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1、写作词句翻译练习,Powerful sentences writing,Powerful sentences,_(正如图表所示), there are about 35% of the students surveyed _(喜欢追求时尚和名牌), _(这一点我个人认为不可取). As is shown/revealed in the graph; who are fond of seeking after trends and famous brands; which I personally think is not proper/desirable They _(持这样的观点) news

2、papers are less attractive because they _(缺少声音和视频). hold the opinion/view that; lack the sound and video,Powerful sentences,Personally speaking, people can _(利用任何手段) to gather information, _(只要) its convenient for them. make use of whatever means; so/as long as Some parents _(往往) set goals too high

3、for their children, _(然而) they dont know how to help them _(达到这些目标). tend to; yet/but; reach the goals,Powerful sentences,At the same time, they may _(求助于书本), _(希望得到现成的答案). turn to books for help, hoping to find ready answers In my humble opinion, parents should set _(理性的期望) for their children, _(而不

4、是给他们高压). reasonable expectations; rather than impose high pressure on them/rather than give them high pressure/rather than provide them with high pressure,Powerful sentences,_(看到这幅图片), I cant help _(想起我自己的童年). Seeing the picture/cartoon; thinking of my own childhood _(这幅图想要告诉我们的是) we just cant _(认为父

5、母给予我们的爱是理所当然的). What the picture/cartoon is trying to tell us is that; take our parents love and care for granted,Powerful sentences,As teenagers, we should _(加强与父母的沟通) so as _(缩小代沟). strengthen/step up/reinforce/promote communication with our parents; to narrow the generation gap (between us (and o

6、ur parents) 人间相互的关爱就像春风一样,让我们的生活温 暖、舒适,还会给我们的生活注入活力和力量。 Mutual care (among people) is like a spring breeze which makes our life warm and comfortable. It can even fill our life with vitality and strength,Powerful sentences,Drunken driving may _(导致) terrible accidents, _ (造成巨大损失和多人死亡). result in/lead

7、to/contribute to; causing great damage and many deaths _(随着人们的生活水平的迅速提高), _(购车热) is _(席卷全国大部分地区). With the rapid improvement of peoples living conditions/With the rapid increase of peoples income/With peoples living standards rising quickly; car fever; sweeping over/across most parts of our country,

8、Powerful sentences,_(随着考试的临近), we are under more and more pressure, so we _(时间浪费不起). With the examinations approaching; cant afford to waste our precious time _(只有这样) can we _(期待双赢局面), that is, _(在我们发展经济的同时), we protect our environment as well. Only in this way/by this means; expect a win-win situat

9、ion; while we are developing our economy,Powerful sentences,我们怎样强调团队协作精神都不为过。 We can never emphasize team spirits too much/enough. It is what you do, not what you say, _(才是重要的). that counts/matters _(如图所示), some _(行人) dont _(遵守交通规则) and jaywalk frequently, _(这会阻碍交通), seriously affects drivers and ca

10、uses accidents, _(使他人的生命遭到危险). As is (vividly) shown in the picture/As we can clearly seen in the picture; pedestrians; obey traffic rules; which may block the traffic; endangering other peoples lives,Powerful sentences,However, _(仍需时日) all the people _(意识到不遵守交通规则的严重性). there is still a long way to

11、go before/it will be a long time before; are aware of the seriousness of disobeying traffic rules Friends may establish true friendship between them, _(在这种友谊中,他们分享快乐、分担忧愁). They should learn how to _(容忍) each others shortcomings. where they share joys and sorrows; tolerate/put up with,Powerful sente

12、nces,人的内在美才是最重要的。 It is ones inner beauty that really matters/counts/is of the most importance. 积极乐观的人生态度对你大有裨益。 (Holding/Having) An active/positive and optimistic attitude towards life will do you a lot of good/will be beneficial to you/will be of great benefit to you. You will benefit a lot from a

13、 positive and optimistic attitude toward life,Powerful sentences,现在是我们提高每个学生的责任意识的时候了。 Its (about/high) time we raised every one of us students awareness of responsibility. Nowadays _(大部分的) students _(只关心) themselves _(而不) others or society. the (vast) majority of; simply care for/only take care of;

14、 rather than,Powerful sentences,As far as Im concerned, _(应该采取积极有效的措施) to get all the students _(了解树立责任感的重要性). active and effective measures should be taken; to realize the importance of building up their sense of responsibility 没有健康的身体我们将一事无成。 We can accomplish/do nothing without good health/a heal

15、thy body,Powerful sentences,_(总之), both family and friends are _(同等重要的) in our life. To sum up/In a word/To conclude, equally important/of equal importance In my opinion, it is really _(不明智的) to develop economy _ _(以环境为代价). unwise; at the sacrifice/cost of our environment,Powerful sentences,Im writi

16、ng this letter _(旨在呼吁有关当局更多地关心) this problem. aiming to appeal the authorities concerned to pay more attention to The government should do something necessary _(迅速地) to improve our present living environment and _(还我们一个美丽干净的故乡). without delay; give us back a beautiful and clean hometown,Powerful sen

17、tences,Ladies and gentlemen, I am _(很荣幸地) to speak here _ (代表) my school. greatly honoured; on behalf of Every one of us should know clearly _ _(相互理解、相互尊重起着多么重要的作用) in _(建设一个和谐社会). what an important role mutual understanding and respect/understanding and respecting each other plays; establishing/bui

