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1、Review 复习,人称代词宾格,单数 (主格) I you he/ she / it,(宾格) me you him/her/it 我 你 他/她/它,人称代词宾格,复数 (主格) we you they,我们 你们 他/她/它们,(宾格) us you them,Lesson 23 Which glasses? 哪几只杯子,glass 杯子,glasses,杯子的复数,玻璃杯,给,我,一些,请,Give me some glasses please,Jane.,一些,Give me some glasses please,Jane.,杯子(复数),Give me some glasses

2、please,Jane.,Give me a book please,Jane.,单数,一本,复数,一些,给,我,一些,Give me some _.,pencils,铅笔,books,书,forks,刀,ties,领带,给,我,一些,Give me some _.,pencils,铅笔,books,书,forks,刀,ties,领带,Which glasses ?,Which book ?,书(单数),哪本,杯子(复数),哪些,s,哪些,These,This one?,是这本书吗?,是这些杯子吗?,glasses?,ones?,(复数)these(这些),单数this(这个) that(那个

3、),those(那些),No,not those.,不,不是 那些,The ones on the shelf.,glasses 杯子(复数),The ones on the shelf.,在上,me some glasses please ,Jane ?,Give,glasses?,Which,glasses?,These,?,?,No ,not .,those,ones on the shelf .,The,These,?,Yes ,please.,?,Here you are !,Thanks,!,Lesson 24,拼一拼,s,hndbg,handbag,this,bk,book,kt

4、,coat,has,house,tkt,ticket,n,thin,dg,dog,kpt,carpet,hz,his,ft,fat,fav,five,cupboardkbd,desk desk,bedbed,televisiontelvn,stereo ster,cigarettesgret,magazine mgzin,tabletebl,newspaper njuzpep,plateplet,floorfl,dressing table dres- tebl,-Give me please. -Which ones? These? -No, not those. The ones . .,

5、pens,on the desk,ties,on the chair,spoons,on the table,plates,on the cupboard,cigarettes,on the television,-Give me some pens please. -Which ones? These? -No, not those. The ones on the . .,boxes,on the floor,bottles,on the dressing table,books,on the shelf,magazines,on the bed,newspapers,on the ste

6、reo,48页练习A,Fill the blanks with me ,him ,her ,us,or them,1.Give Jane this watch . Give_ this one, too. 2.Give the children these ice creams. Give _these , too. 3.Give Tom this book. Give_ this one , too. 4.That is my passport . Give_ my passport please. 5.That is my coat. Give_ my coat please. 6.Tho

7、se are our umbrellas . Give _ our umbrellas please.,him,them,her,me,me,us,48页练习B,1 pens /on the desk Give me some pens please. Which ones? These? No, not those. The ones on the shelf. 2 ties/ on the chair Give me some ties please? Which ones? These? No, not those. The ones on the chair. 3 spoons/ on

8、 the table Give me some spoons please? Which ones? These? No, not those. The ones on the table. 4 plates/ on the cupboard Give me some plates please? Which ones? These? No, not those. The ones on the cupboard. 5 cigarettes/ on the television Give me some cigarettes please? Which ones? These? No, not

9、 those. The ones on the television.,6 boxes/ on the floor Give me some boxes please? Which ones? These? No, not those. The ones on the floor. 7 bottles/ on the dressing table Give me some bottles please? Which ones? These? No, not those. The ones on the dressing table. 8 books/ on the shelf Give me

10、some books please? Which ones? These? No, not those. The ones on the shelf. 9 magazines/ on the bed Give me some magazines please? Which ones? These? No, not those. The ones on the bed. 10 newspapers/ on the stereo Give me some newspapers please? Which ones? These? No, not those. The ones on the ste

11、reo,练习册64页练习A,Pau: Give _ some magazines_ , Susan. Susan:_ magazines ? These? Paul : No, not_ . The ones_ the table. Susan : These? Paul : Yes,_. Susan : Here _ _. Paul: Thanks.,you are,me,please,Which,those,on,please,练习册65页练习A,him,us,them,her,me,练习册65页练习B,some spoons/the table?/the shelf,Give me so

12、me spoons , please.,Which ones ? The ones on the table?,No , not the ones on the table.,The spoons on the shelf.,some magazines/the desk?/the television,Give me some magazines, please.,Which ones ? The ones on the desk?,No , not the ones on the desk.,The magazines on the television.,some books/the cupboard?/the desk,Give me some books, please.,Which ones ? The ones on the cupboard?,No , not the ones on the cupboard.,The books on the desk.,


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