。分流道中除了热加板,模具中剩余部分是一个标准的两板模具。无流道模具相比传统的浇口流道模具有几个优点。无流道模具没有模具副产品(浇口,分流道,主流道)被处理或者再利用,也没有浇口与制件的分离。周期仅仅要求制件被冷却和从模具中脱离。在这个系统中,从注射料筒到模具型腔,温度能够达到统一。4. 绝热保温流道模具绝热流道模具是热流道模具的一种演变。在这种类型的模具中,分流道材料的外表面充当了绝缘体来让熔融材料通过。在隔热的模具中,通过保留自己的温度使模具中的物料一直是熔化的。有时候,一个分料梭和热探测器被加入模具中来增加柔韧性。这种类型的模具对于多孔中心浇口的制件来说是理想的。5. 温流道模具它是热流道模具的一种演变。在这种模具中,流道而不是流道板被加热。这是通过电子芯片嵌入探测器实现的。6. 重叠压塑模具重叠压塑注射模具顾名思义。一个多重两板模具其中的一块板被放在另一块板的上面。这种结构也可以用在三板模具和热流道模具上。两板重叠结构使单一的挤压输出量加倍,与一个型腔数量相同的两板模具相比,还减少了一半的合模压力。这种方式也被叫做“双层模塑”。2.3.3压膜机1. 传统的注塑机在这个流程中,塑料颗粒或粉末被倒入一个机器料斗中,然后被送入加热料筒室。一个活塞压缩物料,迫使物料渐进地通过加热料筒中物料被分料梭慢慢散开的加热区域。分料梭被安装在料筒的中心,目的是加速塑料体中心的加热。分料梭也有可能被加热,以便塑料能够内外一起被加热。物料从加热料斗流经喷嘴进入模具。喷嘴是料斗和模具之间的密封装置它被用来阻止因为剩余压力而引起的物料泄露。模具在注塑机的末端被夹具夹紧闭合。对于聚苯乙烯而言,机器末端两三吨的压力通常用在之间和流道系统中每个小的投影面积上。传统的活塞式机器是唯一能生产斑点部分的类型的机器。另一种类型的注塑机将塑料材料充分地混合,以至于仅有一种颜色被生产出来。2. 柱塞式预塑机这种机器使用了分料梭活塞加热器来预塑塑料颗粒。塑料颗粒变成熔化状态之后,液态的塑料被倒入一个蓄料室,直到塑料准备好被压入模具。这种类型的机器比传统的机器生产零件的速度更快,因为在制件冷却的时间中,模具腔被填满进行喷射。由于注射活塞在流动的物料中工作,因此在压缩颗粒的时候没有压力损失。这种现象能够应用在带有更多投影面积的大型制件上。柱塞式预塑机的其他特点与传统的单一活塞式注塑机是一样的。图2-5举例说明了柱塞式预塑机。3. 螺杆式预塑机在这种注塑机中,用挤压机来塑化塑料物料。旋转的螺杆使塑料芯块向前,提供给挤压机料筒的加热内壁。熔融的,塑化的物料从挤压机移动到一个蓄料室,然后通过注射活塞移动到模具中。螺杆的应用有以下优势:(1)便于物料更好的混合及塑料溶化后的剪切作用;(2)流动物料硬度的范围更广及热敏材料可以流动;(3)能在更短的时间内进行色泽改变;(4)模具制件中的应力更小4. 往复式螺杆注塑机这种类型的注塑机使用了一个水平的挤压机来代替加热室。螺杆的旋转使塑料物料向前移动通过挤压机料筒。随着物料流经带螺杆的加热料筒,物料从颗粒状态变为塑料熔融状态。螺杆往复的过程中,传递给模制物料的热量是由螺杆和挤压机的料筒壁之间的摩擦和传导引起的。当物料向前移动的时候,螺杆返回到在挤压机料筒前方决定物料容量的行程开关处。在这个时候,与典型挤压机类似的挤压过程结束了。当物料注射到模具中,螺杆向前移动来转移料筒中的物料。在这个注塑机中,螺杆既充当活塞,又充当螺杆。模具中的浇口截面冻结阻止回流之后,螺杆开始旋转并且向后移动,进行下一个周期。图2-5展示了往复式螺杆注塑机。这种形式的注塑有几个优点。它更有效地塑化热敏感材料,由于螺杆的混合作用更快地混合色泽。给材料加热的文都能够更低,并且整个周期时间可以更短。第一篇英文(原文)2.3 injection molds2.3.1 Injection molding Injection molding is principally used for the production of thermoplastic parts, and it is also one of the oldest. Currently injection-molding accounts for 30% of all plastics resin consumption. Typical injection-molded products are cups, containers, housings, tool handles, knobs, electrical and communication components (such as telephone receivers), toys, and plumbing fittings. Polymer melts have very high viscosities due to their high molecular weights; they cannot be poured directly into a mold under gravity flow as metals can, but must be forced into the mold under high pressure. Therefore while the mechanical properties of a metal casting arepredominantly determined by the rate of heat transfer from the mold walls, which determines the grain size and grain orientation in the final casting, in injection molding the high pressure during the injection of the melt produces shear forces that are the primary cause of the final molecular orientation in the material. The mechanical properties of the finished product are therefore affected by both the injection conditions and the cooling conditions within the mold. Injection molding has been applied to thermoplastics and thermoses, foamed parts, and has been modified to yield the reaction injection molding (RIM) process, in which the two components of a thermosetting resin system are simultaneously injected and polymerize rapidly within the mold. Most injection molding is however performed on thermoplastics, and the discussion that follows concentrates on such moldingsA typical injection molding cycle or sequence consists of five phases (see Fig. 2-1): (1) Injection or mold filling; (2) Packing or compression;(3) Holding;(4) Cooling;(5) Part ejection Plastic pellets (or powder) are loaded into the feed hopper and through an opening in the injection cylinder where they are carried forward by the rotating screw. The rotation of the screw forces the pellets under high pressure against the heated walls of the