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一模四腔 齿轮 组件 成型 工艺 塑料 注塑 模具设计 说明书 CAD
河南机电高等专科学校学生毕业设计(论文)中期检查表学生姓名 学 号 指导教师 选题情况课题名称 斜齿轮组件难易程度偏难 适中偏易工作量较大合理较小符合规范化的要求任务书有 无开题报告有 无外文翻译质量优良中差学习态度、出勤情况好 一般差工作进度快按计划进行 慢中期工作汇报及解答问题情况优良中差中期成绩评定:所在专业意见: 负责人: 年 月 日 河南机电高等专科学校毕业设计(论文)任务书系 部: 材料工程系 专 业: 模具设计与制造 学生姓名: 学 号: 设计(论文)题目: 斜齿轮组件注塑模 起 迄 日 期: 2006 年 3 月10日 5月15日指 导 教 师: 发任务书日期: 2006年 3 月 10日毕 业 设 计(论 文)任 务 书1本毕业设计(论文)课题来源及应达到的目的: 经老师的精心挑选,并结合本专业学习所要求达到的目标。经过设计,希望达到能够独立设计一套完整模具的能力。2本毕业设计(论文)课题任务的内容和要求(包括原始数据、技术要求、工作要求等): 题目:斜齿轮组件的成型工艺及塑料模具设计原始资料: 设计题目:斜齿轮组件注塑模生产批量:大批量生产技术要求:未注圆角R2所有尺寸公差按SJ137278的4级精度 内容:(1)完成斜齿轮组件零件的工艺性分析及工艺方案制定(2)斜齿轮组件模具装配图及全部零件图的绘制(3)完成模具主要工作零件的工艺规程编制(4)编写设计说明书 所在专业审查意见:负责人: 年 月 日系部意见:系领导: 年 月 日河南机电高等专科学校毕业设计河南机电高等专科学校材料工程系模具设计与制造专业毕业设计/论文设计/论文题目:斜齿轮组件的成型工艺及塑料模具设计班 级: 姓 名: 指导老师: 完成时间: 2006.05.06 毕业设计(论文)成绩毕业设计成绩指导老师认定成绩小组答辩成绩答辩成绩指导老师签字答辩委员会签字答辩委员会主任签字毕业设计/论文任务书 题目:斜齿轮组件的成型工艺及塑料模具设计 内容:(1)完成斜齿轮组件零件的工艺性分析及工艺方案制定(2)斜齿轮组件模具装配图及全部零件图的绘制(3)完成模具主要工作零件的工艺规程编制(4)编写设计说明书(5)原始资料: 设计题目:斜齿轮组件注塑模生产批量:大批量生产技术要求:未注圆角R2所有尺寸公差按SJ137278的4级精度插图清单图1-1 产品零件图5图3-1 分型面11图3-2 型腔布置方式 12图3-3 半圆形分流道14图3-4 凹模结构设计15图3-5 凸模结构设计15表格清单表4-1 型腔、型芯工作尺寸计算16表10.1 定模镶件的加工工艺过程23表10.2 动模镶件加工工艺过程 25目录绪 论 1 第一章 任务来源及设计意义 5 1.1 设计任务来源5 1.2 设计目的及意义6第二章 零件的工艺性分析7 2.1 塑件的原材料分析72.2 塑件的结构和尺寸精度及表面质量分析82.3 计算塑件的体积和质量82.4 塑件注塑工艺参数的确定9第三章 注塑模的结构设计11 3.1 分型面的选择113.2 确定型腔的排列方式123.3 浇注系统设计123.4 成型零件结构设计14第四章 模具设计的有关计算164.1 型腔和型芯工作尺寸的计算16 4.2 型腔侧壁厚度及底板厚度计算17 第五章 脱模机构的设计19第六章 模具加热与冷却系统的有关计算20 第七章 模具闭合高度的确定21第八章 注塑机有关参数的校核22第九章 绘制模具总装图和非标准零件工作图23第十章 注塑模主要零件加工工艺规程的编制24 10.1定模镶件固定板加工工艺过程24 10.2定模座板加工工艺24 第十一章模具的安装与调试2611.1模具的安装2611.2模具的调试26设计总结28致谢29参考文献30 斜齿轮组件塑料注塑模设计 摘 要本设计题目为斜齿轮组件塑料注塑模,但对做毕业设计的毕业生有一定的设计意义,它概括了斜齿轮组件塑料零件的设计要求、内容及方向。通过对该零件模具的设计,进一步加强了设计者注塑模设计的基础,为设计更复杂的注塑模具做好了铺垫和吸取了更深刻的经验。通过对方案的选择:从零件图上分析:该零件总体形状为带凸缘的斜齿轮组件,形状简单,结构合理且制件的壁厚均匀,在两边相交的部分也都设有圆弧过渡,在成型时塑料在模具型腔内流动阻力相对较小有利于制品的成型。本塑件是斜齿轮组件在齿轮外侧的齿槽与开模方向不一致且它们之间有一个螺旋的角度所以在脱模时必须考虑设计一个能在开模时随着开模过程的进行使塑件和型腔同时旋转一个角这样才能在开模时顺利把制件顶出,在本副模具的设计中,在顶管的尾部安装了推力轴承,在开模时顶杆顶动轴承盖及轴承座使推块上升,在上升的过程中,由于塑件及推块同时发生转动,直到塑件脱出型腔。这种机构脱模可靠,设计方便且在模具中占用空间较小,非常适合在本副模具中使用。相信不久本模具投入市场一定能带来很好的效益服务大众,服务社会。关键词:塑料注塑模 斜齿轮组件 推力轴承 轴承盖 推块 型腔 The helical gear module note molds the design AbstractThis design topic molds for the helical gear module note, but to the graduate which makes the graduation project has the certain design significance, it summarized the helical gear module plastic parts design request, the content and the direction. Through to this components mold design, further strengthened the designer note to mold the design foundation, for designed more complex casts the mold to complete the upholstery and to absorb a more profound experience.Through to plan choice: Analyzes from the detail drawing: This components overall shape for belt flange helical gear module, shape simple, the structure reasonable also workpiece wall thickness is even, in the part which two intersects also all is equipped with the circular arc transition, when taking shape the plastic the flow resistance relative is slightly advantageous in the mold cavity to product taking shape. This models is the helical gear module with opens the norm in the gear flank socket to not to be inconsistent also them between has a spiral angle therefore in drawing of patterns time must consider designs to be able while operates the mold along with to open the mold process to carry on causes to model and the cavity revolves an angle to be able when operates the mold smoothly the workpiece to go against like this, in this mold design, has installed the thrust bearing in the top pipe rear part, when operates the mold the roof bar goes against moves the bearing cap and the bearing seat causes to push the block rise, in rise process, because models and pushes the block synchronize rotation, Until models the leaving cavity. This kind of organization drawing of patterns reliable, the design convenience also takes the space in the mold to be small, suits extremely in this mold uses. Can unquestionably bring very good benefit and serve the general public to invest the market while believing a mould soon, serve the society. Key words :The plastic note molds Helical gear module Thrust bearing Bearing cap Pushes the block Cavity河南机电高等专科学校毕业设计(论文)评语学生姓名: 班级: 学号:题 目:斜齿轮组件注塑模设计与制造 综合成绩: 指导者评语: 指导者(签字): 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)评语评阅者评语: 评阅者(签字): 年 月 日答辩委员会(小组)评语: 答辩委员会(小组)负责人(签字): 年 月 日河南机电高等专科学校模具设计与制造专业毕业生质量追踪调查表毕业时间(届): 学生姓名 调查时间 满意比较满意基本满意不满意备注1.