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1、-. z.话题 11. dislike n.& vt.不喜欢;厌恶2. friendship n.友谊3. ignore vt.不顾;不理;无视4. teenager n.十几岁的青少年5. upset adj.心烦意乱的6. partner n.伙伴;合作者7. workmate n.同事;工友8. grateful adj.感谢的;表示谢意的9. considerate adj.体贴的10. honest adj.老实的;正直的11. cheat v.欺骗;作弊12. perfect adj.完美的;极好的13. concern v.涉及;关心14. personal adj.个人的;私人

2、的15. merciful adj.仁慈的16. precious adj.珍贵的17. enthusiastic adj.热情的18. relative adj.相关的;n.亲属19. selfless adj.无私的20. municate v.交际;沟通短语1. be concerned about关心;挂念2. build up true friendship建立真正的友谊3. get along with与相处;进展4. fall in love with相爱;爱上5. promote friendship with增进同的友谊6. think highly /much of 对评价

3、很高7. help (sb.) out 帮助(*人)摆脱困境8. turn to sb. for help向*人求助9. be crazy about 对狂热10. know sb. well 熟知*人11. make friends with sb.和*人交朋友12. a strong personality很强的个性13. form a friendship with sb.与*人建立友谊14. trust each other相互信任15. share happiness and sorrows with sb.与*人同甘共苦16. be loyal to对忠诚17. get /keep

4、 in touch with sb.取得/保持同*人的联系18. look down upon 看不起;轻视18. look after/take care of 照顾20. keep ones promise/word守信用相关句子1. True friendship should be based on mutual understanding, not on mutual benefit. Moreover, both must also have similar ideals. 真正的友谊应该基于相互的理解, 而不是相互的利益。而且, 两个人必须也有相似的理想。2. A friend

5、is someone whomyou could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts and also the one who understands what you are going through 朋友是那个你可以向他倾述一切并且懂得你所经历的事情的人。3. Im sorry you are having trouble in making friends. However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. 很抱歉你在交友上遇

6、到麻烦。然而, 假设你听从我的建议, 情况是很容易改变的。4. I will appreciate it if you can give me a hand to solve this problem. 如果你能帮助解决这个问题, 我将不胜感谢。5. There was a time when I was upset about some small things.我曾一度对一些琐事感到很烦恼。6. He wonders whether it is because her friends are so concerned about her that she has calmed hersel

7、f down.他在想是否因为她的朋友对她很关心, 所以她的心情才平复下来。语篇模块There was a time when I was upset about some small things. I packed up my things and went to Beijing. It was the first time that I had been there. One day I happened to meet Li Ping when I was visiting the Summer Palace. I found it easy to get along with him.

8、It was a pleasure to be together with him chatting. Soon we became good friends. It was because I had such a friend that I wasnt upset and didnt feel lonely any longer. Not until then did I really realize the value of friends.汉语大意:我曾一度对一些琐事感到很烦恼。我收拾好东西去了。这是我第一次来到这里。一天正在参观颐和园时碰巧遇上了李平。我觉得跟他很容易相处。同他在一起

9、聊天是件快乐的事。我们很快成了好朋友。正是因为有了这样一个朋友,我才不再烦恼也不再感到孤独。直到那时,我才真正意识到朋友的价值。话题 21. grammar n.语法2. dialect n.方言3. accent n.口音4. sentence n.句子5. usage n.使用,用法6. e*pression n.词语,表达7. mand vt./n.命令,指令8. vocabulary n.词汇9. pronunciation n.发音10. gradually adv.逐渐地11. enrich vt.使充实,使丰富12. official adj.官方的,正式的13. conquer

10、 vt.占领,征服14. actually adv.事实上15. benefit vt.受益16. fluent adj.流利的17. recognize vt.认出,成认18. frequent adj.频繁的,经常的19. request vt./n.要求,请求20. standard n.标准相关短语1.language learning strategies 语言学习策略2.form the habit of reading养成阅读习惯3.attitudes to learning学习态度4.make use of 利用5.such as例如6. play a part in 扮演角色

