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1、2021-5-151 1 Economy of the UK 英国经济PPT 2021-5-152 2 Historical origin Great Charter Time : In June 15, 1215 Purpose: To protect the political independence and economic interests of the feudal aristocracy保障封建贵族的政 治独立与经济权益 primary coverage : 1. To limit kingship 2. To protect the political 、 economic

2、and judicial privileges (司法特权)(司法特权)of the church and the secular aristocracy(世俗贵族)(世俗贵族) are not infringed 3. To protect knights, free farmers and citizens interests 英国经济PPT 2021-5-153 3 It makes the bud which bred in trade and industrial structure of feudal society can grow up in incompatible moth

3、er(母体)母体), and has a far- reaching influence on the emergence and development of future British capitalism 英国经济PPT 2021-5-154 4 Forteenth Centurythe plague (黑死病(黑死病) Plague Yersinia pestis(鼠疫耶尔森氏菌)(鼠疫耶尔森氏菌) is a infectious disease(感染性疾病)(感染性疾病)which spread by fleas , are widely popular among wild ro

4、dents,is a natural focus infection disease (自然疫源性疾病)(自然疫源性疾病). 英国经济PPT 2021-5-155 5 *Great disaster for the UK *Promote the transformation of British economy to modern mode Due to population decline, resulting in a drop in demand for food, falling prices, and the lack of labor leads to rising wage c

5、osts. All of these make traditional aristocratic landowners (传统贵族)传统贵族)face serious difficulties in their economic development. Part of aristocratic landowners make adjustments in time and change the mode of operation, rent their manor to individual farmers and give up rent servitude (劳役制地租劳役制地租), E

6、ngland estate development has come to an end 英国经济PPT 2021-5-156 6 Middle of the fifth century The system of the slaves and Whelan serfs (维兰农奴)both are disappear Some farmers contract more land, manage more agricultural with the tendency of capitalism,and have excess cash to lend out other poverty fa

7、rmers, gradually formed yeoman farmer(约曼农)约曼农). 1. Yeoman s meaning in Middle English(中古英语 ) is the young people and the attendants 2. It is the advanced peasant class(农民阶级) 英国经济PPT 2021-5-157 7 Late fifteenth Century Enclosure movement(圈地运动)(圈地运动) During the 14th and 15th centuries, in the process

8、of disintegration of the serf system, the British emerging bourgeoisie(新兴的资产阶级)新兴的资产阶级)and new nobility (新贵族)新贵族)through violence to drive peasants from the land, occupying peasant land and public land, deprived of farmers land use rights and ownership, restriction or cancellation of the original co

9、mmon cultivated land(共同耕地权)(共同耕地权) and livestock right(畜牧权)(畜牧权), to forcibly seize and occupy land, into a private ranch and large farm. This is the enclosure movement in British history. 英国经济PPT 2021-5-158 8 Political impact 1.The ownership of land has changed. 2.British class relationship has cha

10、nged 3. Promote the development of the industrial revolution (工业革命)(工业革命) 英国经济PPT 2021-5-159 9 Sixteenth Century to Seventh century British Maritime colonization(英国海上殖民活动)(英国海上殖民活动) Holland Holland VSVS England England “谁控制了海洋,即控制了贸易;谁控制了世界贸易,即控制了世界 财富。因而控制了世界。”-英华尔特雷利 英国经济PPT 2021-5-151010 In 1584,

11、 the British established the first colony in North America - Virginia (according to: Virginia for the virgin meaning, because Queen Elizabeth unmarried ) In 1588, the British defeated Holland Invincible fleet(荷兰(荷兰 无敌舰队)无敌舰队), expanding the road for overseas expansion In 1600, the United Kingdom est

12、ablished East India Company In 1607, the British occupied the first colony in India In 1609, 1610, 1619, Britain set up its own business station in Gambia, Surat and Madras(苏拉特、冈比亚、马德拉斯) In 1619, Dutch East India Company beat British East India Company 英国经济PPT 2021-5-151111 Charlie Thi 查理一世查理一世 was