思想表现2.敬业精神3.工作态度4.专业知识5.工作能力与水平6.创新精神7.与同时协作精神8.工作实绩综合评价对该毕业生总体评价及对学校人才培养的意见及建议: 被调查单位(盖章): 被调查人签字: 年 月 日International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 47 (2007) 740747Rapid tooling analysis of Stereolithography injection mould toolingSadegh Rahmati?, Phill Dickens1Manufacturing Engineering Group, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Imam Hussain, Tehran, IranAvailable online 13 November 2006AbstractIncreasing competition in global markets is exerting intense pressure on companies to trim their product cycles continuously. Asdelivery times and costs of tools are on a downward trend, the modern tool manufacturer is under pressure to produce tools quickly,accurately and at a lower cost. Reducing the time to produce prototypes is a key to speed up the development of new products. Rapidtooling (RT) with particular regard to injection mould fabrication using rapid prototyping (RP) technology of Stereolithography (SL)may lead to savings in cost and time. In this paper, SL is used to directly build rapid injection mould tools for short run production. SLtools have been evaluated to analyse the maximum number of successful injections and quality of performance. SL epoxy tools were ableto resist the injection pressure and temperature and 500 injections were achieved. The tool failure mechanisms during injection areinvestigated and tool failure either occurs due to excessive flexural stresses, or because of excessive shear stresses.r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Rapid prototyping; Stereolithography; Rapid tooling; Injection moulding1. IntroductionThe design to production time for new componentscontinues to decrease so that the long lead-time inproducing tooling conventionally becomes more of abarrier in responding to customer demand 1,2. Increasein design capabilities, product variety, demand for shor-tened lead-time and decrease in production quantities arethe major driving forces in the development of rapidtooling technologies, where tooling time and cost aresignificantly reduced 35. At the same time, SL toolingtechniques are improving and are becoming increasinglypopular among manufacturers 68. The development ofthe SL injection moulding tools at the University ofNottingham, has taken place along two fronts.The first was to provide material data for tool designunder extreme conditions of stress and temperature, andobtaining data from different tests, which resemble realsituations 9. The second development was a theoreticaland analytical analysis of SL tools during the injectionprocess 10. It has shown that SL injection mould toolingcan be used successfully in low to medium numbers, and upto 500 parts have been produced with one tool 11. Therest of the paper addresses the following: Section 2 outlinesthe experimental procedure, Section 3 focuses on theinjection pressure analysis, Section 4 deals with tooltemperatures studies and testing mechanical properties ofthe epoxy resin on tensile and impact strength, Section 5concentrates on the failure mechanisms during injection bylooking at flexural stresses, shear stresses, crack propaga-tion and fatigue using SEM observations, and Section 6 isthe results summary.2. Experimental methodIn constructing SL injection moulding tools, epoxy insertshells were fabricated directly from CAD data on an SLmachine (SLA 250). These inserts were then fitted into steelmould bases through steel frames, and back-filled with analuminium powder/aluminium chip/epoxy resin mixture(Fig. 1). The back-filled mixture added strength to theinserts and allowed heat to be conducted away from themould. The modular steel mould bases were two standardbase plates machined with a