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1、2005 年 4 月高等教命英语(二)试卷(课程代码PARTfor each .Vocabulary and Structure (10 s, 1 1.Wouldt you rather your child sucthe sfulwithhisandA. eC. e2. Although Tom is satisfied with his academic happen to his family WetC. 2005 年 4 月高等教命英语(二)试卷(课程代码PARTfor each .Vocabulary and Structure (10 s, 1 1.Wouldt you rathe

2、r your child sucthe sfulwithhisandA. eC. e2. Although Tom is satisfied with his academic happen to his family WetC. D. this .D. tallthemeasuresagainstsandstorms,the committee, will be seriously at the C. . WecannotleavethistoughB.inwhomnobodyhasD.whoeveryonehasnobody has whomnobodyhasare the best fo

3、r the job .apply your C. in B. if 6.Hey, leave A. hate people B. my C. would D. themeeting7.Ithoughttheproblemofwaternobody mentioned A. come on this iB.comeupC.comeD.come, can I youforaminute?IdliketohearyourB.havewordsC.mentionawordD.aword 9.Thereisadeadlock(僵局heto the over whenneithersidegivesB.

4、C. the A. a 10.Thistypeofdeskandchaircanbeadjustedtheheightofat different A. B. C. D. .Cloze Test (10 s, 1 for each to negotiate by the fact most of the technology she wanted was lsecrets.Japans 12 has10.Thistypeofdeskandchaircanbeadjustedtheheightofat different A. B. C. D. .Cloze Test (10 s, 1 for

5、each to negotiate by the fact most of the technology she wanted was lsecrets.Japans 12 hasalsobeenstrengthenedbytheternalmarketwaslarge,t 13 tothismarketcouldBesides,Japansworkforcewasdisciplined,soitwascapable 14 theinformationitacquired.Finally,AmericanandEuropeancompanies,were 15 licensers,ttheco

6、mpaniesmighttakeashareoftheworldmarket 16 theywerenotlimitedbylicensingConditionsofthissort, 17 togetherinonenation,maywellbeandthecaseofJapanmaythereforenotactuallytisjustasefficientasmultinationalownershipforthe 18 ofIn fact, maybefindingthismethodofnhepastherneedsforoutsidetechnologynowwhich 20 a

7、 few companies and is more 11. A. was will C.will D.has C. 12. A. 15.A.potential A. sB. will A.B. C. B. B. C. C. draws D. sticks 20. takes . Reading (30 2 for each PassageQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage A.B. C. B. B. C. C. draws D. sticks 20. takes . Reading (30 2 for each Pass

8、ageQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage Oneday,theprincipaloourroomand,aftertalkingtotheforsomereasonsaid:“Iwishallofthewhitescholarstostandforamoment.” Irosewiththeothers.Theteacherlookedatmeand,callingmyname,said: “Yousitdownforthepresent,andrisewiththeothers.” Ididnotquite unders

9、tandher.Sherepeated:“Yousitdownnow,andrisewiththeothers.” Isatdownpuzzledanddumb.Isawandheardnothing.Whentheotherwereasked torise,Ididnotknowit.Whenschoolwasdismissed,Iwentoutunconsciously. Afewofthewhiteboyslaughedatme,saying: “Oh,youreanigger,IhurriedonasfastasIcouldtowheremylookingglass gonyownli

10、ttleroom.ForaninstantIwasafraidtolook,butwhendid,Ilookedlongandearnestly.Iwasaccustomedtohearingremarksmybeauty;butnow,fortime,Ibecameconsciousofitandit.Inoticedtheivorywhitenessofmyskin,thebeautyofmymouth, mymotherwassitting.Iburied myheadinherlapandcriedout:lme,amIanigger?”Icouldnotseeherface,butI

11、feltherhandsmyhead.Ilookedoherface.ThereweretearsinhereyesandIt she ffering for me. And then it time.Ihadthoughtofhert I looked at achildishwaycriticallyforasthemostdefects.Icouldheworld;nowIlookedathersearchingtherskinwasalmostbrown,tshedidinsomewayfromtheotherladieswhocametothehouse;yet,evensoItsh

