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1、 一小教案 (第一学期) 年级: 三年级(上册) 学科: 英语 编写教师:教材分析:本册英语教材是小学英语精通版三年级(上册),由中国、新加坡合编,人民教育出版社出版。本套教材以激发学生学习兴趣,培养语言运用能力,提供多种资源为特点,在以下几个方面进行了新的尝试:1. 适应儿童特点,注重行动学习法。2.引入项目制作,实现任务型教学。3.提倡合作学习,培养合作精神。4.强调语言真实自然,培养学生表达真实感受能力。5.重视双向交流,增强文化意思。6.注重形成性评价,促进学生发展。7.实现整体设计,确保中小学衔接。教学重点:1、培养和训练学生的听、说、认读能力及人际互动能力。2、通过反复接触新单词,

2、使学生逐渐达到流利。3、激励学生最大限度的使用英语交谈,学会在不同的情景使用恰当的语言。4、对不同学生提出不同的学习目标和要求,保持学生学习兴趣。教学难点:1、正确听和说所学单词和句型。2、能用简单的英语表达和交流。3、保持学习英语的兴趣和信心。教学任务: 1、能听懂、会说30组会话,并能进行简单的交流。2、能够听、说、认、读70个单词,并能简单地运用。3、能听、做16个游戏。4、能听、做、表演10个“tpr”活动。5、能学会8个小制作。6、能够演唱11首歌曲。7、能听、说、唱8首歌谣。8、能完成8个自我评价活动。9、能听懂6个幽默小故事。10、能了解2项简单的中西方文化知识。教学措施:1、句


4、次日期教学内容课时备注一9.19.5lesson 1/2/33二9.89.12lesson 4/52中秋节三9.15-9.21lesson 6/7/83四9.22-9.26lesson 9/10/113五9.29-10.3lesson121国庆节六10.6-10.10lesson 13/142七10.13-10.17lesson 15/16/173八10.20-10.24lesson 183九10.27-10.31fun time 1/2/33十11.3-11.7期中复习、考试3十一11.1011.14lesson 19/20/213十二11.17-11.21lesson 22/23/243十

5、三11.24-11.28lesson 25/26/273十四12.1- 12.5lesson 28/29/303十五12.8-12.12lesson 31/32/333十六12.13-12.19lesson 34/35/363十七12.20-12.26fun time 1/2/33十八12.29-1.2复习单元 1/2/33十九1.5- 1.9复习单元 4/5/63二十1.12- 1.16复习、期末考试3第 周 第 课时课 题:unit 1 hello!im monkey. lesson 1教材简析本部分主要从两个方面进行会话学习,一方面通过打招呼、自我介绍等情景让学生在感知、模仿、学习、体验

6、的基础上逐步达到自然交流与真实运用语言的目的。另一方面创设情景达到言语交际的目的。教学目标1.能运用以前学过的“hi”, “hello” 等句子相互打招呼。2.会用英语打招呼并会用im自我介绍。3.听说认读单词: cat, monkey.4.学唱歌曲hello5.通过创设语言情景使学生正确理解和运用所学知识,培养学生的听说能力。6.通过课堂活动(游戏、小组合作等)激发学生学习的积极性,培养学生运用语言的能力和技能。教学重难点重点:用im句型进行自我介绍。难点:注意语音语调,特别是im的发音。教媒学体准使备用picturescardstape-recorder ppt教 学 过 程导入(检查预习

7、、复习)1.warm upgreetings: t: good morning, boys and girls.s: good morning, mr chen.free talk.how are you?hows the weather today?what day is it today?新授课:2.presentationplay the tape and sing the song “hello!”t: hello! s: hello! say “hello!” to the students and ask them to say “hello!” to the teacher.as

8、k them to say “hello!” to each other.t: hello! im mr chen. s1: hello! ims2: hello! im introduce the teacher herself using: im . ask the students to understand the meaning.教 学 过 程use the pictures to introduce the main persons: liyan and peter. t: im liyan.t: im peter.ask the students to come to the f

