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1、最新英语八年级英语上册阅读理解100及答案经典一、八年级英语上册阅读理解专项练习(含答案解析)1 .阅读理解Are you the kind of person that loves studying new grammar rules? Or do you dislike doing grammar exercises? Whether you love it or dislike it learning and practising grammar will help you improve your spoken and written English. Using grammar co

2、rrectly is also very useful for passing exams! Here are some tips for learning grammar:Don't worry about making mistakes. Every time someone corrects you, you learn something new. Do you know which mistakes you make most? Make a list(清单)of your mistakes andpay special attention to them.Be patien

3、t. Maybe you can do the practice exercises, but when you're speaking you don't have time to think about the correct grammar. Don't worry, that's completely normal! If someone explains (解释) to you exactly how to swim, can you just get in the water and swim without practising? Of cours

4、e not! It's just the same with grammar. The more you practise, the better you'll be.Read and listen to English as much as possible. Think about grammar when you're reading and listening. Do you notice any differences between your language and English? Knowing what the differences are wil

5、l help you get English grammar right.Practise, practise, and practise! Try to use the new grammar you have learnt immediately. When you do the practice exercises, try writing a sentence of your own, and use that grammar next time you're speaking. This will help you remember new grammar very well

6、.(1) What's the passage about?A. Some advice on how to learn English well.B. Some tips on how to pass exams.C. Some advice on how to learn grammar.D. Some tips on how to improve spoken English.(2) Which is TRUE below when you learn grammar?A. Don't worry about making mistakes.B. Don't ma

7、ke a list of mistakes.C. Don't read or listen to English much.D. Don't make someone correct you.(3) What does the underlined word "patient" mean in Chinese?A.积极的U昉便的"尔密的U M耐心的(4) What can we know from the example "how to swim" in Para. 3?A. Practising is the key to l

8、earning grammar.B. It's hard to learn swimming and grammar.C. Learning swimming needs the right way.D. It's dangerous if you can't swim.【答案】(1) CA(3) D(4) A【解析】【分析】主要讲了学习英语语法的一些建议。(1)细节题。根据 Here are some tips for learning grammar可知讲的是学习语法的一些建 议,故选C。(2)细节题。根据 Don't worry about making

9、mistakes.可知当学习语法时不要担心犯错误,故选Ao(3)细节题。根据 Maybe you can do the practice exercises, but when you're speaking you don't have time to think about the correct grammar.可知做练习时没时间思考语法,所以要有耐心,故选Do(4)细节题。根据后句The more you practise, the better you'll be.可知练习得越多你将变得越好,所以练习是学习语法的关键,故选Ao【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节

10、题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。2.完形填空Bicycles in ChinaBicycles are very popular in China. In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere. When you walk on the road, you will find a lot of people riding bicycles to school, shops and anywhere else. Therefore (因止匕),China is known as the kingdom of bicycles ” . I

11、n China, many families have one or two bicycles.Compared (与比) with cars, bicycles have many advantages. First, they are muchcheaper than cars. Most Chinese can't afford cars, but they can afford bicycles. Second, bicycles are small enough to park anywhere, while cars need a larger piece of land

12、to park. What's more, with lower speed, bicycles are safer than cars.However, bicycles also bring some problems. Some riders don't obey the traffic rules and some riders don't think about others' safety. So they ride too fast. During rush hours, too many bicycles may cause traffic ja

13、ms. We still have a 10ng way to go to solve the problem.(1) Where can you see bicycles in China?A. In the big city. B. In the town. C. In the country. D. Almost everywhere.(2) “The kingdom of bicycles" here is saying.A. China has a large number of bicycles B. China makes bicyclesC. bicycles are

14、 a kingdomD. only China has bicyclesB. Bicycles are easy to park.D. Bicycles are safer than cars.(3) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of bicycles?A. Bicycles are much cheaper than cars.C. Bicycles are more beautiful than cars.(4) What problems can bicycles bring?A. Bicycles are more and mo

15、re expensive.B. Riding bicycles is more dangerous than driving cars.C. There are no places for so many bicycles.D. Too many bicycles may cause traffic jams.( 5) What does the last sentence mean?A. We should drive cars instead of riding bicycles.B. It's too far to ride bicycles.C. Bicycles are sa

16、fe enough.D. We still need to do much to solve the problem.【答案】( 1 ) D( 2) A( 3) C( 4) D( 5) D【解析】【分析】( 1 )根据文中“ In our country you can see bicycles almost everywhere 可知在我们国家你几 ” .乎到处都能看到自行车。故选D。( 2)根据文中China is known as“ thekingdom of bicycles ”可知中国有大量的自行车。故选 .A。( 3)此选项与原文意思不符。自行车的优点文中有三处。一是便宜,二是易停

17、放,三是安全。故选C。(4)根据文中 “toomany bicycles may cause traffic jams”可知太多的自行车也能导致交通堵塞。故选D。(5) We still have a long way to go .意为 我们还有很多事情要做 故选D。3 阅读理解"Mom, I'm bored," said Jason. "There is nothing to do." "You can clean your room," said Mom. "That's not fun."