12、ewasmorenanyofthem.Shevetwasexaminingher,forshehidheryhairandsaidwith“No,mydarling,youarenotanigger.” Shewenton: “Ifanyonecallsa nigger, dont notice them.” But the more she talked, the less was red,andItshewasmorenanyofthem.Shevetwasexaminingher,forshehidheryhairandsaidwith“No,mydarling,youarenotani

13、gger.” Shewenton: “Ifanyonecallsa nigger, dont notice them.” But the more she talked, the less was red,andIstoppedherbyasking: “Well,mother,amIwhite?Arewhite?” Sheansweredtremblingly: “No,Iamnotwhite,butyourfatherddenlyopenedyheartafreshfear,andIalmostfiercely“Whoismyfather?Whereishe?” Shestrokedmyh

14、airandsaid: lyouabouthimsomeday.”Isobbed:“Iwanttoknownow.”Sheanswered:not the t21. We infer“a nigger B. a a tisnot D. t is not was confused never considered himself a non-theteacherdidntrecognizeshould be rude for the teacher to call his 23. It was t t he began to t he was a hewasdifferentfrom his c

15、olor was likeothersbecauseofhisbeauty t of his motherhe differed from other white people even with his 24. From the we can learnt left them for some reasonsdidntwanttomentionhisfatheratall his father beforehated his boysfather boysmother boynevermet boys 25.This passage ls us a story of aaboy who bo

16、ywhohad t he was a lookeddownuponbecausehehadnofather of colored peoplelife of one-parent PassageQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following For Americans, time is a “resource”wellorpoorly. “Timeismoney,” theysay. “Youonlygetsomuchtimethis life; youd best use it wisely.” The future will not be nth

17、e past or the present unless people use their time fro PassageQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following For Americans, time is a “resource”wellorpoorly. “Timeismoney,” theysay. “Youonlygetsomuchtimethis life; youd best use it wisely.” The future will not be nthe past or the present unless people

18、 use their time fro hohasawrittenlistofthingstodoandaschedule,ngthem.is punctual and treasures eoples American attitude towards time is not nesarilysharedbyothers, llynon-Europeans.Theyaremorelikelytoconsidertimeastissimplytherearoundthem,notsomethingtheycan“use”.Oneofmoredifficultthingsmanyforeignb

19、usinessmenandstudentsmustadjustheesistheossibleandwisely every heireffortstousetheirtimewisely,Americansaresometimesseen byforeignvisitorsasautomatons,unhumancreatureswhoaresotiedtottheycannotparticipateinorenjoythetarethetrulyimportantthingsinlife.“Theyarelikemachines running around,” one foreign v

20、isitor TheemphasisAmericansplaceonefficiencyiscloselyrelatedtotheir conceptsofthefuture,changeandtime.Todosomethingefficientlyisthe t is quickest and requires the smallest investment .Americanbusinessessometimeshire“efficiencyexperts”totheiroperationsandsuggestwaysinwhichtheyplishnthey are plishing

21、with the they are Popularperiodicalscarrysuggestionsformoreefficientwaystocleanraise children, tend the yard, and so ofanAmericanculturalproduct.McDonalds,KentuckyFriedChicken,Pizza Hut,andotherfast-foodestablishmentsprosperinacountrywheremanypeople wanttominimizetheamountoftimetheyspendpreparingand

22、eatingThemillionsofAmericanswhotaketheirmealsatfast-foodrestaurantshaveerestinertheirfoodwhileconversingwiththeworld,theyhavebeenviewedassymbolsofAmericansocietyandculture, bringingnotmburgersbutanemphasisonspeed,efficiency,andcleanliness.ThetypicalAmericanfood,someobserversargue,isfast26. rson trea

23、sures eoples time, .ordoesnottheworld,theyhavebeenviewedassymbolsofAmericansocietyandculture, bringingnotmburgersbutanemphasisonspeed,efficiency,andcleanliness.ThetypicalAmericanfood,someobserversargue,isfast26. rson treasures eoples time, .ordoesnotwastepeoplestimewithsno benefidoes not be evethefu

