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含CAD图纸+文档资料 丰田 汽车电器 实验 设计 CAD 图纸 文档 资料
毕业设计(论文)开题报告设计(论文)题目:威驰汽车电器实验台设计院 系 名 称: 汽车与交通工程学院 专 业 班 级:学 生 姓 名:导 师 姓 名:开 题 时 间:指导委员会审查意见: 签字: 年 月 日开题报告撰写要求一、“开题报告”参考提纲1. 课题研究目的和意义;2. 文献综述(课题研究现状及分析);3. 基本内容、拟解决的主要问题;4. 技术路线或研究方法;5. 进度安排;6. 主要参考文献。二、“开题报告”撰写规范请参照黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计说明书及毕业论文撰写规范要求。字数应在4000字以上,文字要精练通顺,条理分明,文字图表要工整清楚。 毕业设计(论文)开题报告学生姓名院系汽车与交通工程学院专业、班级车辆工程BW07-10指导教师姓名职称高级实验师从事专业汽车运用是否外聘是否题目名称威驰汽车电器试验台设计一、课题研究现状、选题目的和意义1、国内研究现状随着汽车工业的发展,汽车作为一种代步工具,已经进入普及时代。目前平均每辆轿车上的电气设备已经占到整车成本的20%-30%,一些高档轿车上电器产品所占比重更高,电器产品的费用已经占到整车成本的50%以上。据美国汽车工业界的预测,2010年全球汽车电器产品的总销售额达到1200亿美元。汽车电器是汽车的重要组成部分,其自身的性能对汽车的动力性、经济型、可靠性、安全性、操纵性、舒适性、娱乐性等各种性能都会产生直接而重要的影响。现代汽车已经不再是传统的机电产品,其中器和机械部分的发展已经达到了极致,汽车电器还有广泛的发展空间,汽车上70%的革新来自汽车电子技术及产品。汽车电子属于典型的高技术、高附加值、高增长的新兴产业,具有巨大的市场容量和很强的技术渗透性与产品带动性,是我国占领产业技术制高点、大力推进高新技术产业化的良好机遇。在发达国家,汽车已经进入电子时代,汽车电器技术已经成为当代汽车技术领域关注和研究的重点问题。实验台的技术参数: (1)、实验台基本结构由金属喷塑机箱加上喷砂铝板构成,装备有客户指定车型发动机电子控制系统,包括发动机控制模块实验单元、点火系统单元、燃油喷射系统实 验单元、驻车防盗系统及点火开关实验单元、空气流量传感器实验单元、曲轴和凸轮轴位置传感器实验单元、节气门体实验单元、发动机冷却液温度和进气温度传感 器实验单元、氧传感器、爆震传感器实验单元、实验台稳压电源系统、OBD电脑诊断座,配件数量和原车相同,不使用任何替代配件;每个实验单元自成体系, 所有传感器实验单元可单独使用,也可以组合在一起运行,每个实验单元的铝制面板上雕刻有电路图,并安装数字式显示表显示传感器的运行状态、燃油压力表显示 燃油系统的压力、示波器(根据客户需求)显示传感器信号波形、点火系统次级波形、喷油器信号波形等。 (2)、严格按照原车电路和装配关系将以上各种配件有机的连接在一起,配合必要的辅助系统,可以模拟各种工况条件下发动机控制系统的工作过程; (3)、利用信号发生器可以模拟各种传感器的信号,体会发动机电控系统的运行过程,采用节气门的开度信号可以控制空气流量和发动机的转速; (4)、故障诊断系统采用通讯式电脑诊断和在线式电脑诊断两种方法,台架配备有诊断连接插头,可通过汽车电脑故障诊断仪对整个汽车电控燃油喷射系统传感器、执 行器系统进行检测和故障诊断;可以连接汽车专用示波器或万用表,能直接在线读取汽车电控燃油喷射系统传感器、执行器系统正常状态与故障状态下的电路参数; (5)、电路故障设置采用单片机智能故障设置系统,可以设置电路断路和虚接故障,也可以根据实际情况设置对地或其他电路短路故障,相关电路全部设置故障点;故 障设置分实训和教学两种模式,方便老师讲授和组织实训教学,教学模式下可以通过LED指示故障点的具体位置,方便学生体会电路常见故障对于系统的影响,而 实训模式则不需要提示功能; (6)、面板采用喷沙铝板氧化而成,结实耐用,永不变色;面板上绘制控制系统电路图解,方便进行电路分析;在电路相应位置配备电压检测端子,可以检测各个端子的电压信号,便于故障分析;在教学中,汽车电器课不同于一般的理论课,它不是通过在黑板上进行理论证明、公式推导所能解决的。因此,学生很难真正理解汽车电器的组成、工作原理,要解决电器设备的故障更加困难。只有设计一个直观的实验台才能满足教学的需要,目前市场上销售的电器实验台,虽然可以满足教学要求,但是价格都比较昂贵、维修困难,不适合中小型学校教学。2国外研究现状随着现代电子技术在汽车上的大量应用,传统意义上的机械式汽车被现代电子化汽车所取代,各种电子电器产品已占汽车总成本的30,甚至更多,而且这种趋势还在不断发展。电子技术的应用,在解决汽车的经济性、安全性、舒适性等方面起着非常重要的作用,然而,众多电子产品的开发与应用,也给汽车行业带来了一个不容忽视的重要课题-汽车电磁兼容的研究。电磁兼容技术(EMC)是由电磁干扰引出的一项新技术。它是指电气装置或电气系统不产生干扰或不受环境干扰,工作在指定环境中的能力。要想解决电磁兼容问题,首先就要找到汽车电磁环境中的干扰源。干扰源可以分为车内干扰源和车外干扰源。 车内干扰源 是指车上各种电子电气系统产生的电磁干扰。电子电器设备产生的电磁干扰是由于汽车上使用的电子产品中有许多导线、线圈和带有触点的电器,都具有不同的 电容和电感,而任何一个具有电感和电容的闭合回路都会形成振荡回路。当电器设备工作产生火花时,就会产生高频振荡并以电磁波形式发射到空中,对汽车上及周 围数百米范围内的收音机、电视机和其它无线电装置的正常工作,产生不同程度的干扰。汽车产生的干扰不但会影响外界的电子电器设备的正常工作,而且会影响自 身电子电器设备的正常工作,因此,电子环境干扰会对电子产品的性能产生不利的影响,甚至会导致其功能丧失。汽车的无线电干扰源主要是发动机的点火系统,其干扰波来自点火系统次级电压的高频振荡。其次,在发电机负载电流突变和整流时也会产生电磁波。起动机、发电机、闪光器、触点式电磁振动电喇叭、雨刮器、仪表系统等也都会产生较小的传导干扰和辐射干扰的电磁波。汽车电器产生的干扰电磁波具有脉冲特性且频带较宽,其频率一般在0.151 000 MHz之间。汽车电器产生的干扰电磁波,分传导干扰和辐射干扰两种。传导干扰电磁波,是通过汽车导线直接输入无线电设备和电子设备内部的,而辐射干扰电磁 波则是在空间传播,通过天线(如点火系高压线就相当于天线)输入无线电设备内部。车外干扰源由自然现象、社会环境等引起的外部电磁干扰对汽车电子系统的影响也较为严重,外部电磁干扰是指人为的各种电器设备,如:高压输电线、电车轨道附近、广播电视设备及无线电通讯设备等所辐射出来的对汽车起干扰的电磁辐射及由雷电等自然现象引起的电磁干扰。