9、ront to do it again.ask them to introduce themselves in pairs.ask them to look at the picture on the blackboard and find the animals: cat and monkey.cat: hello, im mimi.monkey: hi, im micky.listen to the tape.【学法指导】通过打招呼、自我介绍等情景让学生在感知、模仿、学习、体验的基础上逐步达到自然交流与真实运用语言的目的,并在创设情景中灵活运用所学的语言。3.practiceplay a

10、game:ask them to put on the masters of liyan, peter, micky and mimi.ask another one to close the eyes and guess who is saying “hello!”liyan: hello!a: liyan. liyan: yes, im liyan. play another game: find the friends.draw two circles on the ground. ask two students to close their eyes and turn around

11、while listening to the music. when the music stops, they will say “hello!” and introduce themselves.4.productionrole play. let the ss to make a new dialogue use the sentences “hi”, “hello”, “im” choose one group best and give them stickers.板书设计unit 1 hello!im monkeylesson 1hello! hi! catim monkey 作业

12、布置同步达标:1. listen to the tape on p2-3. 2. preview next lesson 3.write the new words.创造实践:listen to the tape and act out the dialogue.教学反思随笔第 周 第 课时课 题:unit 1 hello!im monkey. lesson 2教材简析本部分通过情景会话,让学生学习用what's your name? 询问对方的姓名并回答。教学目标1.会用what's your name? 询问对方的姓名并回答。2.听说认读单词:dog, duck.3.学唱歌

13、曲what's your name? 4.通过创设语言情景使学生正确理解和运用所学知识,培养学生的听说能力。5.通过课堂活动(游戏、小组合作等)激发学生学习的积极性,培养学生运用语言的能力和技能。教学重难点重点:学会用what's your name? 询问对方的姓名并回答。难点:在真实情境中灵活运用所学语言。教媒学体准使备用picturescardstape-recorder ppt教 学 过 程导入(检查预习、复习)1.warm upgreetings: t: good morning, boys and girls.s: good morning, mr chen.fre

14、e talk.how are you?hows the weather today?what day is it today?新授课:2.presentationplay the tape and ask them to listen to tape “whats your name?”sing the song “hello!”t: can you introduce yourself?who can? s1: hello! im s2: hi! im教 学 过 程t: my names whats your name? s: my namesask the students to intr

15、oduce themselves in pairs using “my name is”ask them to look at the picture on the blackboard and find the animals: dog and duck.dog: hello! whats your name?duck: my names ducky.listen to the tape.【学法指导】听录音,模仿会话,并在实际情景中运用所学的内容。3.practicedivide the whole class into four groups and ask them to make up

16、 a short dialogue according to the lesson. find the champion in the end.play a game: catch the fish.ask two students to make a net.ask the others to go under the net.when the music stops, who is in the net, he will be caught.the whole class will ask: whats your name?this student will answer the ques

17、tion.4.productionmake up a new dialogue in groups.板书设计unit 1 hello!im monkey.lesson 2whats your name? dogmy names duck作业布置同步达标:1. listen to the tape and review the word & text. 2. preview next page.3.write the new words.创造实践:ask your friends names in english after class.教学反思随笔第 周 第 课时课 题:unit 1

18、hello!im monkey. lesson 3教材简析本部分通过情景会话,让学生学习如何用英语互相问早上好。教学目标1.听说认读句子:good morning. morning!2.听说认读单词:panda, bear.3.学唱歌曲good morning4.通过创设语言情景使学生正确理解和运用所学知识,培养学生的听说能力。5.通过课堂活动(游戏、小组合作等)激发学生学习的积极性,培养学生运用语言的能力和技能。教学重难点重点:使学生学习如何用英语互相问早上好。难点:在真实情境中灵活运用所学语言。教媒学体准使备用picturescardstape-recorder ppt教 学 过 程导入(

19、检查预习、复习)1.warm upgreetings: t: good morning, boys and girls.s: good morning, mr chen.free talk.how are you?hows the weather today?what day is it today?新授课:2.presentationplay the tape and ask them to listen to tape “good morning!”sing the song “whats your name?”play a game:a: my name is liyan. whats

