1、1Shanghai University断裂力学Fracture Mechanics郭战胜郭战胜办公地点:延长校区力学所办公地点:延长校区力学所317室室平时答疑:每周一:平时答疑:每周一:5-6节节晚修答疑晚修答疑:每周一:每周一:18:00-20:30地点:地点:HE108或或HE104b2能量原理3线弹性断裂力学认为,材料和构件在断裂以前基本上处于弹性范围内,可以把物体视为带有裂纹的弹性体。研究裂纹扩展有两种观点:一种是能量平衡的观点能量平衡的观点,裂纹扩展的动力是构件在裂纹扩展中所释放出的弹性应变能,它补偿了产生新裂纹表面所消耗的能量,如GriffithGriffith理论理论;一种是
2、应力场强度的观点应力场强度的观点,认为裂纹扩展的临界状态是裂纹尖端的应力场强度达到材料的临界值,如IrwinIrwin理论理论。 4线弹性断裂力学的基本理论线弹性断裂力学的基本理论线弹性断裂力学的基本理论包括: Griffith理论,即能量释放率理论; Irwin理论,即应力强度因子理论。断裂力学作为一门崭新的学科是在上个世纪断裂力学作为一门崭新的学科是在上个世纪5050年代才建立和发展年代才建立和发展起来的。但是起来的。但是GriffithGriffith在在19201920年建立的针对玻璃、陶瓷等脆性材年建立的针对玻璃、陶瓷等脆性材料的脆性断裂准则,成功地解释了这类材料的实际断裂强度远小料
4、论,使得断裂力学成为一门学科。 GriffithGriffith理论理论5GriffithGriffith理论理论InglisInglis的论文的论文1913年,Inglis研究了无限大板中含有一个穿透板厚的椭圆孔的问题,得到了弹性力学精确分析解,称之为Inglis解。1920年,Griffith研究玻璃与陶瓷材料脆性断裂问题时,将Inglis解中的短半轴趋于0,得到Griffith裂纹。Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects,55 55 ( (1913), pp.219230. 6C. E. InglisSir Charles
5、Edward InglisSir Charles Edward Inglis (31 July 1875-19 April 1952) was a British civil engineer. Inglis spent much of his life as a lecturer and academic at Kings College Cambridge and made several important studies into the made several important studies into the effects of vibration and defects o
6、n the strength of plate effects of vibration and defects on the strength of plate steel. steel. His mother died when he only is eleven days, he was His mother died when he only is eleven days, he was brought up by his fathers unmarried sister.brought up by his fathers unmarried sister.Inglis served
7、in the Royal Engineers during the First World War and invented a lightweight, invented a lightweight, reusable steel bridge - the precursor and reusable steel bridge - the precursor and inspiration for the Bailey bridge of the inspiration for the Bailey bridge of the Second World War Second World Wa
8、r . His military service was rewarded with an appointment as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire7Department of EngineeringDepartment of Engineering Head of Department 1919-43Head of Department 1919-43He carried the largest teaching load, covering the subjects : statics, statics, dynamics,
9、theory of structures, dynamics, theory of structures, materials and drawing, balancing materials and drawing, balancing engines, girder design and reinforced engines, girder design and reinforced concrete.concrete.His personality was such that he not only taught the subject most delightfully but ins