24、turewillbeanynthepresentorlikestodeepawrittenscheduleofthedailyactivitieswithhim likesto have his meals at the fast-food restaurants to save he eyes of the foreign he es, people ttimeisalwaystherewhichneedsbudgeting enjoy saving and using time wisely everydayare in lifehat they are like feelingless

25、28. What is the job of efficiency Writing articles for mendingwaysofefficientExaminingthequalityofacompanysproducts. Teaching people how to take care of their 29. Which of the following can be inferred from ManyAmericanslovehavingmealsatfast-Americans are n the world.The United esisthefatherofthewor

26、ldsfast-foodindustry. for this passage is Concept of 30. The best Development of the American Fast Food toRaise Food and PassageQuestions 31 to are based on the following Itisdifficult toestimate the numberof youngsters involved inschooling, where children are t to school and receive their education

27、fromoneorbothparents.Legislationandcourtshaveitostesforparentstoeducatetheirchildrenhome, and year more people take advantage tof home education claimmass public education. Moreover they quote several f of school overcrowding, added curricular and pedagogicalalternatives,strengthenedfamilyrelationsh

28、ips,lowerdropoutincreased motivation, higher standardized test problems. Supporters of home schooling also parents with the opportunity to reinforce Criticsofhomeschoolingmovementhome, and year more people take advantage tof home education claimmass public education. Moreover they quote several f of

29、 school overcrowding, added curricular and pedagogicalalternatives,strengthenedfamilyrelationships,lowerdropoutincreased motivation, higher standardized test problems. Supporters of home schooling also parents with the opportunity to reinforce Criticsofhomeschoolingmovementasitsolves.Theyacknowledge

30、 t,inascores,and reduced t it provides their moral values titcreatesasmanycases,homeschoolingeducationalperiortothoseostpublicschools,fe rentscanprovidesucheducationaladvantages.Someparentswhowithdraw their children form the schools in favor of home schooling have an inadequate educational backgroun

31、d and insufficient formal training to provide satisfactoryeducationfortheirchildren.Typically,parentshavefewer,more technological n do schools. However, tisreadilyavailablerelativelyinexpensivecomputerthomeschoolingisinanywayso good as more highly structured classroom Finally, a sociological ( 社会学)

32、concern is the restricted leractionexperiencedbychildrenwhoareeducatedathome.Technologynever replace the pupil-teacher relationship. Also, while relationships parentsandbrothersandsistersmaybeimproved,childrendevelop a distorted (歪曲的) view of home31. The main idea of the passage t.A. moreand more pa

33、rentsare infavor ofhome homeschoolingi legally perior to school education because s at the same timeschool education is no doubt n home t 32. Those who support home schooling its less expensive and more apartfromothermerits saddedcurricularandpedagogical will cause fewer discipline more important to

34、 reinforce 33. A. t rents can afford computers and technology when providing rents are qualified enough to provide a satisfactory school teachers are n classroomenvironment can provide most satisfactory 34. According to the author, home schooling cannot help children acquire lbuilduparelationshipwit

35、hfamilymembers build up pupil-teacher relationship develop a right view of society35. The attitude of the author toward home schooling is totallynegative straight-(50IV. Word Spelling (10 s, 1 for two 破坏,使遇37._ m _ o _ a _ v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ rents are qualified enough to provide a satisfactory school te

36、achers are n classroomenvironment can provide most satisfactory 34. According to the author, home schooling cannot help children acquire lbuilduparelationshipwithfamilymembers build up pupil-teacher relationship develop a right view of society35. The attitude of the author toward home schooling is t

37、otallynegative straight-(50IV. Word Spelling (10 s, 1 for two 破坏,使遇37._ m _ o _ a _ v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39.t_ _ _ 41.41._ _ _ _ _ 前l_ _ 43.45.45.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47.47.b _ _ _ _ _ 49._ _ _ _ _ c e_ 50.基本的,初级_51.53.f _ _ _ _ _ _ ng _ _ _ _ _ h_ _ _ _ 模仿的,仿制55._j _ _ _ _ _ V. WORD FORM (10 s,1 for each 56.Once57.Withthe(settle),theworkonthenewassemblylineahead like 58.Thechildwas(danger)neart


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