18、lding up a harmonious society,Powerful sentences,We should learn how to _(与自然和谐相处). live in (perfect) harmony with nature 这种现象需要引起我们极大的关注。 This kind of phenomenon calls for/requires much of our attention. _(中学生出国留学的学生的人数) _(一直在上升) since 2002, _ _(这已引起公众的关注). The number of high school students going

19、abroad for further study; has always been on a rise/has always been increasing; which has caused/aroused public concern,Powerful sentences,_(毫无疑问) such behaviour _(是不负责任也是不能容忍的). There is no doubt that; is irresponsible and intolerable Activities of this kind can _(不仅能丰富我们的知识,也能扩大我们的视野/知识面). not onl

20、y enrich our knowledge but also broaden/widen our horizons,Powerful sentences,_(人们普遍认为) it is _(不好的举止、不礼貌的行为) to spit in public. It is universally acknowledged that; bad manners One problem _(在于) the majority of people _(不能理解) the importance of environmental protection. lies in the fact that; fail t

21、o understand/fail to be aware of/fail to be conscious of,Powerful sentences,These tragedies came _(使每个人震惊), and they have _(引起来自各阶层的人的关注). as a shock to everyone; aroused great concern among people from all walks of life _(让我们感到放心的是), our government has realized _(目前的情况是何等的严重) and _(正在采取有效的措施来确保校车的安

22、全). Much to our relief; how serious the situation is; is taking effective measures to ensure the safety of school buses,Powerful sentences,Parents always consider their children _(掌上明珠) and they _(愿意付出一切) for their children. But how much do their children _(对他们的关爱)? the apple of their eye; are willi

23、ng to sacrifice everything they have; repay for their care and love/do in return for their love and care _(的日子已经一去不返了) my parents took my hand to the park. How I _(珍惜那些日子)! Gone are the days when; cherish those days,Powerful sentences,With their love rooted in my heart, I will _(不遗余力地努力学习) in order

24、to make my parents _(为我自豪). spare no effort to work hard at my studies; proud of me _(回顾) the past years, I _(真的很感激) what my parents have done for me. They have _(尽力) to help me to keep fit and study well. Looking back on; am truly grateful for; done what they can/tried all their best/made every eff

25、ort,Powerful sentences,The air pollution _(由汽车引起的) is becoming _(越来越严重). caused by cars/vehicles; increasingly serious/more and more serious From _(在我看来), _(各行各业的人) are looking forward to enjoying a low-carbon life. _(然而), the real situation is _(没有预期的那么好). my point of view; people from all walks of

26、 life; Nevertheless/However; not as/so good as expected,Powerful sentences,网络上的这一问题正在得到热议。 This issue/question is under heated discussion online. Personally speaking, the problem _(不在于网络本身,而在于人们应该如何使用网络). lies not with the Internet itself but with how people make use of it Only in this way _(我们才能找到解

27、决这一问题的方法). can we find out the solution to the problem,Powerful sentences,Some people _(认为) this kind of training _(对有负面影响) students growth and overloads their parents with extra expense. hold the view that; has a negative effect/influence/impact on These well-designed facilities _(已给人们的生活带来极大的方便).

28、have brought great convenience to peoples life,Powerful sentences,_(接受调查的百分之六十的学生) _(赞成) the view that the school may open one or two places where students may plant trees or flowers. 60% of the students surveyed/There are 60% of the students who; support/in favor of _(这样的活动) can _(给学生提供) _(参加社会实践的机

29、会). Activities of this kind; provide the students with/offer the students; opportunities to participate in social practice,Powerful sentences,We hope to obtain _(更多的展示自己才华的机会). more opportunities to show off our talents 最近,我们就“青少年如何择友”的问题在中学生中进行了调查。人们的观点各不相同。Recently, a survey on “how teenagers sele

30、ct their friends” has been _. Opinions _. carried out/conducted; vary/differ (among the students,Powerful sentences,As is known to all, _(体育锻炼) _(有助于) both _(身心健康). physical exercise/training; contributes to/does good to/is beneficial/is of great benefit to; physical and mental health/fitness _(与大众的

31、预期/观点相反的是), _(没有哪一个路人) _ _(伸出援助之手) to the old lady who had fallen down and was lying on the roadside. Contrary to the public expectations/Contrary to the most commonly-held belief; none of the pedestrians (passing by); lent a helping hand,Powerful sentences,So far, what the local government has done

32、 _(远远不能令人满意/远远不够). is far from being satisfactory/is not nearly satisfactory/is far from enough/still leaves much to be desired 我认为这样的观点是站不住脚的。 In my opinion, this point of view holds no water/doesnt make sense,Powerful sentences,Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! _(很荣幸) to be here to talk about _(

33、全球变暖问题) and ways of dealing with it. Its my great honor; the global warming problems _(最近), global warming has _(引起全世界的广泛关注). Lately/Recently; caused/aroused wide public concern all across the world,Powerful sentences,_(有多种因素导致) the phenomenon of global warming. Firstly There are various/several factors contributing to; There are a variety of factors that contribute to _(大量的温室气体) are produced by cars and factories every day. Large qua


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