20、your name?b: my name is peter. whats your name?c: my name is micky. whats your name?教 学 过 程t: good morning! s: good morning!teach the sentence “good morning!”draw a sun on the blackboard and write the time (7:00-12:00).ask them to say “good morning!” in pairs.let ss to say “good morning!” to t.t: go

21、od morning, boys and girls!ask them to understand the meanings of the words “boy” and “girl”.teach “mr.” ask them to look at the picture on the blackboard and tell them this is mr. ask them to look at the other picture on the blackboard and find the animals: panda and bear.listen to the tape.【学法指导】听

22、录音,模仿会话,并在实际情景中运用所学的内容。鼓励学生每天用英语互致问候。3.practiceplay a game.divide the whole class into two groups and ask them to make two circles.when the music stops, ask them to say “good morning. im whats your name?” to the students he meets.4.productionmake up a new dialogue in groups according to this lesson.

23、板书设计unit 1 hello!im monkey.lesson 3good morning. pandamorning! bear作业布置同步达标:1. listen to the tape and review the word & dialogue. 2. preview next page. 3.write new words.创造实践:make up a new dialogue in groups according to this lesson.教学反思随笔第 周 第 课时课 题:unit 1 hello!im monkey. lesson 4教材简析本部分主要通过情景

24、会话,让学生继续学习问候语,并在实际情景和生活中自然运用。教学目标1.听说认读句子:good afternoon.2.听说认读单词:pig, rabbit.3.学童谣巩固复习前几课书所学的动物名称。4.通过创设语言情景使学生正确理解和运用所学知识,培养学生的听说能力。5.通过课堂活动(游戏、小组合作等)激发学生学习的积极性,培养学生运用语言的能力和技能。教学重难点重点:学会使用问候语good afternoon难点:afternoon 的发音。教媒学体准使备用picturescardstape-recorder ppt教 学 过 程导入(检查预习、复习)1.warm upgreetings:

25、t: good morning, boys and girls.s: good morning, mr chen.free talk.how are you?hows the weather today?what day is it today?新授课:2.presentationsing the song “hello!”act out their dialogues to the class and find the champion.ask them to look at the blackboard.draw a sun on the blackboard and write the

26、time (12:00-5:00).ask them how to greet people.t: good afternoon, boys and girls. s: good afternoon, mr chen.teach them “good afternoon!” ask them to say it in pairs.教 学 过 程teach “miss”. t: our maths teacher, you should call her s: miss t: our chinese teacher, you should call her s: missshow another

27、 teacher. hes a man.enable them to find the differences between “mr. and miss.”ask them to look at the picture on the blackboard and find the animals: pig and rabbit.listen to the tape.【学法指导】要求学生听录音跟读,并要求学生用手指着句子和单词进行认读,力求做到“眼到、手到、口到、心到”,体会其英语句意。3.practicehave a race:prepare a lot of pictures of “mo

28、rning and afternoon”. ask them to watch and find.listen to the tape and chant.4.productiontell the students to say “good afternoon!” in the afternoon.make up a new dialogue and act it out to your classmates.板书设计unit 1 hello!im monkey.lesson 4good afternoon, miss/ mr. piggood afternoon. rabbit作业布置同步达

29、标:1. listen to the tape and review the word & dialogue. 2. preview next lesson. 3. write new words.创造实践:make up a new dialogue and act it out to your classmates.教学反思随笔第 周 第 课时课 题:unit 1 hello! im monkey.lesson 5教材简析本部分主要通过情景会话,让学生学习“晚上好”和“晚安”的英语表达法,并在实际情景和生活中自然运用。1.听说认读句子:good evening. good nigh

