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机械工业近期行业技术发展重点 第一章 行业技术发展现状机械工业是为国民经济提供技术装备和为人民生活提供耐用消费品的装备产业。国民经济各部门生产技术的进步和经济效益的高低,在很大程度上取决于它所采用机械装备的性能和质量,机械工业的技术水平是衡量一个国家科技水平和经济实力的重要标志之一。经过近50年的发展,机械工业已经成为我国工业中具有相当规模和一定技术基础的最大产业之一。1997年实现销售收入13651亿元,占全国工业的21%;利润257亿元,税621亿元,分别占全国工业的15%;出口创汇363亿美元,占全国外贸出口额的20%。其发展速度高于同期工业的平均增长速度。近年来,机械工业企业自主开发创新能力有所增强,1997年科技人员总数达48万人,技术开发经费支出达85亿元,占全行业销售收入的0.62%,有57家大型企业建立了国家级技术中心,有9%的企业建立了专门技术开发机构,行业整体技术水平有了明显进步,主要表现在:为国民经济提供成套技术装备和汽车的能力有较大提高;产品结构正向合理化方向发展。尽管机械工业的综合技术水平近几年有了大幅度提高,但与工业发达国家相比,仍存在着阶段性的差距。主要问题在于:1科技进步对机械工业增长的贡献率目前仅为34%,先进国家高达70%以上。2产品设计技术、制造工艺及装备、制造过程自动化技术、管理技术落后,是制约机械产品水平的主要因素。3机械产品技术水平不高,达到80年代末、90年代初国际先进水平的仅占18%,达到80年代中期国际水平的占27%,其余产品均在80年代以前的水平线上。从总体上看,机械工业技术开发能力和技术基础薄弱,发展后劲不足;技术来源主要依靠引进国外技术,对国外技术的依存度较高,对引进技术的消化吸收仍停留在掌握已有技术和提高国产化率上,没有上升到形成产品自主开发能力和技术创新能力的高度。 第二章 技术发展的总体目标以数控机床、电力电子应用及自动化技术、大型农业机械和施工机械、轿车关键技术、环保装备五个方面作为重点,以发展和应用先进制造技术为手段,以高新技术和产品的产业化为突破口,以提高企业技术创新能力和竞争力为目标,提高企业技术创新水平。到2001年,提供1000种具有自主知识产权和较大市场需求潜力的产品。主要产品品种的40%达到90年代初国际水平,5%达到国际先进水平,90%的重点骨干企业产品标准接近或达到国际先进企业标准。 第三章 技术发展的方向和重点3.1以数控机床为代表的基础机械数控机床是先进制造业的基础机械,是最典型的多品种、小批量、高技术含量的机电一体化产品。目前世界数控机床年产量超过15万台,品种超过1500种。1997年我国数控机床产量已达9051台(占机床总产值20%以上),但由于国产数控机床不能满足市场需求,在国内市场上的占有率逐年下降,每年仍需大量进口数控机床,进口额度大幅度增加。1996年进口达13924台(价值12.46亿美元)。目前我国数控机床技术发展中存在的主要问题是:(1)产品成熟度差,可靠性不高国外数控系统平均无故障时间(MTBF)在10000小时以上,国内自主开发的数控系统仅30005000小时;整机平均无故障工作时间国外达800小时以上,国内最好只有300小时。(2)产品品种少,不能满足市场需求国外数控机床品种已达到1500种,国内只有500多种,且性能水平低,高速、高效、高精度产品几乎没有。(3)创新能力低,市场竞争力不强生产数控机床的企业虽达百余家,但大多数都未能形成规模生产,企业效益差,创新能力低,制造成本高,产品市场竞争能力不强。(4)数控机床行业的专业化零配件及部件的协作生产配套体系不健全,大多数企业都是“大而全、小而全”的结构模式。近期我国在数控机床的发展方面,要采取跟踪高级型、发展普及型、扩大经济型,以普及型为主的策略,重点发展:(1)经济适用、量大面广的产品经济适用的普及型数控车床、加工中心、数控铣床。(2)高速、高效和专用、成套数控机床高速、高效数控车床及加工中心;高效数控锻压成套装备,其中包括,可自动换头冲压机床、复合式柔性冲压中心、四边折弯机等;大型精密模具数控成套装备,其中包括数控仿型铣床及龙门式数控铣床、智能化电加工机床等。(3)数控机床专业化配套系统新一代数控及伺服系统系列产品;数控机床高速主轴、电主轴电机系列产品;数控机床机械手、刀库及动力刀架系列产品;数控机床高速配套零部件及辅件系列产品;其中包括,高速滚珠丝杆、高速陶瓷轴承、高速防护装置等系列产品。发展目标:(1)扶植重点企业开发经济适用、量大面广的数控机床并形成批量生产,使这些企业产品的市场占有率有明显提高,成为名牌产品;(2)发展数十种高速、高效、专用、成套数控机床系列新品种,以满足汽车、农机、航空、模具等行业的需求;(3)数控机床关键配套产品:数控系统,满足国内数控机床50%的配套需求;高速主轴及电主轴年产达千套;机械手、刀库、动力刀架及数控机床高速配套零部件、辅件系列产品满足国内50%的配套需求。3.2电力电子应用及自动化技术电力电子技术是集微电子、计算机和自动化技术于一体的综合技术,是节能节材的最佳技术之一。目前,国外电力电子技术已经发展到以IGBT为代表的第三代,并向智能电力电子时代发展,我国现在仍处于以晶闸管为代表的第二代。国内电力电子市场品种满足率仅35%,新产品市场基本上被国外产品占领。现场总线智能仪表和总线式自动测试系统是集自动化技术、计算机技术和通信技术于一体的新一代自动化仪表系统,已成为世界范围自动化技术发展的热点,是当代工业自动化的主要标志。我国仍处于由模拟式仪表系统向数字式仪表系统过渡的模数混合式仪表系统阶段,水平落后1015年,因此在低技术产品市场上还占有80%左右份额,但在高技术产品市场的占有率不到60%,新产品市场几乎全为国外产品占领。因此,抓住当前时机在23年内以IGBT,现场总线智能仪表和自动测试系统为突破,攻克重点技术和产品,并实现产业化。这一领域重点发展:(1)IGBT器件及其装置,大功率晶闸管及其装置研制新一代双极晶体管IGBT、高品质大电流IGBT等大功率晶闸管制造技术,并开发变频调速装置、逆变开关电源、大容量整滤源等的工程应用。(2)现场总线智能仪表研制开发变送、执行、配套等类现场总线仪表。产品产业化技术开发、并开展示范工程的应用研究。(3)自动测仪系统和设备开发总线式自动测试系统的基础产品,形成适度规模,同时建立用于机电产品和社会公益事业的典型自动测试系统,做好示范和推广应用。3.3大型农业机械和施工机械3.31农业机械工业发达国家农机产品在不断采用新技术的基础上,正业环境方向发展。目前我国已能生产14大类、3000多个品种的农机产品,但是产品的综合技术水平仅相当于国外70年代水平。主要问题在于:1)产品水平不高,品种不全 综合技术经济指标落后,可靠性差,寿命短。以拖拉机为例,MTBF值国外可以达到330小时以上,而我国仅100余小时。品种上:大型缺,小型杂,不成系列。2)产品生产达到经济规模的少,重复生产、小规模生产,难以保证质量。农机领域重点发展:1)促进农业生产产业化的大中型拖拉机及配套农具 拖拉机平均无故障时间从110小时提高到300小时以上;2)联合收割机 联合收割机可靠性系数从0.50.7提高到0.9以上;3)主要农产品加工机械(含烘干仓储机械) 农村产业化和中西部地区脱贫致富需要的农产品深加工机械;4)节水灌溉设备 喷、滴灌设备将灌溉水的有效利用率由大水漫灌的40%提高到80%以上。农机产品的使用可靠性及寿命指标普遍提高一倍以上,主要产品的技术标准与国际标准接轨。3.32施工机械施工机械是国民经济大型工程项目建设必须的关键设备。我国已初步具备16个大类,3100多个品种规格产品的生产能力,部分产品已开始进入国际市场。但与国民经济发展要求和国际先进水平相比较,差距还是很大。一是产品的综合技术水平不高,尤其是产品的质量、寿命、可靠性、安全舒适性等指标以及机电一体化等高新技术的应用与国外先进水平还有很大的差距;二是产品结构性短缺,成套服务能力差,远不能满足需要,如路面施工机械基本上还要靠进口;三是大部分企业生产规模小,制约着行业经济效益的进一步提高。施工机械重点发展:1)推土机、液压挖掘机、轮式装载机;2)汽车起重机、大型叉车;3)摊铺机、压路机;4)无开挖式管道铺设机;5)江河湖库清淤设备。发展目标:大型工程机械可靠性指标达到400小时,寿命指标达到10000小时。3.4轿车关键技术我国汽车工业长期以卡车为主要产品,改革开放以后,轿车产品得到了快速发展。1998年轿车产量达到52万辆。 我国汽车工业存在的主要问题:(1)重复建设严重,造成无序竞争,难以集中形成实力,发挥规模效益。(2)自主开发能力薄弱,大多数企业“九五”期间仍偏重于对生产环节进行改造,包括多数中外合资的零部件企业对产品开发能力建设几乎没有投入。目前,国内对轿车产品尚不具备自主开发能力,机电一体化的高新技术零部件产品还必须引进技术。近期轿车重点发展:(1)经济型轿车以轿车车身为突破口,利用技贸结合、与国外公司合作等方式,先抓车身联合研制,并建立经济型轿车的公用设计数据库,与CAS、CAD、CAE、CAM等技术结合,形成我国汽车工业在经济型轿车方面的自主开发能力。(2)轿车动力总成消化吸收引进技术,与国外有实力的企业进行合资、合作、联合开发,在国产汽油机上普及电控燃油喷射技术(EMS),并研究开发缸内直喷(GDI)技术,开发应用电控机械变速器(AMT)技术。