11、, 充当作用7. language learning语言学习8. even if/though即使9. regard.as 把当作10. the effective ways to do sth.有效的办事方法11. a large number of 大量的12. believe it or not信不信由你13. reading prehension 阅读理解14. has an advantage over 在有优势15. writing skills写作技巧16.enlarge ones vocabulary扩大*人的词汇量17.develop ones interest 培养兴趣18

12、.reading skills/strategies/abilities.阅读技能/策略/能力相关句子1. Peoples views on learning English vary from person to person.不同的人对学习英语有不同的看法。2. Some think in todays world we need to make frequent contacts with different people in different parts of the world, so it is absolutely necessary to learn English.一些人

13、认为,在今天的社会里,我们常常需要跟全世界不同地方的人接触, 所以学英语是很有必要的。3. But I regard English as one of the most important subjects. Of all the subjects I like English best.但是我把英语看作是最重要的科目之一, 在所有这些科目中我最喜欢英语了。4. There are several reasons why I like English best.我最喜欢英语, 有几个理由。5. Firstly, English is one of the most widely used l

14、anguages of the world.首先,英语是世界上用得最广泛的语言之一。6. Therefore, a good mand of English will greatly benefit me in my work.因此, 善于运用英语能够大大地使我的工作受益。7. A solid foundation of English means chances and opportunities.一个扎实的英语根底就意味着机遇。8. In the petition for a well-paid job, the one who can speak fluent English has a

15、n advantage over those who cannot. 在竞争找工作的时候, 会说流利英语的人就会比不会说英语的人有优势。9. From what has been mentioned above, we can draw a conclusion that we should not only learn English but also master it in the shortest time possible.综上所述, 我们得出一个结论:我们不仅要学英语而且要尽可能在最短的时间里掌握英语。语篇模块Last week, the Students Union in our

16、 school conducted a survey among all the students on whether we should learn English. As the survey shows, most of the students say yes, for they think learning English is one of the demands of modern society and will do good to our future career.However, others are against the idea, saying that lea

17、rning English is useless and is a waste of energy. Whats worse, they feel learning English is nothing but a burden. In my opinion, we are supposed to learn English well because a good mand of English means more opportunities in the future.汉语大意:上周,我们学校的学生会就我们是否要学英语在全校展开了调查。结果说明,大多数同学表示赞成,因为他们认为学好英语是现

18、代社会对人们的要求之一,而且对日后的就业非常有帮助。然而,有些同学却表示反对,他们说学英语没用,是浪费精力。更糟糕的是,他们感到学英语是一种负担。依我看,我们应该学好英语,因为精通英语意味着将来有更多的时机。话题 31. transport n.运送,运输2. prefer v.更喜欢3. disadvantage n.不利条件4. fare n.费用5. cycle n.骑自行车6. finally adv.最后7. schedule n.时间表8. ancient adj.古代的9. organize v.组织10. journey n.旅游11.modern adj.现代的12.safe

19、 adj.平安的13.parcel n.包裹14.insurance n.保险15.view n.风景16. scenery n.风光17. temple n.庙宇18. cave n.洞穴19. everywhere adv.到处20. traffic n.交通相关短语1. be considered as/to be 被认为是2. foreign customs and habits 外国的风俗习惯3. to the south of.在的南面4. with the development of.随着的开展5. show great interest in 对很感兴趣6. from anc

20、ient to modern times从古到今7. fly from.to.从飞到8. a dream trip 梦想之旅9. cycle along.骑自行车沿着10. an interesting e*perience 一次有趣的经历11. be located/situated in 位于12. a place of interest 名胜13. with a long history of 有悠久历史14. be famous/well-known for因为而著名15. have a population of.人口有16. modern transportation 现代交通17