cylindrical pocket to fit thesteel frames and the inserts 12. The SL tools were thentested in a 50ton Battenfeld production moulding machineARTICLE IN PRESS/locate/ijmactool0890-6955/$-see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2006.09.022?Corresponding author.E-mail address: rahmati (S. Rahmati).1Professor&HeadofRapidManufacturingResearchGroup,Loughborough University, UK.to produce parts from polypropylene (PP) and Acryloni-trile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) (Fig. 2).During the moulding process, the temperature andpressure of the cavity were monitored, and the melttemperature was controlled using different thermocouplesto ensure that the conditions within the cavity were asuniform as possible. Fractured samples of both the mouldsand the mouldings were examined using either an opticalmicroscope or a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).Fractured cubes were used to investigate the failure crosssections and fractured surfaces. Failed cubes embeddedinto the moulding material were mounted using a castingmaterial and cut and polished in order to be examined,using an optical microscope. However, fractured surfacesof the cubes and the core were investigated using SEM,which led to the interpretation of the failure mechanism ofthe SL tooling.3. Injection pressure analysisWhen the melt enters the cavity, it moves radially awayfrom the centre, and hits the blocks. Then the flow movesin three directions, upwards and around the cubes until thethree flow fronts meet at the back symmetrically. The flowloses pressure and heat as it moves away from the centreand in addition to this pressure loss, the flow movingupwards faces additional loss due to the bends. There aretwo main forces acting on the blocks, one due to the shearstress acting on the base, the other is the bending stresstrying to tip over the blocks. In general, at any instantwhere the injection pressure is higher than the toolstrength, failure is feasible. To avoid this, care is taken toinject at a temperature where the tool has sufficientstrength. This criterion has led to a well-defined cycle,where injection always takes place when the tool tempera-ture has dropped to 451C, where the materials strength isable to resist the injection pressure.When a shot is made, plastic is pushed into the cavityand as a result pressure is exerted on the tool. The pressureprofile is investigated using load cells placed at the bottomof the ejectors (Fig. 3). The pressure exerted on the ejectorswill be transferred to the load cells placed at the other endof the ejectors. Three ejector pins out of five, one in themiddle and two in the corners were selected for measuringthe pressure. All load cells were wired to a Data Loggerand operated by a PC. The voltage changes duringARTICLE IN PRESSSpring & Gating systemCavity Steel FrameCore Steel FrameEjector PinsStereolithographyCavity InsertBack Fill materialStereolithographyCore InsectFig. 1. Cross sectional view of the SL injection moulding tool inserts.Fig. 2. The moulding after being ejected from the SL tool.SprueCorner ejectorsMiddle ejectorSprue bushMouldingEjector baseLoad cellCore sideCavity sideMiddle ejectorLoad cell wiresFig. 3. The location of the ejectors and the load cells.S. Rahmati, P. Dickens / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 47 (2007) 740747741injection were recorded and converted into pressure. Theresults are plotted in Fig. 4 where the maximum injectionpressure of 1650psi (11.4Mpa) on the middle ejector,drops to about 1300psi (9MPa) on the corner ejectors.4. Temperature and material studies of SL epoxy toolA number of thermocouples were inserted in differentlocations of the core and cavity to continuously monitorthe temperature in real time. In particular thermocoupleswere inserted on features, which are more vulnerable toheat, such as cubes which were heated from five directions.A PC temperature logger was used to monitor and recordthe data and analyse the changes in temperature duringinjection. Fig. 5 is typical real time temperature behaviourwhere the cycle