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1、Gage Reliability and Repeatability GR&R,S.J.Chen PE#2 Manager,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,Revision History,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,Contents,What is the GR&R GR&R是什么 GR&R - Variable data GR&R - 变量资料 The purpose & scope 目的和范围

2、Foreword 前言 Study preparation 研究前的准备 Study execution 研究的实行 Gauge acceptability 量规的可接受性 Case study 案例研究 Testing 测验,4 4 5 6 12 15 17 18 19,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,Contents,GR&R - Variable data GR&R - 变量资料 The purpose & scope 目的和范围 Foreword 前言 Study preparation 研

3、究前的准备 Study execution 研究的实行 Gauge acceptability 量规的可接受性 Case study 案例研究 Testing 测验,22 23 24 26 29 31 32,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,What Is the GR&R GR&R是什么,Definition ( 定义 ) GR&R is the analysis and evaluation of measurement system on precision GR&R是针对度量系统在精确度上的分

4、析和评估 Category ( 种类 ) Part A : variables data 变量资料 (Numeral data) (数字数据) Part B : attribute data 属性数据 (Inspection data) (检查资料),2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data GR&R - 变量资料,The purpose & scope 目的和范围 To assist in determining the following major proble

5、ms of all gauging systems used throughout the manufacturing process 帮助解决下列遍及制程中使用的所有量测系统的主要问题 Precision (精密度) Variation (变异性) Acceptability (可接受性) To furnish a comparison of the accurracy of one measuring device against another 提供不同台的测量设备间精确度之比较,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required

6、,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Foreword 前言 Why is the accuracy of the gauge wrong? 为何量规的精确度出错? Measurement errors (测量误差) Incorrect usage (不正确使用) Equipment variation (仪器变动) The factors of the gauge system error 量测系统错误的因素 Accuracy (精确度) Stability (稳定度) Repeatability (再现性) Reprod

7、ucibility (再生性),2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Accuracy 精确度 The difference between the observed average of measurements and the true average of the same measurements . 平均量测值和真实平均值之差距 Using the highest precision measuring de

8、vice to get the true average 使用最高精确度之测量仪器来量 测真实平均值,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Repeatability 再现性 The amount of variation in the gauge when the same parts and part characteristics are measured several times by the same pe

9、rson. 当相同人员多次测量相同物品和物品 特性,所得到量测变异的总量,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Reproducibility 再生性 The amount of variation in the average of the measurements when different people use the same gauge on the same parts and part characte

10、ristics. 当不同人员使用相同量规来测量 相同物品和物品特性,所得到量 测变异的总量,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Stability 稳定度 The periodic variations that occur due to enviromental changes,power fluctuations, wear ,or deterioration of the gauge . 由于环境变化、功率波动

11、、 量规的损耗或退化,所造成 的周期性的变化,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),When to perform GR&R 何时执行GR&R Before initial use 在第一次使用 When out-of-calibration 当仪器校验超出规范 After major gage component change 在量规主要零件更换后 After major repair / adjustments 在

12、量规主要修理或调整后 When to be used for major capability study 当GR&R被使用在作重要能力研究 Evidence of degradation since the last R&R study 当有证据显示自上一次R&R研究后 , 量规量测能力退化时,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Study preparation 研究前的准备 Gage under study m

13、ust be calbrated . 使用于研究的量规必需是经过校验的 Operator selected from whom normally use the gage . 作业人员的选择必需从经常使用该量规的人员中挑选 If not possible the person to be chosen must pass the training on the correct and proper use of gage . 假如无法从经常使用该量规的人员中挑选出人员 , 则选择的人员必需通过训练能正确和适当的使用量规 Sample part is from a selection of wi

14、de operating range , say one part taken per day . 样品必需是从广泛操作范围中挑选 , 也就是说尽量从一天中选取 Sample part must be labeled & measurement in actual study must be in complete random order . 样品必需被标记且样品量测次序必需完全用随机方式排列,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R -

15、变量资料(续),Study preparation 研究前的准备 Number of inspectors : 检查员的个数 3 inspectors.( Prior gauge capability is unknown) 3个检查员(预先的量规能力未知) 2 inspectors.( GR&R20% in prior gauge capability) 2个检查员(GR&R20%在先前的量规能力研究) Number of trials : 测试的次数 Same as for inspectors. 同检查员的个数 Number of parts : 零件的个数 10 pieces(usua