(3)轿车关键零部件以机电一体化汽车电子部件为突破口,从引进技术、合资入手,在保证高起点、大批量、专业化生产的同时,要集中力量抓紧下一代新产品的研制开发和应用,重点是电控防抱死制动系统(ABS)、安全气囊(Air Bag)、高效稳定的汽车尾气三元催化转换器,并达到与整车同步或超前发展。(4)高附加值专用汽车和客车重点开发各类高性能专用底盘。对专用汽车以低底盘车辆和沙漠越野车辆为主;客车以低地板城市客车为主,要求具有良好的动力性、操纵性、舒适性和低污染。3.5环保装备环保产业是防治环境污染、改善生态环境、促进资源优化配置、支持资源综合利用的支柱产业。全世界环保机械的年销售额约2000亿美元,集中于美国、欧州、日本等经济发达国家。我国环保机械行业基础弱、起步晚,年产值仅100多亿人民币。随着各方面对环境保护的日益重视,可持续发展战略的实施,市场需求不断增长,环保机械将成为机械工业新的经济增长点。环保机械行业主要差距在于:(1)产品结构不合理,品种少初级产品所占比重较大,具有当代水平的机电一体化产品少,急需的大型成套设备不能满足现实市场需求。在目前3000多种环保机械产品中,约有五分之一的产品由于性能、可靠性、 适用性、结构设计等原因,应该限制生产或限期淘汰。大型烟气脱硫、脱氮成套设备、大型城市污水处理厂成套设备、大型城市垃圾处理厂成套设备目前主要依赖进口,高浓度有机废水、难降解工业废水处理技术及设备发展缓慢。(2)产品质量、技术水平比国际先进水平落后20年相当多的产品没有行业或国家标准,产品规格型号、基本性能参数不统一,质量检测无依据。(3)生产企业规模小、开发能力薄弱规模小、装备条件差、检测手段不全的中小企业占全行业企业总数的78%。年产值在3000万元以上的企业仅占全行业的3.2%,并且主要集中在电除尘器、袋式除尘器等少数几种产品生产领域。近期环保机械重点发展:(1)烟气脱硫设备循环流化床锅炉及炉内脱硫脱硝技术(CFPBC、PFBC技术)、大型整体煤气化燃气蒸汽联合循环技术及装备(IGCC技术)。(2)城市污水处理成套设备活性污泥法、氧化沟法、移动曝气法为主体的城市污水处理成套设备,以日处理1025万吨污水处理厂为目标,提供污水处理成套设备、污泥利用和处置成套设备、控制和监测系统。(3)城市固体垃圾处理和综合利用装备城市生活垃圾分类、焚烧、堆肥技术及装备,以日处理100吨、300吨处理厂为目标,提供垃圾处理成套装备。(4)环境监测仪器 便携式多功能多参数水质监测仪、12种总量控制的污染物监测仪、大气环境污染监测仪器和系统以及水处理过程自动控制系统等。提高产品档次、水平、可靠性和精度。主要目标:(1)大型成套设备的国产化率达到70%以上;一般工程项目的设备国产化率达到90%以上;高浓度有机废水和难降解工业废水处理技术及成套设备国产化率达到80%以上。(2)一般环保机械60%以上的产品达到90年代初水平,5%10%的产品达到当代国际水平。(3)发展新产品品种,开发新产品200种以上。晋中工业信息网向高效、节能、保护农Chapter 1 Industry and Technology Development Status Machinery industry is the provision of technical equipment for the national economy and peoples lives for the provision of consumer durable goods, equipment industry. National economic departments production and technological progress and economic benefits of high and low, to a large extent it depends on the use of the machinery and equipment and the performance and quality, machine-building industry is the skill level of a countrys technological level and economic strength of one of the important symbols. After nearly 50 years of development, Chinas machinery industry has become a considerable size in the industry and certain technical basis of one of the largest industries. 1997 sales income 1.3651 trillion yuan, accounting for 21 percent of the national industry; profits 25.7 billion yuan, 62.1 billion yuan tax, which accounted for 15 percent of the national industry; export 36.3 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 20 per cent of foreign trade exports. Its growth rate higher than the same period the average industrial growth rate. In recent years, the machinery industrial enterprises in the development of independent innovation capability has increased, scientific and technical personnel in 1997 amounted to 480,000 the total number of people, technology development expenditures amounted to 8.5 billion yuan, the industry-wide sales revenue of 0.62 percent, with 57 large enterprises to establish a national - Class technology center, nine percent of the enterprises set up special technology development institutions, the overall technological level of industries with significant progress, the main problems: the national economy to provide complete sets of equipment and vehicles have greater ability to improve the product structure being rationalized Direction. Although the machinery industrys integrated technical level in recent years has significantly increased, compared with the industrialized countries, there is a stage in the gap. The main question is: 1. Scientific and technological progress of the machinery industrys contribution to the growth rate at present is only 34 percent in advanced countries are as high as 70 percent. 2. Product design technology, manufacturing technology and equipment, manufacturing process automation technology, management, backward technology, mechanical products is restricting the level of the main factors. 