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1、牛津自然拼读教案1教学目标1. 课堂纪律重申2. 掌握本课的内容3. 独立完成练习教学难点一些易混淆的字母: b&p, t&d, m&n, j&g, w&v short a & short u 教学方法和策略1. 通过教师全英文游戏引导式的教学让学生充分的适应并喜欢英文教学环境,让学生对英文产生持续的兴趣。2.教师引入,让学生互相问答交流,培养学生的英文思维。3通过角色互动式教学让学生更加熟练的敢用英文交流,培养学生大方,自信的性格。教学流程:第一节课环节准备工作 内容 打招呼(Greeting) + 点名(Rolling call) + 热身(Warming up )+ 奖励机制(Scori

2、ng system)+本课内容(New Contents)过程1打招呼 T: Good morning, boys and girls. Im your English teacher. My name is xxx. First, Lets say “hello” to each other, when I say “Hello, boys and girls”, you should answer me “Hello, xxx” okay? Ss: OK! T: Good! Lets have a try: hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, xxx. (T

3、 跟每个孩子打招呼)T: now lets have a roll call.Ss: T:one two three. when I say one two three, you should say four four four. lets have a try . Ss: T:Look at the blackboard. Do you know the sound of b Ss: T:can you read this one ?-hat Ss:.T: can you read this one?-internationalization T:T: I have six rules i

4、n our classroom and I want you know them.(制定课堂纪律) #Rule1:我们是一个大家庭,所以我们要互相帮助和互相尊重,我们一起学习,一起分享快乐。 #Rule2: 不准大声喧哗。 #Rule3:不准迟到。 #Rule4: 下课后不准互相追逐。#Rule5:课上不能吃喝东西,除非得到老师允许。#Rule6: 按时完成作业 。 (带领学生签协议,宣誓)Ss: . 2 分组把学生分为3-4个人一组,并告诉他们团队精神的重要性,以及课上表现的得分制度。3.热身活动: 走字母迷宫T: Good job, each group can get a magnet

5、as your feet here. Every time you give the right answer you can move one step on this alphabet maze. Who reach the last letter Z can be the winner.Ss: .T: So, let it work now.4.26个字母及发音1)通过ABC歌引出26个字母2)元音中的长音发音 3)元音中的短音发音 4)认识21个辅音字母 活动:T: Everyone, Today, I have some questions, if you know answers,

6、 when I say “question”, you should put up your hands and say “answer”, If you answer my question, you can get one point, Now, Lets have a try. “question”注:1.老师在此需要多练习几遍抢答口令 2.在学生回答完问题之后,无论答案是否正确都要鼓励孩子。Now ,heres my question :How many letters are there in English? QuestionSs: Answer .T; Please, every

7、one lets welcome the 26 letters by sing a song weve known a long time ago. The ABC song. (引入师生竞争机制)Ss: .T: My Second question is: how many vowels are there in 26 letters?Ss: .T: Right, a, e, i, o, u are the five vowels(五个元音字母)And vowels are important, it have long sound and short sound.Ss: .T:what a

8、re their long sounds? Long sounds are their names. Whats your name? and whats your name?whats my name? whats as/es/isname so long a says ., and long e says ., and long i . The next one, long o says ., and long u says.T:five vowels have their actions. long a/e/i/o/u says(加入动作)Ss: .T: (faster reaction

9、)I point you read. Follow my hand. who is faster, who can get one step. Are you ready?SS: .T: We know vowels have long sounds and short sounds. (引入cat简笔画) whats this?Ss: CatT: here letter a says(用动作,并把短音符号smile mark 写上)(讲解嘴型的发音)Ss: .T: Group one, how to sound short a?Ss: .T: And , group two, how to

10、sound short a?Ss: .T: Group one is better, i think. They got it louder.Ss: .T: xxx, give me your short a?Ss: .T: xxx, give me your short a ?Ss: .T:(引入egg简笔画)whats this? Ss: .T:(解释发音要点及动作,并操练)T:(引入pig简笔画) whats this?Ss: .T:(解释发音要点及动作,并操练)T:(引入box简笔画) whats this?Ss: .T:(解释发音要点及动作,并操练)T:(引入bus简笔画) what

11、s this?Ss: .T:(解释发音要点及动作,并操练)T: Lets play a game-bomb game. Look, whats in my hand. This is a bomb, when I put the bomb here ,you should do like this(嘘的动作),if you read it, it will bomb. Clear?Ss: .T: (用手指)These are vowels. And we have 21letters left. We call it?Ss:. T: Yes, they are consonants. What

12、 are they?(引导学生把字母补充完整 板书 a b c d e f g h I j k l m o p q r sU v w x y z)Ss: .T:(发音+动作+单词 box ,cat, dog,fox,goat,hot,jet,kite,ball,name,pig,car,sea,tea,van,water,box,yes,zooTry some games to practice the sound and connect them to the letter itself1.拍字母。老师手上拿21个辅音字母的卡片。请两位同学到讲台上来,面对黑板。当老师拿出一张卡片时,下面的学生要大声说出字母的发音。在台上的学生要拍黑板上相应的字母,谁快谁加分。2.快速反应。老师说21个字母中任意一个字母的发音,学生要以最快的速度找出相应的字母卡片谁快谁加分。3.快速反应。老师说21个字母中任意一个字母的发音,然后用卡片去碰学生,碰到谁,谁就要大声读出这个字母的发音。) Ss: .(try some games to practice the sound and connect t


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