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1、推广新型墙材满足建筑行业现代化进程需求我国人口众多,资源相对不足,环境承载能力较弱,随 着工业化、城镇化进程的进一步加快,能源资源消耗和污染 物排放还会进一步增加。要实现经济社会又好又快发展,必 须转变经济增长方式,强力推进结构调整,大力发展新型墙 体材料,实现节能减排,走经济社会可持续发展的路子。China's large population, the relative shortage of resources, environmental carrying capacity is weak, with the further acceleration of industrial

2、ization, urbanization, energy consumption and pollutant emissions will further increase. To achieve sound and rapid economic and social development, we must change the mode of economic growth,promotingstructural adjustment,vigorouslydevelop new-type wall materials, to achieve energy-saving emission

3、reduction,sustainable economicand socialdevelopment.大力推行新型墙体材料,不仅可以有效保护耕地和环 境,而且可以提高资源利用效率和发展循环经济,是推进科 学发展、和谐发展的重要措施,对于促进节能减排具有重要 意义。实践证明,新型墙材在保护环境、节约资源等方面, 具有实心黏土砖无法比拟的优势。一是可以减少对植被和生态环境的破坏。实心黏土砖需要大量取土烧砖,造成难以挽 回的土地资源和环境破坏。而新型墙材尽可能少用或不用天 然资源,大量使用废弃物作原料,既节约生产能耗,又节约 建筑物的使用能耗。二是可以减少生产过程中产生的大量有 害气体排放。生产实

4、心黏土砖工艺简单、条件简陋,产生的 大量有害气体直接排放,污染环境。而新型墙材采用用污染 环境的清洁生产技术,生产过程中不排放或极少排放废渣、 废气。三是可以有效综合利用废弃物。新型墙材以粉煤灰、 煤矸石、建筑垃圾等为原材料,将其进行资源化和无害化利 用,减少对人体健康和环境的危害。因此,大力发展新型墙 材,既有利于节能减排目标的实现,更有利于实现可持续发 展。Vigorously promote the new wall materials, not only can effectively protect the cultivated landand theenvironment, but

5、 also can improve the efficiency of resource use and the development of recycling economy, is an important measure to promote the scientific development, harmonious development, it has great significance for the promotion of energy-saving emission reduction. Practicehas proved, new wall materials in

6、protect environment, save resources, solid clay brick, has the incomparableadvantage.One can reduce the vegetation and ecological environment destruction. Solid clay brick earth brick needs a lot of land resources and environment, resulting in irreparable damage. But the new wall materials as little

7、 as possible with or without the use of natural resources, extensive use of waste as raw material, not only saving energy consumption in production, and save the energy use in buildings. The two is to reduce harmful gas emissions generated in the production process. The production of solid clay bric

8、k technology is simple, primitive conditions, large quantities of the harmful gas produced by the direct emissions, pollution of the environment. But the new wall materials using cleaner production technology of environmental pollution, the production process does not discharge or discharge of waste

9、 water, waste gas is rarely. Three can be effective use of waste. New wall materials with fly ash, coal gangue, construction waste as raw material, its resources and utilization, reduce the harm to human health and the environment. Therefore, vigorously develop new wall material, which is beneficial

10、 to the realization of energy-saving emission reduction targets, more conducive to the realization of sustainable development.发展新型墙材,是调整我县产业结构的需要。目前,我 县现有的墙材企业大部分是砖瓦窑,规模小、设备简陋、工 艺落后,且分布散乱,形不成产业规模,对资源环境破坏较 大。同时,由于受传统观念的影响,部分群众对新型墙材认 识不深,还习惯用黏土砖,很大程度上影响了新型墙材的推 广应用。不淘汰落后的黏土砖生产能力、关掉小砖瓦窑,就 无法运用新材料、新技术改造传

11、统产业,就无法提高新型墙 材的产品档次,也就无法推进新型墙材企业的发展壮大。发 展新型墙材,是建筑业现代化的需要。随着经济社会的发展,人民群众对住房的需求已由生存型向舒适型转变、由低层向 高层和多功能转变,节能建筑、生态建筑等新要求不断提出。 尤其是近几年,国家强力推进建筑节能,黏土实心砖由于热 工作性能差,加上自身重量大、强度低,不能适应节能建筑 的要求。因此,发展新型墙材是促进建筑业现代化发展的必 然要求。The development of new wall materials, is the need to adjust the industrial structure of our

12、county. At present, the existing wall material enterprises in our county is mostly brick kiln, small scale, poor equipment, process backward, and the distribution of scattered, not form industrial scale, a great damage to the environment. At the same time, because of the influence of traditional ide

13、as, some peoplenot deep understanding of new wall material, also used the clay brick, largely affected the promotion and application of new wall materials. Not to eliminate backward production capacity shut down small clay brick, brick kiln, will not be able to transform the traditional industry wit

14、h new materials, new technology, new wall materials will not be able to raise the grade of products, will not be able to promote the development of new wall materials and growthofenterprises. The development of new wall materials, is the need of building industry modernization. With the development

15、of society and economy, people's demand for housing from the survival model to a comfortable transition, transition from low level to high level and function, new requirements of energy-saving buildings, ecological buildings have been put forward. Especially in recent years, the national strengt

16、h to promote the construction of energy-efficient, clay solid brick because of the hot working performance is poor, its own weight, and the strength is low, can not meet the requirements of energy-saving building. Therefore, the development of new wall materials is necessary to promote the construct

17、ion industry modernization.real the The the一要强力推进禁实工作。做好禁实工作,是促进新型墙 材产业发展的前提和基础。发展新型墙材,必须加大对现有 砖瓦窑厂的整治力度,坚决淘汰高耗能、高排放的实心黏土 砖,逐步淘汰黏土墙体材料。特别是对那些未关闭的砖瓦窑 厂,要加强黏土砖生产用地的监管,禁止向新建、改建、扩 建实心黏土和空心黏土制品生产项目供地,逐步淘汰取土烧 砖的生产企业。To strongly promote the ban solid work. Do no work, is the prerequisite and basis to promo

18、te development of new wall materials industry. development of new wall materials, must increase existing brick factory rectification, and resolutely eliminate high energy consumption, high emission of solid clay brick, the phasing out of clay wall materials. Especially for those who did not shut dow

19、n the brick factory, to strengthen the supervision of land production of clay bricks, prohibiting the conversion, to new, expansion of solid clay and hollow clay products production projects for the phasing out of the soil, brick production enterprises.二要大力发展节能利废的新型墙材。要大力发展利用固 体废弃物生产的新型墙材,重点发展保温隔热性能

20、好的非黏 土类新型墙材。要保证新型墙材生产企业的原料供应,对粉 煤灰实行限价出售。要加快新材料、新技术、新产品的标准 化,及时编制通用设计图集、施工规程、验收标准,加强新 型墙材施工技术培训,做好新型墙体材料在节能建筑中的技 术开发和应用示范。同时,要将禁止使用实心黏土砖和应用 新型墙材等内容,纳入施工设计文件审查及竣工验收备案等 环节,在社会主义新农村建设中全面推广使用新型墙材。Two, new wall materials and vigorously develop energy-saving and recycling. To vigorously develop the use of new wall materials in solid waste production, focus on the development of thermal non clay model wall heat insulation performance is good. To ensure the new wall materials production enterprises of raw materials


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