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1、饮食文化和就餐礼仪Chinese Cuisine中 餐Order of Serving Chinese Food中餐上菜的顺序:Cold Dish (冷盘)Wine (酒)Drinks (饮料)Hot Dish (热菜)Soup (汤)Dessert (甜食)Fruit (水果)Categorization of Chinese Cuisine Eight Schools of Chinese Cuisine (八大菜系): Sichuan Cuisine 川菜 Shandong Cuisine 鲁菜 Cantonese Cuisine 粤菜 Jiangsu Cuisine 苏菜 Fujian

2、 Cuisine 闽菜 Hunan Cuisine 湘菜 Anhui Cuisine 徽菜 Zhejiang Cuisine 浙菜菜系分类Sichuan Cuisine 川菜1) Sichuan dishes are one of the most famous Chinese dishes in the world, and are enjoyed with great popularity all over the country because of their distinct and various flavors. Characterized by its spicy and pu

3、ngent flavor, Sichuan cuisine, emphasizes on the use of chili, which gives a distinctively spicy taste, called ma in Chinese. It also attaches much importance to the use of seasonings, so no two dishes ever taste alike. 川菜主要由成都菜和重庆菜组成,历史悠久,享誉中外。四川菜系的烹调技艺精深,调味品多,很有特色。菜肴的口味的丰富而独特,素有“一菜一格,百菜百味”之美称。川菜口味

4、特点是甜、咸、酸、辣、香、鲜、嫩、软、脆十味皆备,又以麻、辣、酸为主。Typical Dishes 代表菜Twice Cooked Pork Slices回 锅 肉kung Pao Chicken宫 保 鸡 丁 2) Shandong Cuisine has been influenced by the “Confucius Family Dishes”. It is divided into two schools of cookingthe Jinan school and Jiaodong school. The former prides itself on its clear or

5、milk white soups, and the latter on its preparation of seafood. 鲁菜主要由济南菜和胶东菜组成。济南菜取材广泛,品种多,以清香、鲜嫩、味纯为特点、口味略咸,尤精于制汤。胶东菜以烹制海味见长,以鲜为主,口味清淡。Shandong Cuisine 鲁菜 Beijing Roast Duck北 京 烤 鸭Sweat and Sour Carp糖 醋 鲤 鱼Typical Dishes 代表菜Cantonese Cuisine 粤菜3) Cantonese dishes, composed of Cantonese, Chaozhou an

6、d Dongjiang cuisine, are famous for their fresh materials and great tenderness. Cantonese cuisine tastes clear, light, crisp and fresh and it usually chooses raptors and beasts to produce originative dishes. 粤菜由广州、潮州、东江客家菜三种地方菜构成。 粤菜用料广泛新奇,蛇、狗、猫、猴都能制成美味佳肴。菜肴清淡、生脆、爽口。Roast Suckling Pig烤 乳 猪Dragon and

7、 Tiger Locked in Battle龙 虎 斗Typical Dishes 代表菜Jiangsu Cuisine 苏菜4) Jiangsu dishes mainly consist of Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, and Huaian cuisine originating in water villages south of the Yangtze River, and are characterized by its strictness in material selection, the emphasis of cleanness and freshness

8、 of its ingredients, as well as the fine workmanship in cutting, matching, cooking and arranging. The flavor of Huaiyang Cuisine is light, fresh and sweet . 苏菜简称淮扬菜,苏菜,以淮安,扬州和苏州菜为代表。概括起来,淮阳菜有如下几个特点:一是选料严谨,制作精细,因材施艺,按时治肴;二是擅长炖、焖、煨、焐、蒸、烧、炒等烹饪方法;三是口味清鲜,咸甜得宜,浓而不腻,淡而不薄;四是注重调汤,保持原汁。Watermelon Chicken西 瓜 鸡

9、Salted Duck盐 水 鸭Typical Dishes 代表菜Fujian Cuisine 闽菜5) Consisting of Fuzhou Cuisine, Quanzhou Cuisine and Xiamen Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine is distinguished for its choice of seafood, beautiful color and magic taste of sweet, sour, salty and savory. 闽菜由福州、泉州、厦门等地方菜组成,以福州菜为代表。烹调的原料多为海鲜。菜肴的特点是色彩绚丽,味鲜而清淡,略

10、带酸甜。Conch Slices海 螺 片Tai Chi Poi太极芋泥Typical Dishes 代表菜Hunan Cuisine 湘菜6) Hunan cuisine consists of local dishes from the Xiangjiang River area, Dongting Lake area and Western Hunan mountain area. It characterizes itself by thick and pungent flavor. Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessaries i

11、n this division. Typical Hunan dishes are Dongan Fledgling Chicken, Hot-spiced and peppered Fledgling Chicken, Steamed Pickled Meat and Lotus Seed with Rock Candy, etc. 湘菜由湘江流域、洞庭湖和西湖南山区地方菜组成,湘菜普遍辛辣,喜欢放辣椒、胡椒和葱。 湖南菜的代表菜有东安子鸡,麻辣子鸡,蒸腊肉和冰糖湘莲。Stewing Driedpork 蒸 腊 肉Rock Sugar Lotus Seeds冰 糖 湘 莲 Typical D

