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1、2021/8/612021/8/62IntroductionDefinitionTypesCharacteristicsFormationConclusion2021/8/63Introduction2021/8/64Could you express them in English? 2021/8/65Pigtail Dog-ear Cats-paw Chicken headLions share Ass-kisser Fox-sleep Are you right?2021/8/66Definition2021/8/67DefinitionCompounding (also called

2、composition), is the formation of new words by joining two or more stems. 2021/8/68Types2021/8/69Solidhyphenatedopen2021/8/610Solidhyphenatedopen2021/8/611Solidhyphenatedopen2021/8/612Characteristics2021/8/613Compound a black horse a bluebird a fat head a hot house Free phrasea black horsea blue bir

3、da fat heada hot housePhonological features2021/8/614In compounds, the word stress usually occurs on the first element whereas in noun phrases the second elements is generally accented if there is only one stress. In cases of two stresses, the compound has the primary stress on the first element and

4、 the second stress, if any, on the second whereas the opposite is true of free phrases. This is the Phonetic feature of the compounds. 2021/8/615Semantic features1. American cloth 2. British warm 3. French leave 4.Spanish athlete 5. Chinese copy 6. Turkish delight 7. Indian meal 8. Dutch treat 美产布料

5、厚呢短大衣 不辞而别 西班牙运动员 与原物一模一样的复制品 土耳其软糖 印度大餐 AA制 彩色油布 英国式的暖日 法式告别 吹牛者 中国版本 土耳其式狂欢 玉米粉 荷兰招待方式Read the following compounds, and then guess their meanings2021/8/616Their meanings do not just follows the “1+1 Principle”, that is to say, their meanings are not the combination of the meanings of the two eleme

6、nts in the compound. Compounds are different from free phrases in “one-wordness”. Every compound should express a single idea just as one word. This is the Semantic feature of compounds. 2021/8/617- examples2021/8/618Although many compounds tend to have senses not wholly predictable from the constit

7、uent bases, for example, darkroom (room used for photographic processing)There are quite a number of compounds who are transparent, that is the meaning can be inferred from the separate elements of compounds. e.g. washing machine, dumb show 2021/8/619Grammatical featuresRead the following sentences

8、and change the sentences into plural forms. Pay attention to the underlined words. There is a new-born left on the corner of the street.This kindergarten only accept three-year-old and above.She is the most famous go-between in this area.It is difficult to find a really good babysitter.This house is

9、 cooled by air-conditioner.2021/8/620Q: How are they changed into plural forms? Is it necessary to add “-s” to each element of the compounds? 2021/8/621 A compound tends to play a single grammatical role in a sentence, for example, a verb, a noun, or an adjective. Thus, the compounds in the above se

10、ntences show their plural forms by taking inflectional “-s” at the end. 2021/8/622 1.Of course, there are exceptions such as brothers-in-law, lookers-on, etc. In spite of this, their single grammatical role is apparent.2.In adjective-noun compounds, the adjective element cannot take inflectional suf

11、fixes, for example: hot line cant be hotter line. 2021/8/623Formation2021/8/624According to word class, there are 3 categories of compounds in total:Noun compounds: nightfall, watchdogAdjective compounds: airsick, far-reachingVerb compounds: bottle-feed, brain-wash, lip read2021/8/625A. word class o

12、f the compounding elementsn.+n.( ashtray, hydrogen bomb, bar code), adj.+n. (blueprint, dark-room, hard disc, deadline), adv.+n. (downtown, upgrade, undercloth;),-ing+n. (chewing gum, reading lamp, leading article, ) n.+ -ing (sightseeing, daydreaming). v.+n. (swearword, breakwater, driveway)n.+v. (

13、nightfall, toothpick, water supply )v. + adv. (show-off, put-off, follow-up)adv. + v. (outlet, upset, down fall, upstart, onflow)2021/8/626B. Syntactic relations of the compounding elements:daydreaming, sightseeing n + v-ing daydreaming= dreams during the day, i.e. verb + adverbial. sightseeing= see

14、s sights, i.e. verb + object a. sub. and v.: heartbeat, crybaby, commanding officer, revolving door, rainfallb. v. and obj.: pickpocket, birth control, dressmaking, housekeeping2021/8/627c. v. and adv.: swimming pool, diving board, drinking cup, typing paper , walking stickd. Sub. and obj.: Steamboa

15、t, honeybee, power plante. Restrictive relation (the 1st element restricts/modifies the meaning of 2nd): : Raindrop, tablecloth, ashtray; breakfast time, safety-beltf. Appositive relation: a peasant girl; a pine tree, a girlfriend, 2021/8/628string compounddead-letter office; test-tube baby; command

16、ers-in-chief; bread-and-butter; give-and-take; come-and-go; hide-and-seekCompound nouns can also be formed from phrasal verbs. sit-in, dropout, phone-in, breakdown, walk-ons, walkout, setback; take-off 2021/8/629A. word class of the compounding elements a. with adj. at the endn. + adj. fat-free, tol

17、l-free, care-free, dust-free, dog-tired, home-sick, world famous, tone-deaf, lifelongadj. + adj. wet-cold, icy-cold, red-hot, light-blue, bitter-sweet-ing + adj. smoking-hot, soaking-wet, freezing-cold, biting-coldadv. + adj. ever-victorious, over-cautious, all-round2021/8/630word class of the compo

18、unding elements b. with v. at the endn. + -ing peace-loving, time-saving, ocean-goingn. + -ed heart-felt, air-borne, home-made, book-filled, poverty-strickenadj/adv. + -ing easy-going, hard-working, everlastingadj/adv. + -ed newly-developed, well-balanced, hard-won 2021/8/631word class of the compou

19、nding elements c. with n. at the endn. +n. -ed chicken-hearted, honey-mouthed, paper-backedadj. + n.-ed short-sighted, hot-tempered, tender-heartedadj. + n. long-distance, full-length, white-collar, red-letter 2021/8/632B. Syntactic relations of the compounding elements:a. adj. + adverbialadverbial

20、of comparison: (as as) stone-deaf, dog-tiredadverbial of degree: (so that) steaming-hot, wringing-wetadverbial of cause: (because) home-sick, travel-worn, adverbial of places: world-famous, oven-fresh2021/8/633B. Syntactic relations of the compounding elements:b. v. + adverbialadverbial of manner: h

21、ard-working, quick-frozenadverbial of degree: far-reaching, half-bakedadverbial of time: new-born, ever-lastingadverbial of places: ocean-going, home-made2021/8/634B. Syntactic relations of the compounding elements:c. Sub. and v.: thunder-struck, weather-beaten (rock) , suntanned (skin), heartsick d

22、. V. and obj. : fault-finding , peace-loving , record-breaking, breath-takinge. n. and adj. 1) The n. denoting respect. tax free, seasick, watertight, fire-proof 2021/8/635B. Syntactic relations of the compounding elements: 2) the n. denoting the thing with which the adj. is compared (as + adj. +as + n., adj. like n.): ocean green, crystal-clear , knee-deep , shoulder-high f. Coordinating relationship: The two adj. are in a


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