13、executed in 1649, the United Kingdom announced the occasion of the Republic, the situation has changed. The bourgeoisie urgently 资产阶级资产阶级 demands to open up new overseas colonies and broaden overseas markets The British “protectorate” during the period of Cromwell (克伦威尔)(克伦威尔)made the sea control st

14、rategy British naval power far more than Holland 航海条例(Navigation Acts)1651 This is done in Britain for Hollands defiance of combat readiness, but also a product of typical mercantilism重商主义 This Ordinance条例 in the various models are clearly aimed at a large number of intermediaries and maritime Holla

15、nd, it is a serious challenge to Holland 英国经济PPT 2021-5-151212 The three Anglo Dutch war 三次英荷战争三次英荷战争 The first Anglo Dutch war (1652 1654) The second Anglo Dutch war (1665 1667) The third Anglo Dutch war (1672 1674) War outcome:Britain began to become the dominant maritime海上霸主 英国经济PPT 2021-5-151313

16、 British slave trade英国黑奴贸易英国黑奴贸易 Britain is the worlds largest slave trade country 大海的深处, 泥泞的沙里, 躺着被人遗忘了的, 锁着铁链的人骸, 在死沉沉的黑暗里, 闪烁这不幸的奴隶的白骨, 他们从漆黑的巨浪里, 大声呼唤“我们是证人”! 英国经济PPT 2021-5-151414 Background After the opening of the new route(新航路开辟)(新航路开辟), the first Portugal, Spain embarked on the path of the

17、expansion of the colony, the United Kingdom, France and Holland also took the road of colonial plunder. Triangular trade三角贸易 Slave traders from Europe, sailed to Africa, in Africa through various dirty way to capture black, they put slaves transported to the Americas, the black slaves sold to Americ

18、an plantation owners, then the gold in the Americas and industrial raw materials shipped back to Europe. This is called triangular trade, the first of the slave trade were the Portuguese, but the British came from behind to become the executives of the triangular trade. 奴隶贩子从欧洲出发,乘船到达非洲,在非洲通过各种卑鄙的方式

19、俘获黑人 之后,他们把黑奴运往美洲,把黑奴卖给美洲的种植园主,然后,再把美洲 的黄金和工业原料运回欧洲。这就是被称为一本万利的“三角贸易”,最先 进行奴隶贸易的是葡萄牙人,但英国人后来居上,成为“三角贸易”的主要 经营者。 英国经济PPT 2021-5-151515英国经济PPT 2021-5-151616 Britain is the first country to ban black slave trade. Brought a lot of wealth to the UK, the power of the bourgeoisie 资产阶级资产阶级 expanded quickly,

20、 and accelerated the outbreak of British bourgeois revolution 英国资产阶级革命英国资产阶级革命 and industrial revolution工业革命工业革命 Impact 英国经济PPT 2021-5-151717 Eighteenth Century The British Industrial Revolution 英国工业革命英国工业革命 Paraphrase释义: Replacing manual labor with machine production Background: 1.Establishment of

21、constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制in Britain 2. Enclosure movement 3. Overseas trade and colony development 4. Theoretical innovation of classical mechanics and thermodynamics经典力学与 热力学的理论创新 英国经济PPT 2021-5-151818 The first industrial revolution Mark:The steam engine as a power machine and widely used Time

22、:Eighteenth Century 40s 19 century 60s Major countries :United Kingdom, France, United States, etc. Related person :Stephen sun , Watt New energy:engine and modified steam engine动力机和改良蒸汽机 Characteristic:Steam age Major inventions:Steam locomotive and Jeanne textile machine珍妮纺织机和蒸汽 机车 英国经济PPT 2021-5-

23、151919 The process of revolution In 1733, the mechanic Keay invented the “shuttle”飞梭, greatly improving the speed of the weaving, in short supply. In 1765, Hargreaves invented the Jeanne textile machine In 1785, Watt invented the modified steam engine改良型蒸汽机, human entered the era of steam In 1807, A