16、lly) or 5 pieces.( GR&R20% ) 通常使用10个零件或5个零件(GR&R20%),2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Study preparation(contd) 研究前的准备(续) Measuring ability : 量测能力 At least one-tenth of the tolerance range of the characteristic to be read dire

17、ctly. 至少需可直接读到特性规格中公差范围的十分之一 Eg:the tolerance is 0.001, the increment of gauge is not large 0.0001. 例:公差为0.001则量具之增量不可大于0.0001. To avoid any “operator” bias the inspectors should not allow to observe their own or any prior measurements. 为避免任何作业偏差,检查员不得观察任何自己或之前的量测数据,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential -

18、Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Study execution 研究的实行 Have a team member identify and mark the exact measurement point. 请一个成员确认和标记测量点 Select team members who are skilled and trained in the use of the gauge. 选择测试人员(需受过训及熟练使用量规) Number each part for identific

19、ation. 在每个受测物做编号以方便辨识 Calibrate the gauge prior to 1st trial.(If possible,each trail) 在第一次测试前需校正量规.(如果可能,可于每次测试前作),2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Study execution (contd) 研究的实行(续) Have 1st team member measure the parts in a

20、random order and enter the results in 1st column in the worksheet. 待测零件使用随机排列方式请第一个成员测量,并将结果计录于工作表第一栏中 Let 2nd team member measure them again in random order and enter the results in 5th column in the worksheet.(Note:dont let him see 1st members reading)待测零件使用随机排列方式请第二个成员测量,并将结果计录于工作表第六栏中. (注意:不可让其看

21、到第一位的读值) The same with 3rd member and record in 9th column. 对第三位作相同动作并记录于第九栏中 Repeat the same motion to finish the worksheet. 重复类似 动作完成工作表,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Gauge acceptability 量规的可接受性 The criteria for determin

22、ing the acceptability 决定接受程度的标准 R&R 10% tolerance - acceptable (可接受) 10% R&R 30% tolerance - conditionally acceptable (有条件接受) 30% tolerance R&R - not acceptable (不可接受) Note : 1. Conditionally acceptable dependent on importance of application, cost of gauge or engineering approval, etc. 有条件接受随应用的重要性,

23、量规的价格或工程正式批准等等 2. Not acceptable : repair, retrain, or use other measurement means 不可接受 :修理,重新教育或使用其他量测方法.,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Gauge Acceptability (Contd) 量规的可接受性(续) Some possible causes if repeatability reproduc

24、ibility 假如再现性大于再生性的可能原因 To retrain the user in using and reading the gauge . 对使用者重新作使用及读取量规的训练 Calibrations on the gauge dial could be more clearly defined . 对量规标度盘的校验需作更清楚的定义 Some possible causes if repeatability reproducibility 假如再现性小于再生性的可能原因 To redesign the gauge for ease of use . 重新设计较好用的量规 To

25、require the better gauge maintenance . 要求较好的量规维护系统,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Variable Data (Contd) GR&R - 变量资料(续),Case Study 案例研究 The worksheet of GR&R GR&R的工作表 The example of GR&R GR&R的范例,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR

26、&R - Variables的测验题,1.请说明“ GR&R “ 是什么 ? 2. GR&R分为几种?请说明之 . 3.请以图示说明下列几个名词并简述之 . Accuracy , Stability , Repeatability , Repeatability . 4.请说明Liteon GR&R - Variable 判定的标准 . 5. GR&R - Variable 量测之最小单位一般如何决定? 6.请说明 GR&R - Variable 的作法 ? 7. GR&R - Variable 工作表各个字段的说明 . 8. GR&R - Variable 计算 Upper Control

27、Limit 有何作用 ? 9. Repeatability 及 Reproducibility 各是指何种变动 ? 10. 请简述 Repeatability 大于或小于 Reproducibility 的可能原因 .,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Attribute Data GR&R -属性数据,The purpose & scope 目的和范围 To assist in determining the acceptability of certain types of insp

28、ection systems used throughout the manufacturing process 帮助决定遍及制程中特定检查系统的接受度,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Attribute Data GR&R -属性数据,Foreword 前言 There are many instances where the team has installed a test inspection point within the manufaturing process . Ho

