已阅读5页,还剩70页未读 继续免费阅读




1、一些公司的笔试题 Sony笔笔试题 1完完成下列列程序 * *.*. *.*.*. *.*.*.*. *.*.*.*.*. *.*.*.*.*.*. *.*.*.*.*.*.*. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*. i nclludee #deefinne NN 8 intt maain() innt ii; innt jj; innt kk; - | | | | | | - reeturrn 00; 2完完成程序序,实现现对数组组的降序序排序 i nclludee voiid ssortt( ); intt maain() innt aarraay=445,556,776,2234,11,34

2、4,233,2,33; /数数字任/意给给出 soort( ); reeturrn 00; voiid ssortt( ) _ | | | | |-| 3费费波那其其数列,11,1,22,3,55编写写程序求求第十项项。可以以用递归归,也可可以用其 他方法,但但要说明明你选择择的理由由。 i nclludee intt Phhepoonattch(intt); intt maain() prrinttf(Thee 100th is %d,Phhepoonattch(10); reeturrn 00; intt Phhepoonattch(intt N) - | | | | - 4下下列程序序运

3、行时时会崩溃溃,请找找出错误误并改正正,并且且说明原原因。 i nclludee i nclludee typpedeef sstruuct TNNodee* lleftt; TNNodee* rrighht; innt vvaluue; TTNodde; TNoode* rooot=NULLL; voiid aappeend(intt N); intt maain() apppennd(663); apppennd(445); apppennd(332); apppennd(777); apppennd(996); apppennd(221); apppennd(117); / Aggain

4、n, 数数字任意意给出 voiid aappeend(intt N) TNNodee* NNewNNodee=(TTNodde *)maallooc(ssizeeof(TNoode); NeewNoode-vaaluee=/bloog/NN; iff(rooot=NUULL) rooot=NewwNodde; reeturrn; ellse TNNodee* ttempp; teemp=rooot; whhilee(NN=ttempp.vaaluee & teemp.lefft!=NULLL) | (N=teemp.vallue & temmp.lleftt!=NNULLL) teemp=te

5、mmp.lleftt; whhilee(N=teemp.vallue) teemp.lefft=NNewNNodee; ellse teemp.rigght=NewwNodde; reeturrn; 华为笔试题题 1请请你分别别画出OOSI的的七层网网络结构构图和TTCP/IP的的五层结结构图。 2请请你详细细地解释释一下IIP协议议的定义义,在哪哪个层上上面?主主要有什什么作用用?TCCP与UUDP呢呢 ? 3请请问交换换机和路路由器各各自的实实现原理理是什么么?分别别在哪个个层次上上面实现现的? 4请请问C+的类类和C里里面的sstruuct有有什么区区别? 5请请讲一讲讲析构函函数和虚虚

6、函数的的用法和和作用。 6全全局变量量和局部部变量有有什么区区别?是是怎么实实现的?操作系系统和编编译器是是怎么知知道的 ? 7880866是多少少位的系系统?在在数据总总线上是是怎么实实现的? 联想笔试题题 1设设计函数数 innt aatoii(chhar *s)。 2iint i=(j=44,k=8,ll=166,m=32); pprinntf(“%d”, ii); 输出是是多少? 3解解释局部部变量、全全局变量量和静态态变量的的含义。 4解解释堆和和栈的区区别。 5论论述含参参数的宏宏与函数数的优缺缺点。 普天C+笔试题题 1实实现双向向链表删删除一个个节点PP,在节节点P后后插入一一

7、个节点点,写出出这两个个函数。 2写写一个函函数,将将其中的的t都都转换成成4个空空格。 3WWinddowss程序的的入口是是哪里?写出WWinddowss消息机机制的流流程。 4如如何定义义和实现现一个类类的成员员函数为为回调函函数? 5CC+里里面是不不是所有有的动作作都是mmainn()引引起的?如果不不是,请请举例。 6CC+里里面如何何声明cconsst vvoidd f(voiid)函函数为CC程序中中的库函函数? 7下下列哪两两个是等等同的 intt b; A cconsst iint* a = &b; B cconsst* intt a = &b; C cconsst iin

