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1、Section Introduction & Reading and VocabularyLanguage Study,重点难点探究,Section ,速效提能演练,重点难点探究,1Who do you think the poets “friend” is?A close friend or an acquaintance?你认为这位诗人的朋友是谁?是一位亲密的朋友还是一个熟人?,品味经典He is not a friend,only an acquaintance.他不是朋友,只是熟人。I have some acquaintance with the Russian.我懂一点儿俄语。I

2、made his acquaintance at a party.我是在一次聚会上认识他的。,自我探究acquaintance n熟人;认识have acquaintance with认识;熟悉make_sb.s_acquaintance/make_the_acquaintance_of_sb.结识某人,易混辨析acquaintance,know(1)make ones acquaintance表示 “结识”的短暂动作。(2)know “认识”,是延续性动词。,牛刀小试完成句子(1)汤姆是你的亲密朋友吗?不是,只是泛泛之交。Is Tom a close friend of yours?No,o

3、nly a(n) _.,noddingacquaintance,(2)我认识他5年了,现在我们是同甘共苦的朋友。I _for 5 years and now we are friends sharing joys and hardships with each other.,have known him,2Like parting day Ill part from you.落日故人情。品味经典They parted at the station.他们在车站分手。Her lips were parted in a half smile.她张开嘴微微一笑。I didnt like the fir

4、st part of it.我不喜欢它的第一部分。In the play,he played the part of a policeman.在该剧中,他扮演警察的角色。,自我探究part v分手;分离 n部分;角色;零件part with放弃;交出part from与分离take part in参与,参加play a part in参与;在方面起作用for the most part多半;通常,易混辨析part,depart(1)partseparate(分开),表示双方的动作,名词为parting;(2)departleave,start(出发),表示单方的动作,名词为departure。

5、,牛刀小试用depart,part的适当形式完成句子(1)The train,which _from Jinan at 6 oclock in the morning,is likely to reach Beijing at noon.(2)The clouds _and the sun shone.(3)The road _in the forest.(4)She _her hair in the middle.,departs,parted,parts,parts,3Do we know why the poet is saying farewell?我们知道为什么诗人说再见吗?品味经典

6、Farewell to arms!永别了,武器!(表示不愿战争,战争已太多了)They waved farewell to their friends on board.他们对船上的朋友挥手告别。,自我探究farewell int.再见;别了 nC,U告别;欢送会(1)goodbye再见,多用在口语中(2)farewell多用于正式场合下,也有人认为是比goodbye更古老、陈旧的再见用语。,牛刀小试完成句子无论你们关系多么密切,迟早会道别。However close you are,you will say _to each other sooner or later.,farewell,4

7、It was a time of expansion.这是一个疆域扩张的朝代。品味经典The expansion of the factory means the employment of sixty more workers.工厂的扩张意味着还要再雇用60名工人。His company expanded into a big one.他的公司扩大规模而成为一个大公司。There is no need to expand on your story;I understand it.你不必进一步阐述你的故事,我已经明白了。Water expands as it freezes.水结冰时会膨胀。

8、,自我探究expansion nU扩张,扩大,扩展expand v扩大,扩充,扩张expand on补充阐述易混辨析expand,extend(1)expand表示向四面八方的扩张;(2)extend只表示纵向的延伸。,牛刀小试完成句子(1)鸟展翅飞走了。The bird _its wings and flew away. (2)为什么不努力把你的故事拓展成一部小说呢?Why not try to _your story into a novel?,extended,expand,5Trade with foreign countries created a tolerant and cosm

9、opolitan culture.与外国人之间的贸易促成了宽容和包罗万象的文化。,品味经典Luckily,my parents were tolerant of my choice of music.幸运的是,我的父母对我选择音乐持宽容态度。Many workers said they couldnt tolerate the long hours.许多工人都说他们无法忍受长时间的工作。Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold.许多老年人特别怕冷。,自我探究tolerant adj.宽容的,容忍的be_tolerant_of对能