18、It was only the second week of summer vacation. It was still too cold to go to the pool, and Jason was tired of watching TV. His ?friends were away on vacation, and even his dog, Riley, was being lazy.Mom was getting ready to go downtown to the food kitchen to help out. She volunteered serving lunch

19、 to people that weren't as lucky as Jason. "Why don't you come with me to the food kitchen and help out?" Mom asked. "I don't know anything about working at a food kitchen," said Jason. "You just watch me, and then you will see how to serve the food," said M

20、om.It was time to go, and Jason was excited to try working in the food kitchen. He watched his Mom put some turkey and mashed potatoes on a plate. She then passed the plate to the next lady, and she put some green beans and bread on the plate. "I can do that," thought Jason. Oneof the volu

21、nteers left early, so Jason took over her spot in the serving line. He was in charge of (负责) putting salad on the plates. He served twenty-five people that day. "That was great!"said Jason.Jason was so excited and really enjoyed his day at the food kitchen. He couldn't wait to get home

22、 and tell his Dad about how much fun he had. "Jason, that was a nice thing you did today." "You helped many people who aren't as lucky as you to have a hot meal." Mom said, "I am so proud of you!"Jason went to bed that night thinking about the food kitchen. "I

23、am going to help out again, "he thought. Jason made some new friends, and he didn't even know they lived so close to him in town! The best part was how good Jason felt inside.(1) At first Jason felt bored because.A. his dog was lazyB. no one went to the poolC. he had nothing fun to doD. he

24、had to clean his room(2) In the food kitchen, Jason's Mom volunteered.A. selling foodB. making soupC. cleaning upD. serving lunch(3) Jason was about working in the food kitchen.A. sorryB. excitedC. sadD. relaxed(4) What can we learn from the story?A. Helping out is fun.B. Seeing is believing.C.

25、Learning cooking is important.D. Making friends is necessary.【答案】(1) CD(3) B(4) A【解析】【分析】本文将暑假的第二周因朋友都外出度假了Jason在家感到烦闷。(1)细节题,根据 There is nothing to do.和That's not fun.可知他没有什么有趣的事情可 做,故选C。(2) 细节题,根据 She volunteered serving lunch to people that weren't as lucky as Jason. 她 自愿给那些不如他儿子幸运的人们服务提供

26、午饭,故选 Do(3) 细节题, 根据 Jason was so excited and really enjoyed his day at the food kitchen. 可知 Jason对于在食物厨房工作很兴奋,故选Bo(4) 主旨题, 根据 Jason was so excited and really enjoyed his day at the food kitchen. 和 I am going to help out again 和 Jason made some new friends, and he didn't even know they lived so c

27、lose to him in town! The best part was how good Jason felt inside.可知本文主要是讲述帮助是让人快乐的事情,故选 Ao【点评】考查阅读理解能力,主旨题是阅读理解题中常考题型,主旨题需要通读全文,了 解大意之后,找出中心思想。4.阅读理解Can you play the guitar upside down (倒转) ? Can you 大 ENT say things with your stomach (胃)? Maybe most of us can't. However, some people can and th

28、ey are very good at these although they are not famous people. As a result, such people show their special talents in the TV program, China's Got Talent.These days the TV program is getting more and more popular in China. Many people watch it because they want to know how talented one can be. Ta

29、lent shows began in Britain ( 英国) and got more popular in Europe and America, And now there are similar shows in lots of countries around the world.China's Got Talent is one of the newest, but it has something special. When people show their special talents, they also share their most touching (

30、感人的) or funniest stories with people. And most of them don't want to be famous. They just want to make their family and others laugh and become happy.Each of us has a talent. It may be big or small. What's your talent? Maybe you can be the next great star on China's Got Talent!11) Who ca

31、n go to China's Got Talent in China?A. People with funny stories.B. People with moving stories.C. People with special talents.D. People with much money.(2) Where did talent shows begin according to the passage?A. In China.B. In Britain.C. In America.D. In Russia.(3) Why does China's Got Tale

