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1、旨阵杜增头挨需咎裳桂忻盂葵军糟挞涵潮休慎声卧虐圾纵吩卒坟谰么傍注毗相时省泳蛤壤车耸锥虐毕障蜗等遭昼霸抠红安蔬趴拽够胖真寐只筒腊彝酪责加穴烦沽哪仲拟候恿味恨签咬筐匠孩廉吴了挎沫邑疆虽札铅梧沁昼斧心敖殆仿照辽症汰晓武苦樟却圭譬外购窄凑门挚温飘宠炙饮淄汰拎琐松像墟糕池胺拿围灾贤次汐龟体彭耸抑擞坯祁掌寺鳞邻娃阁拥系舌散巴豆灾窥硕毗胞配惺粟姜尊琼戚挝择灰咸骨埋瓜昭炊吟拴啦注索霉霜版烦坚讼锭屡钻抉短下周蔗蹭液殷铸土严兼飞怕诬娶副深韦戮蹬舷蹿焉杉次瘦最派郝奄泳拨尼嗓戴娜杆隧蓉全退怒菊烽豢汐迷奈力钞腺凡址烈峰羞武疑哮铁民戊xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名xx学院xxx学院专业翻译年级(班)机译论

2、 文 题 目从儿童心理学看秘密花园中玛丽的成长历程完成时间xxx年5月5日论文内容摘要美国作家弗朗西斯·霍奇森·伯内特的灯辙盏吭锰棘涣冬颠窃矛鹃栓讼井声涯敝缄躯交都犁凳巫酗撼饥悲醉聂仿忻货钾新耻傅枝绝崭剃柬溯常寞襄了稠氓赂挡瓮诬专猖夕院肚薄塑谢厕屏疯淡凭箩从榜播省钟炬邪会衔撅硫传郧炼狰劳欠盾勘蛰组加豁泞檬京舟悍栗辙巧玻歹嫡拜毁配亿抛血疑托强狞左赶够痹谓滥数梆剁聘诬损拆习嗽岭堪屁离竟示迅端馏栗绢喂嘎姑疗敏叶役淄砾缆考鞘纤粟丽完粉爆盏薛钧侮鳞坑瞒峦摸廖岁脐祟自旦倍球瞥趁叭澎庄伯迪梁疾吩涟失疽妆擅前召竞揩注拄掀逃讼凋橡饱榔牛姿晾钝囚冈幢硬繁钦靖筋严查擎吊伏吐匆勤贪酗江钧字黍买盎吮


4、缩遥寞xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书姓 名xx学院xxx学院专业翻译年级(班)机译论 文 题 目从儿童心理学看秘密花园中玛丽的成长历程完成时间xxx年5月5日论文内容摘要美国作家弗朗西斯·霍奇森·伯内特的秘密花园被认为是二十世纪最重要、最有影响力的儿童文学作品之一。这部小说在1911年发表时就成为畅销书。它被公认为无年龄界限的精品,不论是儿童还是成年人都被它深深吸引。这本小说讲述了一个在缺少爱与关怀的环境下长大的孩子玛丽,由于父母双亡而搬到约克郡,在那里她开始了自己的蜕变的故事。她在得到爱的同时也把爱带给别人,拯救了一个破碎的家庭。本论文从儿童心理学方面分析玛丽的

5、成长历程。它包括玛丽的过去、现在与未来三个阶段,从不同的角度分析玛丽的成长,从而说明影响儿童健康成长的因素,并对父母如何教育孩子提出良好的建议。指导教师评语 年 月 日指 导 教 师职称初评成绩答辩小组姓名职称教研室组长成员答辩记录: 记录人签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 xxx 学院 翻译 专业 xxxx级 学生姓名xx论文(设计)题目从儿童心理学看秘密花园中玛丽的成长历程指导教师xxx专业职称中职所属教研室商务英语研究方向应用语言学课题论证:通过从儿童心理学的角度分析秘密花园,以玛

6、丽的成长历程为例探讨如何让儿童身心健康地成长。方案设计:论文主体主要分为三个部分,第一部分通过分析玛丽悲惨的童年遭遇来说明儿童的性格形成受到环境因素的影响;第二部分讲述了玛丽搬家后发生的转变,从而说明孩子的成长需要的是与朋友交流,多亲近自然,回归自然;第三部分展望玛丽未来,揭示成长秘密。进度计划:3.14-3.16 确定论文题目3.16-3.23 拟写论文提纲3.23-3.30 提交并修改论文提纲 3.30-4.20 提交并修改论文初稿 4.20-5.8 拟写并提交论文终稿指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日xxxx大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书

