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1、情感过滤假说 the affective filter hypothesis,by gong yan,情感过滤假说概况,情感过滤说” (the affective filter hypothesis)最初由dulayburt在1977年提 出,他们提出情感过滤是一种内在的处理系统,它潜意识地通过情感因素来组织学习者对语言的吸收,旨在解释情感因素如何影响外语学习的过程,20世纪70年代末到80年代初,美国著名语言学家克拉申(krashen)提出了一套完整的第二语言习得模式。他在20世纪70年代末提出了监察模式,并于80年代早期进行了扩大研究,其模式的核心部分是“输入假说”。因此,克拉申的第二语言

2、习得理论即为“输入假说模式,情感过滤假说概况,contents,输入假说,习得/学得假说,监控假说,自然顺序假说,情感过滤假说,情感过滤假说,情感过滤假说的理论基础是情感过滤器理论,根据该理论,第二语言习得的成功取决于学习者的情感因素。克拉申把情感因素看作是可以调节的过滤器,这个过滤器可以起到促进或阻碍语言输入的作用,情感因素,情感因素,动机 motivation,自信心 confidence,焦虑状况 anxiety,学习目的明确,动力大进步快;反之进步慢,自我感觉良好,进步快;反之进步慢,焦虑感强,情感屏障大,输入少;反之输入多,summary,语言的输入只有通过过滤器才能达到语言习得机制

3、,并为大脑所吸收。情感过滤假说强调了在二语习得过程中学习者的情感因素对语言的输入起着过滤的作用,学习者的情感因素会阻碍或加速语言的习得。如果学习者学习目的明确,学习动机高,自信心强,焦虑感适度,“情感过滤”就弱,反之,“情感过滤”就强。在语言习得中,如果“情感过滤”太强,大脑中会形成障碍,语言输入就会遇到阻碍,无法进入语言习得机制(language acquisition device)结果无法产生语言习得。如果“情感过滤”降低,可理解的语言输入便能顺利进入语言习得机制,加速语言习得的进程,只有降低情感过滤,消除学生的心理障碍,学生才能积极地学习,thank you,diagram,descr

4、ibe a vision of company or strategic contents,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,themegallery is a design digital content & content

5、s mall developed by guild design inc,diagram,reality,identity,creativity,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,reality,identity,creativity,themegallery is a design digital content & con

6、tents mall developed by guild design inc,a title about content,diagram,text in here,text in here,text in here,title,title,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,diag

7、ram,description of the contents,title in here,title in here,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,before,after,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,description of the contents,themegallery is a design

8、digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,click to edit title style,2. describe contents for a chart description of the companys sub contents description of the companys sub contents,1. describe contents for a chart description of the companys sub contents description of the comp

9、anys sub contents,chart title in here,2003,2004,2005,2006,30,50,70,120,diagram,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,themegallery is a design digital content & cont

10、ents mall developed by guild design inc,description of the companys sub contents,description of the companys sub contents,description of the companys sub contents,diagram,4. description of the business,5. description of the business,1. description of the business,2. description of the business,3. de

11、scription of the business,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,click to edit title style,click to add title,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,click to add title,click to add title,a title about con

12、tent,description of the contents,click to add text,click to add text,click to edit title style,contents01,contents02,contents03,contents04,contents05,contents06,0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100,18.5,17.5,8.7,23.6,63.6,84.3,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,

13、diagram,description of the contents,description of the contents,description of the contents,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,2004,2005,2006,contents themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,diagram,th

14、emegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,your text in here,your text in here,your text in here,add your text in here your text in here your text in here your text in here,add your text in here your text in here your text in here your text in here,add your

15、text in here your text in here your text in here your text in here,click to edit title style,title in here,description of the contents,text in here,description of the contents,description of the contents,description of the contents,description of the contents,1. title,2. title,3. title,4. title,desc

16、ription of the contents,description of the contents,diagram,content title,description of the contents description of the contents,content title,content title,description of the contents description of the contents,description of the contents description of the contents,contents themegallery is a des

17、ign digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,click to edit title style,click to add text click to add text click to add text,click to add text click to add text,title in here,title in here,title in here,text in here,text in here,text in here,describe a vision of company or strat

18、egic contents,click to add text,click to add text,click to add text click to add text,click to add text click to add text,click to add text,click to add text click to add text,diagram,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,describe a vis

19、ion of company or strategic contents,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,click to edit title style,contents,contents,contents,contents,themegallery

20、 is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,click to add text click to add text click to add text click to add text,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,click to add text click to add text click to add text,themegallery

21、 is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,click to add text,diagram,step 1,step 2,step 3,1.describe contents for a step1 - description of the sub contents - description of the sub contents 2.describe contents for a step2 - description of the sub contents - descriptio

22、n of the sub contents 3.describe contents for a step3 - description of the sub contents - description of the sub contents,text in here,click to edit title style,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,themegallery is a design digital content & contents

23、mall developed by guild design inc,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,a group,c group,b group,click to edit title style,level 1,level 2,level 3,level 4,level 5,description of the contents,description of the contents,description of the contents,desc

24、ription of the contents,description of the contents,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,click to edit title style,2004,text,text,text,2005,2006,text in here,text in here,text in here,text in here,text in here,text in here,click to edit title style,t

25、ext in here,title in here,text in here,text in here,2003,2004,2005,2006,description of the contents description of the contents,description of the contents description of the contents,description of the contents description of the contents,description of the contents description of the contents,them

26、egallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,click to edit title style,themegallery is a design digital content & contents mall developed by guild design inc,contents,contents,contents,contents,diagram,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,describe a vision of company or strategic contents,title in here,title in here,title in he


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