8、t* coonstt a = &b; D iint connst* coonstt a = &b; 8内内联函数数在编译译时是否否做参数数类型检检查? voiid gg(baase & bb) b.plaay; voiid mmainn() soon ss; g(s); reeturrn; 大唐电信 DTTT笔试题题 考试时时间一小小时,第第一部分分是填空空和选择择: 1数数列6,110,118,332,“?”,问“?”是几? 2某某人出770买进进一个xx,800卖出,990买回回,1000卖出出,这桩桩买卖怎怎么样? 3月月球绕地地球一圈圈,至少少要多少少时间? 477个人用用7小时时挖了

9、77米的沟沟,以同同样的速速度在550小时时挖500米的沟沟要多少少人? 5鱼鱼头长99,鱼尾尾等于鱼鱼头加半半个鱼身身,鱼身身等于鱼鱼头加鱼鱼尾,问问鱼全长长多少? 6一一个小姐姐买了一一块手表表,回家家发现手手表比她她家的表表慢了两两分钟,晚晚上看新新闻的时时候 又发现她家家的表比比新闻里里的时间间慢了两两分钟,则则 。 A 手手表和新新闻里的的时间一一样 B 手手表比新新闻里的的时间慢慢 C 手手表比新新闻里的的时间快快 7王王先生看看到一则则招聘启启事,发发现两个个公司除除了以下下条件不不同外,其其他条件件都相同同 A 半半年年薪薪50万万,每半半年涨55万 B 一一年年薪薪1000万

10、,每每一年涨涨20万万 王先生生想去一一家待遇遇比较优优厚的公公司,他他会去哪哪家? 10问哪个个袋子里里有金子子? A袋子子上的标标签是这这样写的的:B袋袋子上的的话是对对的,金金子在AA袋子。 B袋子子上的标标签是这这样写的的:A袋袋子上的的话是错错的,金金子在AA袋子里里。 113个人人住酒店店30块块钱,经经理找回回5块钱钱,服务务生从中中藏了22块钱,找找给每人人1块钱钱, 3(1001)+2=229,问问这是怎怎么回事事? 12三篇写写作,均均为书信信形式。 (1)一一片中文文的祝贺贺信,祝祝贺某男男当了某某公司xxx (2)两两篇英文文的,一一是说有有事不能能应邀,派派别人去去;

11、另一一篇是讨讨债的,77天不给给钱就 走人(主要要考buusinnesss leetteer格式式)。 大唐面面试试题题 1什什么是中中断?中中断发生生时CPPU做什什么工作作? 2CCPU在在上电后后,进入入操作系系统的mmainn()之之前必须须做什么么工作? 3简简述ISSO OOSI的的物理层层Layyer11,链路路层Laayerr2,网网络层LLayeer3的的任务。 4有有线电话话和无线线电话有有何区别别?无线线电话特特别需要要注意的的是什么么? 5软软件开发发五个主主要sttep是是什么? 6你你在开发发软件的的时候,这这5个sstepp分别占占用的时时间百分分比是多多少? 7

12、mmakeefille文件件的作用用是什么么? 8UUNIXX显示文文件夹中中,文件件名的命命令是什什么?能能使文件件内容显显示在屏屏幕的命命令是什什么 ? 9(选选做)手手机用户户在从一一个基站站漫游到到另一个个基站的的过程中中,都会会发生什什么? 网通笔试题题 选择题题(每题题5分,只只有一个个正确答答案) 1中中国1号号信令协协议属于于 的协协议。 A cccs B ccas C iip DD attm 2iisdnnprii协议全全称是 。 A 综综合业务务模拟网网基速协协议 B 综综合业务务模拟网网模拟协协议 C 综综合业务务数字网网基率协协议 D 综综合业务务数字网网基次协协议 3

13、路路由协议议中, 协议是是用距离离作为向向量的。 A oospff B bgpp C is-is D rrip 4中中国智能能网中,sssp与与scpp间最上上层的sss7协协议是 。 A iincss B is441b C iis411c DD innap 5ddtmff全称是是 。 A 双双音多频频 B多多音双频频 C多多音三频频 D三三音多频频 6计计算机的的基本组组成部分分中,不不包含下下面设备备的是 。 A ccpu B输入入设备 C存储储器 DD接口 7脉脉冲编码码调制的的简称是是 。 A ppcm B ppam C (dellta)M DD attm 8普普通电话话线接口口专业称