10、pired the members of the audience with respect and affection.C. E. Inglis8C. E. InglisA Mathematical Treatise on Vibrations in Railway Bridges. By C. E. Inglis.Cambridge, University Press, and New York, Macmillan, 1934. 203 pp. and 65 figures.GriffithGriffith理论理论Royal Engineers constructing an Ingli
11、s Bridge Mk III at the School of Military Engineering, 18 June 1943 9GriffithGriffith理论理论The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics was founded in 1946, during the Sixth Congress in Paris. Each of the first six congresses had been organized by a national committee of scientists fro
12、m the country where the congress was to be held.Fourth Fourth C. E. Inglis Congress President 1934 Cambridge UKC. E. Inglis Congress President 1934 Cambridge UKInternational Congresses on Theoretical and Applied International Congresses on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) BeijingMechanics (
13、ICTAM) Beijing, Bai Yilong 23Bai Yilong 23rdrd10GriffithGriffith理论理论max12abthin plate of glass with an elliptical hole in the middleHe found that point A, at the end of the ellipse, was feeling the most pressure. He also found that as the ratio of a/b gets as the ratio of a/b gets bigger (the ellips
14、e gets longer and thinner) bigger (the ellipse gets longer and thinner) that the stress at A becomes greater and that the stress at A becomes greater and greater greater C. E. Inglis11C. E. InglisHe also found that pulling on the plate in a direction parallel to the ellipse does does notnot produce
15、a great stress produce a great stress at A. This leads to the fact at A. This leads to the fact that a load perpendicular, that a load perpendicular, not parallel, to the crack not parallel, to the crack will make it grow. will make it grow. GriffithGriffith理论理论12Then he looked at other plates with
16、not-quite-elliptical holes, like these. From looking at these he realized that its not he realized that its not really the shape of the hole that matters really the shape of the hole that matters in cracking. in cracking. What matters is the length of What matters is the length of the crack that is
17、perpendicular to the load the crack that is perpendicular to the load and what the radius of curvature at the and what the radius of curvature at the ends of the hole isends of the hole is. The longer the hole The longer the hole (or crack), the higher the stress, and the (or crack), the higher the