cylinder causing them to melt. Heating temperatures range from 265 to 500. As the pressure builds up, the rotating screw is forced backward until enough plastic has accumulated to make the shot. The injection ram (or screw) forces molten plastic from the barrel, through the nozzle, sprue and runner system, and finally into the mold cavities. During injection, the mold cavity is filled volumetrically. When the plastic contacts the cold mold surfaces, it solidifies (freezes) rapidly to produce the skin layer. Since the core remains in the molten state, plastic flows through the core to complete mold filling. Typically, the cavity is filled to 95%98% during injection. Then the molding process is switched over to the packing phase. Even as the cavity is filled, the molten plastic begins to cool. Since the cooling plastic contracts or shrinks, it gives rise to defects such as sink marks, voids, and dimensional instabilities. To compensate for shrinkage, addition plastic is forced into the cavity. Once the cavity is packed, pressure applied to the melt prevents molten plastic inside the cavity from back flowing out through the gate. The pressure must be applied until the gate solidifies. The process can be divided into two steps (packing and holding) or may be encompassed in one step (holding or second stage). During packing, melt forced into the cavity by the packing pressure compensates for shrinkage. With holding, the pressure merely prevents back flow of the polymer melt. After the holding stage is completed, the cooling phase starts. During cooling, the part is held in the mold for specified period. The duration of the cooling phase depends primarily on the material properties and the part thickness. Typically, the part temperature must cool below the materials ejection temperature. While cooling the part, the machine plasticates melt for the next cycle. The polymer is subjected to shearing action as well as the condition of the energy from the heater bands. Once the shot is made, plastication ceases. This should occur immediately before the end of the cooling phase. Then the mold opens and the part is ejected2.3.2 Injection Molds Molds for injection molding are as varied in design, degree of complexity, and size as are the parts produced from them. The functions of a mold for thermoplastics are basically to impart the desired shape to the plasticized polymer and then to cool the molded part. A mold is made up of two sets of components: (1) the cavities and cores, and (2) the base in which the cavities and cores are mounted. The size and weight of the molded parts limit the number of cavities in the mold and also determine the equipment capacity required. From consideration of the molding process, a mold has to be designed to safely absorb the forces of clamping, injection, and ejection. Also, the design of the gates and runners must allow for efficient flow and uniform filling of the mold cavities. Fig.2-2 illustrates the parts in a typical injection mold. The mold basically consists of two parts: a stationary half (cavity plate), on the side where molten polymer is injected, and a moving half (core plate) on the closing or ejector side of the injection molding equipment. The separating line between the two mold halves is called the parting line. The injected material is transferred through a central feed channel, called the sprue. The sprue is located on the sprue bushing and is tapered to facilitate release of the sprue material from the mold during mold opening. In multicavity molds, the sprue feeds the polymer melt to a runner