



1、【五年双S班】人教五年级下册期末测试一、词汇(共30分)(一)英汉互译(共10分)1. 总是:_2. 牙疼:_3. 庆祝:_4. 种植:_5. 在之前:_6. finally:_7. alone:_8. wonderful:_9. April:_10. neighbour:_(二)按要求写单词(共10分)1. he(宾格):_2. a lot of(同义词组):_3. tasty(同义词):_4. one(序数词):_5. she(反身代词):_6. day(反义词):_7. five(序数词):_8. big(比较级):_9. sad(反义词):_10. swim(现在分词):_(三)写出下

2、列单词的过去式(共10分)1. put:_2. get:_3. unpack:_4. fall:_5. run:_6. pull:_7. collect:_8. bring:_9. drop:_10. learn:_11. do:_12. swim:_13. play:_14. make:_15. leave:_二、句子(共20分)(一)连词成句并写出汉语意思(共10分)1. day, should, exercise, you, every (.)_;汉意:_;2. was, good, swimming, I, not, at (.)_;汉意:_;3. learn, animals, ar

3、ound, faster, many, to, get, much (.)_;汉意:_;4. computer, to, you, when, use, did, a, start, use (?)_;汉意:_;5. home, helped, Emma, her, people, near, old, some (.)_;汉意:_;(二)改错,选出错误的一项,并在横线上改正(共10分)( )1. I have an new English teacher. _; A B C( )2. When was you born? _; A B C( )3. What do you do last w

4、eekend? _; A B C( )4. What do you want to do in New Years Day? _; A B C( )5 .You should to brush your teeth every day. _;A B C三、单项选择(共10分)( )1. When did you _ to write a letter? A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning( )2. I watched TV _. A. a lot of B. lots of C. a lot D. a lots( )3. You should

5、 _ milk and _ enough sleep. A. drank;got B. drink;get C. drank;get D. drink;got( )4. I learned to speak _ six months old. A. at B. in C. on D. /( )5. Their friends can see the smoke, _ they know there is a problem. A. but B. or C. if D. and( )6. On this day, people remember Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese

6、 _. A. writer B. poet C. leader D. poem( )7. They went to peoples houses to _ candy. A. give back B. take away C. ask for D. send to( )8. There _ new changes in my life three years ago. A. is B. are C. was D. were( )9. _ places did you go? A. Where B. What C. How D. Why( )10. _ do you feed your fish

7、? Once a week. A. How often B. How many C. What time D. What times四、阅读(共20分)(一)阅读回答问题(共10分)Different children love different animals.Tony and Bob love big animals. Tony likes tigers. A tiger lives in the forest. It eats animals, big and small. It is black, orange and white.Bob likes elephants. An el

8、ephant eats leaves and grass. It lives on the grassland or in the forest. It is big and strong. It has two long teeth called tusks and a big nose called a trunk.Amanda and Sally like cute animals. Amanda loves pandas. A panda lives in a bamboo forest and eats bamboo there. Its black and white. Sally

9、 likes penguins. A penguin lives on the ice. It eats small fish. Its also black and white. Its a bird, but it cant fly. Its not a fish, but it can swim. Its interesting, isnt it?1. Where does a tiger live?_2. What does an elephant eat?_3. What is the elephants nose called?_4. Whats a panda like?_5.

10、Is penguin a fish?_(二)综合阅读(共10分)Ahumanbabydoesnotwalk_A_heorsheis B.around one year old. But G.many animals learn to get around much faster. C.Ababyelephant can stand as soon as it is born. It canwalk, too, but very slowly. Anewbabydeer can stand up. D鹿必须跑的快来保证安全. Babydeer can run soon after they ar

11、e born. Babybirds cant fly when E.they are born. They _F_ their first few weeks in the nest. Then they learn to fly. Soon they can find their own food.Every animal is different, and all are interesting.1. 请在A和F处填入适当的单词:_;_;2. 请将C翻译成汉语:_;3. 请将D翻译成英语:_;4. 文中E代指的是:_;5. 请写出B和E的同义词:_;_;五、选词填空(共10分)care f

12、or, hours, healthy, with, brush, glasses, too much, too, junk, alsoHow to be healthyThere are some things you should and shouldnt do to be 1._.To be healthy, you should often eat fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. You shouldnt eat 2. _ candy or 3. _food. You should drink at least eight 4. _ of water

13、each day. You should sleep at least nine 5. _each night, too. You shouldnt go to bed 6. _ late.To be healthy, it is 7._ important to exercise every day. Do you walk, swim or run? Do you play sports?To be healthy, you should also take a shower often and you should 8. _ your teeth every day. You must

14、wash your hands often. You shouldnt eat 9. _ dirty hands.If you 10. _ your health, you will enjoy your life. 1._;6._;2._;7._;3._;8._;4._;9._;5._;10._;六、作文(共10分)清明假期刚过,你过得怎么样呢?在家学习还是外出旅行了呢?请写出你清明假期做的事情,词数不少于50。提示:1. 注意时态;2. 字迹工整_【五年双S班】人教五年级下册期末测试答题纸一、词汇(共30分)(一)英汉互译(共10分)1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _

15、8. _9. _10. _(二)按要求写单词(共10分)1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _(三)写出下列单词的过去式(共10分)1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _11. _12. _13. _14. _15. _二、句子(共20分)(一)连词成句并写出汉语意思(共10分)1. _;汉意:_;2. _;汉意:_;3. _;汉意:_;4. _;汉意:_;5. _;汉意:_;(二)改错,选出错误的一项,并在横线上改正(共10分)1.( )_;2.( )_;3.( )_;4.( )_;5.( )_;三、单项选择(


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