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1、Writing 1(2018杭州) 假定你是李平(Tel:1361234567),家住滨海市人民路1号。你在美国旅行期间不慎遗失钱包,曾 向宾馆询问。 以下是宾馆的答复邮件,请你阅读后进行回复,词数80左右。 A组 20142018年浙江中考题组 五年中考 答案 写作要点 1.本文是应用文。 2.写作时应使用第一人称,时态主要为一般现在时。 3.写作中应包含何时入住宾馆、所住房间和对失物的描述及里面的物品,并附上地址和电话 号码。 参考范文 Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you so much for your reply. I stayed in your hotel on J

2、uly 6, in Room 106, and I remember having left my new black wallet on the table. My ID card, two credit cards, and a 100-dollar bill, are in my wallet. Would you be kind enough to send me the wallet to No. 1 Renmin Road, Binhai, China by mail if you find it?Please call me at my phone number 13612345

3、67 if needed. Thanks again. Yours, Li Ping 精彩语句 1.精美词汇 remember doing记得做过 2.出彩结构 Would you be kind enough to send me the wallet to No.1 Renmin Road, Binhai, China.?(拜托您 ) 注意:文中若出现“Jack”以外的人名或任何学校名称,该作文得分不超过12分。 Weekend or Not? Writing 2(2018温州) 如今,国内外很多孩子在父母的安排下没有了自己的周末,如下图中的Jack。请分析图中的这 种现象并谈谈你的看法,

4、以Weekend or Not?为题写一篇约110词的英语短文向Parents杂志投 稿,让父母们通过阅读你的文章能有所启发。 答案 写作提示 1.本文是看图作文。 2.写作时应以第三人称为主,时态应以一般现在时为主。 3.写作中应先描述Jack周末的基本情况,而后分析现象,谈论自己的看法。 参考范文 Weekend or Not? Jack has to attend lots of classes at weekends. He has little time for his favorite sportsoccer. Still, his parents are pushing him

5、to do more math exercises, which worries him a lot. Nowadays, many students are under much pressure like Jack. Their parents believe it necessary for them to make full use of the weekends and learn as much as possible. As a result, some students are stressed out and therefore lose interest in learni

6、ng anything. What is worse, they may not be able to learn to manage their own life. I do hope all the children can have the freedom to choose what they like to do and enjoy their weekends. 精彩语句 1.精美词汇 make full use of充分利用 as a result结果是 be stressed out紧张,饱受压力 at weekends在周末 2.出彩结构 Still, his parents

7、 are pushing him to do more math exercises, which worries him a lot.(使用定语从 句) Their parents believe it necessary for them to make full use of the weekends and learn as much as possible. (it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式短语) What is worse, they may not be able to learn to manage their own life.(连接词的使用) Writing 3(2

8、018宁波) 今年5月11日,你校组织了一次社会实践活动,部分学生选择去了红星农场(见导图一),其余学 生选择去了科技博物馆(见导图二)。请根据你所选择的实践活动写一篇英语日记,记录当天 的经历和感受。 注意:(1)日记必须包括你所选择导图的所有要点,并适当发挥; (2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名; (3)词数:80100。日记格式及首句已给出,不计入总词数。 Friday, May 11th Today I had a school trip. 答案 写作要点 1.本文是应用文。 2.写作时应使用第一人称,时态应为一般过去时。 3.写作中应按照导图介绍人物、出行方式、活动,并补充自己对活动

9、的感受,合理拓展。 参考范文1 Friday, May 11th Today I had a school trip. The weather was fine. My classmates and I set off to Hongxing Farm by bus early in the morning. The minute we arrived, we took a walk around the farm. Then we fed the chickens. When I threw some food to them, they ran over to me with excite

10、ment and some of them even walked into their friends. The most exciting thing was that we picked strawberries after lunch. While we were pick- ing, we ate a lot. How sweet they were! I had a wonderful time today! I do hope to go there again in the near future! 参考范文2 Friday, May 11th Today I had a sc

11、hool trip. The weather was fine. My classmates and I set off to the Science Muse- um by subway at 7:00. As soon as we reached the museum, we were amazed to see lots of pictures about science. Then we watched a video about different inventions and their inventors. Its unbelievable that technology has