3. Mechanical products of high technological level, to the late 1980s and early 1990s, the international advanced level of only 18 percent to the mid-1980s the international level of 27 per cent and the remaining products in the 1980s before the level of online. Overall, machinery industrial technological development capability and technical foundation is weak, the development potential shortage of technology sources rely mainly on the introduction of foreign technology, the higher the degree of dependence on foreign technology, the introduction of technology digestion and absorption are still in control technology and has been Guochanhuashuai increase, the products did not rise to the formation of independent development capability and a high degree of technological innovation capabilityChapter II of the overall objectives of technological development To CNC machine tools, power electronics applications and automation technology, large-scale agricultural machinery and construction machinery, car key technology, environmental protection equipment in five aspects as a key to the development and application of advanced manufacturing technology as a means to high-tech industries and products into The breakthrough point, to enhance their technological innovation capacity and competitiveness as the goal, enhance their level of technological innovation. By 2001, to provide 1,000 kinds of independent intellectual property rights and greater potential for market demand of products. The main products reached 40 percent of species of the early 1990s, the international standard, five percent up to international advanced level, 90 percent of key enterprise product standards close to or reached advanced international business standards.Chapter III of technological development in the direction and focus 3.1 to CNC machine tools as the representative of the basic machinery NC machine tools is the foundation of advanced manufacturing machinery, is the most typical variety, low-volume, high-tech electromechanical integration of the products. The world annual production of CNC machine tools more than 150,000 Taiwan, more than 1,500 kinds of species. 1997 Chinas output of CNC machine tools has reached 9051 Taiwan (accounting for over 20 percent of total output value of machine tools), but because China-made CNC machine tools can not meet the market demand in the domestic market share decline year by year, a year still importing large quantities of CNC machine tools, A substantial increase in the amount of imports. 1996 imports amounted to 13,924 Taiwan (worth 1.246 billion U.S. dollars). At present, Chinas CNC machine tool technology in the development of the main problems are: (1) maturity poor, reliability is not high CNC average foreign trouble-free time (MTBF) in more than 10,000 hours, the domestic independent development of numerical control system only 3,000 to 5,000 hours;整机trouble-free an average working hours of 800 hours over foreign and domestic best only 300 hours. (2) less product variety, can not meet the market demand Foreign NC machine tools has reached 1,500 kinds of species, only 500 domestic and low levels of performance, high-speed, highly efficient, almost no high-precision products. (3) low innovation capacity, are on the market CNC machine tool production of the enterprises must raise about 8 per though, but most have failed to scale production, poor corporate efficiency, low innovation capacity, high manufacturing costs, product market competitiveness is not strong. (4) the professionalization of CNC machine tools industry spare parts and components produced in collaboration supporting system is not perfect, most businesses are Dear Quean, the small but complete model of the structure. CNC machine tools in Chinas recent development, to take the High-tracking the development of universal, and expand economic, universal-oriented strategy, focusing on development: (1) application of economic, Damian-volume products The universal application of economic CNC lathes, machining centers, CNC milling machine. (2) high-speed, efficient and dedicated, complete sets of CNC machine tools High-speed, efficient CNC lathes