21、. from home and abroad 来自国内外18. be rich in natural resources 自然资源丰富19. one of the most famous capitals 最著名的首都之一20. play an important part in.在起重要作用相关句子1. It takes only three hours to fly to *ian from Guangzhou.从*飞到*只需要三个小时。2. With the help of modern science and technology, traveling bees easier.在现代科

22、技的帮助下, 旅行变得容易多了。3. With modern transportation like the plane and the train, we can go anywhere we like in a short time.有了飞机和火车这样的现代交通方式, 我们能够在短时间内去到任何一个我们想去的地方。4.*ian, a modern city, is once the capital city of 14 dynasties in Chinese history. *, 一个现代化的城市, 曾经是中国历史上十四个王朝的首府。5.There are many cultural

23、sites in Beijing, among which the most attractive one is the Forbidden City.有很多历史遗址,最有吸引力的是紫禁城。6.To climb to the top of the mountain is e*tremely hard but it is worthwhile by the fantastic view. 爬到山顶极其困难, 但当看到则奇妙的风光后, 一切都是值得的。7. Located in the south of China, Guangzhou is considered as one of the mo

24、st modern cities in our country.*位于中国的南部, 被认为是中国最现代化的城市之一。8. The Great Wall is one of the most attractive places of interest, attracting tens of thousands of visitors from home and abroad every year. 长城是最有吸引力的名胜之一, 每年吸引成千上万来自国内外的游客来观光。9. *injiang, which is rich in natural resources, is famous for gr

25、ape.*自然资源丰富, 以葡萄而闻名。10. China is a civilized country with a history of 5, 000 years.中国是个有着5000年历史的文明古国。语篇模块 The city of Qingdao is in the east of Shandong Province. It is famous for the blue sea and beautiful beaches. It is a wonderful place for summer holidays. Tens of thousands of people from all

26、parts of the country visit Qingdao every summer. They walk along the beach, go swimming or do some shopping. They can see fine views of the city. Great changes have taken place in Qingdao in recent years. It has played an important part in the development of the foreign trade of our country. It has

27、bee an international port city.汉语大意:*市位于*东部,它以蓝色的大海,美丽的海滨而闻名,是一个非常好的避暑胜地;每年夏天有来自全国各地的成千上万的人们来这里旅游观光。他们沿海漫步、游泳、购物、欣赏这座城市的秀丽风光。近年来*市发生了巨大变化,对开展我国对外贸易开展起着重要的作用。她已经成为一个国际港口城市。话题 41. hurricane n.飓风2. typhoon n.台风3. tornado n.龙卷风4. drought n.干旱5. alarm n.警报6. humid adj.潮湿的7. humidity n.湿气,湿度8. phenomenon

28、n.现象9. shake n.摇;震动10. burst vi.爆发;爆炸11. ruin n.废墟12. injure vt.损害;13. destroy vt.破坏;毁坏14. useless adj.无用的15. shock vt.使震惊16. quake n.地震17. rescue n.救援18. disaster n.灾难19. shelter n.掩蔽;弊身处20. bury vt.埋21. damage vt.破坏;损坏22. frightened adj.害怕的相关短语1. thunder and lightning 雷电交加2. weather forecast 天气预报3

29、. greenhouse effect 温室效应4. global warming 全球变暖5. right away 立刻;马上6 calm down 平静下来7 burst out 爆发8.burst into 突然9 in ruins 废墟10 dig out 挖掘11 give out 分发;发出12 prepare for 为做准备13 instead of 代替;不是14 at an end 完结,完毕15 a great number of 大量的16. be shocked at 对感到震惊17. take shelter from 躲避18. break down 垮掉19.