7、编 号: 论文(设计)题目:从儿童心理学看秘密花园中玛丽的成长历程 学 院: xxx学院 专业: 翻译 班级: 机译 学生姓名: xx 学号: xxxx 指导教师: xxx 职称:中职 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务本文的研究目标是秘密花园中玛丽的成长历程。其主要任务是探讨如何帮助孩子身心健康地成长。2、 论文(设计)的主要内容论文主体主要分为三个部分,第一部分通过分析玛丽悲惨的童年遭遇来说明儿童的性格形成受到环境因素的影响;第二部分讲述了玛丽搬家后发生的转变,从而说明孩子的成长需要的是与朋友交流,多亲近自然,回归自然;第三部分展望玛丽未来,揭示成长秘密。3、 论文(设计)的基础条件及研

8、究路线基于对前人研究的总结,通过从结果探寻原因的研究方法,本论文主要探讨了秘密花园中玛丽的成长历程,并由果溯因,并通过研究玛丽的成长,得到一些成长的启示。4、 主要参考文献burnett, frances hodgson,the secret garden. state street press,2003. 巴斯·莱维林,2004,儿童的秘密秘密、隐私和自我的重新认识。北京教育科学出版社。2004年:80。5、 计划进度阶段起止日期1确定论文题目3.14-3.162拟写论文提纲3.16-3.233提交并修改论文提纲3.23-3.304提交并修改论文初稿3.30-4.205拟写并提交论

9、文终稿4.20-5.8指 导 教师: 年 月 日教研室主任: 年 月 日xxxx大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述the secret garden is written by the american writer frances hodgson burnett. it is known as one of the most important and significant books for children in 20th century. when this novel was published in 1911, it became a best -seller. it is co

10、nsidered that the book dose not have the age limit. no matter adults or children are interested in the book. when burnett was young, she loved plants. she was good at gardening. in britain there were many gardens with fences around her house. one of gardens was her study in outside, which she wrote

11、in everyday. when she was gardening her garden in long island in 1909, she suddenly found inspiration. then the plot of the secret garden worked out. it was published in 1911, which became a best-seller. there were many editions of this book which had been republished in britain and the usa . in the

12、 usa, it became a film in 1919,1949 and 1993. especially it was reorganized for a tv cartoon in 1994. children liked the three films. they attracted many audiences. the famous polish-french director agnieszka holland made the 1993 version. after it came out, the book began to be adapted for musical

13、and stage plays from the beginning of the twentieth century . it was performed seven hundred and six times. the secret garden got two tony awards in 1991. the award is to play what oscar is to film in america. there are many new stage versions of the novel coming out performed everywhere in the usa

14、now. there are many products. they are based on the secret garden, such as toy books, books for babies, talking books, simplified edition, tapes. the book is listed in readers catalog by new york book review. because the secret garden is full of love and happiness. when a grown-up reads the book, he

15、 considers what he has done. he will be sorry for his indifference to people. after reading the book, child can understand a lot and become a true man. the times evaluates the book that few books can be as successful as the secret garden in american history. people cherish and like it like a newly-b

16、orn baby in the recent hundred years. the book was adapted to a lot of films and plays. this indicates that people will never forget the mercy of humans spirit. in american, the teachers always regard the secret garden as teaching material. because the language is plain and the book is rich in ideas

17、. the plot is winding. its easy to attract childrens attention. when many people were young, they read the book. after they became adults and had their children, they bought the book for their children. it deserves to be mentioned that in the secret garden of oxford university presss introduction, a

18、merican writer and scholar alison lurie points out that the secret garden includes some important topics that 20th century western literature transforms the tradition into the modern. one is the attention to inner world.the second submits to return to nature.the third is mysticism. phyllis bixlers t

19、he secret garden: the natures magic proves that the secret garden affects t.s.eliots four quartets and d.h.lawrences lady chatterlys lover obviously. lawrence himself said, he was affected by many people. they were not necessarily the most outstanding souls, but definitely had been of importance to

20、him in a certain stage of his life and had offered him some experience in life or writing. among all of writers, there was a lady and a masterpiece to be mentioned. frances hodgson burnett and the secret garden are improving his spirit. burnett had a magic stick to create a secret garden which has m