and machining centers; efficient NC forging equipment, including that automatically for the first punching machine, the composite flexible stamping center, four sides bending machines; large precision molds NC equipment, including several - Profile milling machines and gantry milling machine, intelligent processing, machine tools, etc. (3) of CNC machine tools specialized support system NC Servo System and a new generation of products, high-speed spindle CNC machine tools, electric spindle motor products; manipulator NC machine tools, knives and the driving force Turret products; high-speed CNC machine tool parts and accessories supporting products which Including, high-speed ball screw, high-speed ceramic bearings, protective devices, such as high-speed products. Development Goals: (1) to foster the economic development of key enterprises apply, Damian wide of the NC machine tools and of mass production, so that the products of these enterprises have significantly increased market share, abrand-name products; (2) the development of dozens of high-speed, highly efficient, dedicated, complete sets of CNC machine tools series of new varieties to meet the automotive, agricultural machinery, aviation, mold, and other industry needs; (3) of CNC machine tools supporting key products: NC system, meet the domestic CNC machine tools 50 percent of the matching demand and high-speed main spindle with an annual output of 1,000 sets of mechanical hand, the knife, power tool carrier and supporting high-speed CNC machine tools Parts, accessories series of products to meet domestic demand for 50% of the supporting3.2 power electronic applications and automation technology Power electronics technology is set microelectronics, computers and automation technology in an integrated technology, energy-saving materials is the one of the best technology. At present, foreign power electronics technology has been developed to the IGBT as the representative to the third generation, power electronics and smart development of the times, our country is still in the SCR as the representative to the second generation. Domestic varieties to meet the power electronics market rate of only 35 per cent, new products market is basically occupied by foreign products. Field Bus-Bus smart instrumentation and automatic test system is set automation technology, computer technology and communication technology in one of the new generation of automated instrumentation systems, automation technology has become the worldwide development of the hot and contemporary industrial automation is the main hallmark. China still in the system from analog to digital dashboard instrumentation systems transition module hybrid instrument system stage, behind the level of 10 to 15, low-technology products in the market still occupied about 80 percent share, but in high-tech products market The share of less than 60 percent, the new product markets for foreign products for almost the entire occupation. Therefore, seize the current opportunity in two to three years to IGBT, Fieldbus smart instrumentation and automatic test system for the breakthrough, capturing key technologies and products and to achieve industrialization. The key development areas: (1) IGBT devices and devices, high-power devices and SCR Developing a new generation of bipolar transistors IGBT, high-quality high-current, such as high-power IGBT SCR manufacturing technology and the development of Frequency Control device, switch power inverter, high-capacity filter sources such as the entire application. (2) Fieldbus intelligent instrument Development of transmission, implementation, support and other types of Fieldbus instrumentation. Products industrialization of technological development and demonstration projects of applied research. (3) Automatic measuring instrument systems and equipment Bus-developed the basis automatic test system products, a moderate scale, while machinery and electrical