30、 crowd in 涌入20. blow down 吹倒相关句子1. This has been the worst in the past decade/ten years.这是十年来最严重的一次。2. It is reported that the heavy rainfall caused rivers to break their banks, washing away bridges.据报道大水冲垮了堤防和桥梁。3. The rescue work is going on/is still under way.救灾工作正在进展。4. In the meantime, people n

31、ationwide are taking an active part in raising funds for disaster areas /people nationwide are actively donating money to the disaster area.与此同时, 全国人民都在积极为灾区捐款。5. It was estimated that the economic losses was more than 9.7 billion yuan.估计造成经济损失达97个亿。6. In spite of all this, the government called on

32、the whole nation to support the places hit by the worst disaster.尽管如此, 政府还是号召全国支援被这次大灾难袭击的地区。7. Tens of thousands of people lost their precious lives owing to the strong earthquake in Sichuan Province. 由于*大地震, 成千上万的人失去了珍贵的生命。8. Fortunately, international societies offered their helping hands shortly

33、 after the earthquake donating clothes, food and medicine.幸运的是, 地震后, 国际社会纷纷伸出援助之手包括捐衣服, 食品和药物。语篇模块 On March 5th, 2011, the city of Shenyang saw a disaster of snowstorm that had never happened in the past hundred years. The snowstorm lasted for a whole day, greatly affecting the life of people. Early

34、 in the morning it snowed heavily. Many vehicles were trapped on the roads. Therefore, people were forced to head for their destinations on foot. Not only were all the flights canceled but also many trains were delayed. The city government called on all the citizens and soldiers to take an active pa

35、rt in the activities of clearing snow. Besides, the city government took all kinds of urgent measures to rescue the people trapped in the snowstorm to ensure that everything returned to normal as soon as possible.E*periencing such a sever snowstorm, I firmly believe that united, we are strong; divid

36、ed, we are weak.汉语大意:2011年3月5日,*市下了一场百年以来最大的暴风雪。这场暴风雪持续下了一天,给人们的生活带来了巨大的影响。早晨外面大雪纷飞,许多车辆被困在路上。因此,人们被迫步行前往目的地。不但所有航班被取消,而且列车也叫被迫延迟。市政府召全市军民参与除雪活动。此外,市政府及时采取措施挽救受困群众,确保市民生活尽快恢复正常。经历了这样一场严重的暴风雪,我坚信团结我们就会强大,分裂我们就会弱小。话题 51. selfless adj.无私的2. active adj.积极的;活泼的3. devote vt. (与to连用)献身4. found vt.建立;建立5. p

37、eaceful adj.和平的;平静的6. diligent adj.勤奋的7. clever adj.聪明的8. creative adj.富创造力的9. determined adj.坚决的10. aggressive adj.有进取心的11. popular adj.受欢送的12. violence n.暴力;暴行13. optimistic adj.乐观的14. attractive adj.有魅力的15. easy-going adj.随和的16. educate vt.教育;训练17. humorous adj.幽默的18. confident adj.有信心的19. reward

38、 n.报酬;奖金vt.酬劳20. idol n.偶像相关短语1. be born in 出生在2. put ones heart into 把心思用在3. graduate from 毕业4. as a matter of fact 事实上5. lose heart 丧失信心6. e to power 当权;上台7. show great interest in 对感兴趣8. be sentenced to 被判处(徒刑)9. hard-working 勤劳的10. solve the problem of 解决问题11. fight against 对而战12. go against the

39、 law 违反法律13. be willing to do sth. 乐于做14. be active in sth. 积极从事15. do research on 对做研究16.care little about 对不在乎17.reward sb. with sth.用*物奖赏*人18.be alive in ones heart 活在心中19.worked until midnight 工作到深夜20.devote oneself to sth/doing sth.致力于相关句子1. Some people show great interest in e*otic holiday.有些人

40、对异国度假很感兴趣。2. She put her heart and soul into the work. 她全身心地投入到工作上。3. I feel so lucky to be born in this family. 出生在这个家庭我很感到幸运。4. After trying hard, I got a job in a gold mine.几经周折, 我才在一家金矿上找到了一份工作。5. As usual, I worked until midnight last night. 和平时一样,我又工作到午夜。6. Mr. Wang cares little about dress.王先