12、 progressed in such a rapid way. In the afternoon, we played chess with some special robots. It was surprising to find that nobody could beat them. Before leaving, we bought some gifts for our friends. I had a wonderful time today! I do hope to go there again! 精彩语句 1.精美词汇 set off出发 with excitement兴奋

13、地 be amazed to do惊讶地做 in such a rapid way以如此快速的方式 as soon as一就 2. 出彩结构 Its unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way. The minute we arrived, we took a walk around the farm.(the minute一就) How sweet they were!(感叹句的使用) Writing 4(2018金华) 在即将举行的中学生国际文化交流活动中,你将代表学校介绍中国的传统节日,请你从所给的 卡片

14、中任选一张,用英语写一篇发言稿,介绍该节日。 注意: 1.发言稿中必须包含卡片上的信息,并适当发挥; 2.文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息; 3.词数80100; 4.文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Chinese culture tour. Thats all. Thanks for listening. 答案 写作要点 1.本文是应用文。 2.写作时应使用一般现在时。 3.写作中注意包含时间、活动、意义,在列提纲时注意把必要的活动和意义补充完整。 参考范文1 Ladies and gentlemen, Wel

15、come to the Chinese culture tour. Now allow me to introduce one of the Chinese traditional festivals, the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival falls in January or February. It is Chinese New Year and also the biggest day of year. So people come back home from different places and get together for a

16、big dinner. Many people stay up late to welcome the new year, hoping they will have a bright new start. During the festival, people visit their relatives and friends and wish each other good luck for the new year. Children can often get hongbao from their elders. Do you think it interesting? Thats a

17、ll. Thanks for listening. 参考范文2 Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Chinese culture tour. Now allow me to introduce one of the Chinese traditional festivals, the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival usually falls in September or October when the moon appears the biggest and the brightest in

18、 the year. During the festival, Chinese people sit around the table with their family members and enjoy mooncakes as well as the beautiful moon. People believe that the round mooncakes and a full moon are symbols of being together. When seeing them, people will miss their family members far away. At

19、 the same time, they will express wishes and hopes for them. Does it sound interesting? Thats all. Thanks for listening. 精彩语句 1.精美词汇 allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 fall in January or February恰巧在一月或者二月 their elders 他们的长辈 have a bright new start 拥有一个全新的开始 as well as也,又 2.出彩结构 The Mid-Autumn Festival usua

20、lly falls in September or October. Many people stay up late to welcome the new year, hoping they will have a bright new start.(现在 分词作伴随状语) At the same time,they will express wishes and hopes for them. Writing 5(2017杭州) 答案 写作提示 1.本文时态是一般现在时。 2.文章应对来信的两个问题进行答复,一是table manners,二是推荐杭州的景点。 参考范文 Hi Armino

21、, Glad to hear from you again. As you mentioned in your email, there are indeed some table manners in China. For example, we are not supposed to start eating first if there are older people at the table. And its impolite to point at anyone with chopsticks. As for places of interest, I suggest you go

22、 to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum, where you could watch tea art performances and drink tea. Im looking forward to seeing you! Li Ping 精美语句 1.精美词汇 be supposed to do sth.应该做某事;hear from 收到的信 2.出彩结构 As you mentioned in your email.(as引导定语从句) Its impolite to do. (“it is+形容词+不定式短语”句型) Writing 6(2017温州

23、) 假如你是李华,就读于Wenzhou Tanghe Middle School。你想去美国的Washington International School(WIS)读高中。现在你需要给对方学校写一封简明扼要、有说服力的自荐信,争取让学 校录取你。 参考要点: 个人信息 学习成绩 爱好、能力 要求: (1)不能出现真实的个人身份信息; (2)词数: 110左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam, I am looking forward to your kind reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 答案 写作提示 1.本文使用一般现在时态

24、,要写清楚个人信息。 2.介绍自己喜爱的学科及成绩。 3.写出自己的爱好和能力。 参考范文 Dear Sir/Madam, I am Li Hua from Wenzhou Tanghe Middle School. I wish to get an opportunity to study at WIS. Like many other boys, I enjoy doing sports,but maths and science are my favourite. I like Chinese, English and music as well. I have won several

25、prizes in various competitions, including a second prize in an international maths competition. I have joined in three one-month-tour-study programs in the US, learnt a lot about American cul- ture and made many friends there. So WIS is my first choice to study abroad. Although I am not the best now