30、t!2.听说认读单词:mouse, bird.3.根据各种动物的动作及外形特点来扮演小动物,请学生用英语说出小动物的名称,并模仿他们的动作。4.通过创设语言情景使学生正确理解和运用所学知识,培养学生的听说能力。5.通过课堂活动(游戏、小组合作等)激发学生学习的积极性,培养学生运用语言的能力和技能。教学重难点重点:使学生学会“晚上好”和“晚安”的英语表达方法。难点:在实际情景和生活中自然运用。教媒学体准使备用picturescardstape-recorder ppt教 学 过 程导入(检查预习、复习)1.warm upgreetings: t: good morning, boys and g

31、irls.s: good morning, mr chen.free talk.how are you?hows the weather today?what day is it today?新授课:2.presentationplay a game: guess the animals.show the students a part of the animals and ask them to guess what it is.ask one of the pupil to come to the stage to pretend the teacher, greet the others

32、 and ask the others names.ask them to look at the picture on the blackboard.a boy went home after class.ask them the time. its six oclock.ask them to answer how the boy will say to his mother.教 学 过 程show ss a clock.t: good evening.s: good evening.teach “good evening!” and tell them the time from 6 t

33、o 9 is evening.ask them to watch the clock again.t: can we say “good evening?”ss: no.t: we should say “good night!”ask them to look at the picture on the blackboard and find the animals: mouse and bird.listen to the tape.【学法指导】听录音,模仿会话,并在实际情景中运用所学的内容。激发学生参与学习的热情,在情境中充分运用所学语言。3.practiceplay a game :

34、guess the animals.ask someone to pretend the animals and ask the others to guess.play another game: find the friend to practice “good night!”4.productiondraw a clock, and say good morning./good afternoon./ good evening.make up a new dialogue and act it out to your classmates.板书设计unit 1 hello!im monk

35、ey.lesson 5good evening. mousegood night! bird作业布置同步达标:1. listen to the tape and review the word & dialogue. 2. preview next lesson. 3. write new words.创造实践:1.please say “good evening!” to your parents after class and say “good night!” when you go to bed. 2. make up a new dialogue and act it out

36、 to your classmates.教学反思随笔第 周 第 课时课 题:unit 1 hello!im monkey. lesson 6教材简析本部分内容通过富有情节的故事,将本单元just speak中的内容进行系统复习,并创设情景进行运用。教学目标1.to learn the fun story.2.to learn the words: mosquito, owl, quail.3. 通过动手制作小动物,培养学生的动手能力,同时也进一步复现、巩固本单元所学的词汇。4.通过创设语言情景使学生正确理解和运用所学知识,培养学生的听说能力。5.通过课堂活动(游戏、小组合作等)激发学生学习的积

37、极性,培养学生运用语言的能力和技能。教学重难点重点:学习理解fun story.难点:问候语的灵活运用。教媒学体准使备用picturescardstape-recorder ppt教 学 过 程导入(检查预习、复习)1.warm upgreetings: t: good morning, boys and girls.s: good morning, mr chen.free talk.how are you?hows the weather today?what day is it today?新授课:2.presentationsing a song “hello!” play a gam

38、e using the cards to review the words in this unit.act out their dialogues to the class and find champion.show them a p on the blackboard. t: what can you see? s: i can see t: do you know what happened?教 学 过 程let them to look at the picture on the blackboard and find what had happened.listen to the

39、tape.ask them to understand the meanings of the story.give them some time to prepare and act it out.【学法指导】请学生听录音,看投影或挂图,了解故事内容,并模仿录音中的角色朗读。激发学生参与学习的热情,在情境中充分运用所学语言。3.practicelisten to the tape and do part two of the book. lets play a game. listen and touch.lets make. a. draw a duck. b. colour it. c.