41、生不太注重穿着。7. Dont lose heart even if you failed.如果你失败了, 你也不要灰心。8. Since 13 was an unlucky number, nobody was willing to live in Room 13.13是个不吉利的数字, 没人愿意住13号房间。9. She would like to devote herself to anything e*cept to give up her marriage.她愿意做一切事情, 除了放弃她的婚姻。10. Weve made great progress in solving the p

42、roblem of air pollution recently.近年来我们在解决空气污染问题上取得了重大进步。语篇模块 Born in Huaian,Jiangsu, on March 5, 1898,Zhou Enlai finished school in Nankai Middle School in 1917,after which he went to France to learn Mar*ist theory. In 1922,having joinedthe Chinese munist Party,he was active in his work and directed

43、 the Party work in Shanghai. After leading the famous uprising Nanchang Uprising on August 1st, 1927, he took part in the Long March. From 1937 to 1945, he worked in South China. With the Peoples Republic of China founded, he was elected Premier of China. He put all his heart into the work and alway

44、s worked until midnight, having no time to thinkabout himself,but only the Chinese people. Premier Zhou died on January 8th, 1976.The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death for he was loved by all the people. Our beloved Premier Zhou will always be alive in Chinese peoples hearts. He was a gre

45、at Mar*ist and munist.汉语大意:周恩来于1898年3月5日出生在*,1917年他在南开中学毕业,之后去了法国学习马克思主义理论。1922年参加中国共产党,积极工作并在*指导党的工作。1927年,他领导了著名的八一*起义,后来参加了长征。1937年至1945年他在华南工作。中华人民*国成立后,他中选为总理。他把全部身心投入工作,经常工作到午夜,而没有时间为自己着想,一心只为中国人民着想。周恩来总理于1976年1月8日逝世,全国人民为之而悲哀,因为他深受全国人的爱戴。亲爱的周总理将永远活在我们中国人民心里。他是一位伟大的马克思主义者和共产主义战士。话题 61. cultura

46、l adj.文化的2. rare adj.稀罕的,珍贵的3. valuable adj.贵重的4. survive vi. 幸存5. select vt.选择6. design n. & vt.设计7. fancy adj.奇特的8. remove vt.移除9. local adj.当地的10. artist n.艺术家11. amazingadj.令人吃惊的12. e*plode vi.爆炸13. mystery n.谜14. evidence n.证据15. eyewitness n.目击者16. debate n.辩论17. entrance n.入口18. informal adj.

47、非正式的19. dynasty n.朝代20. sink (sank, sunk) vi.下沉相关短语1. in search of/search for 寻找2. in a fancy style 用奇特的风格3. decorate with 用装饰4. belong to 属于5. in return 作为回报6. a troop of 一支,一组7. more than/less than 多于/少于8. take apart 分开,拆散9. in a trial 在审讯中10. be at war 处于战争中11. think highly of 高度赞扬12. rather than

48、 而不是13. serve as 充当14. remain a mystery 仍然是个谜15. deal with 处理16. the former.the latter 前者后者17. be missing/be (get) lost 丧失,不见了18. There is no doubt that.毫无疑问19. great wonders of the world 世界上的伟大奇观20. be worth doing/be worthy of being done/it is worthwhile to do 值得做相关句子1. It is amazing that the ancie

49、nt people could have built such a great architecture. 让人吃惊的是, 古代的人们居然能够建造出如此伟大的建筑物。2. It remains a mystery how ancient people built such a magnificent architecture at that time. 古代的人是怎么建立起一个如此壮观的建筑物现在仍然是个谜。3. The Great Wall was built in a time when countries were at war.长城建立在一个战火纷飞的时期。4. What Russia

50、ns have devoted to decorating the new Amber Room is highly thought of.俄罗斯人民为装饰新的琥珀屋所做的事情受到了高度的赞扬。5. Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as Yuan Ming Yuan in Beijing重建圆明园这样的文化遗址值得吗?6. A cultural relic is a treasure belonging to all peoples rather than belonging to any individual.文化遗产是属于全

