2017年外研版中考英语语法复习-第二部分专题八 情态动词.ppt_第1页
2017年外研版中考英语语法复习-第二部分专题八 情态动词.ppt_第2页
2017年外研版中考英语语法复习-第二部分专题八 情态动词.ppt_第3页
2017年外研版中考英语语法复习-第二部分专题八 情态动词.ppt_第4页
2017年外研版中考英语语法复习-第二部分专题八 情态动词.ppt_第5页
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1、,专题八情态动词,专题训练,动词 (训练时间:45分钟分值:50分),1. (2016济南)Helen, who _ fix up the computer in our class? I think Jeff can. A. should B. would C. must D. can 【解析】由答语中的can可知,问句要用情态动词can。故选D。 【答案】D,2. (2016天津)Mum,_ I play football this afternoon? Sure, but you _ finish your homework first. A. may; could B. can; mu

2、st C. can; mustnt D. may; cant 【解析】句意为“妈妈,今天下午我可以踢足球吗?”“当然可以,但你必须先完成作业。”由句意可知选B。 【答案】B,3. How much is the ticket to Central Park? A oneway ticket_$40, and you can_ another $20 for a roundtrip. A. costs; pay B. cost; spend C. pay; spend D. spends; pay 【解析】cost“花费”,物作主语;spend“花费”,人作主语;pay for“付款”,人作主语

3、。由句意可知选A。 【答案】A,4. It is necessary for everyone to _ a good habit of reading. A. enjoy B. choose C. develop D. accept 【解析】enjoy“喜爱”;choose“选择”;develop “养成”;accept“接受”。由句意可知选C。 【答案】C,5. (2016武汉)Her father tried to _ that nothing unusual had happed. In fact, it was not serious. A. imagine B. pretend C

4、. mean D. warn 【解析】imagine“想象”;pretend“假装”;mean“意思是”;warn“警告”。由下句句意“事实上,并没有什么严重的。”可推知,上句句意为“她爸爸尽力假装没有发生什么不寻常的事情。”故选B。 【答案】B,6. (2016菏泽)Lets get Laurie a gift for his birthday. OK. Shall we _a book online for him? A. afford B. order C. offer 【解析】afford “负担得起”;order“订购”; offer “提供”。由“我们为他在网上订购一本书吧?”可知

5、选B。 【答案】B,7. Look at the “No parking” sign. You _ park your car here. A. should B. must C. neednt D. mustnt 【解析】由“禁止停车”可知,“你一定不能把车停在这儿。”mustnt表禁止,故选D。 【答案】D,8. Youd better _ the test paper before handing it in. A. go ahead B. go on C. go off D. go over 【解析】go ahead“前进”; go on“继续”;go off“离开”;go over“

6、检查”。由句意可知选D。 【答案】D,9. (2016河北)The air _ fresh after the rain. And the sky is blue. 【导学号35490068】 A. feels B. tastes C. smells D. sounds 【解析】句意为“雨后的空气闻起来新鲜。”smell “闻起来”符合题意。故选C。 【答案】C,10. I cant _ my pen. Did you _ it? A. find; look at B. look at; see C. look for; look at D. find; see 【解析】find“找到”;lo

7、ok at“看一看”;look for“寻找”;see“看见”。句意为“我找不到我的钢笔了,你看见了吗?”。故选D。 【答案】D,11. (2016山西)In our life, we need to _ those people who help us, such as our parents, teachers and friends. A. thank B. remind C. teach 【解析】句意为“在我们的生活中,我们需要感谢那些帮助我们的人,比如我们的父母、老师和朋友。” thank“感谢”符合题意。故选A。 【答案】A,12. Our school is planning t

8、o _ a band to give the students a chance to show their musical talent. A. take up B. set up C. pick up 【解析】take up“占用”;set up“建立”;pick up“捡起”。结合句意可知,“我们学校正打算成立一支乐队,为的是给孩子们一个展示他们音乐才能的机会。”set up符合题意。 【答案】B,13. (2016连云港)Attention, please! The last award will be _ to the best singer of the yearCoco Lee.