18、stress, and the smaller the radius of curvature, the higher smaller the radius of curvature, the higher the stress. the stress. GriffithGriffith理论理论13一、动机一、动机两个矛盾的事实两个矛盾的事实The stress needed to The stress needed to fracture bulk glassfracture bulk glass is around is around 100 MPa100 MPa. . The theor
19、etical stress needed for breaking atomic The theoretical stress needed for breaking atomic bonds is approximately bonds is approximately 10,000 MPa10,000 MPaexperiments on glass fibers that Griffith himself experiments on glass fibers that Griffith himself conducted suggested that the fracture stres
20、s increases conducted suggested that the fracture stress increases as the fiber diameter decreases.as the fiber diameter decreases. 尺寸相关性GriffithGriffith理论理论1314二、二、Griffith理论理论1920年,Griffith研究玻璃与陶瓷材料脆性断裂问题时,将Inglis解中的短半轴趋于0,得到Griffith裂纹。GriffithGriffith理论理论Griffith研究了如图所示厚度为B的薄平板。上、下端受到均匀拉应力作用,将板拉长
21、后,固定两端,构成能量封闭系统。15设想在板中沿垂直于载荷方向切开一条长度为2a的贯穿裂纹,由于裂纹的长度远小于板的面内尺寸,可以将此板视为“无限大”板。由于设想切开了一条贯穿裂纹,裂纹就形成了上下两个自由面,原来作用于该表面位置的拉应力消失了,与此同时,上下自由表面发生相对张开位移,消失的拉应力对此张开位移做负功,使得板内的应变能降低了。 Griffith根据Inglis(1913)对“无限大”板内开了一个椭圆形圆孔后分析得到的应力场、位移场计算公式,得出当椭圆孔短轴尺寸趋于零(理想尖裂纹)时,弹性应变能的改变量为2222211UaBEUaBE平面应变平面应力GriffithGriffith
22、理论理论 =+GriffithGriffith理论理论16GriffithGriffith理论理论17能量守恒定律: 能量守恒定律能量守恒定律是自然界的一条普遍规律,它指出:系统能量系统能量的增加等于输入的能量的增加等于输入的能量。对于热力学系统又可表述为:作用于系统上功功的增量W加上系统接受的热热的增量Q等于系统内能内能的增量E加上动能动能的增量K, 即若增量无限小且诸量可微,则可写成率的形式:QWKEQWKEGriffithGriffith理论理论18把能量守恒定律应用于裂纹体: E 为储存在介质中的内能;T 为动能;为裂纹表面能; 为 外力功率; 传热率。 作如下假设:断裂过程中总体热交
23、换效果可忽略(近似绝热假设),准静态过程,T0,介质为弹性的,E = U WQ0QWUdtd)() 1 ()2(QWTEGriffithGriffith理论理论19受有均匀外力作用具有长度为2a 的无限大板,其位移场为: 其中:对平面应变情况 对平面应力情况 考虑线弹性裂纹体的应变能:现建立裂纹扩展的临界条件(考虑 时,裂纹有微扩展da)应变能率:axxaxv22) 1(4)(4313k22081214BadxvBUa) 3()4()5()(412daddtdadtddtdaaBdtdUccGriffithGriffith理论理论2021 另一方面,Griffith认为,由于裂纹处形成两个自由
24、表面,从而有表面能增加,形成新的自由表面需要吸收的能量为 24Aa B 其中:为单位面积上的表面能。由于板的上下两端是固定的,外力不做功,即外力势能不改变。可以得到如下表达式 d()0dUA 临界状态 d()0dUA 裂纹稳定 d()0dUA 裂纹不稳定 GriffithGriffith理论理论21表面能率:外力功率:把应变能率、表面能率及外力功率代入能量平衡方程(2):或)7()6()8()9(dtdaaBdxdtdaaxaBdxdtdvBwcaccac2212200212)(214) 1(44dtdaBdtde4eca2812ecEa2GriffithGriffith理论理论2223上式表
25、明,当裂纹扩展单位面积,系统释放的应变能恰好等于形成自由表面所需的表面能时,裂纹就处于不稳定的平衡状态;或裂纹扩展单位面积,系统释放的应变能大于形成其自由表面所需的表面能时,裂纹就会失稳扩展而断裂。当然,若释放的应变能小于形成其自由表面能所需的表面能时,裂纹就不会扩展,处于稳定平衡状态。 GriffithGriffith理论理论ecEa2)9(2324得临界应力为 122()cEa表示无限大平板在平面应力状态下,长为2a裂纹失稳扩展时,拉应力的临界值,称为剩余强度。GriffithGriffith理论理论临界裂纹长度 22cEa对于平面应变有 2222(1)2(1)ccEaEa 2425Gri
26、ffith判据如下:(1)当外加应力 超过临界应力 c(2)当裂纹尺寸 a超过临界裂纹尺寸 ca脆性物体断裂 GriffithGriffith理论理论He said that for a crack to grow, it was necessary for their to be enough potential energy in the system to create the new surface area of the crack. He did not know that it takes more than this for a crack to grow though. 25