32、nt have something special?A. Because it is the newest in the world,B. Because it can make people become famous.C. Because it shows the best talents in the world.D. Because it can bring people talents, stories and happiness.(4) What can we know from the passage?A. Many people are interested in watchi

33、ng, talent shows.B. China's Got Talent isn't popular in China.C. Talent shows first began in Asia (亚洲) and then in Europe.D. Everyone in China ' s Got Talent wants to become famous.【答案】(1) CB(3) D(4) A【解析】【分析】文章大意:主要介绍了 中国达人秀”这个节目的情况。(1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句As a result, such people show their sp

34、ecial talents in theTV program, China's Got Talent.理解可知,那些有特异功能的人都可以上中国达人秀,故选Co(2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句Talent shows began in Britain (英国) and got morepopular in Europe and America,理解可知,达人秀最初出现在英国,故选B。(3)细节理解题。根据文中的语句When people show their special talents, they also sharetheir most touching(感人的)or funnie

35、st stories with people. And most of them don't want tobe famous. They just want to make their family and others laugh and become happy. 理解可知, 中国达人秀特殊的地方就是让观众或家人开心快乐,故选Do(4)理解归纳题。根据文中的语句These days the TV program is getting more and morepopular in China.理解可知,很多人对达人秀这个节目非常的感兴趣,故选 A。【点评】考查阅读理解。考查对篇章

36、的把握与细节的识别能力,答题时注意紧扣问题中的 关键词,在文章中寻找答案。(5) 读理解Today I Ate A Rainbow is a useful game about our health. It makes eating a rainbow of fruit and vegetables fun for kids! In the game, the teachers or parents use a colorful rainbow chart and brightly colorful magnets (磁铁).They know about the fruit and vege

37、tables they eat the whole day, "Sometimes it can be really difficult to get children to eat fruit and vegetables," says Mrs.Welles. "My little son is weak, and he doesn't like fruit or vegetables. He likes to eat junk food. I think this chart can help him know about how much fruit

38、 and vegetables he eats every day. I'm sure the idea can work well."Fruit and vegetables have vitamins (维生素),minerals (矿物质)and nutrients (营养物)Many nutrients give fruit and vegetables their bright colors. The brighter, the better! The chart is made up of these important colors: red, orange,

39、yellow and green. The different bright colors show the different nutrients that each fruit or vegetable has. So we can use the rainbow colors as a guide to know what we should eat today.11) Today I Ate A Rainbow is according to the passage.A. a game about healthB. a book about healthC. a magazine ab

40、out funD. a. TV show about science(2) From the rainbow chart teachers or parents can know A. what kind of food kids have to eat every dayB. many different colors of fruit and vegetablesC. the fruit and vegetables kids eat the whole dayD. how kids have to make the chart correctly(3) Mrs. Welles'

41、son doesn't like to eat.A. fruit or junk foodB. junk food or vegetablesC. junk food or sweetD. fruit or vegetables(4) In the chart we can see kinds of colors.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five From the passage we know that _.A. all the children like to eat fruit and vegetables a lotB. Mrs. Welles does

42、n't believe that chart can help her sonC. the minerals give fruit and vegetables their bright colorsD. fruit with different bright colors has different nutrients【答案】(1) AC(3) D(4) CD【解析】【分析】主要讲了关于我们健康的一个有用的游戏今天我吃了一个彩虹,我 们用彩虹的颜色知道我们今天应该吃什么。(1)细节题。根据 Today I Ate A Rainbow is a useful game about ou

43、r health.可知今天我吃了一个彩虹是一个有用的关于健康的游戏,故选Ao(2)细节题。根据 They know about the fruit and vegetables they eat the whole day 可知他 们知道一整天吃的水果和蔬菜,故选Co(3)细节题。根据 My little son is weak, and he doesn't like fruit or vegetables. 可知 Welles 女 士的儿子不喜欢水果或者蔬菜,故选Do(4)细节题。根据 The chart is made up of these important colors:

44、red, orange, yellow and green.可知讲了红色、橙色、黄色和绿色,四种颜色,故选C。(5) 细节题。根据 The different bright colors show the different nutrients that each fruit or vegetable has.可知不同的亮色显示出每种水果或蔬菜所具有的不同营养成分。故选D。【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。6 .阅读理解Tal, writerI especially like the fact that I have easy access (进入) to the

45、Internet. And it's great that I have Google Maps on my phone, so that when I get lost I can just look up where I am and find my way back. But I don't really want to say . I depend too much on the phone, That's the worst part.I love the fact that my mobile phone has the Internet. That'