system, which leads into each mold cavity through a gate. The core plate holds the main core. The purpose of the main core is to establish the inside configuration of the part. The core plate has a backup or support plate. The support plate in turn is supported by pillars against the U-shaped structure known as the ejector housing, which consists of the rear clamping plate and spacer blocks. This U-shaped structure, which is bolted to the core plate, provides the space for the ejection stroke also known as the stripper stroke. During solidification the part shrinks around the main core so that when the mold opens, part and sprue are carried along with the moving mold half. Subsequently, the central ejector is activated, causing the ejector plates to move forward so that the ejector pins can push the part off the core. Both mold halves are provided with cooling channels through which cooled water is circulated to absorb the heat delivered to the mold by the hot thermoplastic polymer melt. The mold cavities also incorporate fine vents (0.02 to 0.08 mm by 5 mm) to ensure that no air is trapped during filling There are six basic types of injection molds in use today. They are: (1) two-plate mold; (2)three-plate mold, (3) hot-runner mold; (4) insulated hot-runner mold; (5) hot-manifold mold; and stacked mold. Fig. 2-3 and Fig. 2-4 illustrate these six basic types of injection molds. 1. Two-Plate Mold A two-plate mold consists of two plates with the cavity and cores mounted in either plate. The plates are fastened to the press platens. The moving half of the mold usually contains the ejector mechanism and the runner system. All basic designs for injection molds have this design concept. A two-plate mold is the most logical type of tool to use for parts that require large gates. 2. Three-Plate Mold This type of mold is made up of three plates: (1) the stationary or runner plate is attached to the stationary platen, and usually contains the sprue and half of the runner; (2) the middle plate or cavity plate, which contains half of the runner and gate, is allowed to float when the mold is open; and (3) the movable plate or force plate contains the molded part and the ejector system for the removal of the molded part. When the press starts to open, the middle plate and the movable plate move together, thus releasing the sprue and runner system and degating the molded part. This type of mold design makes it possible to segregate the runner system and the part when the mold opens. The die design makes it possible to use center-pin-point gating. 3. Hot-Runner Mold In this process of injection molding, the runners are kept hot in order to keep the molten plastic in a fluid state at all times. In effect this is a runnerless molding process and is sometimes called the same. In runnerless molds, the runner is contained in a plate of its own. Hot runner molds are similar to three-plate injection molds, except that the runner section of the mold is not opened during the molding cycle. The heated runner plate is insulated from the rest of the cooled mold. Other than the heated plate for the runner, the remainder of the mold is a standard two-plate die. Runnerless molding has several advantages over conventional sprue runner-type molding. There are no molded side products (gates, runners, or sprues) to be disposed of or reused, and there is no separating of the gate from the part. The cycle time is only as long as is required for the molded part to be cooled and ejected from the mold. In this system, a uniform melt temperature can be attained from the injection cylinder to the mold cavities. 