40、 cut it out. d. glue it to a stcik.e. say hello!4.production ask them to make up a new dialogue in groups and find champion.5.summarycourage them to greet people in english in their real life.板书设计unit 1 hello!im monkey.lesson 6fun storyjust checklets make作业布置同步达标:1. courage them to greet people in e

41、nglish in their real life. 2. review this unit. 3. preview unit 2.创造实践:make a new story.教学反思随笔第 周 第 课时课 题:unit 2 this is my pencil. lesson 7教材简析本部分创设学校生活中在校园会面的场景,引导学生相互问好并介绍同学。教师到用这一情景,让学生感知、模仿、学习、体验,最后达到自然交流与真实运用的目的,并通过学习这一会话接受礼貌教育。教学目标1.会用this is 来介绍别人。2.听说认读单词:book, bag.3.学唱歌曲glad to meet you4.通

42、过创设语言情景使学生正确理解和运用所学知识,培养学生的听说能力。5.通过课堂活动(游戏、小组合作等)激发学生学习的积极性,培养学生运用语言的能力和技能。教学重难点重点:会用this is 来介绍别人。难点:句子的连读。教媒学体准使备用picturescardstape-recorder ppt教 学 过 程导入(检查预习、复习)1.warm upgreetings: t: good morning, boys and girls.s: good morning, mr chen.free talk.how are you?hows the weather today?what day is i

43、t today?新授课:2.presentationsing a song “good morning to you”.little teachergame: read the words quickly.act out the dialogue. - hello/hi, good morning. im . whats your name?- my name is .教 学 过 程t: today we have some new friends.this iscan you introduce your friends to me? s: this is t:glad to meet yo

44、u. help the students understand its meaning.do the dialogue in pairs.let then learn and read the new words: book, bag.listen to the tape.【学法指导】教师向一个学生打招呼hello, i'm mr . 等学生说出i'm . 后,教师上前与学生边握手边说glad to meet you,为使学生能理解此句含义,教师要多和几位学生打招呼。当学生理解后,让学生互相问候glad to meet you. 并能在实际情境中灵活运用。3.practices

45、ing a song “glad to meet you”.4.productionmake the new dialoguerole play.have a party.- good evening, xx. this is xx.- glad to meet you.- glad to meet you.板书设计unit 2 this is my pencil.lesson 7this is bookglad to meet you. bag作业布置同步达标:1. listen to the tape and review the word & dialogue. 2. previ

46、ew next lesson. 3. write new words.创造实践:make the new dialogue教学反思随笔第 周 第 课时课 题:unit 2 this is my pencil. lesson 8教材简析本部分的会话情景与第7课相同,仍然是让学生介绍自己的同学,在此基础上扩展问候语nice to meet you。教学目标1.会用this is介绍别人并会用问候语nice to meet you.2.听说认读单词:pen, pencil.3.学唱歌曲this is gao wei4.通过创设语言情景使学生正确理解和运用所学知识,培养学生的听说能力。5.通过课堂活动

47、(游戏、小组合作等)激发学生学习的积极性,培养学生运用语言的能力和技能。教学重难点重点:会用this is介绍别人。难点:nice to meet you. & glad to meet you. 句型教媒学体准使备用picturescardstape-recorder ppt教 学 过 程导入(检查预习、复习)1.warm upgreetings: t: good morning, boys and girls.s: good morning, mr chen.free talk.how are you?hows the weather today?what day is it to

48、day?新授课:2.presentationsing a song “glad to meet you”.game: “whats this?”.act out the dialogue. - this is .- glad to meet you.t: this is . this is .s1: glad to meet you!教 学 过 程s2: nice to meet you! (引导学生说出)make the students understand “they are the same meaning”.practice to use the sentence.(drive a

49、train).learn the new words “pen, pencil”. show the pictures. tpr t: show me your pen /pencil. s: ok, pen/pencil.listen to the tape.【学法指导】教师先引出新句子,教师再反复与学生进行交流。引导学生感知、理解整段对话。组织学生根据本课对话内容进行操练并表演对话。3.practicelisten to the tape and read after it.sing a song “this is gao wei”.4.productionact out the dialogue.(to a new friend )- good morning.- morning.- this is xx.- glad to meet you.- nice to meet you.板书设计unit 2 this is my pencil.lesson 8this is penglad to meet you. pencilnice to meet you.作业布置同步达标:1. listen to the tape and review the word & dialogue. 2. preview next lesson. 3. write new


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