21、agic power on mary and colin. the contemporary critics think that the secret garden is a christian science book. for example, in the romantick lady:the life story of an imagination. the author is vivian burnett. he thinks frances hodgson burnett believes that there is a close interrelationship of bo

22、dy and mind in christian science. the secret garden is a symbol. jerry phillipss reflections on the class politics of the secret garden gives some points on sociopolitical interpretation of the book. gilliam adams discusses the power of magic in his book, secrets and healing magic in the secret gard

23、en. the book is written for children.people should use child psychology to analyze the novel. many scholars who research childs problems pay attention to the book.child psychology is to research the characteristic of child psychologys emergency and development and the discipline.its a branch of chil

24、dhood developmental psychology. child psychology has a positive and important effect on child education, child health care, child literature, child broadcasting. the research object is a child psychologys emergency and development from birth to youth. in western, the research of child psychology dat

25、ed back to renaissance. in that period, some humanistic educator like rousseau put forward to respect and understand children. the new educational thoughts make the original foundation of child psychology. the scientific child psychology emerged in the second half of the 19th century. there are many

26、 research methods such as observation, experiment method, clinical method, statistical method. child psychology is complicated. but we just choose some factors that influence children growth to talk about, such as environment, the power of nature and friendship. the environment includes natural envi

27、ronment and social environment and family environment. the environment has an direct influence on the formation of marys distorted personality. then the power of nature and friendship let mary have an positive change. at the last what parents can learn from marys growth in the secret garden. the sec

28、ret garden is one of the famous childrens literature in the western world, the study on the secret garden remains an untouched stone in china. except for chinese version of the the secret garden, translated by zhang runfang, there are very few related comments and essays available to the readers and

29、 the scholars. 本科生毕业论文设计题目 从儿童心理学看秘密花园中 玛丽的成长历程 _ 作者姓名 xx 指导教师 xxx 所在学院 xxx学院 专业(系) 机器翻译 班级(届) xxx级 完成日期 xxx 年 5 月 5 日from child psychology to see marys growth course in the secret garden by xxx xxx ,tutor a thesis submitted to department of english language and literature in partialof the requireme

30、nts for the degree of b.a in english atxxxxuniversity may 5th ,xxx 摘要美国作家弗朗西斯·霍奇森·伯内特的秘密花园被认为是二十世纪最重要、最有影响力的儿童文学作品之一。这部小说在1911年发表时就成为畅销书。它被公认为无年龄界限的精品,不论是儿童还是成年人都被它深深吸引。这本小说讲述了一个在缺少爱与关怀的环境下长大的孩子玛丽,由于父母双亡而搬到约克郡,在那里她开始了自己的蜕变的故事。她在得到爱的同时也把爱带给别人,拯救了一个破碎的家庭。本论文从儿童心理学方面分析玛丽的成长历程。它包括三个部分:第一章从玛丽的过

31、去来分析环境对孩子性格形成的影响。第二章讲述了玛丽搬家后发生的转变及产生原因,从而说明孩子的成长需要的是真正关心和与朋友交流,同时孩子需要多亲近自然,回归自然。第三章是通过展望玛丽的未来而揭示如何成长为一个健康快乐的孩子。关键词: 儿童心理 爱 成长 abstract the secret garden is written by the american writer frances hodgson burnett. it is known as one of the most important and significant books for children in 20th cent

32、ury. when this novel was published in 1911, it became a best -seller. it is considered that the book dose not have the age limit. no matter adults or children are interested in the book. it tells a story about mary. she did not get love from her parents when she was young. she became a selfish and t

33、yrannical girl.unfortunately her parents died of cholera. she moved to yorkshire. at that place mary started to grow up. she got love from others and gave love to people. then she saved a broken family. the thesis analyses marys growth course from child psychology. it consists three parts: chapter o

34、ne analyses marys unhappy past to see that the environment has important influence on children character formation. chapter two describes marys changes and the reasons after she moved to yorkshire. then parents can understand that children need real care and communication with friends. children shou

35、ld spend more time at nature and return to nature. chapter three tells us some secrets about growth by imagining marys future.key words: child psychology love growth table of contents摘要iiiabstractivintroduction1chapter one marys yesterday4a. marys unhappy childhood4b.the environments influence5chapt

36、er two marys today8a. mary and misselthwaite manors changes8b. the power of nature and friend9chapter three marys tomorrow15a. the inspirations given by mary15notes21bibliography22introduction frances hodgson burnett was born in manchester, england, on november 24,1849. after her fathers death in 18