4. Insulated Hot-Runner Mold This is a variation of the hot-runner mold. In this type of molding, the outer surface of the material in the runner acts likes an insulator for the molten material to pass through. In the insulated mold, the molding material remains molten by retaining its own heat. Sometimes a torpedo and a hot probe are added for more flexibility. This type of mold is ideal for multicavity center-gated parts 5. Hot-Manyfold This is a variation of the hot-runner mold. In the hot-manifold die, the runner and not the runner plate is heated. This is done by using an electric-cartridge-insert probe. 6. Stacked Mold The stacked injection mold is just what the name implies. A multiple two-plate mold is placed one on top of the other. This construction can also be used with three-plate molds and hot-runner molds. A stacked two-mold construction doubles the output from a single press and reduces the clamping pressure required to one half, as compared to a mold of the same number of cavities in a two-plate mold. This method is sometimes called “two-level molding”. 2.3.3 Mold Machine 1. Conventional Injection-Molding Machine In this process, the plastic granules or pellets are poured into a machine hopper and fed into the chamber of the heating cylinder. A plunger then compresses the material, forcing it through progressively hotter zones of the heating cylinder, where it is spread thin by a torpedo. The torpedo is installed in the center of the cylinder in order to accelerate the heating of the center other plastic mass. The torpedo may also be heated so that the plastic is heated from the inside as well as from the outside.The material flows from the heating cylinder through a nozzle into the mold. The nozzle is the seal between the cylinder and the mold; it is used to prevent leaking of material caused by the pressure used. The mold is held shut by the clamp end of the machine. For polystyrene, two to three tons of pressure on the clamp end of the machine is generally used for each inch of projected area of the part and runner system. The conventional plunger machine is the only type of machine that can produce a mottle-colored part. The other types of injection machines mix the plastic material so thoroughly that only one color will be produced. 2. Piston-Type Preplastifying MachineThis machine employs a torpedo ram heater to preplastify the plastic granules. After the melt stage, the fluid plastic is pushed into a holding chamber until it is ready to be forced into the die. This type of machine produces pieces faster than a conventional machine, because the molding chamber is filled to shot capacity during the cooling time of the part. Due to the fact that the injection plunger is acting on fluid material, no pressure loss is encountered in compacting the granules. This allows for larger parts with more projected area. The remaining features of a piston-type preplastifying machine are identical to the conventional single-plunger injection machine. Fig. 2-5 illustrates a piston or plunger preplastifying injection molding machine 3. Screw-Type Preplastifying Machine In this injection-molding machine, an extruder is used to plasticize the plastic material. The turning screw feeds the pellets forward to the heated interior surface of the extruder barrel. The molten, plasticized material moves from the extruder into a holding chamber, and from there is forced into the die by the injection plunger. The use of a screw gives the following advantages: (1) better mixing and shear