time is long enough to cool the mould to451C before starting a new injection.Standard specimens were built for tensile strength, shearstrength according to ISO527 and impact strength testaccording to ISO 179. Tests were carried out using aminimum of 10 specimens tested at each temperature,where samples were heated by built-in heating chamberandtestedusingInstron1195machineatdifferenttemperatures. The average impact strength result wasdetermined to be 28.4kJ/m2and the average result atvarious temperatures is plotted in Fig. 6. Epoxy tensile andshear test results are shown in Fig. 7. Although themaximum tensile and shear strength is at 201C, there isrelatively little elongation and elasticity at this temperature,which means that the impact resistance is minimum(Fig. 6).Thermosettingmaterialssuchasepoxypossessarelatively wide glass transition temperature. With anincrease in epoxys tool temperature, the tensile strengthof the tool decreases while its impact resistance increases(Figs. 6 and 7). These properties work in favour of the SLtooling technique. Due to the absence of water cooling andthe short freeze time of 15s, stress and warpage wereintroduced to the part, in particular at hot spots where heatwas dissipated at a lower rate. However, increasing thefreeze time from 15 to 35s has minimised the warpage.It is clear that there is an optimum mould temperature toget an acceptable moulding without damaging the SL tool.This temperature is a trade off between the tensile andshear strength on one hand and toughness strength on theother hand. For example injection at tool temperatures ofARTICLE IN PRESS02004006008001000120014001600180003691215182124Corner Pressure 1Middle PressureCorner Pressure 3Pressure Profile inside the SL Epoxy Cavity in Three Locations Pressure (psi)Time (sec)Fig. 4. The pressure profile inside the cavity at three locations.0204060801001200100200300400500600Temperature (Deg C)Core1Core2Core3Core4Cavity1Cavity2Cavity3Cavity4Time (sec)Fig. 5. Temperature variation inside the epoxy tool during successive cycles.S. Rahmati, P. Dickens / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 47 (2007) 740747742251C would probably cause failure because of the toolslack of toughness. However, at 451C the tool has survivedand more than 500 successful shots were made. Using anair jet to cool the mould has proved to be successful, andhas doubled the rate of production by reducing the cycletime from 4.3 to 2min.5. Failure mechanism analysisWhen the plastic is injected into the cavity, there is asudden pressure rise within the cavity, which is the highestpressure reached during the moulding cycle (Fig. 4). Thispressure exerts a force on the core features, which maycause tool fracture, if the ultimate tensile strength orflexural strength of the material is exceeded. Fig. 8, showsthe various scenarios which may arise during plasticinjection. In (a), there is no failure, in (b) there is a flexuralfailure and in (c) there is a shear failure. Flexural stress canlead to instant failure, or alternatively, to crack propaga-tion and fatigue failure.5.1. Flexural failure during injectionThe majority of failures observed during this investiga-tion were due to flexural stresses. During flexural failurethe injection pressure overcomes the tools flexural strengthso that the feature rotates about its pivot point, andultimately breaks off (Fig. 8(b). This may occur if theinjection pressure is beyond the flexural strength of the SLtool, but flexural failure is usually due to the history of theloading. The flexural stress for a cantilever beam with auniform force F acting on it, is given in 13:s 6F ? hat2,(1)where, h, a and t are the cube height, width and depthrespectively as shown in Fig. 9. Table 1 shows thetheoretical calculations of flexural stresses for the SL cubesversus their flexural strength. Using this equation it can beseen from Table 1 that only the largest cube should survivethe injection pressure and the rest of the cubes fail.ARTICLE IN PRESS2030405060708090100102030405060708090Impact Strength (kJ/m2)Impact StrengthTemperature (Deg C)Fig. 6. Impact strength of filled epoxy versus temperature.010203040506070102030405060708090100110Tensile Strength (MPa)010203040506070Tensile (MPa)Shear (MPa) Temperature (C)Shear Strength (MPa)Fig. 7. Maximum Tensile and Shear strength of epoxy SL5170 versus temperature.S. Rahmati, P. Dickens / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 47 (2007) 740747743However, in practice, the SL tools have produced hundredsof parts prior to failure, so that the theoretical model in Eq.