27、 于是由能量守恒定律得到裂纹扩展的临界条件: 其中 方程式右端为材料参数组合,应为材料常数。 因此方程式左端的载荷与裂纹几何参数的组合亦应为常数。(含裂纹体的破坏条件) 下面把破坏条件(9)普遍化: 把能量守恒定律应用于裂纹体: 将之改写为: 即)9(21EEE)10(WUdtd)(AAWU)(AAecEa2GriffithGriffith理论理论26 定义 它代表裂纹扩展单位面积弹性系统释放的能量为能量释放率;同时,定义 它表示裂纹扩展单位面积所需要消耗的能量为裂纹扩展阻力; 因此裂纹扩展条件可表示为: 这就是著名的Griffith 脆断准则(能量平衡准则)AGccGG )12()11(AG
28、)( 13GriffithGriffith理论理论27Griffith theory-1920o In a body of a glass cracks pre-exist. o The tip of such a crack concentrates stress. o The intense stress breaks atomic bonds one by one, like opening a zipper. o As the crack advances, fresh surfaces are created. The surface energy increases, but th
29、e elastic energy decreases. o The crack advances if the advance reduces the sum of the surface energy and elastic energy.28dxdEdxddddxd29102EaEothothaE3031D是薄壁球壳或圆柱壳的直径,Q和R分别是平行于裂纹和垂直于裂纹的主应力。 GriffithGriffith理论理论R cca为了验证理论,Griffith做了两组实验,一组是玻璃薄壁球壳,见下表。可以看出,断裂应力随着裂纹尺寸的增大而减小,却基本保持常数,证明了公式的正确性。 32第二组实
30、验是含裂纹薄壁圆柱壳的爆裂实验。GriffithGriffith理论理论33GriffithGriffith理论理论Griffith发现 ,右端纯粹为材料参数组合,对同一材料它应为常数。从这个意义上说Griffith已接近于发现应力强度因子理论。 2caEThe theory was considered to apply only to a limited class of extremely, such as glasses or ceramics1920,19241948,1957 Introduction of high strength materials for structura
31、l applications34Orowan与Irwin对Griffith理论的解释与发展 Orowan在1948年指出,金属材料在裂纹的扩展过程中,其尖端附近局部区域发生塑性变形。因此,裂纹扩展时,金属材料释放的应变能,不仅用于形成裂纹表面所吸收的表面能,同时用于克服裂纹扩展所需要吸收的塑性变形能(也称为塑性功)。 设金属材料的裂纹扩展单位面积所需要的塑性功为 pU,则剩余强度和临界裂纹长度可表示为 GriffithGriffith理论理论352(2)(1)(2)PcPEUaEUa平面应变平面应力gpusgp+-= +222(2)(1)(2)PcPEUaEU平面应变平面应力gpu sgps+
32、-= +GriffithGriffith理论理论310PUgOrowan 发现36Irwin在1948年引入记号 G1()2GWUa外力功 释放出的应变能 能量释放率 能量释放率也称为裂纹扩展能力 G准则 cGGcG临界值,由试验确定 Irwin的理论适用于金属材料的准脆性破坏破坏前裂纹尖端附近有相当范围的塑性变形 .该理论的提出是线弹性断裂力学诞生的标志.GriffithGriffith理论理论GriffithGriffith脆断准则脆断准则37前面仅是以固定边情况为例。对于一般约束情况, 具有更广泛的物理意义。 IG 取一厚度为B 的板,中心有穿透裂纹长度为2a,载荷P,面积A = 2aB
33、。在裂纹长度不变的情况下,P 与作用点位移成正比将板拉长后固定两端。下图中直线的斜率为刚度系数,其倒数为柔度系数(柔度),等于单位载荷下的位移。当裂纹面积增加时,弹性裂纹体刚度下降,柔度增加,即弹性曲线斜率减小。下面需要分析三种不同边界条件的情况GriffithGriffith理论理论381)固定位移情况 在图中体系应变能减少,释放出的应变能作为裂纹扩展所需的功。oacobc应变能减少量应变能减少量= =GriffithGriffith理论理论392) 固定载荷情况 在图中,体系应变能增加,载荷作的功一半用于增加系统应变能,一半作为剩余功用于裂纹扩展。 IUGA IG将上述两种情况的将上述两种
34、情况的统一写成统一写成()odeoac应变能增加量应变能增加量= =矩形矩形- -()odeoac()oad GriffithGriffith理论理论40 裂纹扩展时,载荷对位移曲线从a变化到f,其斜率为3)弹性约束情况 对于一般弹性条件,可看成弹性约束,简化为裂纹体与弹簧串联的力学模型。1K弹簧柔度系数GriffithGriffith理论理论41反映了裂纹扩展能量释放率与试件柔度之间的关系,称为Irwin-Kies关系。是用柔度法确定 进而确定应力强度因子的重要基础。 000limlimlimIdAdAdAoaboadoafGdAdAdA系统推动裂纹扩展的有效能量为外力功与应变能增加(或减少