action of the plastic melt; (2) a broader range of stiffer flow and heat sensitive materials can be run; (3) color changes can be handled in a shorter time, and (4) fewer stresses are obtained in the molded part. 4. Reciprocating-Screw Injection Machine This type of injection molding machine employs a horizontal extruder in place of the heating chamber. The plastic material is moved forward through the extruder barrel by the rotation of a screw. As the material progresses through the heated barrel with the screw, it is changing from the granular condition to the plastic molten state. In the reciprocating screw, the heat delivered to the molding compound is caused by both friction and conduction between the screw and the walls of the barrel of the extruder. As the material moves forward, the screw backs up to a limit switch that determines the volume of material in the front of the extruder barrel. It is at this point that the re- semblance to a typical extruder ends. On the injection of the material into the die, the screw moves forward to displace the material in the barrel. In this machine, the screw performs as a ram as well as a screw. After the gate sections in the mold have frozen to prevent backflow, the screw begins to rotate and moves backward for the next cycle. Fig.2-5 shows a reciprocating-screw injection machine. There are several advantages to this method of injection molding. It more efficiently plasticizes the heat-sensitive materials and blends colors more rapidly, due to the mixing action of the screw. The material heat is usually lower and the overall cycle time is shorter.第二篇译文自由与否的工业时代1.对于某些人来说现代技术是邪恶的,工具越多,越是难以吃上饭。我们发明了机器,然后我们可以更快的生产更多的产品,我们可以开车行驶,有人断言“随之而来的,我们将进入一个无底洞的边缘。” 他们问:“科学技术发展战的必然后果是不是创造更加毁灭性的原子弹同时也证明了现代应用科学是一个诅咒,一个十足的枯萎病?”甚至是伟大的人物都听到说:“让我们停止更多的向世界学习,让科学家们宣布他们停止窥探大自然的秘密”他们是想简单的生活在家里,在人类生产了这么多,知道了这么多天之前,他们想逃离。但是,究竟去何处呢怎么逃离呢?他们不知道。于是他们大声疾呼反对科学和机器,并呼吁他们邪恶的,但他们的声音是绝望和失败的声音。2.此外,在我们的时代还有其他人对机器拥有完全相反的观点.你会发现他们遍布在世界各地,他们的观点是很受关注的并且是不容置疑的“当然,技术好,”他们说,“因为它能产生越来越多的东西,这将是解决一切问题的答案?”他们通常对上帝持怀疑态度,但他们公然崇拜机器。3.“技术的本身目的是好的”他们似乎在说.如果生产人精神上不大愿意,这样会使生产成本增加,所以有必要进行强制要求.这就要求设计者设计出适合懒惰人的流水线,以满足生产需要的底线.世界上超级计师会很乐意从小定义男子机器的形象4.机器和技术本生是没有邪恶之分的,当人们用他们做好的事情时,他们就是好的,当人们用他们做邪恶的事情时,他们就是邪恶的.5.机器当然也可以这样使用,以降低劳动和解放奴役的人.它可以用来土地的排气和维护住在这土地上的人的尊严,空气中充满毒气,溪流变得浑浊,森林将被摧毁.从而生活在不幸与贫困中的人们将精神变得富足,并且脱离贫困,它可以打开更广阔的视野,为人们打开机会的大门,它可以滋养人的精神。技术可以用于消除污物和充血和疾病,加强对土壤利用,以节约森林,创建更为人性化的环境。6.本机可以用来使男人们变得自由,因为它们以前从来没有免费的。7.我们有一个选择至少在我看来是闪耀的,是冲满希望的。如果我们有足够的智慧,如果我们可以按照我们的法律,我们可以通过技术直接控制机器,使它们为我们人类作福。8. 我们需要更巨大的回旋加速器和核研究反应堆,更精密的实验室,广泛的物理和社会研究项目。更多使用的技术,更多的工厂,更多小工具,无论是在这个国家或非洲和亚洲和南美洲的未开发的流域,是不够的。这些助长了谁相反的信念,就像在玩一个危险的游戏或相当盲目的现实。9. 除非研究和技术应用有意识地以人类福祉为主要目的,除非技术的定义,并指示那些谁相信人民,以民主和道德为目的手段,它可能是花费我们更多的研究资金,使我们进一步错过了那个点。这就像驾驶一辆汽车,要是走错了方向:你开车的速度越来越快,你将在远离你的目标。10. 安全的技术指导活动,就人类的精神而言,只有当它在那些私营企业和公共机构,谁会相信个别人手中的信息。当它被认为是保证责任到人的方法结果可以增加人们对它的信任,还有此类方法的进行是唯一安全的。11. 这并不总是现代科技的情况。有些时候,这些事情是由那些缺乏对人信仰的人控制的时间。人,对他们来说,只是一个市场。他们是随便给谁卖的新玩意,一个劳动力市场,这使小工具,一个政治市场被诱骗和组织的投票和裹挟。在这种方向的技术开发也将无法再自由,或将这样做只是个偶然,只是个纯粹的巧合。12. 我们知道那些令人惊奇的事情可以应用于研究,以增加陆军和海军,空军部队的破坏力 - 我们自己的,或是潜在的敌人的。但是,我们仍然要问:“有什么技术可以滋养,维护,加强人的自由?”13. 现代人的普遍问题是如何可以彻底改变他的环境。也许是因为众所周知在世界其他地区例证就像田纳西河流域的开发。14. 在一个比英国更大区域的地区被大大改变,包括七个南方州区。伟大的田纳西河已更改:巨大的水坝多得水分可以用来做一些男人们分配的事情,农业用地被改变 - 百万英亩 - 与森林和林地。新的工厂,大,小,对新河道驳船和造船厂;领域,一旦死了,丑陋与冲沟现在富有成效的和绿色的太阳,安全与牧场和草地,电泵在农家庭院,新的地方和区域库;国家公园和县卫生设施 - 这些和许多其他的改变使得山谷焕然一新,直到今天。发展的工作尚未完成,当然 - 这样的任务从来都是 - 但它是很好的方式。这是多一个示范,现代技术手段和管理技能可以控制自然和改变我们的生活并且应用到实际环境中,几乎我们选择的任何方式 有一点就是 - 尽我们作为一个人,选择。15. 对许多观察家来说,已经发生在田纳西河谷的真正意义是这样的:美国的这一实验已经强化自信,男人不需要被链接到技术的生产线上。如果他们的目的是坚定的,明确的,如果他们有坚持的方法和手段,使这一目的变得有效,男人可以用机器在人类福祉和人类精神方面创造利益。