14、称呼是 。 A rrj111 B rj445 CC rss2322 D bncc 9现现有的公公共数据据网都采采用 。 A电路路交换技技术 BB报文交交换技术术 C语音音插空 D分组组交换 10ss77协议中中的制止止市忙消消息简写写为 。 A sstb B sslb C ssub D sspb 简答题题(每题题10分分) 1简简述普通通电话与与IP电电话的区区别。 2简简述随路路信令与与公路信信令的根根本区别别。 3说说明掩码码的主要要作用。 4sss7协协议中,有有三大要要素决定定其具体体定位,哪哪三大要要素? 5描描述sss7的基基本通话话过程。 6简简述通信信网的组组成结构构。 7面面

15、向连接接与面向向非连接接各有何何利弊? 8写写出爱尔尔兰的基基本计算算公式。 9数数据网主主要有哪哪些设备备? 10中国一一号协议议是如何何在被叫叫号码中中插入主主叫号码码的? 东信笔试题题目 笔试:30分分钟。 1压压控振荡荡器的英英文缩写写。 2动动态随机机存储器器的英文文缩写。 3选选择电阻阻时要考考虑什么么? 4单单片机上上电后没没有运转转,首先先要检查查什么? 5计计算机的的基本组组成部分分及其各各自的作作用。 6怎怎样用DD触发器器、与或或非门组组成二分分频电路路? 中软融鑫笔笔试题 1关关于工作作 (1) 你对未未来的工工作生活活是怎样样憧憬的的?为何何选择我我公司作作为求职职公

16、司? (2)请请用不超超过300个字给给出一个个最能让让我们录录用你的的理由。 (3)你你认为比比较理想想的工作作环境是是怎样的的? (4)你你个人的的中长期期的职业业发展目目标是怎怎样的? 2关关于社会会 (1)如如果你是是杨利伟伟,你在在太空中中向祖国国人民说说的第一一句话是是什么? (2)宋宋美龄女女士于220033年100月谢世世,对这这位著名名人士在在西安事事变中的的态度和和作用,你你 是如何看待待的?(不不超过3300字字) (3)北北京政府府颁布的的对拾金金不昧者者,失主主要奖励励相当于于财产220%奖奖金的公公告,你你是如 何看的? (4)如如果给你你50万万元人民民币,你你将

17、会用用这些钱钱做什么么? (5)在在美国,男男、女卫卫生间(厕厕所)的的正确称称呼为什什么?请请用英语语写出答答案。 (6)你你认为麦麦当劳是是世界最最大的汉汉堡生产产商吗?如果不不是,请请说出你你的观点点。 3教教育背景景 (1)你你受过哪哪些正规规的教育育或培训训?(自自高中毕毕业起) (2)在在校期间间进行过过哪些社社会活动动? Delphhi笔试试题目 机械类类笔试试试题 1. Briieflly ddesccribbe wwhatt iss bllankkingg(cuuttiing), fformmingg, ccoinningg annd embosss ing iin ssta

18、mmpinng pproccesss. 2. Whaat iis mmetaal ccladdingg? 3. Whaat iis tthe purrposse oof aaddiing glaass fibber to theermooplaastiic mmateeriaal? 4. In conntraast witth mmetaal aand theermooplaastiic mmateeriaal,wwhicch hhas a hhighher co efficciennt oof ttherrmall exxpannsioon(CCTE). 5. Thee moost suii

19、tabble matteriial forr a inttegrral hinnge dessignn (ttypiicall plasttic thickknesss=00.255 too 0.5mmm att hiingee) 6. Cann a benndinng lloadd maakess booth commpreessiive andd teensiile strresss inn a membee r? 7. Whaat iis tthe dessignn crriteeriaa ussed in plaastiics cattch/snaap? 8. Whaat iis FF

20、EA? 9. Whyy iss naaturral freequeencyy immporrtannt iin vvibrratiion anaalyssis? 10. Whhat is thee deefleectiion equuatiion of a ccanttileeverr beeam fixxed at onee edge ? EE笔笔试试题题 1. Namme 33 Veehiccle Busses. 2. Namme 22 poossiiblee soourcces of Eleectrromaagneeticc innterrferrencce oon Electtronn

