第4讲-地球科学概论 第4讲-地球形状与地球自转_第1页
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1、地球科学概论(地球科学概论(1414讲)讲) 地球形状及地球自转地球形状及地球自转 1 第 4 讲 内容提要内容提要 l 1 历史 l 2 球形 l 3 椭球形 l 4 更复杂形状 l 5 地球自转 l 6 地球自转参数观测 l 7 地球自转应用举例 2 1 History vGreek(Homer, Thales, Pythagoras, Plato, Eratosthenes ) Homer (800-1000 BC ? poet): the earth resembling a flat disc Thales (624-546BC,Think, Sci, Phi): the earth

2、 is spherical (600B.C) Pythagoras (572-497 BC, Math, Phi) and Aristotels (384-322BC, Phi, Sci, Educ): sphere 3 1 History l Greek pPlato (427-347BC): Earths circumference is 400,000 stadia (by speculation)(62,800 km - 74,000km), and Archimedes (287-212BC): 300,000stadia Euclid: 325- 265BC【1 stadium =

3、 157.5 m】 pEratosthenes (276-194BC, Math, Georagr, Histo, Peot, Astro): earths radius is 6267km39,377 (by calculation, 240B.C) 4 Aristotels Plato 1 History l China: orbicular sky and rectangular earth ( 天圆地方) 5 1 History vHan:张衡(78-139 A.D, Astro, Math, Inventor, Geogra, Map, Liter)浑天仪注“天如鸡卵,地如 卵黄”

4、6 1 History l 思考: pWhat does the Earth look like for the ancient people? pIf you live in 500B.C, could you find any clues indicating that the earth is spherical? pCan you prove your viewpoint? pAssume the earth is spherical, how to calculate its radius? 7 2 Sphere vEuclidean geometry (Euclid, 325-26

5、5 BC, Greek Math) Draw and only draw one straight line from one point to another point Produce extend a finite straight line continuously into a straight line Determine a unique circle with any center and a distance radius All right angles are equal with each another The parallel postulate Two paral

6、lel lines will never cross each other 8 2 Sphere vEratosthenesmethod: On summer solstice, he observed the midday sun shone to the bottom of a well in the town of Syene At the same time, he observed the sun was not directly overhead at Alexandria It casts a shadow with the vertical equal to 1/50th of

7、 a circle (7 12) The distance from Alexandria to Syene is 5000 stadia (1 stadium = 157.5 m) The radius of the Earth is 6267km (Error only 2%) 9 2 Sphere vEratostheness method: 10 2 Sphere l 进一步思考: pNotice that the sun source is a distance from the Earth (not parallel light ray), calculate the radius

8、 of the Earth pBased on the Moon light ray, please precisely measure the spherical Earths radius pSuppose the Earth is a rotational ellipsoid, how to measure the semi-major and minor axes, based on the sun ray ?【练习】 11 2 Sphere vIs the Earth a sphere? vThen, which kind of figure? vEllipsoid first ap

9、proxiamtion! 12 v Theoretical inference: Earth is an ellipsoid p 由于地球自转,地球必定是两极扁平、赤道隆起的 (旋转)椭球 【rotational ellipsoid flattened slightly at the poles and bulges somewhat at the equator】 p 如何知道地球在自转?【后面讲述】 3 Ellipsoid 3 Ellipsoid l Arguments in history pIs the earth oblate spheroid or olive ellipsoid?

10、 pNewton: according to mechanics, the earth should be oblate spheroid. 【如何利用观测证明? Thus Thus the 1 meridian arc length should increases with the increase of the latitude】 pCassini: the earth is olive ellipsoid, supported by measurement results the 1 meridian arc length increase with the increase of t

11、he latitude pWho made mistakes? What mistakes? 14 3 Ellipsoid l The problem lies in two kind of latitudes: pgeocentric latitude (地心纬度) pgeodetic latitude (大地纬度) 15 f j geocentric latitude geodetic latitude 3 Ellipsoid vRelationship between Meridian arc length and geocentric latitude 16 110900 110950

12、 111000 111050 111100 111150 111200 111250 111300 111350 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 f()/(m/) / 随着地心纬度的增加而减小(Shen et al 2011) 3 Ellipsoid vRelationship between Meridian arc length and geodetic latitude v随着大地纬度(地理纬度)的增加而增大(Shen et al 2011) 17 110400 110600 110800 111000 111200 111400 111600 1118

13、00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 f()/(m/) / 3 Ellipsoid vPractical measurements 18 不同纬度标准的 1子午线弧长及与 法 国科学院 18 世纪 测 量结果比较 地区 拉普兰 巴黎 秘鲁 纬度 地心纬度 66o11 45o8 1o31 大地纬度 66o20 45o20 1o31 归化纬度 66o15 45o14 1o31 1子午线弧 长(m) 采用地心纬度 111007.18 111132.13 111319.23 采用大地纬度 111512.23 111138.29 110575.06 采用归化纬度 111

14、259.08 111134.55 110946.52 法 国 18 世纪 测 量值(m) 111918 111116 110604 理论值与18世 纪 测 量值之差 (m) 采用地心纬度 -911 +16 +715 采用大地纬度 -406 +22 -29 采用归化纬度 -659 +18 +342 与理论值比较与理论值比较(Shen et al 2011) 3 Ellipsoid vFor the oblate spheroidal earth: the 1 meridian arc length increases with the increase of the geodetic latit