16. 许多伟大的男人和女人从国外纷纷前来学习TVA 。他们来自五十多个国家,特别是那些世界的技术上欠发达地区,并在哪些领域不发达的,也是不明智的剥削威胁到他们的天然资源并且自然极度疲惫。这些游客不仅看到新的生命到了一个垂死的土壤,他们也看到了如何使生活在那片土地的人新的希望和信心回归;见过男人的自尊心和人格尊严并作为加强土壤的方法。他们不仅看到了一个伟大的河流变成的电能自己浪费了一次能源,但他们也已经看到了这样的电力已经杜绝了数万家的降解苦差事。他们所看到的商人,农民,工人 - 各类男女 - 一起加入科学和技术的经验的学习并应用到他们区域的建设,并为了该共同目的而联合起来,成为更好的邻居需要仁慈和更慷慨,更合作的人类。17.这些数百名外国游客看到特别清楚,新的田纳西河流域说出了男人的成功,事情贴近人们的日常生活语言中得到普遍:土壤,森林,工厂,矿产,河流。当中国或印度或秘鲁看到这些产品中的加工技术,看到了一系列工作中的水坝,或山坡,牧场起死回生磷酸盐,对石灰和土壤的理解没有英语翻译是不行的。对于它是不是真的丰塔纳坝在北卡罗莱纳州的数据流,或者在肯塔基州一个农场的访问者看到,但河流,山谷,在中国或印度或秘鲁的一个农场。18. 我们有一个选择。我们可以选择是否自觉的机器或是否是以人为第一位的。但这样的选择不会在同一个场合行使,并会被奇观和戏剧所包围。我们会从决策动议再到决策,从问题到问题,我们将在我们的余生将在这场斗争中进行。19. 我们不能掌握机器人的精神利益,除非我们在人的信心。这是一切的基础。在磐石上,所有这些努力其余必须是深刻而持久的信念在人类的心中,这是人生的最高价值信仰。本机可以融入到人类的生存中去,只有当它在促进这种信仰的人故意用的尊严和完整性。这是该款机器的使用目的,特别是追求在开展这一目的的方法,即确定技术是否可能进一步为人类增加福祉或威胁到人类的福祉。20. 让我重申:一方面,很显然,科学在那些寻求专断权力的男人的手中也许可以使我们的奴隶 - 吃得饱,但更可悲的事实。在另一方面,它是简单的人可以使用的技术和机器,以进一步发展人的自由和人的个性的发展。21. 本机如何应使用将由人民作出的选择来决定。但是,这些选择只有当人们让他们用知识的事实来判断才是真正的选择,与那些给他们的替代品方面的知识。这些途径,让人们作出他们的决定取决于神圣不可侵犯的过程 - 知识的传播。关于原子能的许多问题是这个国家在今天之前,甚至出现在未来几个月甚至几年。22. 关于我们的每个最后的人是这样,因为这些问题:我们现在要求,在这些新发现的关于什么样的陆军,海军和空军?什么是安全的,哪些是原子能国际控制下的并不安全的方法,以防止其作为一个新的武器使用?如何在这一领域广泛地应了美国人民支持医学研究,同样,研究营养和增加粮食生产以开辟新的发展方法?什么地方应该是私营企业在这个全新的技术上,即,完全不同于世界并且未见过的一个行业,是一个巨大的诞生,政府全资拥有的?如何让人们看到它,大学和研究机构保持自由的并由政府或军方控制的,当它是必要的时候,这样的巨资用于研究和开发由联邦财政部提供给他们呢?如何令市民看到它,狭窄的政治和猪肉桶方法都严格保持了这个巨大的科学的运行,工业和教育事业的?我们怎样才能维持基本的保密不干燥了的蓬勃发展而不是秘密的进行,但在开放和自由讨论科学是技术进步的源泉?23.问题是多方面的。这些问题的答案的决定,将直接影响本原子企业未来福祉的1.45亿的股东,也就是美国人民。事实上答案将影响地球上的每一个人。24. 这些决定,是真正民主的决策,需要掌握在人民手中。的确,事实和知识的传播是自治的基础,任何努力来引导技术对人的自由精神的保护为基础。25. 由于其军事方面和现在低迷的国际形势下,它是不可能使整个原子能领域受到公众的监督。但是,正如我们在委员会上已经研究了这个问题,我们发现,很多东西是在这个陌生的新的企业回事可以安全进行公开报道和公开讨论。在这一领域的事实和公众广泛讨论和广泛传播必须继续,必须加强。因为除非人们对原子能的基本事实,他们不能采取明智的行动也不能采取民主。26. 这是很好的,我们记得我们的基本宗旨:以我们这个民主的人作为一个整体的判断的信念创立的。并诚实和明确告知 - - 他们的良知和常识可以被依靠通过任何安全危机却让我们信任一种信念,当人们被告知创立的。应用科学和机器,由人民作为一个整体的判断与良知的方向,要求我们成为一个知情的人。27. 有信仰的人一定有它的推论信仰的依据,相信知识的力量,信仰的思想的自由流动,因而信念教育和教育的过程。将是我们自由社会的基柱。第二篇英文原文MACHINE WITH AND WITHOUT FREEDOM 1 To some people modern technology is plainly evil - the more gadgets, the more unpalatable is life. The more things we produce, the faster we can travel, the more complex the machines we invent, the nearer - they assert - we move to the edge of a bottomless pit. They ask: Is not scientific warfare the inevitable fruit of technology? Are not ever more devastating atomic bombs the ultimate proof that modern applied science is a curse, an unmitigated blight? Even great figures are heard to say: Let us cease learning more of the world, let scientists declare a moratorium in their ceaseless prying into Natures secrets. They are homesick for that simpler life, before the days when man produced so much and knew so much. They want to flee. But where and how? They cannot say. They cry out against science and the machine and call them evil; but their voices are the voices of despair and defeat.2 There are others of our contemporaries who have an almost opposite view of the machine. You will find them all over the world. What they say is exuberant and uncritical. Of course technology is good, they say, for it produces more and more things; and isnt production the answer to everything? They are usually skeptical of God, but they openly worship the machine.3 Technology, they seem to say, is good as an end in itself. If the spirit of man balks, if the yearning to be human increases cost of production or makes coercion necessary - well, man must be redesigned to fit the assembly line, not the assembly line revised for men. The super technologists of the world are quite prepared to recreate man in the image of