(1) overestimates the flexural stresses. There are tworeasons for this discrepancy. First the flexural stressformula assumes a minimum beam aspect ratio of 10 whilethis ratio here is four 14. Secondly the injection pressureexerted on the cubes during injection was taken to be thepressure at front of the cubes but in reality this pressure ispartly counteracted by the melt pressure behind the cubes.In the case of the smallest cube, the net pressure is foundto be 153psi, which gives a flexural stress of 15Mpa usingEq. (1), which is less than 27Mpa (flexural strength of thetool at 401C). This suggests that all of the SL cubes shouldsurvive the injection pressure. A better theoretical methodfor calculating the flexural stresses would be through theapplication of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) andfinite element method (FEM), which will combine the fluidand stress analysis to model the SL tool.5.2. Crack propagation and fatigueFlexural stresses can also induce a fatigue typeprocess, spanning a number of moulding cycles. In thissituation, the cube pivots as in Fig. 8(b) without beingfractured but a crack is initiated at the intersection betweenthe face of the cube in tension due to flexural stresses, andthe core face perpendicular to it. During subsequent cycles,the crack propagates through the base of the cubeeventually resulting in failure. Failure analysis of theSEM images has revealed that the crack propagatesthrough the cubes prior to the ultimate failure. Micro-scopicpicturesofmouldingsnumberedsequentiallyindicate that the crack has started well before the ultimateflexural failure. Fig. 10 is a picture taken of the crosssection of a moulding before the actual failure happened,where subsequent injection mouldings have exhibiteda positive flaw corresponding to the inverse of thecrackgenerated.Fig.11showstheflexuralfailureof a similar cube to that seen in Fig. 10, after a numberof shots.Crack initiation in SL tools occurs predominately atstress concentrations, such as sharp corners or at stairsteppings (an inherent property of SL parts). CrackARTICLE IN PRESScubemoulding(a) (b) (c) Flow directionMelt pressureMelt pressurepivoting point Fig. 8. Schematic view of different scenarios, which may occur during injection. (a) No failure; (b) Flexural failure; (c) Shear failure.Plastic flowXYZtFlexural stress in X directionNeutral AxisY YhaFig.9. Schematicviewofthecubesstressparametersandtheapproaching flow.Table 1Flexural stresses exerted on the SL cubesMoment ofinertia I(m4)Moment M(Nm)Flexuralstress s(Mpa)Flexuralstrength at401C (Mpa)Cube 1108?10?121.68746.8565.0Cube 262.5?10?121.68767.4665.0Cube 332.0?10?121.687105.4165.0Cube 413.5?10?121.687187.4065.0Fig. 10. Moulding showing the attached plastic of crack before failure.S. Rahmati, P. Dickens / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 47 (2007) 740747744formation may also result from flaws or microscopicdefects created during photo-polymerisation process duetomaterialdiscontinuities15.Sharpcorners,stairstepping, voids or flaws are a cause or source of crackinitiation. Fatigue failure can be minimised by introducingfillets at the sharp corners in order to reduce the stressconcentration and crack propagation. Evidence of thecrack failure as shown in Fig. 12, can be seen on thefracture surface in the form of striations, where each oneof these marks represents crack growth. At the tip of thecrack and in a small region near the tip, the yield strengthofthematerialisexceeded.Inthisregion,plasticdeformation occurs and the stresses are limited by yielding17. After