26、, I will make every effort to become a top student and I believe you will be proud of me. I am looking forward to your kind reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 精美语句 1.精美词汇 make every effort 尽最大的努力 2.出彩结构 I wish to get an opportunity to study at WIS. (动词不定式作定语是英语表达中的一种特色) enjoy doing 喜欢做 Advice for studen

27、tsAdvice for parents keep healthy join clubs develop your study skills . encourage.more not compare.with allow.to make decisions . Writing 7(2017宁波) 三年的初中生活让你收获满满。校英语报邀你写一篇短文,给即将升入九年级的学弟学妹或 他们的父母提一些建议。请你结合自己的学习经历选择其中一个对象,阐述你的观点。 注意: (1)短文必须包括你所选择一方的所有要点,并适当发挥; (2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名; (3)词数:80100; (4)短文首句

28、仅供参考,不计入总词数。 短文首句:How time flies! Now (you/your children)are students of Grade 9. 答案 写作提示 1.本文使用一般现在时态。 2.覆盖答题要点。 3.行为连贯,连接词使用恰当,指代清晰。 参考范文 Possible version 1: How time flies! Now you are students of Grade 9. Here Id like to tell you something that will make your school life more comfortable and won

29、derful. First of all, it is important for you to keep healthy, so dont forget to exercise every day. Second, youd better join clubs so that you can learn better and make more friends. Third, you will be able to make great progress if you develop your study skills. Besides, there are many ways for yo

30、u to lower your stress, such as listening to music, hanging out with friends, and watching movies. I hope you will enjoy your school life and achieve your dreams. Possible version 2: How time flies! Now your children are students of Grade 9. Here Id like to tell you something that will make their sc

31、hool life more wonderful. First of all, it is important to encourage your children more so that they will be more confident. Second, please do not compare your children with others, because if you push them too hard, they will feel stressed out. Third, the children should be allowed to make their ow

32、n decisions. There is no need to get everything ready for them. Besides, being a good listener will help you get along well with your children. I hope your childrens dreams will come true with your help. 深度解析题目大胆创新,突出两个关键词:“自主选择”、“自由发挥”,使不同层次的学生 都能表达自己的真实感受,让不同层次的学生都有发挥的空间。 精美语句 1.精美词汇 forget to do

33、sth.忘记做某事 make great progress取得巨大的进步 compare.with.把和做比较 make ones own decision做好自己的决定 2.出彩结构 Besides, there are many ways for you to lower your stress, such as listening to music, hanging out with friends, and watching movies.而且,有很多减轻你压力的方式,比如听音乐、和朋友闲逛、 看电影。 注意: (1)短文可结合图片信息或自身经历,作适当发挥; (2)文中不得出现真实的

34、姓名和校名; (3)词数:80100,短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。 短文首句:Last week, we had a discussion about the topic“To change or not”. Writing 8(2017湖州) 英语课上,老师组织大家就以下两幅图进行“To change or not”的话题讨论,请用英语阐述你 对此话题的看法。 答案 写作提示 1.本文要恰当运用时态,对一般事实的论述用一般现在时,而对自己的经历要用一般过去时。 2.书写规范整洁。 3.用词恰当,句型变化多样。 参考范文 Last week, we had a discussion a

35、bout the topic“To change or not”. I think different people have different choices to deal with problems. For example, when meeting with the weight problem, some people decide to take exercise to lose weight while others think they cant do anything about it. When I was in Grade 7, I had difficulty wi

36、th my spoken English. Instead of giving up, I chose to change. I tried my best to listen to tapes and practice speaking every day. Now my pronunciation has been improved a lot. In a word, facing problems, we should take actions to change. Surely it will make a great differ- ence. 深度解析本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。语言

37、运用中要注意时态的结构和形式,特别要避免 be动词与实义动词的混淆。在写作前,请务必将答题要点归纳为提纲,这样就不会遗漏要点 了。 精美语句 1.精美词汇 deal with处理 lose weight减重 try ones best to do sth.尽某人最大的努力去做某事 2.出彩结构 When I was in Grade 7, I had difficulty with my spoken English.当我在七年级的时候,我的口语 有很大困难。 Writing 9(2016杭州) 请查看你校英语节安排表(Schedule),给外教老师Dave写一封80词左右的电子邮件,告知 他