9、 A. lentB. introduced C. donated D. presented 【解析】lend“借出”;introduce“介绍”;donate“捐赠”;present“颁发,提交”。根据第二句中的“award”及空格后的“the best singer”可推知,第二句句意为“最后一个奖项将颁给年度最佳歌手李玟。”故选D。 【答案】D,14. Can you help me to_ my dog when I leave for Hong Kong? A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look through 【解析】look aft

10、er“照顾,照看”;look for“寻找”;look at“看”;look through“浏览”。由句意可知选A。 【答案】A,15. (2016泰安)Dont _ too late; you will feel tired in class. I wont, Mum. A. call up B. wake up C. stay up D. get up 【解析】call up“打电话”; wake up“醒来”;stay up“熬夜”; get up “起床”。由句意“不要熬夜太晚,你将会在上课时感到很累的。”可知,选C。 【答案】C,16. (2016天津)Dont _ any mor

11、e time, or we will miss the meeting. A. save B. trust C. waste D. love 【解析】句意为“不要再浪费时间了,否则我们将错过这次会议。” waste “浪费”,符合题意。故选C。 【答案】C,17. Fresh food is good for you. But you have to _ it first because sometimes it is a little dirty. A. taste B. smell C. wash D. plant 【解析】taste“尝起来”;smell“闻起来”;wash“洗”;pla

12、nt“种植”。由“因为有时它有点脏”可知选C。 【答案】C,18. Lao Shes Teahouse _ the changes in Chinese society over fifty years. A. describes B. improves C. prepares D. corrects 【解析】describe“描述”;improve“改进,提升”;prepare“准备”;correct“纠正”。结合本题语境可知,老舍的茶馆描述了中国社会50年间的变化,故答案为A。 【答案】A,19. (2016烟台)May I speak to Mr. Smith? _, please. H

13、ere he comes. A. Hang out B. Pick up C. Take up D. Hold on 【解析】hang out“闲逛”;pick up “捡起”; take up “占据”;hold on “等一下”。由句意可知选D。 【答案】D,20. Its time for CCTV news. Lets_ the TV and watch it. A. turn on B. get on C. try on D. put on 【解析】turn on“打开(电源等)”;get on“上(车、船等)”;try on“试穿”;put on“穿上”。由句意可知选A。 【答案】

14、A,21. (2016济南)Do you like the songs by Taylor? Yes. Country music _ nice and full of feelings. A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. looks 【解析】句意为“乡村音乐听起来很不错,充满感情。”sounds“听起来”,符合题意。故选A。 【答案】A,22. As time _, youll come to think of English as your friend and love it. A. goes by B. runs out C. takes off D.

15、turns up 【解析】go by “(时间)过去”;run out “用完”;take off “起飞”;turn up “(声音)调大”。由句意可知选A。 【答案】A,23. (2016东营)Good morning. Id like a birthday gift for my mother. What about this scarf? It is beautiful and it_ soft and smooth. A. feels B. looks C. seems D. becomes 【解析】feels“摸上去”;looks “看上去”;seems “好像”; becomes

16、 “变得”。句意为“围巾很漂亮,手感柔软光滑。”故选A。 【答案】A,24. I dont _ the heat, for Im used to hot weather. A. like B. mind C. know D. stand 【解析】like“喜欢”;mind“介意”;know“知道”;stand“忍受”。由“我习惯了炎热的天气”,可知说话人不介意高温,故选B。 【答案】B,25. (2016长春)Yang Jiang _ be the boys favorite writer. He has written a lot to praise her. A. cant B. must

17、nt C. must D. need 【解析】句意为“杨绛一定是这个男孩最喜欢的作家。他写了很多文章赞美她。”must“必定”,表示肯定推测。故选C。 【答案】C,26. If you want to know more information about the coming party, please _ the website http:/www. happyweekends. com. A. set up B. look through C. pick up D. turn off 【解析】set up“建立”;look through“浏览”; pick up“捡起,学会”; tur

18、n off“关掉”。要想知道更多的信息,可浏览网站,故选B。 【答案】B,27. (2016威海)Miss Li, could you please help me _ this math problem? OK. Let me try. A. look up B. work out C. set up 【解析】look up“查阅”; work out “算出”; set up “设立”。由句意“你能帮我算出这道数学题吗?”可知选B。 【答案】B,28. Choosing the right circle of friends will _ us a lot of troubles, hea

19、rtaches and possibly a life of deep regret. A. save B. share C. keep D. bring 【解析】此处表示“选择正确的朋友圈能够给我们省去很多烦恼”,save符合题意。 【答案】A,29. Its reported that Chinese _ more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信). Its true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take 【解析】