each cycle, the crack grows in the same manneruntil a critical crack length is reached. At this point, thecrack tip can increase in velocity and spread all the wayacross the cube resulting in failure.5.3. Shear failureDuring shear failure, the feature is sheared off in thedirection of the melt flow. Fig. 13, shows the cross sectionof a sheared SL cube. Notice that the SL cube has beenpushed across by the flow of plastic. The shear stress at apoint in a section is given by 18:t VQIa,(2)where V is the shear force at the given section, Q is the firstmoment of the area about the neutral axis, I is the momentof inertia of the cube section with respect to the neutralaxis, and a is the width of the cross-section. As the shearstress calculation results show in Table 2, the maximumshear stresses produced in the SL tool during operation arebelow the shear strength of the SL tool. Moreover, the SLtool can survive at injection temperatures beyond 401C asshown in the last column of the Table 2. Fig. 14, shows themaximum shear stresses at various points of the cube baseversus the average shear stress. The plot of the maximumshear stresses at various points results in a parabolic curve.6. ConclusionsSL tools have been successfully tested where failureswere observed after 500 shots. SL tool failure mechanismshave been investigated and different scenarios have beendemonstrated. Using a thermoplastic with a meltingtemperature of 2003001C in epoxy SL tooling which hasa Glass transition temperature (Tg) of about 60901C,seems unrealistic or impossible. However, the key point tothe success of this technique is the very low thermalconductivity of the SL tool and the short injection time(Fig. 15). These two factors are the key to the success of theSL injection mould tooling, which are overlooked bymany.ARTICLE IN PRESSFig. 11. Flexural failure as a result of crack propagation.Fig. 12. SEM observation revealing striation marking on the fracturedsurface.Fig. 13. SL cube being sheared off during injection moulding process.S. Rahmati, P. Dickens / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 47 (2007) 740747745Although epoxy has a very low tensile or shear strengthat high temperatures, during the first few seconds ofinjection in which the maximum pressure is exerted on thetool, the heat has not been able to penetrate. Therefore, thetool strength is still maintained and low conductivity of theepoxy works in favour of the process initially. It can beconcluded that the tool must be cooled down in eachcycle to as low as 40501C before the next injection ismade. Tool cooling can be achieved either through freeconvection,whichtakes45minorthroughforcedconvection by means of an air jet which reduces the cycletime to 1, 2min. The results of the work can be summarisedas follows:?More than 500 parts were produced using the epoxy SLcore and cavity using external air jet to cool the tool to451C.?Tool failure during injection is independent of theplastic temperature.?Failure during injection may occur either at low tooltemperature when tool toughness is not sufficient, or athigh tool temperature (above epoxy Tg).?As experience and theoretical calculations confirm,flexural stresses during the injection process are themost probable cause of failure. Reducing the featuresaspect ratio of tool decreases the chances of flexuralfailure.ARTICLE IN PRESSTable 2Shear stresses acting on the SL cubesShear area AS(mm2)Shear force V (N)Shear stress tave(Mpa)Shear strength at 401C (Mpa)TMAX(1C)Cube 136421.6411.7124.365.3Cube 230421.6414.0524.361.5Cube 324421.6417.5724.355.9Cube 418421.6423.4224.346.41/4N.A.1/2shear stress at 1/4 fron N.A.shear stress at N.A.average shear stress11.71 MPa13.18 MPa17.57 MPa13.18 MPa00Fig. 14. Distribution of the shear stresses across the largest cube base.0200400600800100012001400160018000102030405060708090100Pressure (psi)0102030405060708090100110120Temperature (Deg C)PressureTemperatureTime (sec)Fig. 15. Plot of temperature and pressure versus time during injection cycle.S. Rahm
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