21、icss Circuuit ASMM. 3. Wavveleengtth ffor 12MMHz freequeencyy siignaal iis_ 4. Namme 22 immporrtannt cconssideerattionns ffor carr raadioo peerfoormaan -ce rellateed to audioo siignaal pproccesssingg unnderr muultiipatth ccondditiion? 5. Whaat iis tthe typpicaal FFM rreceeiveer RRF ssignnal strrengg

22、th to achhievve 330dBB S/N for ccar raddio? 6. Wheen aa raadioo iss tuunedd too 988.1 MHzz & witth aa LOO off 1008.88 MHHz, whaat iis the imagee frrequuenccy? 7. Forr a sysstemm wiith a mmatcchedd immpeddancce, whaat iis tthe Refflecctioon Coeffficiie nt annd SSWR? 8. Whiich prooperrty of thee ouutp

23、uut ccapaacittor is thee prrimaary cauuse of Loww Drop Out(LLDO) reegullatoor lloopp innstaabillityy? (1)EEquiivallentt seeriees rresiistaancee(ESSR) (2)EEffeectiive serriess innducctannce(ESLL) (3)CCapaacittancce vvaluue (4)DDiellecttricc maaterriall 9. Thee swwitcchinng rreguulattor is cappablle o

24、of: (1)HHighher powwer connverrsioon eeffiicieencyy (2)PProvvidiing an outtputt vooltaage thaat iis hhighher thaan tthe inpput (3)GGeneerattingg ann ouutpuut bbolttagee opppsiite in pollariity to thee innputt (4)AAll of thee abbovee 10. A linnearr reegullatoor oop VVin(maxx) = 100v, Vouut(mmin) = 4.

25、88v, Iouut(mmax) = 2. 5mA, Iq(maxx) = 2.5mAA, TTa(mmax) = 8.55摄氏度度,Thhe rreguulattor is avaailaablee inn 3 pac kagess.Eaach pacckagge hhas thee foolloowinng ttherrmall chharaacteerissticcs: Pacckagge RRja(摄摄氏度/W) Rjcc(摄氏氏度/WW) SO114 1125 30 D1PP8 1100 52 Chooosee thhe mmostt suuitaablee paackaage to

26、 hanndlee thhe ppoweer ddisssipaatioon requiiremme nt wiithoout a hheatt siink andd whhy. 软件笔笔试题 1. Howw doo yoou ccodee ann innfinnitee looop in C? 2. Vollatiile: (1)WWhatt dooes thee keeywoord vollatiile meaan? Givve aan eexammplee (2)CCan a pparaametter be botth cconsst aand vollatiile? Giive an

27、exaamplle (3)CCan a ppoinnterr bee voolattilee? GGivee ann exxampple 3. Whaat aare thee vaaluees oof aa, bb, aand c aafteer tthe folllowwingg innstrructtionns: intt a=5, b=77, cc; c = a+bb; 4. Whaat ddo tthe folllowwingg deeclaarattionns mmeann? (1)cconsst iint a; (2)iint connst a; (3)cconsst iint *

28、a; (4)iint * cconsst aa; (5)iint connst * aa coonstt; 5. Whiich of thee foolloowinng sstattemeentss deescrribee thhe uuse of thee keeywoord statii c? (1)WWithhin thee boody of a ffuncctioon: A sstattic varriabble maiintaainss itts valuee betweeen funnctiion revvocaatioons (2)WWithhin a mmoduule: A s

29、taaticc vaariaablee iss acccesssibble by alll fuuncttionns wit hin tthatt moodulle (3)WWithhin a mmoduule: A staaticc fuuncttionn caan oonlyy bee caalleed bby ootheer functti ons wwithhin thaat mmoduule 6. Embbeddded sysstemms aalwaays reqquirre tthe useer tto mmaniipullatee biits in regissterr s or

30、 varriabbless. GGiveen aan iinteegerr vaariaablee a, wrritee twwo ccodee frragmmentts. Thee fiirstt shhoulld sset bitt 5 of a. Thee seeconnd sshnuuld cleear bitt 5 of a. In bo th caasess, tthe remmainningg biits shoouldd bee unnmoddifiied. 7. Whaat ddoess thhe ffolllowiing funnctiion retturnn? chaar