38、调整的内容并给出你认为恰当的理由。 Schedule for English Day DateTimeActivitiesPlace June 21st13:0014:30 12:3014:00 English Talk ShowArt Theater 14:0015:30English Speech ContestLibrary 15:4016:40English CornerSchool Hall Playground 答案 写作要点 1.英语节调整的内容有两个:English Talk Show的时间;English Corner的地点。 2.恰当的理由。 3.对调整表示道歉,并邀请外教

39、参加。 参考范文 Hi Dave,Im sorry to inform you that there are two changes to the schedule for English Day. First, there will be a very important meeting after lunch in our school, so English Talk Show will be put off by 30 minutes. That is, it starts at 13:00 and ends at 14:30. Second, the place of English

40、 Corner will be changed from Playground to School Hall because the weather report says its going to rain that afternoon. Please come and join us on time. Li Ping 精彩语句 Im sorry to inform you that.我很遗憾地通知您 First第一 Second第二 Writing 10(2016宁波) “传递爱心,服务他人”是文明社会所倡导的理念。狮子会(the Lions)就是一个以此为宗 旨的国际性服务团队。杨敏是狮

41、子会的一名成员,多年来她一直乐于助人。请根据提示用英 语写一篇短文,向校刊的English World栏目投稿,简要介绍杨敏的事迹,然后谈谈你的观点和打 算。 要求: 1.短文内容必须包含表格所提供的要点,可适当发挥; 2.文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名; 3.词数:80100(短文开头已给出,仅供选择使用,不计入总词数)。 短文开头:From time to time, we are moved by the people and things around us. Yang Min is one of the persons I admire most. 答案 写作要点 1.本文要记叙

42、和议论相结合,时态为一般现在时和一般将来时。 2.第一段介绍Yang Min助人为乐的事情。观点包括:(1) 她是狮子会的成员。(2)她帮助他人多 年。(3)经常去养老院帮忙。(4)在雨天借给他人雨伞和雨衣。 3.第二段表明自己的观点,并表明自己的计划。 4.语句通顺,行文流畅。 参考范文 From time to time, we are moved by the people and things around us. Yang Min is one of the per- sons I admire most. As a member of the Lions, she has been

43、 helping others for many years. She goes to the old peoples home twice a month to cut hair, wash clothes and do some cleaning for them. Besides, on rainy days she offers people umbrellas or raincoats for free. Im deeply moved by her story.Im going to start with small things around me. I plan to give

44、 books and clothes to children in poor villages. Whats more, Ill ask my parents and more friends to join me. Small action can make a big difference. Lets help those who need help! 精彩语句As a member of.作为的一员 be deeply moved被深深感动 make a difference产生不同,有影响 Writing 11(2016温州) 假如你是Lingling,学校根据下表中新西兰来温暑期交流

45、师生的意愿,决定安排他们去100公里 外的许村游玩一天,但自行车来回路程需要89小时,权衡利弊,需调整这项内容,请你发邮件 给对方带队老师Mr. Black做好说明、沟通工作。 要求:(1)文中不能出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息; (2)文本长度:110词左右。开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数。) Dear Mr. Black, Im Lingling. My school asked us to make the one-day tour plan for you and we tried to make it best to your preferences, but Im afraid w

46、ell have to make some changes. Looking forward to your reply. Best wishes. Lingling 答案 写作提示 1.首先要对活动、地点、用时和交通等情况进行描述。 2.其次表明自己对安排进行了哪些调整以及调整的理由,符合逻辑。 3.语句通顺,行文流畅。 参考范文 Dear Mr. Black, Im Lingling. My school asked us to make the one-day tour plan for you and we tried to make it best to your preferenc

47、es, but Im afraid well have to make some changes. Well visit a mountain village called Xucun, which is very famous for its old houses, fantastic sights and delicious food. Im sure you will like it. However, it will take us about 8 to 9 hours to go and come back by bike. Even if we set out at 7:00 a.