20、spend“花费”,人作主语;cost“花费”,物作主语;pay“付款”,人作主语;take“花费”,it作主语。句意为“据报道,中国人每天会花费40多分钟时间看微信。”故选A。 【答案】A,30. (2016德州)Who _ your pet dogs while you were out for a holiday? My neighbor, a warmhearted woman. A. put on B. looked after C. gave up D. turned off 【解析】put on“穿上”;look after“照料”;give up“放弃”;turn off“关上

21、”。由句意“当你出去度假的时候谁照顾你的宠物狗?”可知选B。 【答案】B,31. What do you think of the dish I cooked for you? I havent had it yet. However, it _ good. A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels 【解析】taste“尝起来”; smell“闻起来”;sound“听起来”;feel“摸起来”。由句意可知选B。 【答案】B,32. (2016铜仁)How long can I _ this book? Five days. But you must retu

22、rn it on time. A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. kept 【解析】句中keep是延续性动词,可以与时间段连用,can后应接动词原形。故选C。 【答案】C,33. (2016上海)A good friend is someone you _ share your pleasure and pain with. A. ought B. need C. can D. must 【解析】句意为“好朋友就是你能够与他分享快乐和伤痛的人。”can“可以”,表示意愿。故选C。 【答案】C,34. My bike is broken. Could you help me

23、 to_? A. fix it up B. set it up C. make it up D. put it up 【解析】fix up“修理”;set up“建立”;make up“编造”;put up“举起;张贴”。由句意可知选A。 【答案】A,35. (2016济宁)Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy _ over 10,000,000 yuan to help the poor in 2015. A. gave up B. gave off C. gave out D. gave away 【解析】gave up“放弃”; gave off“发出”;gave

24、out“分发”; gave away “捐赠”。由句意可知选D。 【答案】D,36. Recycling is good, so dont _ bottles or newspapers. A. find out B. hand in C. use up D. throw away 【解析】find out“发现;查明”;hand in“上交”;use up“用完”;throw away“扔掉”。句意为“回收利用是好的,所以不要把瓶子和报纸扔掉。”故选D。 【答案】D,37. (2016临沂)Before stamps, people didnt _ for letters they sent

25、, but for the letters they received. A. pay B. cost C. spend D. take 【解析】pay“付款”,人作主语;cost“花费”,物作主语;spend“花费”,人作主语; take“花费”,it作主语。由句意可知选A。 【答案】A,38. (2016河南)My parents said they would come to visit me. I couldnt _ to see them after several months away from home. A. wait B. help C. expect D. afford

26、【解析】句意为“我的父母说他们会来看望我。离家几个月后我迫不及待地要见到他们。”wait“等待”,符合题意。故选A。 【答案】A,39. There are dark clouds, and the wind is blowing strongly. It _ that a typhoon is coming. A. feels B. sounds C. seemsD. looks 【解析】句意为“有乌云,风很大,好像台风要来了。”seem“好像”,故选C。 【答案】C,40. (2016重庆A)A true friend will never _ from you when youre in

27、 trouble. A. take away B. run away C. put off D. get off 【解析】句意为“当你遇到了麻烦的时候,一个真正的朋友永远不会离开你。” run away “跑掉”,符合题意。故选B。 【答案】B,41. Good manners can make people _ each other. A. get on well with B. get off C. get over D. get away 【解析】考查get的短语搭配。get on well with sb. 表示“和某人和睦相处”;get off“下车”;get over“克服”;ge

28、t away“逃离”。结合本题场景可知,举止得当能够使人们彼此之间和睦相处。故答案为A。 【答案】A,42. You _ tell anybody about thisits a secret. A. can B. must C. mustnt 【解析】can“能够”;must“必须”;mustnt“禁止”。由句意“这是个秘密”可知,“你不可以告诉任何人”。故选C。 【答案】C,43. (2016滨州)Must I go to a law school and be a lawyer like you, Dad? No, you _. You are free to make your own

29、 decision. A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt 【解析】以must开头的一般疑问句,作否定回答时用neednt。故选D。 【答案】D,44. Im sorry I left my homework at home. Shall I go and _ it? No, you neednt. Bring it here tomorrow. A. get B. send C. take D. pass 【解析】get“去取,带来”;send“发送”;take“拿走”;pass“传递”。句意为“很抱歉,我把我的家庭作业忘在家里了,我去拿来好吗?”“不,你不需要这样做,明天带到这儿吧。”故选A。 【答案】A,45. (2016龙东)I saw your mother in the library just now. It _ be her. She went to Beiji


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