24、merican Fulton invented a steam powered steamer 蒸汽汽船and trailed successful In 1814, the British Stephen sun invented the steam locomotive 蒸汽机车 In 1825, Stephen sun drove a train with 34 small cars and successfully test drive Before and after 1840, the British large machine production basically repla

25、ced the traditional factory hand industry, The industrial revolution basically completed 英国经济PPT 2021-5-152020英国经济PPT 2021-5-152121 Second industrial revolution Time:Nineteenth Century seventys Major countries:America, Germany, Britain, France, Japan, Russia, etc. Related person:SIEMENS, Edison, Bae

26、r, etc. Characteristic :Electrical age 英国经济PPT 2021-5-152222 The process of revolution In 1866, the German SIEMENS invented the generator . In the 80 s, the German Karl Friedrich BenzBenz, successfully produced a car driven by an engine内燃机驱动的汽车 In the 70s , Baer invented the phone In the 90s Italian

27、 Marconi invented wireless telegraphy无线 电报 英国经济PPT 2021-5-152323英国经济PPT 2021-5-152424 What are the Industrial Revolution consequences? 1. Replaced manual labor with machine production大机器生产代替手工劳动大机器生产代替手工劳动 2. Created tremendous productivity创造了创造了 巨大的生产力巨大的生产力 3. Let Britain became the worlds factory

28、 英国经济PPT 2021-5-152525 Twentieth Century- economic decline and Economic adjustment 英国经济PPT 2021-5-152626 The adjustment and intervention of government to economy after the war The occurrence of the great crisis of the capitalism in the 1930 s,Marshall economic theory was hit(Advocate “laissez-faire”

29、主张自由放任 ),Keynesianism凯恩 斯主义 came into being( Advocate state intervention (主张国家干预). The state monopoly capitalism国 家垄断资本主义was greatly developed. 英国经济PPT 2021-5-152727 Between 1950 and 1973 ,Britains GDP grew at an average annual rate of 3%. Growth was hampered by chronic balance of payment deficits.

30、The term “Britain disease”英国病 is now used to characterize Britains economic decline. 英国经济PPT 2021-5-152828 The end of 1973 witnessed the first oil shock石油危机. As a result the rate of inflation rose to 16% in 1974. In the 1970s among the developed countries Britain maintained the lowest growth rate an

31、d the highest inflation rate. 英国经济PPT 2021-5-152929 Five major economic disasters of the 20th century 英国经济PPT 2021-5-153030 1.Coming off the Gold Standard in 1931 1931年,英国脱离金本位制度年,英国脱离金本位制度 Winston Churchill温士顿温士顿丘吉尔丘吉尔during his time as chancellor put Britain back on the Gold Standard at its pre-wa

32、r rate of $4.86 against the dollar with disastrous consequences. The economy was already struggling and returning to the Gold Standard made UK exports uncompetitive. The global downturn following the Wall Street of 1929 (1929年华尔街金融危年华尔街金融危 机机)deepened the slump and make it impossible for the minorit

33、y Labour government of Ramsay MacDonald to hold the line, despite unpopular welfare cuts. Leaving the Gold Standard for good helped the economy recover in the 1930s but split the Labour party. 英国经济PPT 2021-5-153131 2.The devaluation of 1949 1949年,英镑大幅贬值年,英镑大幅贬值 Britain paid a high economic price for

34、 victory in the second world war. The country was flat broke and its industrial base, battered by six years of conflict, needed to be converted back into civilian use. The Attlee government(艾德礼政府艾德礼政府 )negotiated a loan with the Americans, but was forced by Washington to make sterling convertible wi

35、th the dollar in return. Britain was unable to compete with the much more productive US economy, and this resulted first in the crisis of 1947, followed by the devaluation of the pound from $4.03 to $2.80 two years later. Labour won a general election in 1950, but only just, and was ousted from powe

36、r in 1951. 英国经济PPT 2021-5-153232 3. The devaluation of 1967 1967年英镑再次贬值年英镑再次贬值 The UK performed less well than its main rivals in the so- called Golden Age of the 1950s and 1960s. Growth was strong and jobs plentiful, but Britain found it hard to compete with the United States, France and Germany. T

