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1、2015 翻译硕士答辩模版1 A Report on the Translation of English Art News of Artnet in 2015 翻译硕士答辩模版2 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Theoretical Basis 3. Translation Process 4. Case Study 5. Conclusion 翻译硕士答辩模版3 Description of the Translation Task 1. About the task 2. Background 翻译硕士答辩模版4 3. Features of English A

2、rt News (1) Thought-provoking (2) Appreciative (3) Informational (4) Readable 翻译硕士答辩模版5 Theoretical Basis Skopos theory (1)Brief Introduction (2) Basic Rules -skopos rule -coherence rule -fidelity rule (3) Necessity 翻译硕士答辩模版6 Analysis of the Source Text Lexical Features Syntactical Features Discours

3、e Features 翻译硕士答辩模版7 Translation Process 1. Preparations 2. Transaltion Process 3. Proofreading 翻译硕士答辩模版8 Analyses of Translation Cases 1. Technical and Culture-loaded Terms Typical case: ST: “AR is the use of technology to view the physical world overlaid with 3D animation, video, sound or other vi

4、rtual components to allow the viewer to see both the real world and a virtual augmentation of it.” TT1: “增强现实技术(AR)是指利用技术来看到三维动画,视频,声音和其他 虚拟元素覆盖的外部世界,让观看者同时看到真实世界和一个虚拟增强版的世 界。” TT2: “扩增实境技术(AR)是指利用技术来看到三维动画,视频,声音和其他 虚拟元素覆盖的外部世界,让观看者同时看到真实世界和一个虚拟增强版的世 界。” 翻译硕士答辩模版9 2. Complex Sentences Typical case S

5、T: “And as Art Market Monitors Marion Maneker told Bloomberg, the growing art market hasnt seen aspiring collectors aim to bypass the art market, but rather, new buyers are flocking to its most established elements.” TT: 艺术市场监管员马里恩马内科(Marion Maneker)告诉彭博社记者,艺术 品市场正处于发展中,有收藏意愿的买家绝不会绕过艺术市场,而一些新买 家会直接涌

6、入市场最成熟的部分。 翻译硕士答辩模版10 3.Writing Style of English Art News Typical case ST: “Lets get real, would someone devote four years of their life painting the ceiling of a chapel like Michelangelo did in the early 16th century? Probably not. Thats why renaissance painters are called masters.” TT1:“面对现实吧,16世纪初,米开朗琪罗能花4年时间在一座教堂的天顶作画, 现在还有人能像他一样吗?应该没有吧,这就是文艺复兴时期的画家能被称作 大师的原因。” 翻译硕士答辩模版11 Analysis of Translation Strategy Translation Brief Technical and Culture-loaded Terms Complex Sentences Reproducing the Writing Style


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