products and for the establishment of social welfare undertakings of the typical automatic test system, to model and promote the use of.3.3 large-scale agricultural machinery and construction machinery 3.31 Agricultural Machinery Agricultural Machinery products in the industrialized countries continue to adopt a new technology based on the industry are environmental direction. China has been able to produce 14 categories, more than 3,000 varieties of agricultural machinery products, but products of integrated technical level equivalent to only the level of foreign 1970s. The main question is: 1) product level is not high, incomplete varieties comprehensive technical and economic indicators backward, poor reliability and short life. A tractor as an example, MTBF values abroad can reach more than 330 hours, but China only 100 hours. Variety: the lack of large and small miscellaneous, not series. 2)The production to achieve economy of scale of less duplication of production, small-scale production, it is difficult to guarantee quality. Farm Machinery key development areas: 1) To promote the industrialization of agricultural production of large and medium-sized tractor and a tractor tools trouble-free time from an average of 110 hours to 300 hours or more. 2) Combine the reliability coefficient of combine harvesters from 0.5 to 0.7 to 0.9 above; 3) major agricultural products processing machinery (including dry storage machinery) and the industrialization of rural central and western regions become prosperous in need of deep processing of agricultural machinery; 4) water-saving irrigation equipment spray, drip irrigation equipment will be the effective utilization of water from the flood Manguan 40 percent to more than 80 percent. The use of agricultural machinery products and the reliability of life indicators generally improve more than doubled, the main products of the technical standards with international standards.3.32 Construction Machinery Construction machinery and the national economy is large-scale construction projects must be of key equipment. China has initially have 16 categories, more than 3,100 different specifications of the product production capacity of some products have begun to enter the international market. But with the development of the national economy and international advanced level, compared to the gap is big. First, the integrated products of high technological level, in particular the quality of the product, life expectancy, reliability, safety and comfort, and other indicators, such as high-tech electromechanical integration and application of advanced foreign standards also is a wide gap between the second is structural products Shortage of packages of services is poor, far can not meet the needs, such as road construction machinery largely depends on imports; Third, most of the production of small scale enterprises, constraining the industry to further improve economic efficiency. Focus on the development of construction machinery: 1) bulldozers, hydraulic excavators and wheel loaders; 2) truck crane, forklift large; 3) paver, roller; 4) No excavation for the laying of pipelines; 5) the rivers, lakes dredging equipment. Development Goals: Large-scale construction machinery reliability index reached 400 hours, life indicators have reached 10,000 hours.3.4 sedan key technologies Chinas automobile industry to long-term truck as the main product of reform and opening up, the car has been rapid development of products. 