37、he Labour government of Harold Wilson(哈罗德威尔逊)came to power in 1964 with an ambitious National Plan designed to accelerate Britains growth rate, but made the blueprint stillborn by refusing to devalue the pound immediately. Instead, Wilson and his chancellor, James Callaghan(威尔逊 和首相詹姆斯卡拉汉), imposed a

38、usterity measures to keep the pounds exchange rate at $2.80 before giving up the fight in November 1967. Consumers were squeezed so that resources could be diverted to exports, and Wilson to his surprise lost the 1970 election. 英国经济PPT 2021-5-153333 4. The IMF comes to town 国际货币基金组织国际货币基金组织援助援助 In t

39、he mid-1970s, Britain suffered a number of unpleasant economic shocks. Ted Heaths(泰德泰德希思希思)1970-74 Conservative government had caused industrial chaos and left office with the country on a three-day week and inflationary pressure rising. Wilsons second spell in Downing Street saw the advent of stagf

40、lation rising unemployment and inflation that reached a post-war high of more than 25%. Wilson handed over the reins to Callaghan(卡拉汉卡拉汉) in March 1976 and the scorching summer that followed saw pressure mounting on sterling, even though it was by now a floating currency. Eventually, the UK had to s

41、wallow a package of spending cuts to secure a loan from the IMF. Callaghan lost power, narrowly, to Margaret Thatcher(格丽特格丽特撒切尔撒切尔)in 1979, but the humiliation of the IMF bailout haunted Labour for more than 15 years. 英国经济PPT 2021-5-153434 5. Black Wednesday. 黑色星期三黑色星期三 The stain of the IMF was only

42、 removed from Labour when the Conservatives (保守党)(保守党)suffered a disaster of equal magnitude: the inability of the UK to continue with its membership of the Exchange Rate Mechanism in the face of wave after wave of speculative selling of the pound. In many of the other crises of the 20th century, th

43、e Conservatives were fortunate that they had left office before the full extent of their economic blunders had been exposed. That was true in 1931, 1967 and 1976, when Labour had a rotten inheritance. In 1992, however, the Conservatives luck ran out. Black Wednesday was followed in 1997 by the bigge

44、st electoral defeat suffered by the party in 150 years. 英国经济PPT 2021-5-153535 The feature in economy of the UK- privatization (私有化)私有化) Main point A. Social situation before the program B. Privatization program was carried out C. The result of the program 英国经济PPT 2021-5-153636 1.Before the privatiza

45、tion policy. (before 1979) Many enterprises and business were state- owned国有, such as steel钢,telecom, gas ,aerospace航空航天工业,bank of England , oil business, transport service 英国经济PPT 2021-5-153737 However, problems appeared. a. Great losses(亏损)亏损) b. High cost of production c. High rates of inflation

46、(通货膨胀)通货膨胀) d. Low labor productivity(劳动生产率)劳动生产率) (the labor productivity was 40% lower than it was in private enterprise then) e. Slow growth in economy At that time , a woman came onto the stage ,which brought a turning point in the UKs history . 英国经济PPT 2021-5-153838 steel telecom They were stat

47、e-owned 英国经济PPT 2021-5-153939 Margaret Hilda Thatcher Born in 1925 The first female prime minister in UKs history The first female prime minister in Europe 英国经济PPT 2021-5-154040 She carried out an extensive program of privatization throughout the 1980s . Many state-owned enterprises became privately

48、 owned under this policy. State-owned privately owned 英国经济PPT 2021-5-154141 The new economic programmed adopted by Mrs. Thatcher was based on the new classical school of thought新的古典思想学派理论新的古典思想学派理论. Privatization deregulation and market liberalization replaced prices and incomes control and state in

49、terventionism政府的干涉政府的干涉 主义主义. 英国经济PPT 2021-5-154242 State-owned privately owned Main reason 1.Needs of tax cut to promote economic development and increase the efficiency of company 需要减税促进经济发展和提高企需要减税促进经济发展和提高企 业的效率业的效率 2.Difficulty in finance of the government 3.Other people think that it had some

