北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 8 Literature Lesson 1 The Last Leaf随堂检测(含答案)_第1页
北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 8 Literature Lesson 1 The Last Leaf随堂检测(含答案)_第2页
北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 8 Literature Lesson 1 The Last Leaf随堂检测(含答案)_第3页
北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 8 Literature Lesson 1 The Last Leaf随堂检测(含答案)_第4页
北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 8 Literature Lesson 1 The Last Leaf随堂检测(含答案)_第5页




1、Unit 8 Literature Lesson 1 The Last Leaf2021-2022学年高二英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第三册随堂检测一、填空1.When she first heard the news she was amazed with d_.2.The young lady rose and f_ a chair from the office for the guest.3.They travelled over snow-covered mountains and s_ hundreds of miles up icy rivers. 4.It looked

2、like a beautiful woven(编织的) b_ spread out upon the ground just for us.5.It had also given me a choice,either to leave that page b_ or to keep writing the story with hope. 6.Just before we reached the gates, he _(溜走) out of the jeep and disappeared into the crowd.7.My wife was fussing over the food a

3、nd _(服装) we were going to take.8.They deserve punishment which matches the gravity of their _(罪行).9.He pulled the thick _(窗帘) together, leaving just a narrow gap.10.He wants to go out to work, because he is tired _ studying at school.二、七选五How to Choose a Good Book Make a list answering these questio

4、ns. What type of books do you like? Science fiction, adventure stories, mysteries, realistic fiction? What authors do you like? Is there a type of books, or a specific book you would like to try?_ Insert your hobbies into your library catalog search and set it to Keyword. By doing this, you will fin

5、d books that you want to read. Search your house._ Maybe you forget one, or someone who is living with you has a couple of good books. By searching your house, you can find books for yourself, and it doesnt even cost you any money. Ask someone to recommend (推荐) a good book. You can ask your mum, you

6、r dad, your best friend, or even your English teacher to recommend good books. Friends or family with whom you have things in common can often make excellent book recommendations._ And when they get to know you, its even better! You could ask people who like the same type of books with you to recomm

7、end some books, so that you can match books that you read. Join a book club. Being a book club member is often a way to experience new books you might never have had the motivation to read otherwise. Joining a book club helps you know who else likes the same books as you. _ Watch films. Although its

8、 disagreed by some literature fans, watching films is a great way to discover excellent books._ Hunt out the book and read it beforehand(or after seeing the film) to offer a new perspective(观点) on the story. Youd be surprised how much the text differs from the film.A.What are your interests?B.Which

9、books are sold at a low price now?C.Having a good book is having a best friend.D.Many movies you see are adapted from a literary text.E.Oftentimes good books quietly collect dust in your own house.F.Local, small bookstores often have wonderful recommendations.G.Meanwhile, you can read books that oth

10、ers have read and discuss them.三、阅读理解 Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer who helped shape the course of American literature. His life was full of tragedies, but he had great influence on the 19th-century American literature and continues to influence writers to this day. The early life of Edgar

11、Allan Poe was quite unhappy. Born in 1809, Poe was not yet three years old when his parents died. Adopted by a wealthy family, he got into trouble at school. He entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, but he dropped out without graduating. His misery (不幸) continued to his adult lif

12、e. Later, because of a failed marriage, he suffered from mental illness. He was so upsetabout real life that he turned to writing. Expressing himself in an unreal and imaginary world was his only comfort. The tragedies in Poes life influenced the tone, style and contents of his writing. His stories

13、usually include death, which helps build his reputation as a master of dark literature. In his The Tell-Tale Heart, the main character goes crazy and kills his roommate while in The Black Cat, the main character kills his cat in a fit of madness. Poe died at the age of 40 in 1849. His life is short,

14、 but his influence is very great. Poe is credited with creating detective fiction, and many say he contributed greatly to the appearance of science fiction. Fascinated by the scientific theories and new inventions of his time, he wrote about imaginary societies in the future. Writers such as Arthur

15、Conan Doyle, the author of Sherlock Holmes, regarded Poe as the father of detective fiction. Jules Verne, a French writer who helped popularise science fiction, said Poes work had a direct influence on the stories he wrote.1.Poe began to write to _.A.earn his livingB.find comfort in writingC.build a

16、 good reputationD.create a beautiful world2.It can be learnt that Poes works often reflect _.A.soldiers lifeB.his own life storiesC.asenseofpeaceD.somepoliticalproblems3.Which can best show Poes influence on literature according to the last paragraph?A.His creation of detective fiction.B.His unique

17、writing experience.C.His creation of scientific theories.D.His contribution to new inventions.4.What is the best title of the text?A.American Literature and WritersB.Escape from Real Life and Find ComfortC.Edgar Allan Poe: a Misunderstood PoetD.Edgar Allan Poe: a Tragic Yet Talented Writer答案以及解析一、填空

18、1.答案:disbelief2.答案:fetched3.答案:sailed4.答案:blanket5.答案:blank6.答案:slipped7.答案:clothing8.答案:crime9.答案:curtains10.答案:of二、七选五答案:AEFGD解析:考查上下文语境。根据空前几个问句可知,空格处也应是一个问句。前面的问句都围绕着读书兴趣这一话题展开,再根据空后一句的回答“将你的爱好输入到图书馆目录搜索中,并将其设置为关键词”可知, A项“What are your interests?”衔接上下文,符合语境。A项中的interests是关键词,与前面的几个问句联系密切。 考查上下文语

19、境。根据本段标题“Search your house.”可知,本段主要讲的是找家里的存书,与E项中的in your own house相照应。考查上下文语境。根据本段标题“Ask someone to recommend(推荐) a good book.”可知,本段主要介绍了让别人推荐一本好书。F项中的often have wonderful recommendations与上文衔接紧密,其中的recommendations与段落标题中的recommend前后呼应。考查上下文语境。根据空前的“Joining a book club helps you know who else likes the same books as you.”可知,加入读书俱乐部可以帮助你了解还有谁和你喜欢一样的书。G项“Meanwhile, you can read books that others have read and discuss them.”承接上句, others指的就是空前的who else。考查上下文语境。根据空前一句可知,虽然有些文学爱好者不赞成这种做法,但看电影是发现优秀书籍的好方法。D项“Many movies you see are adapted from a literary text.”表示很多电影是


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