1998 car output reached 520,000. Chinas automobile industry the main problems: (1) duplicate construction, causing disorderly competition, difficult to concentrate on a power play of scale. (2)Weak independent development capabilities, the majority of enterprises 9th Five-Year period is still a strong bias towards the production processes to be transformed, including the majority of Sino-foreign joint venture enterprises parts of the product development capacity-building almost no input. At present, the domestic passenger car products do not have the self-development capacity, electromechanical integration of high-tech parts must also introduce advanced technology products. Car recent focus on development: (1) economic cars To car body to make a breakthrough, combining the use Jimao, cooperation with foreign companies, including through the body to grasp the joint development, economic cars and the establishment of the common design database, with the CAS, CAD, CAE, CAM, and other technical integration, forming Chinas automobile industry Economic cars in the independent development capability. (2) car powertrain Digest and absorb foreign technology and foreign enterprises strength of the joint venture, cooperation, joint development and in domestic gasoline engine on the universal electronic control fuel injection technology (EMS), and research and development of direct injection (GDI) technology, development and application of electronic control machinery Transmission (AMT) technology. (3) car key parts To electromechanical integration automotive electronics components as a breakthrough point, from the introduction of technology, starting with a joint venture, to ensure a high starting point, high-volume, specialized production at the same time, efforts should be concentrated on the next generation step up research and development of new products and applications, with a focus on prevention, control Baosi braking system (ABS), airbags (Air Bag), high efficiency and stability of ternary automobile exhaust catalytic converters and achieve synchronization with the vehicle ahead or development. (4)High value-added specialized vehicles and minibuses Special focus on the development of various types of high-performance chassis. The Special Purpose Vehicle to lower the chassis of vehicles and desert off-road vehicles mainly low-floor bus to the main city bus, requires a good dynamic, handling, comfort and low pollution.3.5 environmental protection equipment Environmental protection industry is the prevention and treatment of environmental pollution and improved the ecological environment and promote optimal allocation of resources, comprehensive utilization of resources to support the pillar industries. The world of environmental protection machinery of the annual sales of about 200 billion U.S. dollars, concentrated in the United States, Europe, Japan and other developed economies. Chinas environmental protection machinery industry based on the weak, late start, the annual output value over 100 billion yuan only. With all the face of the increasing emphasis on environmental protection, the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development, market demand is growwing, environmental protection machinery machinery industry will become new points of economic growth. Environmental protection machinery industry is the main difference: (1) product structure is irrational, less variety Larger proportion of primary products, with the contemporary level of integration of mechanical and electrical products less urgent need of large complete sets of equipment can not meet the real needs of the market. In the current more than 3,000 kinds of environmental protection machinery products, about one-fifth of the product because of performance, reliability, suitability, structural design, and other factors, should limit production deadlines or eliminated. Large-scale flue gas desulphurization, nitrogen and complete sets of equipment, large urban sewage treatment plant complete sets of equipment, large-scale urban garbage treatment plant complete sets of equipment currently relies mainly on imports, high concentrations of organic wastewater, industrial wastewater treatment refractory Slow development of technology and equipment. (2)Product quality and technical level than the advanced international level be
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