词器厂话题口语文本small or big_第1页
词器厂话题口语文本small or big_第2页




1、Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers, others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better?1.我认为在一家小公司工作更好,原因如下。1.I think working in a small company is better for the followingreasons.2.首先,组织中的人越少,效

2、率就越高。(the fewer., the more.)2.First,the fewerpeople in an organization,the moreefficient itwillbe.3.你可以直接和上级沟通,说出你的担忧或者推销自己的想法。(upper management, voice concern, pitch idea)3.You are able to speak directly to yourupper managementtovoice concernsorpitch ideas.4.大公司需要几天或几周处理的事情,在小公司可能只用敲开老板的门就可以搞定。(tak

3、e, knock on)4. Whattakesdays or weeks to process at a big company may only takeknocking onyour bosss door at a small one.5.其次,你更有可能享受灵活的工作时间,只要你在要求的时间内完成工作。(flexible working hours, get.done)5.Second, you are more likely to enjoyflexible working hours, as long as yougetthe workdonein time.6.你不必每天都要打卡

4、,而打卡在大公司是必须的。(clock in, clock out)6. You dont have toclock inorclock outevery day, which is a must in large companies.7.如果在“正常”工作时间内有一些私事要办,尽管去就好,老板一般不会为难你。(run errands, feel free to do, give.a hard time)7. If you have some personalerrands to runduring normal working hours, you canfeel free togo and

5、 usually your boss wontgive you a hard time.8.员工少也意味着人们更加了解彼此。(get to know)8.In addition, having fewerworkers also means peopleget to knoweach other better.9.许多初创公司在工作场所提供厨房电器和折叠床,营造出类似家庭的氛围,加强同事之间的关系。(start-up, camp bed, co-worker)9. A lot ofstart-upsprovide kitchen appliances andcamp bedsin the wo

6、rkplace, which creates a family-like atmosphere and strengthens the relationships amongco-workers.10.另一方面,大公司虽然工资比较高,福利好,但有一些隐藏的缺点。(hidden downsides, benefits packages)10.Large companies, on the other hand, havehidden downsidesdespitetheirhigher pay andbenefits packages.11.成熟的公司业务上没有太多的增长空间,这意味着大多数时

7、候,员工只是重复日常工作,而不是发挥创造性潜力来开疆拓土。(established, routine work, tap into)11.Anestablishedcompany usually does not have much room for business growth, which means most of the time, its employees are just repeatingroutine workinstead oftapping intotheir creative potential to open up new realms.12.在这种环境中工作的人更

8、容易感到不受重视,因为他们只是一个大型企业机器的一个小部分。(undervalued, corporate machine)12.People working in this kind of environment are more likely to feelundervaluedas they are only a small part of a bigcorporate machine.13.当然,大公司的工作经验有助于获得推荐和声誉,以后多年都很有用。(gain references and reputation)13.Of course,workingfor abig company can helpgain references and reputationthat can follow for years.14.对于毕业生来说,也许最初几年在大公司工作更好,然后换到小公司,或者自己创业。(upon graduation, switch)14.So maybe it is better for graduates to work inabig companyfor the first fewyear


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