35、)之差(或和)dPoad2Pdd22IP dGdAIG对前两种情况,则由GriffithGriffith理论理论称为应变能释放率的柔度表达式对于如图所示的裂纹板,沿裂纹延长线上,有由应力场计算公式得到: 假设当裂纹扩展时,系统释放的能量等于迫使裂纹闭合回到原始状态所需要的变形功 GriffithGriffith理论理论00 ,rx02IyKx在闭合时,应力在 那段所做的功为 a00UlimayadBvdx 其中,B为裂纹体厚度。 位移场表达式 2242IKaxvk 2 1E201 1Ulim4IakdB aKE 42430UlimIadG B a 21 14kGKE平面应力 23,1KkGE平
36、面应变 22134kGKE2KGE21EEEE 平面应力平面应变同理 2KGE21GKEGriffithGriffith理论理论IUGA 由此可见,线弹性条件下,应力强度因子和能量释放率具有对应关系,两者是等效的。公式是在假定裂纹沿原裂纹方向直线扩展条件推导。对于II型裂纹,裂纹并不沿裂纹方向扩展,上面的关系是名义关系。44裂纹尖端存在奇异性,即: 1( , )(0)ijrrr 基于这种性质,1957年Irwin提出新的物理量应力强度因子K,即:0lim2( ,0)yyrKrr 1960年Irwin用石墨做实验,测定开始裂纹扩展时的 cKK断裂判据( K准则) cKKGriffithGriff
37、ith理论理论45裂纹尖端附近的应力场和位移计算裂纹尖端附近的应力场和位移计算46裂纹的类型裂纹的类型一一. .裂纹的类型裂纹的类型 1.按裂纹的几何类型分类 穿透裂纹穿透裂纹:裂纹沿构件整个厚度贯穿. 表面裂纹表面裂纹:深度和长度皆处于构件表面的裂纹,可简化为 半椭圆裂纹.深埋裂纹深埋裂纹:完全处于构件内部的裂纹,片状圆形或片状椭 圆裂纹.472.按裂纹的受力和断裂特征分类 张开型张开型(型型) ):拉应力垂直于裂纹扩展面,裂纹上、下表面沿作用力的方向张开,裂纹沿着裂纹面向前扩展,是最常见的一种裂纹. 滑开型滑开型(型型) ):裂纹扩展受切应力控制,切应力平行作用于裂纹面而且垂直于裂纹线,裂
38、纹沿裂纹面平行滑开扩展.48撕开型裂纹撕开型裂纹(型型) ):在平行于裂纹面而与裂纹前沿线方向平行的剪应力作用下,裂纹沿裂纹面撕开扩展.49裂纹尖端附近的应力场、位移场计算裂纹尖端附近的应力场、位移场计算 50H. M. WestergaardDr. Harold Malcolm Westergaard(1888-1950)University of Illinois professor of theoretical and applied mechanics.Gordon McKay Professor of Civil Engineering and Dean of the Graduat
39、e School of Engineering, Harvard University (1936-1946).Although he has left his post as dean he will not become inactive, but will retain the Gordon McKay professorship of Civil Engineering. 51The member of American Philosophical Society, Class I: mathematical and physical sciences(1942).H. M. West
40、ergaardWest side of the American Philosophical Society building in Philadelphia, PAJournal of Applied Mechanics, 1939, A49-A53 52裂纹尖端附近的应力场、位移场计算裂纹尖端附近的应力场、位移场计算 1.型裂纹问题的描述:无限大板,有一长为 的穿透裂纹,在无限远处受双向拉应力 的作用.确定裂纹尖端附近的应力场和位移场. 2a53型裂纹求解54Irwin应用Westergaard的方法进行分析.(1)Westergaard应力函数 弹性力学平面问题的求解,归结为要求求一个应
41、力函数.该函数满足边界条件及双调和方程.1939年Westergaard应力函数ReImZyZ其中: 为解析函数; 为一次积分和二次积分.Z,Z Z型裂纹求解55首先证明: 40满足双调和方程 42222() ()xyxy 因为: 222Re( Im)ZyZ解析函数的性质:(1)解析函数的导数和积分仍为解析函数(2)解析函数的实部和虚部均满足调和方程2Re0Z型裂纹求解56222222( Im)( Im)( Im)IIIyZyZyZxy 22Im(ImIm)IIIZyyyZZxyyy2222ImImImImIIIIZZyZyZxyyy2ImIm2IIZyZy 柯西黎曼条件柯西黎曼条件ReImImZZZyx ImReReZZZyx 型裂纹求解57有 Im22ReZZy222(2Re)0Z 即函数 是平面问题的应力函数.则应力分量:2222(ReIm)xZyZyyReIm(Im)ZZZyyyy( ImImRe)ZZyZyReReZZyyReImZyZ型裂纹求解58即 ReImxZyZReImyZyZ0z(平面应力) ()2RezxyZ (平面应变) RexyyZ 物理方程:yxxEEyxyEExyxyG(平面应力) 型裂纹求解5921(1)(1)xxyE 21(1)(1)yyxE xyxyG(平面应变) 几何方程:
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