国外汽车电磁兼容研究现状目前,世界上汽车发达国家对汽车电磁兼容研究已经取得了一些成就,形成了一套汽车电磁兼容体系。这主要表现在:具有较为完善的汽车电磁兼容测试标准和 规范;具有有效的对汽车整车和零部件进行电磁兼容检测、管理和认证的机构;具有高精度的汽车电磁兼容测试系统;研制出了大型的汽车电磁兼容预测、分析和设 计软件。第三方测试认证机构、汽车研究机构等也都开展了汽车电磁兼容方面的研究,并相继建立了自己的电磁兼容实验室。选题目的和意义根据威驰轿车电路原理以及特征,设计出具有教学演示功能的教学实验台,可以通过控制平台在线模拟包括电线束、仪表盘,各种开关等功能的演示,还可以设置各种故障,让同学自动分析故障的来源、如何引起的此故障,并且可设置各种复合故障,这样对了解整车电路起到更直观更深入的教学目的,各原车组成部分均设置在平台上,汽车可直观的观察各部分的组成。实现多功能立体化教学实验台,以便于学生更好的学习与掌握。二、设计(论文)的基本内容、拟解决的主要问题本设计的主要内容:1、 完成台架实验台布局设计、演示装置设计、2、 实现电气系统的功能,结合不同电气设备进行电路优化设计。3、 面板设计及选择原件定位。4、 演示装置及检测装置设计。5、 实现故障设置,故障演示。 拟解决的主要问题: 1、完成台架整体电路图 2、绘制台架定位图3、绘制台架总装图4、设置大灯故障并加以解决三、技术路线(研究方法) 四、进度安排(1)第1周( 2月28日3月6日):查阅参考资料,收集相关技术资料,了解实验台的结构及工作原理,设计功能的开发方案。(2)第2周(3月7日3月13日):结合任务书制定设计方案,撰写开题报告。 (3)第3周(3月14日3月20日):查找相关设计资料或手册,设计实验台布置方案,依据设计功能,选择元器件,实现布局。 (4) 第4周(3月21日3月27日):根据总体布置要求,完成元件定位件设计及电气线路优化。(5) 第5周(3月28日4月3日): 绘制图纸,完成电器元件布置(避免线速交叉)。(6) 第6周(4月4日4月10日):实现充电系统原件功能实现(发电机)。(7) 第7周(4月11日4月17日):绘制部分零件图,完成台架设计。根据教学功能设计演示及分析功能。撰写说明书。(8) 第8周(4月18日4月24日):接受中期检查。(9) 第9周(4月25日5月1日):对中期检查的不足之处进行修改。(10)第10周(5月2日5月8日):完善设计内容,绘制图纸,解决不同功能匹配。(11)第11周(5月9日5月15日):进行相关校核,完成设计。(12)第12周(5月16日5月22日):完成设计图纸及说明书初稿。(13)第13周(5月23日5月29日):说明书及图纸送审,根据审阅老师意见进行修改。(14)第14周(5月30日6月5日):预答辩。(15)第15周(6月6日6月12日):修改预答辩中发现的问题准备答辩。(16)第16周(6月13日6月19日):修改预答辩中发现的问题准备答辩。(17)第17周(6月20日6月26日):答辩。五、参考文献 1 许景波,刘浩宇。汽车电器实训M北京理工大学出版社2009.6 2 马兰,机械制图M机械工业出版社,2006.6 3 李韶东,汽车电控系统故障码手册M机械工业出版社2008.8 4 孙仁云,付百学。汽车电器与电子技术.M.机械工业出版社.2006 5 李涵武,赵雨旸.汽车电器与电子控制技术M.哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2007 6 罗玉玺,石爱勤.汽车电路分析.2009.3 7 汽车工程编写组编辑委员会.汽车工程手册设计篇.北京:人民交通出版社,2001 8.刘剑冰,汽车电器实验台研究D,吉林大学,2007 9 黄丽雯 陈渝光 高精度汽车电子点火控制系统J;微计算机信息;2008年 10 郑家骧 陈桂英 机械制图及计算机绘图 机械工业出版社 2001年11 扬胜强 现代工程制图,国防工业出版社,2001 12于慧力,冯新敏。传动零部件设计实例精解。机械工程出版社。2009.4 13王大全,汽车常用数据手册,化学工业出版社,2006.9 14肖伟,汽车电器件试验系统研究J。天津市汽车研究所2005.1 15高文敏。传感器在汽车电子控制系统中故障自诊断。J。机电设备,2004.2 16侯军兴,汽车故障诊断技术的现状与发展趋势.J 农业装备与车辆工程.2006.6 17马桂英.现代汽车电子控制技术应用与发展.J. 浙江交通职业技术学院学报,2008.2 18张启明,汽车CAD技术 人民交通出版社,2005.9 19Automobile electrical equipment and electronic control JNew Engine Design and Automotive Filtration,1998 20The Theory of Electromagnetic Field J New Engine Design and Automotive Filtration,1998指导教师意见:签字: 年 月 日附 录1:英文文献AUTO ELECTRIC APPLIANCES1、Starting SystemAutomobile engines are not self-starts. In order to start them, the engine crankshaft must be turned over. To do this, the starter motor receives electrical power form the storage battery. The starter motor then converts this energy into mechanical energy, which it transmits through the drive mechanism to the engines fly wheel.The starter motor draws a great deal of electrical current from the battery. A large starter motor might require 300 to 400 amperes of current. This current flows through the heavy gauge cables that connect the battery to the starter.The drive controls the flow of this current using the starting switch. However, if the cables were routed from the battery to the starting switch and then on to the starter motor, the voltage drop caused