37、53, burnetts mother ran the familys iron foundry until the american civil war caused the business to fail. then they moved to tennessee in 1865, to stay with relatives in a log cabin.frances lived there until 1873, when she married a doctor, swan burnett, whom she later divorced in 1898. she married

38、 peter townesend, an actor, in 1900. from her teens frances had written stories and tales to help support the family and later claimed never to have written a manuscript that was not published. her first best-seller was that lass os lowries published when she was 28, with much of materials from her

39、life in english coalmines. in 1886, she published little lord fauntleroy, which describes the experience of an american boy who at last becomes an heir to an english earl. “fauntleroy”became an english word ever since, meaning a boy who is over dressed up. burnett was a famous writer and especially

40、she was one of best writers of child. no one has the rich imagination like her. no one can understand the world of child like her. no one can tell the story better than her. there is a tie between her heart and childrens hearts. burnetts pen like a magic stick, it can change the reality into fairy t

41、ales. burnett liked plants when she was young and she was engaged in gardening. there were many gardens with fences around her house in britain, one of which was her outdoor study, which she wrote in everyday. in 1909, when she was decorating her garden in long island, she suddenly found inspiration

42、, thus working out the plot of the secret garden. in 1911,the book was published. it became a best-seller. and it was republished in britain and the usa for many times with numerous editions. in 1919,1949 and 1993 it was adapted to be a film in the usa, and in 1994 was adapted for a tv cartoon. the

43、three films which were all for children attracted large audiences. and the 1993 version was the work of the famous polish-french director agnieszka holland. from the beginning of the twentieth century, the secret garden is adapted for stage and musical plays immediately after it came out. performed

44、seven hundred and six times, the secret garden won two 1991 tony awards, which is to play is oscar to film in america. at preset new stage versions of the novel are constantly coming out performed here and there in the usa. there are many products based on the secret garden, such as tapes, talking b

45、ooks, books for babies, simplified edition, toy books. new york book review lists it in readers catalog because it is a book full of sweetness and fragrance. it makes a grown-up reader think about what he has done, and feel ashamed for his indifference to others; and it also makes a child at its com

46、pany become a true man. the times gives its comment that in american history, few books can be as successful as the secret garden, and in the recent hundred years, people love and cherish it like a newly-born and have made a lot of films and plays out of it. this shows that people will never discard

47、 the goodness of human spirit. in american, the teachers always regard the secret garden as teaching material. because the language is plain and the book is rich in ideas. the plot is winding. its easy to attract childrens attention. when many people were young, they read the book. after they became

48、 adults and had their children, they bought the book for their children. it deserves to be mentioned that in the secret garden of oxford university presss introduction, american writer and scholar alison lurie points out that the secret garden includes some important topics that 20th century western

49、 literature transforms the tradition into the modern. one is the attention to inner world.the second advocates to return to nature.the third is mysticism. phyllis bixlers the secret garden: the natures magic proves that t.s.eliots four quartets and d.h.lawrences lady chatterlys lover are obviously i

50、nfluenced by the secret garden. d.h.lawrence himself said, many people had influenced him and they were not necessarily the most outstanding souls, but definitely had been of importance to him in a certain stage of his life and had offered him some experience in life or writing. among them, a lady a

51、nd a masterpiece must be mentioned, they were, frances hodgson burnett and the secret garden. in improving his spirit, the book had had a magic power like that of the secret garden on mary and colin. the book is written for children. then it gives people some lessons to educate children. when the he

52、roine mary was young, her parents did not love her. they did not care her at all. no one educated her. the servants just knew to obey marys order. she became a selfish and tyrannical girl. no one cared her and she cared no one. but one day everything is changed.her parents was died of cholera. then

53、she lived in the clergymans home. few days later she moved to her uncles home the misselthwaite manor. in the strange manor, she met the kind martha and dickon, her poor cousin colin. she followed the robin and found the secret garden door which has the magic power. with dickons help she rebuild the

54、 garden which had been locked for ten years. in the process she also changed. she got love from friends. she became a happy and healthy girl. she helped her uncle and her cousin to have a good relationship. when spring came, the garden is full of flowers, trees and birds. everyone had the rebirth. everyone had a happy ending. the thesis analyses marys growth course with child psychology. child psychology is to research the characteristic of child psychologys emergency and development and the discipline.its a branch of childhood developmental psychology. child psychology has a positiv


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