29、wever,it does not record the critical parameter reading and only specified either acceptance or rejection.It is therefore impreative that we must conduct testing to determine the acceptability of the test method or visual inspection. 有许多例子显示在制程中会设置检查点.无论如何,它并无法记录下重要参数读值祇可记录是可接受或拒收.因此我们必需导入测试来决定这些测试方

30、法或目视检查是绝对必要的,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Attribute Data (Contd) GR&R -属性数据(续),Study preparation 研究前的准备 Number of inspectors : 检查员的个数 2 inspectors. 2个检查员 Number of trials : 测试的次数 3 trials for each study. 每次研究作 3 次 Number of parts : 零件的个数 30 pieces.(usually)

31、通常使用30个 20 pieces ( If previous studies shown consistence inspectors gauge accetibility) 假如之前作的研究显示一致性的检验能力时可用20个,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Attribute Data (Contd) GR&R -属性数据(续),Study preparation(contd) 研究前的准备(续) The sample should exhibit the “full” range

32、of tolerance . ( a few parts exactly on the tolerance limits and several parts outside the tolerance ). 样品需包含容许误差整个范围 . ( 一些样品需刚好在容许误差界限上而一些样品需在容许误差界限外 ) The selection of parts is required to verify the gauge / inspectors actual ability . 样品的选择需要能确认出量规或检验员的实际能力 To avoid any “operator” bias the inspe

33、ctors should not allow to see their previous measurements. 为避免任何作业偏差,检查员不得观察任何之前他们的量测资料,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Attribute Data (Contd) GR&R -属性数据(续),Study execution 研究的实行 Have a team member identify and mark the exact measurement point. 请一个成员确认和标记测量点 Se

34、lect team members who are skilled in the use of the gauge or the visual inspection criteria. 选择测试人员(需熟练于使用量规或目视检验标准) Number each part for identification(Not be visible to member.) 在每个受测物做编号以方便辨识(不可让受测人员看到) If possible , calibrate the gauge prior to 1st trial. 如果可能在第一次测试前校正量规.,2000/05/16,Liteon Confi

35、dential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Attribute Data (Contd) GR&R -属性数据(续),Study execution (contd) 研究的实行(续) Have 1st team member measure the parts in a random order and enter the results in 1st column in the worksheet. 待测零件使用随机排列方式请第一个成员测量,并将结果计录于工作表第一栏中 Record a “1“ if accepted a good par

36、t or rejected a bad part . 记录 ”1”如果接受一个良品或拒收一个不良品 Record a “0“ if accepted a bad part or rejected a good part . 记录 ”0”如果接受一个不良品或拒收一个良品 Continue the 2nd and 3rd trial inspection and recording the results ( Note : the parts should be in random order ) 继续第二及第三次测试并记录结果(注意:物品需用随机排列),2000/05/16,Liteon Con

37、fidential - Need To Know Required,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Attribute Data (Contd) GR&R -属性数据(续),Study execution (contd) 研究的实行(续) Let 2nd team member measure them again in random order and enter the results in appropriate columns in the worksheet.(Note:dont let him see 1st members reading) 待测零件使用随机排列方式请第二个成员测

38、量,并将结果计录于工作表第六栏中. (注意:不可让其看到第一位的读值) To complete columns 4 and 8 of the worksheet . To place a “1” in the “Diff” column only if all responses match ( i.e. all are 0 or 1) ,to place a “0” if different. 完成工作表中第4栏与第8栏 假如每一行均为“0”或“1”则填入“1”,但如果不是则填入“0”,2000/05/16,Liteon Confidential - Need To Know Require

39、d,Rev : 0C,GR&R - Attribute Data (Contd) GR&R -属性数据(续),Gauge acceptability 量规的可接受性 1. To evaluate “within operator / gauge ” consistency following the formulas in the attachment worksheet If either of the team members (a or b) have a Z-value 1.645 this indicates that the team member/gauge will make an incorrect decision more than 20% of the time 依据附件工作表的公式计算每个作业员/量规的一贯性 如果有计算出之 Z 值小于1.645,则表示其作出错误决定之机率大于20% 2. The possible potential problems when Z1.645 当 Z1.645时可能潜在的问题 User training is needed 使用者需再训练 Workmanship standard are not precise 人工操作标准不名确 Gauge s


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