b resistance in the cables would be too great. To avoid this problem, the system is designed with two connected circuits: the starter circuit and the control circuit.1.1 The starting safety switchThe starting safety switch is also called a neutral start switch. It is a normally open switch that prevents the starting system from opening when the automobiles transmission is in gear. If the car has no starting safety switch, it is possible to spin the engine with the transmission in gear. This will make the car lurch forward or backward which could be dangerous. Safety switches or interlock devices are used with all automatic transmissions and on many late-model cars with manual transmissions. The safety switch can be an electrical switch that opens the control circuit if the car is in gear. It can also be a mechanical interlock device that will not let the ignition switch turn to start if the car is in the gear.1.2 Magnetic Switch (Relays and Solenoids)A magnetic switch in the starting system allows the control circuit to open and close the starter circuit. The switch can be a:(1)Relay which uses the electromagnetic field of a coil to attract an armature and close the contact points.(2)Solenoid which uses the electromagnetic field of a coil to pull a plunger into the coil and close the contact points. The plungers movement can also be used to do a mechanical job, such as shifting the starter motor gear in a solenoid-actuated drive.1.3 Starter MotorThe starter motor converts electrical energy from the battery into mechanical energy to turn the engine. It does this through the interaction of magnetic fields. When current flows through a conductor, a magnetic field is formed around the conductor. If the conductor is placed in another magnetic field, the two fields will be weakened at one side and strengthened at the other side. An automotive starter motor has many conductors and uses a lot of current to create enough rotational force to crank the engine.The armature is the collection of conductors that will spin to crank the engine. The starter drive gear is mounted on the armature shaft. The pole pieces are the stationary magnetic fields. The motor housing encloses the armature and pole pieces, holds the bearings that support the armature shaft, and provides the terminals for connecting the motor to the rest of the staring system.2.I gniting SystemThe ignition system on an internal combustion engine provides the spark that ignites the combustible air/fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. The spark consists of an electric are produced by applying a high voltage across the electrodes of a spark plug. This spark must occur near the end of the compression stroke, as the position approaches top dead center (TDC). The cylinders must fire in the proper order and at a precise instant, depending on engine speed, load and temperature conditions.A spark plug consists of a pair of electrodes