15、ude the 1 meridian arc length decreases with the increase of the geocentric latitude vCassini mistakenly regarded geodetic latitude as geocentric latitude 19 4 More complicated figure 20 spherical earthellipsoidal earthpear-shaped earth 5 地球自转地球自转 v5.1 概述 v5.2 地球自转证据 v5.3 欧拉角和欧拉方程 v5.4 进动,章动和极移 v5.5

16、 日长变化 v5.6 具有挑战性的问题 21 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.1 概述作用 p作用: p【不同学科纽带作用】Ties of diff erent branches geophysics, astronomy, geodesy, geodynamics, ocean science, meteorology, navigation, . pReference system pInterior of Earth pGlobal climate change p? 22 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.1 概述 p简史 Aristarchus (ca. BC 300): Earth mo

17、ves around sun 1 Copernicus (1473-1543) 2 Galileo (1564-1642) ca.1582 3 Huygens (1629-1695)1657 4 Hooke (1635-1703) 1660 5 Newton (1642-1726) 1687 6 Euler (1707-1783) 7 Kant (1724-1804) Foucault (1819-1868)1851 23 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.2 地球自转证据 pdiurnal motion of celestial body(天体周日运动)【能 证明吗?】 peastern def

18、l ection of a falling body(落体偏东) pFoucault pendulum(1851)(傅科摆) 巴黎国葬院,光滑 悬挂 摆长 67 米,摆锤重 28 公斤; = 15t sin 24 思考题:如何根据傅科摆确定地理纬度? 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.3 欧拉角和欧拉方程 p欧拉角: 25 O-xhz惯性坐标系 O-xyz地固坐标系 y,f,q自转角,进动角,章动角 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.3 欧拉角和欧拉方程 p欧拉运动学方程: 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.3 欧拉方程 p欧拉动力学方程: 主惯性矩: 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.4 进动,章动和极移

19、Precession: precession around ecliptic pole(黄极), 进动的速度西行 每年50.29,周期为25 800年 【原 因:黄赤交角23.5】 效应:指向星座位置不同【见后】 【在日月岁差50.42中减去行星岁差0.13剩 下的50.29是春分点每年向西移动的数值,称 为周年总岁差】 【思考:进动(岁差)为何是西行? 】 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.4 进动,章动和极移 星座信息 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.4 进动,章动和极移 Nutation: small amplitude, period T = 18.6 yr 【原因:黄白 交角 59】 5

20、地球自转地球自转 l 5.4 进动,章动和极移 pThe migration of Earth pole on the Earth surface, not necessarily the migration of the rotation axis. pPeriodic motion: 12-month; 14-month (Chandler wobble) plong-term drift pslow long-term drift pCause of polar migration: complex (interior mass migration(postglacial rebound

21、 (冰后回弹), season variations,) 31 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.4 进动,章动和极移 极移是在不受外力作用下,自转轴在地球体内的自由摆动, 瞬时极P围绕着平均极Po运动,运动轨迹很复杂,是一条弯 曲的非闭合曲线 【极点的0.4即相当于24米24米范围内与地球自转相 同的方向描划出一条时伸时缩的螺旋曲线】 32 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.5 日长变化 p日长变化原因: (1)由于潮汐摩擦,相对于地月连线,存在 2度左右【? ?】的超前角,因而存在反力矩; (2)反力矩使地球自转变慢,导致日长(LOD)变长,观 测结果:大约 1.7 ms/世纪 (3)在不同尺度上

22、的日长变化? 待解决问题:超前角精确计算 33 5 地球自转地球自转 l 5.6 具有挑战性的问题 (1)Determination of the advance angle due to the tidal effects of moon and sun (2)Solution of three-layered triaxial Earth rotation (3)Mechanism of the LOD variation in ten-year scale (4)Precise quantitative computation of the secular variation of th

23、e LOD caused by tidal friction (5)Polar wander (PW) caused by ocean and atmosphere (6)Quantitative estimate of the inverse rate of the Earths rotation axis (Shen 2004) 34 自转参数观测 进动角(岁差):需要观测恒星【相对恒星定位,VLBI】 章动角(章动):需要观测恒星【相对恒星定位, VLBI】 极移:观测纬度变化 自转角(自转,日长):需要一恒星为参考【相对恒星确定自转 速率, 时钟】 6 地球自转参数观测 6 地球自转参

24、数观测地球自转参数观测 v光学天文测量(Optical Astrometric) v空间大地测量(Space-Geodetic ) VLBI(Very long baseline interferometry) GNSS(Global navigation satellite system) 36 6 地球自转参数观测地球自转参数观测 l 光学天文测量(Optical Astrometric) pILS在全球建立七个观测站观测测站纬度变化,获得 1899-1978年间月间隔的极移观测系列 37 6 地球自转参数观测地球自转参数观测 l 空间大地测量(Space-Geodetic ) pVLBI:多基线VLBI(multibaseline VLBI)是唯一能独立 确定所有EOP参数的技术 pGNSS,SLR/LLR: 这几种技术只能确定极移和极移变化 率 38 6 地球自转参数观测地球自转参数观测 39 offset with respect uniform time scale TAI and UTC : UT1 - TAI / UT1 - UTC The e


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