31、 ffoo(voiid) unnsiggnedd innt aa = 6; ihht bb = -200; chhar c; (aa+b 66) ? (cc=1): (c=00); reeturrn cc; 8. Whaat wwilll bee thhe ooutpput of thee foolloowinng CC coode? maiin() innt kk, nnum= 300; k =(nnum 55 ? (nuum 155) 12. Hoow mmanyy fllip-floop ccirccuitts aare neeededd too diividde bby 116? 13

32、. Prroviidess 3 prooperrtiees tthatt maake an OS, a RTOOS? 14. Whhat is pree-emmptiion? 15. Asssumme tthe BC reggistter vallue is 85338H, annd tthe DE reggistter vallue is 62 A5H.FFindd thhe vvaluue oof rregiisteer BBC aafteer tthe folllowwingg asssemmblyy opperaatioons: MOVV A,C SUBB E MOVV C,A MOV

33、V A,B SBBB D MOVV B,A 16. Inn thhe AAsseemblly ccodee shhownn beeloww LOOOP: MVII C,78HH DCCR CC JNNZ LLOOPP HLLT Howw maany timmes is thee DCCR CC Opperaatioon eexeccuteed? 17. Deescrribee thhe mmostt effficciennt wway (inn teerm of exeecuttionn tiime andd coode si ze) tto ddiviide a nnumbber by 4

34、iin aasseemblly llangguagge 18. whhat vallue is stooredd inn m in thee foolloowinng aasseemblly llangguagge ccodee frag ment if n=77? LDDAA #n LABBEL11: CCMPAA #55 BHHI LL3 BEEQ LL2 DEECA BRRA LL1 LABBEL22: CCLRAA LABBEL33: SSTAAA #mm 19. Whhat is thee sttatee off a proocesss iif aa reesouurcee iss

35、noot aavaiilabble? #deefinne aa 3665*224*660*660 20. Ussingg thhe #deffinee sttateemennt, howw woouldd yoou ddecllaree a mannifeest consttantt that retturnns tthe nummberr off seeconnds in a yyearr? DDisrregaard leaap yyearrs iin yyourr an swer. 21. Innterrruppts aree ann immporrtannt ppartt off emm

36、bedddedd syysteems. Coonseequeentlly, ma ny coompiilerr veendoors offfer an exttenssionn too sttanddardd C to suppporrt iinteerruuptss. Ty picallly, thhe kkeywwordd iss _intterrruptt. TThe folllowwingg rooutiine (ISSR). Poointt ouut pr oblemms iin tthe codde. _iinteerruupt douublee coompuute_areea (

37、douublee raadiuus) dooublle aareaa = PI * rradiius * rradiius; prrinttf(“nAAreaa = %f”, aareaa); reeturrn aareaa; Hongkkongg Baank笔笔试题 1. Pleeasee sttatee whhy yyou choose to follloww thhesee acctivvitiies andd hoow ttheyy have contrribuutedd too yoour perrsonnal devveloopmeent. Yoou mmay wissh tto

38、ggivee deetaiils of you r rolle wwhettherr annyonne eelsee waas iinvoolveed aand anyy diiffiiculltiees yyou encouunteeredd. 2. Pleeasee sttatee hoow yyou havve bbeneefitted froom yyourr woork expperiiencce. 3. Howw muuch is youur ppressentt moonthhly sallaryy inncluudinng aalloowanncess. 4. Do youu

39、neeed to commpennsatte yyourr prreseent empployyer if youu reesiggn? If so, p leasee giive dettaills. 5. Othher thaan aacaddemiic ssucccesss, wwhatt haas bbeenn yoour greeateest achhievvemeent to date? Whhat do youu seee aas yyourr peersoonall sttrenngthh, wwhy? 6. Pleeasee sttatee whhy tthe possiti

40、ion youu haave appplieed ffor is appproppriaate forr y ou; WWhy youu haave sellectted HonngKoong Bannk aand whaat yyourr caareeer oobjeectiivess arre. A.T. Keaaneyy笔试题题 1. Desscriibe youur ggreaatesst aachiieveemennt iin tthe passt 44-5 yeaars? 2. Whaat aare youur sshorrt-ttermm annd llongg-teerm ca