10、容忍、宽容tolerate v容忍,忍受,宽容tolerance n容忍,宽容;忍受程度,忍耐力,牛刀小试英译汉(1)When we meet difficulties,we need tolerance._(2)As they mature,many young radicals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society._,当我们遇到困难时,我们需要忍耐。,随着逐渐成熟,许多年轻的激进分子对生活和社会渐渐持有较为宽容的态度。,(3)Her own mistakes made her very tolerant

11、 of/towards (the faults of) others._(4)The school cannot tolerate cheating in exams._,她因自己有错误,对别人(的错误)就一概不计较了。,学校不容许考试作弊。,6The invention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and shared as never before.约起始于此时的印刷术的发明意味着人们可以以从未有过的方式来记载和分享知识。,品味经典Theres only one bedroom,so

12、well have to share.只有一个卧室,所以我们得合着用。We share the responsibility for the children.我们一起分担对孩子的责任。I wanted nothing but to get my share of pay.我什么都不要,只要我该得的那份工资。You should hold on to your oil shares.不要让出你的石油股份。,自我探究share n部分;股份;股票share v分享,共享share sth.with sb.与某人分担/分享某事have/take a share分担;参加share responsi

13、bility共同负责share the joys and hardships of sb.与同甘共苦share in the profits分享收益,牛刀小试完成句子(1)We dont have enough books for everyone,so youll have to _.(2)The last bus had gone,so the three of us _a taxi.(3)I _my umbrella _him.(4)She _my joy.(5)His daughter didnt _his happiness.,share,shared,shared,with,sha

14、red in,share in,7In 724 Seng Yixing measured the length of the suns shadow and the altitude of the North Pole.724年僧一行测量了日影的长度和北极的高度。,(1)shadow品味经典We buried Mama in the shadow of the old elm.我们把母亲埋葬在老榆树的树阴下面。After that,a shadow was cast over his reputation.从此以后,他的声誉便蒙上了阴影。Kate grew up in the shadow o

15、f her film star sister.凯特在她那位影星姐姐的盛名之下长大。,自我探究shadow n影子;阴影in the shadow of在的荫蔽之下cast a shadow over/on影子映在;使蒙上阴影be in sb.s shadow在某人的盛名之下(显得逊色)易混辨析shadow,shade(1)shadow n影子,阴影(2)shade n树荫 v遮蔽,牛刀小试用shadow,shade填空(1)The Air France crash over the Atlantic Ocean has also cast a _over the air show.法航在大西洋

16、上坠毁也给航空展投下了阴影。(2)The tree cast its _on the wall.树影映在墙上。(3)There are no trees or bushes to give _.这里没有树木或灌木丛可以遮荫。,shadow,shadow,shade,(2)altitude品味经典At high altitudes it is difficult to get enough oxygen.在海拔高的地方很难得到足够的氧气。The Beatles were at the height of their fame.当时正是披头士乐队最出名的时候。Plant the seeds at

17、a depth of ten centimetres.把种子种到10厘米深的地方。,自我探究altitude n高度;海拔;常pl.高地,高处high/low altitudes海拔高/低的地方at the height of ones success/fame/powers处于成功/名声/权力等的巅峰at_a_depth_of.在深度上at_the_bottom_of.在下端at_the_foot_of.在底部,易混辨析height,altitude(1)height表示 “高度”的普通用语,可指身高、一般东西的高度或海拔。(2)altitude特指由地平面或海平面开始计算的高度,即 “海拔

18、高度”。,牛刀小试用height,altitude的适当形式填空(4)It is difficult to breathe at these _.(5)Yao Ming is more than two meters in _.,altitudes,height,8These include the sufferings of the poor,and the corruption of the rich.他的诗描写了劳苦大众的苦难和达官贵人的腐败。品味经典She told me all about her sufferings in the past.她告诉了我她过去经受的所有的苦。Simo