50、relation with the fight among the parties . 英国经济PPT 2021-5-154343 The effect of Thatcherism The British economy gradually restore vitality, The British economy gradually restore vitality, basic restrain the decline of the economy, get rid basic restrain the decline of the economy, get rid of the ima

51、ge of the “sick man of Europe”“of the image of the “sick man of Europe”“欧洲病欧洲病 夫夫” ” (from the year of 1979 to 1989, Britains (from the year of 1979 to 1989, Britains economic growth rate has more than the German, economic growth rate has more than the German, French, Italian, and later more than Ja

52、pan, after French, Italian, and later more than Japan, after entering the 1990s, the British economy is doing entering the 1990s, the British economy is doing better, the level of employment than other better, the level of employment than other European countries , The unemployment rate is much Euro

53、pean countries , The unemployment rate is much lower than Germany and France, and the inflation lower than Germany and France, and the inflation rate is within 2.5%, and the fiscal position is rate is within 2.5%, and the fiscal position is healthier than other major European countries.healthier tha

54、n other major European countries. Britain joined the Britain joined the European communites欧洲共同体欧洲共同体 in in January 1, 1973.January 1, 1973. 英国经济PPT 2021-5-154444 British social security system 英国经济PPT 2021-5-154545 In 1601, “poor law”济贫法济贫法 marks the promulgation of Britain began to establish the s

55、ocial security system The Beveridge report贝弗里奇报告贝弗里奇报告of 1942 laid the ideological foundation for the establishment of the British welfare social security system. The United Kingdom promulgated the national insurance law, the National Health Service Act, the family grants law, the national relief ac

56、t and a series of laws国民保险法国民保险法、国民卫国民卫 生保健服务法生保健服务法、家庭补助法家庭补助法、国民救济法国民救济法等一系列法律等一系列法律 英国经济PPT 2021-5-1546 The history of the UK welfare system Act for the Relief of the Poor ,1601济贫法济贫法 Amendment of the Poor Law,1834新济贫法新济贫法 Pensions Act 1908养老金法案养老金法案 Act for the Unemployed ,1934失业法失业法 The first “

57、welfare state” ,1950 The history of welfare system 英国经济PPT 2021-5-1547 The present of the UK welfare system 1.Children and pregnant women welfare 2.Disability and sick benefits 3.Retirement benefits 4.Widow welfare 5.Unemployment benefits 6.low-income earners welfare 7 Social Fund 英国经济PPT 2021-5-154

58、8 Children and pregnant women welfare 1) Child Benefit(儿童福利金)(儿童福利金) 2) Family allowance(家庭津贴)(家庭津贴) 3) guardian allowance:(监护人津贴)(监护人津贴) 4) Statutory pregnant employee wages(法定怀孕(法定怀孕 雇员工资)雇员工资) 5) single parent allowance(单亲津贴)(单亲津贴) 6) Maternity allowance(孕妇津贴)(孕妇津贴) 7) The Social Fund Maternity s

59、ubsidies gold (社会基金孕妇补贴金)(社会基金孕妇补贴金) 8) child support(子女赡养费)(子女赡养费) 英国经济PPT 2021-5-1549 Big family 英国经济PPT 2021-5-1550 Disability and sick benefits 1) The care allowance(照料津贴(照料津贴) 2) accidental disability benefits(工(工 作意外伤残福利)作意外伤残福利) 3) disability living allowance(伤残(伤残 生活津贴)生活津贴) 4) Disability Wo

60、rking Allowance( 伤残工作津贴)伤残工作津贴) 5) Severe Disability Allowance(严(严 重伤残津贴)重伤残津贴) 6) invalid care allowance(伤残照(伤残照 料者津贴)料者津贴) 7) should not work-related benefits (不宜工作福利)(不宜工作福利) 8) Statutory sick series of four days or more of the wage(法定患病福(法定患病福 利)利) 英国经济PPT 2021-5-1551 Retirement benefits Basic r


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