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1、整理ppt1 整理ppt2 Welcome to my classroom 整理ppt3 2 1 3 完形填空题考什么 完形填空题是什么 完形填空题怎样做 整理ppt4 考试说明规定:完形填空题 是在一篇260-300词的短文 中留出20个空白,要求考生 从每题所给的4个选项中选 出最佳选项,使补足后的短 文意思通顺,前后连贯,结 构完整。 解课标明考纲 整理ppt5 整理ppt6 完形填空解题思路完形填空解题思路 (3 34 4分钟)分钟) (7 78 8分钟)分钟) (2 23 3分钟)分钟) 整理ppt7 1. Many Africans are very _ and so they c

2、ant afford to eat much meat with their cereal. A healthy B. poor C. rich D .weak 2.One of the most famous statues in the would stands on an island in New York Harbor.This statue is,of course,the Statue of liberty. The Statue of liberty is a(an) (1 ) who holds a (2) up high. (1).A.man B.woman C.child

3、 D.old (2).A.cane B.candle C.torch D.lamp 3.They spend millions of dollars yearly _ newspapers and magazines A. in B. to C. on D. for 习惯搭配法习惯搭配法 用上下文语境法用上下文语境法 常识背景法常识背景法 整理ppt8 词义辨析法词义辨析法 1.The wounded soldier was unconscious but still 1 when taken to the hospital. A.living B.alive C.live D.lively

4、2.(09浙江) It was raining. I went into a cafe and asked for a coffee. _ I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place,. A. Before B. Since C. Although D. While 语法分析法语法分析法 整理ppt9 1.It has been many years since I was last in London, _ I still remember something that happene

5、d during that visit. A. and B. for C. but D. as 2. and the officers then began to eat their meal , saying that the mushrooms had a very strange_ quite pleasant taste. A. besides B. but C. and D. or 逻辑分析法逻辑分析法 整理ppt10 解题策略 Problem solving strategies 上下文语境(situation) 常识背景(common sense) 习惯搭配(phrases &

6、idioms) 词义辨析 (comparison) 语法分析(grammar analysis) 逻辑分析 (logical analysis ) 整理ppt11 2In 1964 Shirley graduated from Gallaudet and looked for (1) . She wanted to be (2) and work full time. (1). A. informationB. help C. a job D. an assistant (2). A. happy B. independent C. free D.confident 1He didnt hea

7、r the bell for he was completely _ in reading the newspaper. A. interested B centered C addicted D absorbed 整理ppt12 3. One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered to arrive. Suddenly I (1) that a man sitting at a table near the window kept gla

8、ncing in my direction, (2) he knew me. (1). A. knew B. understood C. noticed D. recognized (2). A. since B. even if C. though D. as if 4. when I have free time, I go (1) a long walk. Some people read books or watch TV (2) others have sports. (1). A.to B.for C.on D.with (2). A.and B.but C.yet D.while 整理ppt13 how can we get good results in cloze tests? wProper skills wCorrect procedures wEnough practice 整理ppt14 解题前解题前 单纯求快单纯求快, ,忽略语篇理解。忽略语篇理解。 解题中解题中 缺乏必要的语言知识。缺乏必要的语言知识。 时间安排不当时间安排不当 存在畏惧心理。存在畏惧心理。 解题后解题后 没有重新通读全文没有重新通读全文, ,修改答修改答


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