called the center and ground electrodes, separated by a gap. A spark is produced by applying a high voltage (from approximately 6 KV to 40 KV) between the center electrode and ground. Once the arc is started, a much lower voltage is required to sustain the arc to ignite the air/fuel mixture.The ignition system is divided into two circuits: the primary and the secondary. The primary circuit is the low-voltage side of the system and controls the secondary circuit, which is the high-voltage side of the system.The following are the basic parts of the primary ignition circuit:(1)Battery and/or alternator. Supplies the low voltage (12V) used to operate the primary circuit.(2)Ignition switch. Key-operated switch used to feed battery voltage to the primary circuit.(3)Primary wires. Low voltage wires used to connect the electrical components of the primary circuit.(4)Ignition coil primary winding. Current flow through the coil produces an electromagnetic field, which is used to induce a high voltage in the secondary coil.(5)Electronic control unit. Contains a switching transistor controlled by a speed sensor and is used to open and close the primary circuit.(6)Speed sensor, or pickup. Produces a pulsating voltage that signals the generation of an ignition spark.The following are the basic parts of a secondary ignition circuit:(1)Ignition coil secondary winding. Has a high voltage (40,000 V or more) induced in it each time the primary magnetic field collapses.(2)Coil wire. Heavily insulated wire that feeds high voltage from the ignition coil to distributor cap.(3)Distributor rotor. Operates in conjunction with the distributor cap to distribute the high voltage from the ignition coil to the individual spark plug wires in the firing order.(4)Distributor cap. Insulated cap that transfers high voltage from the distributor rotor to spark plug wires.(5)Spark plug wire. Heavily insulated wire that carries high voltage from the distributor to the spark plugs.(6)Spark plug. Provides the air gap within the combustion chamber for the high voltage to arc across, thus igniting the air/fuel mixture.Lighting CircuitThe lighting system in a typical automobile includes the headlight, parking lights, direction-signal lights, side marker, stoplights, tail lights, and interior lights.3.1 Main Lighting SwitchThe main lighting switch (sometimes called the headlight switch) is the heart of the lighting systems. It controls the headlights, parking lights, side marker lights, taillights, license plate light, instrument panel lights, and interior lights.Individual switches are provided for special purpose lights such as directional signals, hazard warning flashers, back up lights, and courtesy lights. The main lighting switch may be of either the “push-pull” or “push-pull with rotary contact” types. A typical switch will have three positions: off, parking, and headlamps. Some switches also contain a rheostat to control the