the machine.4 The machine and technology are neither good nor evil in themselves. They are good only when man uses them for good. They are evil only if he puts them to evil purposes.5 The machine can, of course, be so used as to degrade and enslave men. It can be used to exhaust the land and with it the human dignity of those who live on the land; it can poison the air, foul the streams, devastate the forests, and thereby doom men and women and children to the spiritual degradation of great poverty. But it can also open wider - and it has so opened the doors of human opportunity; it can nourish the spirit of man. Technology can be used to eliminate filth and congestion and disease, to strengthen the soil, to conserve the forests, to humanize mans environment.6 The machine can be so used as to make men free as they have never been free before.7 We have a choice - that, it seems to me, is the shining and hopeful fact. If we are wise enough, if we can follow our democratic precepts, we can control and direct technology and the machine and make them serve for good.8 More huge cyclotrons and nuclear research reactors are not enough. More fine laboratories, more extensive projects in physical and social research are not enough. More use of technology, more factories, more gadgets, whether in this country or in the undeveloped reaches of Africa and Asia and South America, are not enough. Those who encourage a contrary belief are playing a dangerous game or are quite blind to the realities.9 Unless the applications of research and technology are consciously related to a central purpose of human welfare, unless technology is defined and directed by those who believe in people and in democratic and ethical ends and means, it could be that the more research money we spend, the further we miss the mark. It is like driving in an automobile that is going in the wrong direction: the faster and faster you drive, the farther away from your destination you will be.10 The guiding of technical activity is safe, in terms of the human spirit, only when it is in the hands of those, in private business and in public agencies, who have faith in the individual human being. It is only safe when it is carried on by methods that are in furtherance of that faith, and methods that insure accountability to the people for the results.11 This is not always the case with modern technology. There are times when these matters are controlled by men who lack a faith in people. People, to them, are only a market. They are a market to whom to sell new gadgets; a labor market with which to make the gadgets; a political market to be cajoled and organized and voted and coerced. Technical development under such direction will not further freedom or will do so only by accident, by sheer coincidence.12 We know what amazing things applied research can do to increase the destructive powers of armies and navies and air forces - our own, or a potential enemys. But we still must ask: What can technology do to nourish and safeguard and strengthen mens freedom?13 That modern man can completely change his environment is a matter of common observation. Perhaps as widely known as any illustration in other parts of the world is the development in the Tennessee Valley.14 In a single decade the face of a region larger than England was substantially altered, a regioncomprising parts of seven Southern states. The great Tennessee River has been changed: more than a score of huge dams make it do what men tell it to do. The farming land is changed - million of acres - and the forests and