



1、文档编码 : CX6H8E8B9Q1 HQ3B10N7F2J4 ZX1Y1Z10G5D7第九讲 虚拟语气及情态动词 虚拟语气( subjunctive mood )subjunctive: the form or mood of a verb that expresses wishes, possibility or uncertainty 一三种时间的假设1.过去主句从句Wouldcouldmightshould Had done have done 现在Wouldcouldmightshould Didwas were dobe 将来Wouldcouldmightshould 1.did

2、waswere dobe 2.should +v 省 if 的虚拟条件句倒装,将had, should, were 提到句首3.were to +v Had you taken my advice, you wouldn t have failed in the exam. 假如你听了我的建议,你就不会考试不及格了;Should it rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off. 要是明天下雨,运动会就会推迟;2.含蓄条件with, without, but for What would you do with one million

3、dollars . 有一百万你会怎么做?= What would you do if you had one million dollars . He looked after my son for me yesterday. Without his help, I couldn t have finished work. 他昨天照看了我儿子;没有他的帮忙,我不行能完成工作;= If he hadn t helped me, I 3. 上下文示意 but, otherwise I drank alcohol : last night; otherwise I could have driven

4、 my car home. 我昨晚喝了酒,否就我能把车开回家;= If I hadn t drunk wine last night, I could . You would have passed the exam, but you didn t take my advice. 你可以通过考试的,但你没有听我的建议;= You would have passed the exam if you had taken my advice. 4. 主从句时间不一样If he had studied hard at college, he would be a chief engineer now.

5、 要是他在高校里好好学习,他现在就会是总工程师了;二从句中 should + v 1. 表命令,要求,建议,意图,准备,举荐等意义的词 order, request, demand, suggest, advise, propose, command, require, insist, recommend He put forward a proposal that we do something for the celebrations. 他提议我们该为庆祝活动做点事情;My suggestion is that the meeting be put off till next week.

6、我的建议是会议推迟到下周;留意:suggest 1 建议,从句中用 should + v 2 说明,示意,从句中用陈述语气 All the evidence suggests that he stole the money. 全部的证据说明他偷了钱;insist 1从句中的谓语动作在后,从句中用 should + v He insisted that we attend the meeting. 他坚持要求我们参加会议;(2)从句中的谓语动作在前,从句中用陈述语气 Lily insisted that she hadn t spoken ill of Mike. mike 的坏话;Lily 坚

7、持说她没有说 2. It s important necessary strange natural essential + that Its necessary that we should learn Chinese well. 我们有必要学英雄语;三从句中用过去式1.I wish I could fly. 我期望我能飞;2.If only I could fly. 但愿我能飞;3. I would rather you came here tomorrow. 留意 :我宁愿你明天来这儿;I would rather stay at home than go to the movie. 我

8、宁愿呆在家里也不愿去看电影;4. Its high time that you went home should go home. 到了你该回家的时候;5. as if 1 接近事实,从句中用陈述语气 It looks as if it is going to snow. 看来要下雪了;(2)与事实不符,从句中用虚拟语气 He looks as if he were 10 years younger today. 他今日看起来年轻了 10 岁; 情态动词 +have done 该结构表示过去或已经发生的动作:must have done sth. 确定做过某事 might / may have

9、 done sth. 可能做过某事 could have done sth. (1)可能做过某事(2)原先能够做某事 can t / couldn t have done sth. 不行能做过某事 should not have done sth. 本(不)应当做某事 ought not to have done sth. 本(不)应当做某事 needn t have done sth. 本不必做某事第九讲 虚拟语气与情态 巩固练习一 翻译练习1. 要是他明天来,我就会吧词典仍给他;(should)2. 假如你以前刻苦学习,你现在就会是高校生了;( study)3他坚持说他没有做错什么事;(i

10、nsist)4. 她坚持要一个人去那儿;(insist)5. 我宁愿他明天不来开会;(rather)6. 老师要求全部同学按时交卷;(demand)7. 到了我们做作业的时候了;(time)8. Lily 提议我们每人唱一首歌;(propose)9. 我多么期望此刻没有下雨!(wish )10. 假如他没有喝酒,他昨晚本可以把车开回家;(drink )11. Lucy 本应当来了,但她仍没有露面;(turn )12. 昨晚他确定是熬夜了;(stay )13. 你本不必帮他打扫房间,他自己能做;(clean )14. 我们本应当给你更多的帮忙;(ought)15. 这项工作他不行能完成得这么快;

11、(finish )二 湖北高考完成句子1. 2022 Most believe he _ for England last week, but for a serious injury which put him out of football. play 多数人认为,要不是受了重伤而辞别足坛,上周他本会为英格兰踢球的;2. 2022 Had we not used an out-of-date train schedule, we _ the train. miss 要不是用了一张过期的列车时刻表,我们就不会误了火车;3.2022 If _ alcohol last night , I co

12、uld have driven my car home. drink 昨晚假如我没喝酒,我就可以把车开回家;4.2022 Mr. Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention _ at the meeting. discuss 约翰逊先生坚决要求,值得关注的那个问题要在会上争辩;5. 2022 It s said that they have swum to the island from the continent, but they _ because the ocean in between is too wide. do 据

13、说,他们从大陆游到了那个岛,但是他们不行能做到,由于两者之间的海洋太宽了;6. 2022 After circling around the earth for three days, Shenzhou Spaceship received the command from the ground that _ as scheduled the next day. land 神舟飞船绕地球三天后,它收到地面的指令次日按方案着陆;7. 2022 I feel so sick. I wish Mum _ to eat so much. force 我感到恶心;我期望妈妈没有逼我吃那么多;8.2022 He looks sleepy. He must _ last night, writing an essay. stay 他看起来很疲乏;他昨晚写论文确定熬夜了;9.2022 He believes that children _ at their own pace. allow 他信任孩子们应答应按


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