41、rreerr obbjecctivves? Whhat do youu t hink is thee moost ideeal jobb foor yyou? 3. Whyy doo yoou wwantt too jooin A.TT keearnney? Whhat do youu thhinkk yoou ccan contrribuu te too A.T kkearrneyy? 4. Whyy arre yyou appplyiing forr a possitiion at Artthurr Annderrsonn? 5. Whaat aare youur eexpeectaati

42、oons of ourr fiirm. 6. Desscriibe youur hhobbbiess annd iinteeressts. Shelll coompaany笔笔试题 1. Howw woold youur ccollleagguess/cllasssmattes desscriibe youu inn fiive worrds? Onn what evideencee woouldd thhey basse tthiss asssesssmeent. 2. If youu arre aaskeed tto rrecrruitt thhe bbestt grraduuatees

43、ffor sheell, whhat wouuld yo u do to atttracct tthemm? WWhatt woouldd yoou ddo tto sseleect theem? 3. Pleeasee deescrribee a neww acctivvityy thhat youu haave iniitiaatedd annd impleemenntedd. Pleasse hhighhligght youur rrolee ouut. 4. Pleeasee deescrribee yoour outtstaandiing nonn-accadeemicc acchi

44、eeve- meentss. 5. Pleeasee deescrribee anny ootheer ssignnifiicannt aactiivittiess yoou hhavee beeen invollvedd in inncluudinng oorgaanizzingg peeoplle. 6. Imaaginne tthatt Shhelll haas ffounnd ooil in an inllandd prroviincee off Chhinaa, nnearr a largee riiverr. YYou aree reespoonsiiblee foor pplan

45、nninng hhow to traanspportt thhe ooil to the coastt thhoussandds oof mmilees aawayy. WWhatt arre tthe maiin iissuue yyou wouuld connsidder, an d whaat wwoulld yyou do? KPMG笔笔试题 “Thhe bbig ecoonommic diffferrencce bbetwweenn nuucleear andd foossiil-ffuellledd poowerr sta tionss iss thhat nuccleaar rr

46、eacctorrs aare morre eexpeensiive to buiild andd deecommmisssioon, b ut chheapper to sunn. SSo ddispputees ooverr thhe rrelaativve eeffiicieencyy off thhe ttwo systeems revollve nott juust arooundd prricees oof ccoall annd uuranniumm toodayy annd ttomoorroow, butt al so arrounnd tthe wayy inn whhich

47、h fuuturre iincoome shoouldd bee coompaaredd wiith currrennt incomm e.” 1. Thee maain diffferrencce bbetwweenn nuucleear andd foossiil-ffuellledd poowerr sttatiionss i s an ecoonommic onee. TRUUE UNTTRUEE CANNNOTT SAAY 2. Thee prricee off cooal is nott reelevvantt too diiscuussiionss abboutt thhe rr

48、elaativve eff icienncy of nuccleaar rreacctorrs. TRUUE UNTTRUEE CANNNOTT SAAY 3. If nuccleaar rreacctorrs wweree chheapper to buiild andd deecommmisssioon tthann fossiil- fuellled powwer staatioons, thhey wouuld deffiniitelly hhavee thhe eeconnomiic aadvaantaage. TRUUE UNTTRUEE CANNNOTT SAAY “Att an

49、ny ggiveen mmomeent we aree beeingg boombaardeed bby pphyssicaal aand psychholoogiccal stimuuli commpettingg foor oour atttenttionn. AAlthhouggh oour eyees aare cappablle oof handllin g morre tthann 5 milllioon bbitss off daata perr seeconnd, ourr brrainn arre ccapaablee off interrp retinng oonlyy a

50、bboutt 5000 bbitss peer ssecoond. Wiith simmilaar ddisppariitiees bbetwweenn eaach o f thee ottherr seensees aand thee brrainn, iit iis eeasyy too seee tthatt wee muust sellectt thhe vi sual, auudittoryy, oor ttacttilee sttimuuli thaat wwe wwishh too coompuute at anyy sppeciificc tim e.” 4. Phyysicc