woodlands. New factories, large and small; barges on the new river channel, and shipbuilding yards; fields once dead and hideous with gullies now fruitful and green to the sun, secure with pastures and meadows; electric pumps in farmyards; new local and regional libraries; state parks and county health facilities - these and many other changes made it a new valley today. The job of development is not done, of course - such a task never is - but it is well on the way. It is one more demonstration that modern technical tools and managerial skills can control Nature and change the physical setting of our life in almost any way we choose - that is the point - in whatever way we, as a people, choose. 15 To many observers, the real significance of what has taken place in the valley of the Tennessee is this: This American experiment has fortified confidence that men need not be chained to the wheel of technology. If their purpose is firm and clear, and if they insist upon ways and means to make that purpose effective, man can use the machine in the interest of human welfare and the human spirit. 16 A great many men and women from foreign countries have come to study the TVA. They have come from more than fifty countries, and in particular from the technically undeveloped regions of the world, and from areas in which unsparing and unwise exploitation threatens their natural resources with utter exhaustion. These visitors have not only seen new life come to a dying soil; they have also seen how a new hope and faith return to people living on that soil; have seen mens pride and human dignity strengthened as the soil was strengthened. They have not only seen the once wasted energies of a great river turned into electricity, but they have also seen the way that electricity has put an end to degrading drudgery in tens of thousands of homes. They have seen businessmen, farmers, laborers - all kinds of men and women - joining together to apply the lessons of science and technology to the building of their region and, in the very act of joining together for that common purpose, becoming better neighbors, kinder and more generous, more co-operative human beings.17 These hundreds of foreign visitors see with particular clarity that the new Tennessee Valley speaks in a tongue that is universal among men, a language of things close to the everyday lives of people: soil, forests, factories, minerals, rivers. No English interpreter is needed when a Chinese or a Hindu or a Peruvian sees these products of a working technology, sees a series of working dams, or a hillside pasture brought back to life by phosphate, lime, and an understanding of soils. For it is not really Fontana Dam on a North Carolina stream, or a farm in Kentucky that the visitor sees, but a river, a valley, a farm in China or India or Peru.18 We have a choice. We can choose deliberately and consciously whether the machine or man comes first. But that choice will not be exercised on a single occasion and surrounded by spectacle and drama. We will move from decision to decision, from issue to issue, and we will be in the midst of this struggle for the rest of our days.19 We cannot master the machine in the interest of the human spirit unless we have a faith in people. This is the foundation of everything. The rock upon which all these efforts rest must be a deep and abiding faith in human beings, which is a faith in the supreme worth of life. The machine can add to the dignity and integrity of human existence only if it is deliberately
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