19、n suffers from migraines.西蒙患有偏头痛。,自我探究suffering n(肉体或精神上的)痛苦;苦难(pl.)种种痛苦;苦难的经历suffer v遭受痛苦;遭受(不愉快的事);经受,易混辨析suffer,suffer from(1)suffer指遭受痛苦、损失,忍受侮辱等,其宾语为pain,loss,grief,insult,punishment,wrong,hardship,injustice,discouragement,disappointment等。(2)suffer from指遭受战争,自然灾害带来的苦难及患病之苦。,牛刀小试完成句子(1)无论什么借口,无辜

20、人民在战争中遭受的痛苦是不能忽视的。Whatever excuse,the _ of innocent people during the war cannot be neglected.,suffering,(2)他突然死了,幸运的是他至少没有遭受痛苦。He died suddenly.It was fortunate that he didnt _at least.,suffer,9He used simple,direct language and often chose irregular forms.他使用简单而又明快的语言,并且经常采用不规则的形式。品味经典These proced

21、ures are highly irregular.这些程序是很不合规则的。The patient has an irregular pulse.病人的脉搏不规律。,自我探究irregular adj.不规则的;无规律的regular adj.有规则的;irregular,ir表示否定。,归纳拓展英语中表not的前辍很多。disdislike,disagree,disappoint,disappear,disbelieve,dishonestilillegal,illogicalininformal,inability,inaccessible,inaccurate,inactive,inad

22、equateimimpossible,immeasurable,immobile,immodest,immoralirirregular,irrelevant,irreligious,irreplaceableununimportant,unlikely,unfortunately,牛刀小试用加前辍的方式对下列句子划线词进行否定(1)Peter may agree with this,but I dont care._(2)The weather in the south agrees with me._(3)Dark clouds appeared in the sky and it was

23、 likely to rain._,disagree,disagrees,disappeared;unlikely,(4)I like_honest people._(5)Some mountain villages are accessible in winter._,dislike dishonest,inaccessible,10But during his lifetime he never became famous;in fact,he thought of himself as a failure.但在有生之年他一直没有成名,事实上他认为自己是一个失败者。,品味经典She is

24、still coming to terms with the failure of her marriage.她还在努力适应婚姻失败的事实。As a father,he was a failure.作为一个父亲,他是一个失败者。The report cleverly fails to mention the real cost of this experiment.报告巧妙地不提这项试验的实际费用。,自我探究failure n失败;失败的人或事fail to do sth.未能做某事,做某事失败/未成功end/result in failure以失败告终,归纳拓展可作可数名词用的抽象名词:不可

25、数可数success成功 a success一个成功的人或一件成功的事danger危险 a danger一个危险的人或一件危险的事help帮助 a help一个帮手/助手surprise吃惊 a surprise一件使人吃惊的事business生意 a business一家商店beauty美丽 a beauty一位美人,牛刀小试完成句子这次圣诞晚会办得如何?我认为这是一个成功的晚会。How about the Christmas evening party?I should say it was _.,a success,11It is said that he drowned when he

26、 fell into a river while trying to take_hold_of the reflection of the Moon.据说他在试图捉月亮的影子时掉进江里溺水身亡。,品味经典I threw the ball and he took hold of it.我把球扔过去,他一下就抓住了。Catch hold of my hand and I will pull you out of the hole.抓住我的手,我会把你拉出洞。,牛刀小试完成句子(1)Is Peter there?_ (别挂断),please.Ill see if I can find him for

27、 you.,Hold on,(2)警察抓住小偷的手腕以防小偷逃走。The policeman _the thiefs wrist so that he couldnt run away.,took hold o,12But during his lifetime he never became famous;in fact,he thought_of himself as a failure.但在有生之年他一直没有成名,事实上他认为自己是一个失败者。,品味经典You shouldnt think of yourself as a VIP.你不应该把自己看成是什么重要人物。He speaks English so well that he is thought of as a native speaker.他英语讲得很好,大家以为他的母语就是英语。His colleagues think of him as a future director.他的同事认为他可能是未来的负责人。,自我探究think of.as.把看作/视为归纳拓展 “把看作”的表达方式


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