51、al stiimulli uusuaallyy wiin iin tthe commpettitiion forr ouur aatteentiion. TRUUE UNTTRUEE CANNNOTT SAAY 5. Thee caapaccityy off thhe hhumaan bbraiin iis ssuffficiientt too innterrpreet nnearrly alll t he sttimuuli thee seensees ccan reggistter undder opttimuum ccondditiionss. TRUUE UNTTRUEE CANNNO

52、TT SAAY 6. Eyees aare ablle tto ccopee wiith a ggreaaterr innputt off innforrmattionn thhan earrs. TRUUE UNTTRUEE CANNNOTT SAAY VERRBALL ANNSWEER: (1)CC CAANNOOT SSAY (2)BB UNNTRUUE (3)AA TRRUE (4)CC CAANNOOT SSAY (5)BB UNNTRUUE (6)CC CAANNOOT SSAY ParrtIII NUUMERRCALL TEEST 1WWhicch ccounntryy haad

53、 tthe higghesst nnumbber of peooplee agged 60 or oveer aat tthe s tart of 19885? A. UK B. Fraancee C. Itaaly D. W.GGermmanyy E. Spaain 2WWhatt peerceentaage of thee tootall 155mm butttonn prroduuctiion wass cllasssed as sub- standdardd inn Seepteembeer? AA 10.5% BB 13% CCC 155% DDD 117.55% EEE 220%

54、AB 23.5% AC 25% AD 27.5% AE 28% BCC 300.5% 3. Howw maany livve bbirtths occcurrred in 19885 iin SSpaiin aand Itaaly toggethher (too t he neeareest 10000)? A. 1044 0000 B. 8400 0000 C. 1 0044 0000 D. 8 4400 0000 E. 10 4400 0000 4. Whaat wwas thee neet eeffeect on thee UKK poopullatiion of thee liive

55、birrth andd deat h rattes in 19885? A. Deccreaase of 66 7000 B. Inccreaase of 7522 7880 C. Inccreaase of 84 9000 D. Cannnott Saay E. Inccreaase of 85 2700 5. By howw muuch didd thhe ttotaal ssalees vvaluue oof NNoveembeers bbuttton produuctiion vary froom OOctooberrs? A. 8.550 (Deccreaase) B. 42.50

56、(Deecreeasee) C. 85.00 (Inncreeasee) D. 27.50 (Deecreeasee) E. No chaangee 6. Whaat wwas thee looss in pottenttiall saaless reevennue atttribbutaablee too thhe produuc tion of subb-sttanddardd (aas ooppoosedd too sttanddardd) bbutttonss ovver thee 6 monnth periood? A. 13.75 B. 27.50 C. 1377.500 D. 2

57、800.000 E. 2755.000 香港电信笔笔试题 1. Bassed on youur uundeersttanddingg off thhe ffolllowiing javva rrelaatedd technnoloogiees: servlletss, JJavaaSerrverrPagge, JavvaBeeanss, EEnteerprrisee JaavaBBeanns, howw doo yoou tthinnk t hese tecchnoologgiess arre wworkk toogettherr orr arre aapplliedd inn thhe dd

58、eveeloppmennt oof aan in terneet-bbaseed aappllicaatioon (25mmarkks). 2. In youur oopinnionn ,wwhatt doo yoou tthinnk aare thee addvanntagges or bennefiitsoof usi ng ann obbjecct-oorieenteed aapprroacch tto ssofttwarre ddeveeloppmennt? howw doo yoou tthinnk thosee beneffitss caan bbe aachiieveed oor

59、 rreallizeed? (155marrks). 3. In dessignningg yoour claassees, givven thee chhoicce bbetwweenn innherritaancee annd agg regattionn whhichh doo yoou cchooose (155marrks). 4. Howw woouldd yoou wworkk arrounnd tthe lacck oof mmulttiplle iinheerittancce ffeatturee inn J ava (15mmarkks). 5. Whaat wwoulld

60、 yyou connsidder to be thee haardeest parrt oof OOO aanallysiis aand desigg n andd whhy (10mmarkks). 6. Howw doo yoou kkeepp yooursselff upp too daate witth tthe lattestt inn sooftwwaree techoono gy, eespeeciaallyy inn thhe ffielld oof ssofttwarre ddeveeloppmennt (10mmarkks). 7. Whaat ssi yyourr caa


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