51、民的宝藏, 而不是属于*个人的。7. There is no doubt that the former Amber Room is missing.毫无疑问, 以前的琥珀屋不见了。8. The Nest in Beijing, designed by one of the most famous architects in the world, was built in a fancy style.由世界最著名的建筑师之一所设计的鸟巢, 建筑风格奇异。9. I am in favor of the former opinion while my brother firmly approves

52、 of the latter one. 我赞成前者的观点, 但我的弟弟却坚决地赞成后者的观点。语篇模块 The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the great wonders of the world. It was designed by a local architect in a fancy style. The Taj Mahal, decorated with many jewels and jewelry, was built in memory of one of the kings wives, which cost the bes

53、t artists more than 22 years to plete. There is no doubt that the Taj Mahal is the finest e*ample of the late style of Indian architecture. Its a place that is worth visiting.汉语大意:泰姬陵(The Taj Mahal)被认为是世界上的伟大奇迹之一。由当地的一个建筑师设计,风格奇特。陵内由很多宝石装饰着,它是国王为了纪念他其中一个妃子而建造的,一共花了当时最优秀的工匠22年时间才完成。毫无疑问,泰姬陵是印度后建筑风格的典

54、*。它是一个值得参观的地方。话题 71. ancient adj.古代的2. Greek adj./n.希腊(人)的;希腊/语3. volunteer n.志愿者4. Greece n.希腊5. homeland n.祖国6. athlete n.运发动7. champion n.冠军8. championship n.锦标赛9. coach n.教练员10. judge n.裁判11. spectator n.观众12. swift adj.迅速的13. track n.跑道14. physical adj.物理的;身体的15. ground/field n.场地16. playground

55、 n.操场,运动场17. event n.事件,大事18. performance n.表现19. stadium n. (露天大型)体育场20. applaud v.鼓掌欢送,热情称赞相关短语1. pete in 在方面竞争2. take part in 参加3. gold medal 金牌4. stand for 代表主*5. eager for petition 渴望竞争6. a close game 势均力敌的比赛7. improve skills 提升技能8. bid for the Olympic Games 申办奥运会9. on a regular basis 定期地10. be

56、 admitted as 作为被承受11. pete with/against 与竞争12. a good spectator 一位文明观众13. as a matter of fact 事实上14. record holder 记录保持者15. be allowed to do 被允许做*事16. break the record 打破记录17. run against 和比赛18. general health 群众安康相关句子1. We watched the football match on live television.我们看了电视实况传播的足球赛。2. The 2008 Oly

57、mpic Games held in Beijing turned out to be a great success. 2008年在举行的奥运会是一届成功的奥运会。3. Every petitor wanted to win the first place.每位参赛选手都想得第一名。4. The 2008 Olympics were held in Beijing, which is a great honour to us. 2008年的奥运会在举行, 这是我们极大的荣誉。5. All the players pete for honor as well as gold medals.运发

58、动为金牌而战也为荣誉而战。6. Fuwa, the official mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carry a message of friendship, peace and good wishes from China to children all over the world. 福娃是2008年第29届奥运会桔祥物, 它们向世界的孩子们传达友谊、和平和良好的祝福。7. We all had to take part in the training run, with nobody e*cepted.我们大家都得参加跑步训练, 无人例外

59、。8. David will replace Mike in ne*t weeks tennis petition.大卫将替迈克参加下周的网球赛。9. Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. 射击, 原先是一种生存手段, 只是到了十九世纪晚期才开展成一种运动工程。10. Women were first allowed to pete in the Olympic shooting only in 1968.到了1968年才允许女子参加奥

60、运射击工程。语篇模块 Shooting, simply a means of making a living, developed into a kind of sport at the end of the 19th century. It first appeared in the 1896 Olympic Games. Canceled in 1904 and in 1928, the sport returned to the Olympics in 1932. It was not until 1968 that women were first allowed to pete in


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