



1、The Crow and the Fox 富顺县北湖实验学校万仁莉一、教学目标:1、学生能正确理解并朗读故事中的单词crow,fox, sweet, voice, feather,bright,mine等,词组a piece of 。2、学生初步了解这篇寓言故事的意思,并能进行角色扮演。3学生能够领悟这个寓言故事的旨意。二、教学重难点1、整体感知并理解故事大意2.尝试表演故事三、教学准备1.教师准备:教学课件、乌鸦和狐狸的头饰,录音机等。2.学生准备:通过课前预习,画出不认识的单词,根据上下文或查字典等方法,尝试明白其意。 四 教学过程 Step 1.Greeting and Free Tal

2、k以Nice to meet you./How are you?等学生已掌握的简单对话进行交流。Today I divide you into eight groups,lets have a competition,OK?At last Ill see which group can get the most grades.Come on.Step 2 Presentation1.listen to a song of Old Macdalond to lead to the topic.T:Today,we will learn a story about two animals.Do y

3、ou know What animals we will talk about?S:乌鸦和狐狸T:Good!They are the crow and the fox.教学crow ,foxT:Look at ppt 1.What can you see in the crows mouth? S:一块肉 T:Yes. A piece of meat. 教学 a piece of meat. T:Does the fox want the meat? S:Yes. T:How can the fox get the meat? Lets continue read the story. 3.L

4、isten to their first dialogue.Ask students follow the tape and ask students to practice the dialogue in pairs.Then act the dialogue.In the same way,finishing the teaching of the other dialogues.After that,ask students to answer the question:How does the fox get the meat? Let the student read the sen

5、tences about the question.Step3 Role-playActing the whole story.(分组安排任务)Step4 Emotion EducationT:After reading the story,Whom do you want to be ? The fox or the crow?S:The fox.T:Why?S:He is clever.S:I dont want be the fox or the crow.T:Oh,you dont want to be the fox or the crow.(纠正学生)I dont want to be them,either.In our life ,we cant be the fox in our story,because he is unhonest to others.Andwe cant be the crow in our story,because she cant think over with her brain Step5 Homework Read and act the story for your mom or dad at home. 板书设计: The Fox and the CrowTh


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