brightness of the instrument panel lights. The rheostat is operated by rotating the control knob, separating it from the push-pull action of the main lighting switch.When the main lighting switch completes the circuit to the headlamps, the low beam lights the way for city driving and for use when meeting oncoming traffic on the highway. When the dimmer switch is actuated, the single filament headlamps go “on”, along with the high beam of the two filament headlamps. The next actuation of the dimmer switch returns the headlight system to low beams only on the two filament lamps. Some cars are equipped with and electronic headlight dimming device, which automatically switches the headlights from high beam to low in response to light from an approaching vehicle or light from the taillight of a vehicle being overtaken. The dimmer switch in the automatic headlamp dimming system is a special override type. It is located in the steering column as part of a combination dimmer, horn, and turn signal switch. The override action occurs when a slight pull toward the driver on the switch lever providers high beam headlights regardless of the amount of light on the sensor-amplifier.For some years there has been discussion about the advantages of a polarized headlight system. Such a system comprises headlights which produce polarized light in a particular plane. The windscreens of all cars would be fitted with polarizing glass, which would be oriented so that glare from an approaching vehicle would be essentially eliminated, while the forward vision would still be kept at the present levels. The advantages the system appear attractive, but the practical problems of making the transition are very great, since it would not be practical to convert all existing vehicles to this type of lighting. Also, any benefits would only be marginal because glare itself is not a frequent cause of accidents. However, many cars now have refracting or colored glass to cut down on glare.3.2 Directional Signal SwitchThe directional signal switch is installed just below the hub of the steering wheel. A manually controlled lever projecting from the switch permits the driver to signal the direction in which he wants to turn. Moving the switch handle down will light the “turn signal” lamps on the left front and left rear of the car, signaling a left turn. Moving the switch upward will light the turn signal lamps on the right (front and rear), signaling a right turn. With the switch in a position to signal a turn, lights are alternately turned “on” and “off” by a turn signal flasher. Incorporated in the directional signal switch is a “lane change switch mechanism”. This feature provides the driver the opportunity to signal a lane change by holding the turn lever against a dent, then releasing it so cancel the signal immediately after the maneuver is completed.3.3 Stoplight SwitchIn o
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