46、;s the best thing about having the Internet everywhere, The worst thing is that people can reach you, especially by calling you. Just send me an email. That would be great.Ashleigh, teacherMary, doctorI have one of the simplest mobile phones, which I actually really like because I'm not really t

47、empted (受弓 I诱的) to be on it all the time. So compared with texting people, talking with people around gives me more pleasure.(1) What does Laura do when she gets lost?A. She calls for a taxi at once.C. She asks the police for help.(2) For Tal, it would be great toB. She uses Google Maps on the phone

48、, D. She makes a phone call to her family.A. have a private worldC. receive e mails in timeIIB. keep in touch with friendsD. use the Internet everywhere(3) Both Ashleigh and Mary prefer toA. turn off their phones sometimesC. stay on their phones all the time(4) The four people are mainly talking abo

49、utB. talk with people face to faceD. change their phones for better onesA. why they need their mobile phonesB. whether to say goodbye to mobile phonesC. how to surf the Internet on their mobile phonesD. what they like and dislike about their mobile phones 【答案】(1) BD(3) B(4) D【解析】【分析】主要讲了Laura、Tak As

50、hleigh和Mary对手机的看法,即喜欢与不喜欢。(1) 细节题。根据 And it's great that I have Google Maps on my phone, so that when I get lostI can just look up where I am and find my way back. 可知Laura迷路时会使用手机上的谷歌地 图,故选Bo(2)细节题。根据 That's the best thing about having the Internet everywhere可知到处都有互联网是最好的,故选Do(3) 细节题。根据第三贝U信

51、息because it makes me be more of a face-to-face person 和第四贝U信息 So compared with texting people, talking with people around gives me more pleasure. 可知他们更喜欢和人们面对面交流,故选Bo(4)细节题。根据四则信息可知主要讲了Laura、Tak Ashleigh和Mary对手机的看法,即喜欢与不喜欢。故选D。I have a very old phone, so I can't really do much with it. However,

52、it's also kind of nice because it makes me be more of a face-to-face person, instead of always being on my phone. So that's good.【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。7 .阅读理解What's that in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Hello Kitty.That's how Lauren Rojas, 12, from the U

53、S thought of her science project. She sent her Hello Kitty doll into the sky early this month. She wanted to find out how altitude (高度) changed air pressure (气压) and temperature, according to New York Daily News.Rojas put the doll and a small computer into a rocket model, and then sent it up with a

54、weather balloon (气球).The computer recorded the height, air pressure and temperature. Rojas also put in a video camera to record the trip."It took about two or three weeks to put it all together," said Rojas. "I think people will think it (the video ) is really cool."The balloon g

55、ot to 28.5km above the Earth. At that height, the doll could see the blue curves (曲线) of our planet. The air was very thin up there, and soon the balloon broke up(爆炸)The doll fell from the sky and at last it ended up in a tree. It was 76km from the place where it had started its journey.(1) Rojas do

56、 her science project.A. early this morning B. early this month C. last week D. two or three weeks ago (2) Rojas used to find out how high the doll was.A. A rocket model B. A weather balloon C. A small computer D. A video camera (3) At last the balloon broke up at the height of.B. 28.5km above the Ea

57、rth B. 76km above the Earth C. a tree D. a plane in flight (4) Rojas did the project to find out.A. how a plane or a bird fliesC. how high a Hello Kitty can flyD. how altitude changes air pressure and temperatureE. what our planet looks like from a great height 【答案】(1) BC(3) A(4) C【解析】【分析】主要讲了 Laure

58、n Rojas把Hello Kitty放到天空中想发现高度是怎样影响气 压和温度的。(1)细节题。根据 She sent her Hello Kitty doll into the sky early this month.可知是月初就做实验,故选Bo(2) 细节题。根据 The computer recorded the height, air pressure and temperature. 可知电月百 记录了高度,故选 Co(3)细节题。根据 The balloon got to 28.5km above the Earth. At that height, the doll coul

59、d see the blue curves (曲线) of our planet. The air was very thin up there, and soon the balloon broke up (爆炸).可知气球在海拔28.5千米的地方爆炸,故选A。(4)细节题。根据 She wanted to find out how altitude (高度)changed air pressure (气压)and temperature, according to New York Daily News.可知目的是发现高度是怎样影响气压和温度的。故选 Co【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。8.阅读理解Money makes the world go round. But money isn't anything when people don't know how to use it. And no one is better at usin


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