48、m., well get there at about 11:30. Going around the beautiful, cultural places, including some old houses all with a history of over 500 years, will take us at least 2 to 3 hours. Having lunch (lo- cal food and drinks) takes another hour. Whats more, its very hot here in summer. So we think taking a

49、 bus there will be a much better choice. Looking forward to your reply. Best wishes. Lingling 写作分析本文具有读写结合的特点,试题呈现了“一日游”的安排和需要调整的内容,难点 在于考生首先要读懂表格,明确需要调整的内容,并对调整写出符合逻辑的理由。 精彩语句Im sure you will like it.我确信你会喜欢的。 be famous for因而著名 whats more而且 大部分学生愿意1.方便与同学交流; 2.学会照顾自己; 一些学生不愿意1.在家能休息得更好; 2.与家人相处时间更长

50、; 你 Writing 12(2016绍兴) 针对大部分高中要求学生住校的现状,英语课上同学们就“Would you like to live in school?” 这一话题展开调查。请你根据下表内容,用英语写一篇短文,汇报调查结果,表达你的意愿并阐 述理由。 注意:1.短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节; 2.你的理由至少两条; 3.词数:80100; 4.短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:方便的 convenient 短文首句:Would you like to live in school?We had a survey about it and heres the

51、 result. 答案 写作提示 1.汇报调查结果:大部分同学愿意,原因:方便与同学交流;学会照顾自己;一些学生不愿意, 原因:在家能休息得更好;与家人相处时间更长。 2.表达你的意愿并阐述自己的理由。 参考范文 Would you like to live in school? We had a survey about it and heres the result. Most students prefer to live in school because they find it convenient to communicate with their classmates. Als

52、o, they can learn how to look after themselves in this way. However, some students think living at home is a better choice. The main reason is that they can relax better at home. Besides, they can spend more time with their family members and get on bet- ter with them. As for me, Id like to live in

53、school. Thats because I can spend more time on study. Whats m ore, its a wonderful experience to live with other classmates. 精彩语句prefer to更喜欢 besides而且 As for me.对于我来说 City ACity B Flying2 hours4 hours Temperature3018 Hotel Things to do Food Writing 13(2015杭州) 根据下表用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。内容须包括:对下表中关于这两个城市(Ci

54、ty A和 City B)的全部信息进行比较,分析利弊,确定其中一个城市作为你的暑假旅游目的地。 In my opinion, is the better place to spend my summer holiday. 答案 写作要点 1.本文属于说明性的文章,主体时态为一般现在时。 2.内容要点:确定暑假旅游的目的地;比较两个城市的信息,分析利弊。 3.参考词汇:flying,temperature,hotel,things to do,food 参考范文 In my opinion,City A is the better place to spend my summer holida

55、y.Although the temperature there is higher,the hotel is less comfortable,and even the food is not as delicious as that in City B,I still choose City A.The most important reason is that I can have a lot of things to do in City A.I can enjoy more beautiful scenery and do more activities.Besides,it tak

56、es us only two hours to fly there, which saves us a lot of time.I hope the holiday will be an unforgettable experience. In my opinion,City B is the better place to spend my summer holiday.Although it takes me two more hours to fly there on an airplane,and I dont have many things to do,I still choose

57、 City B.The most important reason is that City B has better weather,not too hot or too cold.Besides,the hotel there is more comfortable and the food is more delicious than that in City A.All these make my holiday more relaxing.I hope the coming summer holiday will be an unforgettable experience. 深度解

58、析审读所给信息,弄清楚所要表达的内容要点,然后对所给的信息进行梳理,可根据内 容要点适当调整写作顺序,使文章行文连贯。 精彩语句The most important reason is that.最重要的原因是 It takes sb. some time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事。 Writing 14(2015温州) 美中文化交流中心(ACCEC)暑期将组织学生来华学习、交流,现正在中国招募志愿者,帮助他 们学习中文。假如你是扬帆中学的学生李平,请按要求给该项目负责人Mr.Miller写一封申请 信。 内容包括:(1)申请担任志愿者; (2)说明自己乐于助人、擅长中文;

59、(3)谈谈学好中文的方法; (4) 参考词汇:volunteer,be good at,improve,culture 注意:(1)申请信需要涵盖以上所有要点,可适当发挥; (2)文中不能出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息; (3)词数:110 词左右。开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数)。 Dear Mr.Miller, Im Li Ping from Yangfan Middle School. Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly, Li Ping 答案 写作要点 1.本文属于应用文,主体时态为一般现在时。 2.内容要点:申请担任志愿者; 说

60、明自己乐于助人、擅长中文; 谈谈学好中文的方法。 参考范文 Dear Mr.Miller, Im Li Ping from Yangfan Middle School.I am very interested in your project and want to be the volunteer to help the students learn Chinese. I am warm-hearted and always ready to help others.I am good at Chinese.Last year,I won the first prize for the Chi


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