12、ishes 代表菜Anhui Cuisine 徽菜7) Anhui cuisine pays much attention to the taste, color of dishes and the temperature in cooking, and are good at braising and stewing. They are experts especially in cooking delicacies from mountains and sea. Anhui dishes preserve most of the original taste and nutrition o

13、f the materials. 徽菜以擅长烹调山珍和河鲜而著称。安徽菜口味特点突出三重:重油、重色、重火候。代表菜有红烧果子狸等。Braised Masked Civet红 烧 果 子 狸Yangmei Ball杨梅丸子Typical Dishes 代表菜Zhejiang Cuisine 浙菜8) Comprising local cuisines of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine wins its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, smoothness of i

14、ts dishes with mellow fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the most famous one among the three. 浙菜由杭州菜、宁波菜、绍兴菜组成,其中以杭州菜为代表。杭州菜形成于南宋时期,刀工讲究,制作精细,口味具有清淡、香脆、细嫩的特点,代表菜有西湖醋鱼,龙井虾仁等。Shrimps with Longjin Tea龙井虾仁West Lake Vinegar Fish西湖醋鱼Typical Dishes 代表菜Chinese Etiquette中 餐 礼 仪Ways to Dinner1. According to scale

15、 根据规模分: Banquet 宴会 Family Feast 家宴 Light Meal 便餐2. According to cutlery 根据餐具的使用分: Individually Plate 分餐式 Public Chopsticks 公筷式 Buffet 自助式 Mixed 混餐式用餐方式Order of Seats12Door12123451231234561234567DoorDoorDoorDoorDoor座次Order of Seats主位9876543211256874主位3第二主位座次Order of Seats1234567主位89第二主位10座次主桌定位 (Top

16、table oriented)面门定位 (Gate oriented)以远为上 (Far is better)右高左低 (Right high, Left low)居中为尊 (Center is better)观景为佳 (Vision is better)临墙为好 (Against wall is better)ChopsticksThe dos and donts筷子使用注意事项 Dont lick the chopsticks 不论筷子上是否残留着食物,都不要去舔。 Put down the chopsticks while talking 和人交谈时,要暂时放下筷子 Dont stick

17、 in the food 不要把筷子竖插放在食物上面。 The chopsticks is only for adding food 严格筷子的职能。筷子只是用来夹取食物的。SpoonThe dos and donts勺子使用注意事项 Try not to use spoon to add food 尽量不要用勺子来取菜。 Dont add food overfull 取菜时,不要盛得太满,免得菜溢出来弄脏桌子或衣服。 Can stay for a while after adding food 可以在勺子盛菜后停留片刻,等汤汁不流时再移向自己。PlateThe dos and donts碟子

18、使用注意事项 Dont add too much food on the plate 用食碟时,一次不要取放过多的菜肴 Dont mixed several food on a plate 不要把多种菜肴堆放在一起,弄不好它们会相互“窜味”。CupThe dos and donts水杯使用注意事项The cup is used for water, soda, juice, cola 水杯主要是用来盛放清水、汽水、果汁、可乐等饮料的。Dont backoff the cup 不要倒扣水杯。Dont use water cup to fill with wine 不要用水杯来盛酒。Dont sp

19、it back to the cup 喝入口中的东西不能吐回去。What to order菜品如何选择?1)Appropriate 宜选的菜肴 Special Chinese Food 具有中餐特色的菜肴 Special Local Food 具有本地特色的菜肴 Specialty of the restaurant 本餐馆的看家菜 Specialty of master 主人的拿手菜2)Taboo 禁忌的菜肴Religious taboo 宗教禁忌Regional taboo 地方禁忌Professional taboo 职业禁忌Personal taboo 个人禁忌Before Dinne

20、r餐前表现1. Appropriate Dressed 适度修饰 Neat, Elegant, Individualized 整洁、优雅、个性化2. On Time 准点到场 Arrive on time, dont leave early 勿早勿晚、切勿早退3. On Your Marks 各就各位 Sit assigned table and seat 按指定桌次、位次就座4. Active Communication 积极交际 Greet master, talk with friends 问候主人、联络新老朋友5. Listen to Address 倾听致词 Be all ears

21、洗耳恭听、专心致志During Dinner餐时表现1. 不违食俗 (Dont break food customs)2. 不坏吃相 (Not bad table manners)3. 不去布菜 (Dont distribute food)4. 不乱挑菜 (Dont be choosy in food)5. 不争抢菜 (Dont scramble for food)6. 不玩餐具 (Dont play with cutlery)7. 不吸香烟 (No smoking)8. 不清嗓子 (Dont clear throat)9. 不做修饰 (Dont over dressed up)10. 不乱走

22、动 (Dont pace up and down)Western Cuisine西 餐Order of Serving Western Food西餐上菜的顺序:Starter/Appetizer (头盘/开胃菜 )Soup (汤类)Main Course (主菜)Salad (色拉)Dessert (甜食)Coffee/Tea (咖啡或茶)Appetizer开胃菜Caviar 鱼子酱Baked Snail 焗蜗牛Soup汤Potato Soup 土豆浓汤Borscht Soup 罗宋汤Main Course主菜Roast Beef 烤牛排Silver Pout 银鳕鱼Salad色拉Fruit Salad 水果色拉Seafood Salad 海鲜色拉Dessert甜品Cream Cake 奶油蛋糕Strawberry Ice


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